23 KiB
- Middle clicking on bookmarks now directly connects in a new tab
- Updating group prefix/suffixes when the group naming mode changes
- Added a client talk power indicator
- Fixed channel info description not rendering
- Update the translation files
- Made the server tabs moveable
- Improved the server tab menu
- Better scroll handling
- Automatic update on server state changes
- Added an audio playback indicator
- Rendering the server icon
- Changing the favicon according to the clients status
- Aborting all replaying audio streams when client mutes himself
- Fixed issue #139
- Improved the server tab menu
- Added a settings registry and some minor bug fixing
- Implemented an echo test
- Added basic whisper support
- Removed the emscripten part and use rust now for the audio worker
- Heavily improved the audio decoding and playback part
- Fixed the web client for safari
- Smoother voice playback start (web client only)
- Fixed the control bar microphone and speaker buttons
- Improved the default identity generation (no web worker required now)
- Improved voice connection error handling (especially for firefox)
- Adding a max reconnect limit for voice connection
- Don't show the newcomer guide when directly connection to a server
- Fixed default profile initialisation
- Fixed the web client for safari
- Smoother voice playback start (web client only)
- Fixed web client hangup on no device error
- Improved default recorder device detection (selects by default the best device)
- Decreased playback latency for the web client
- The newcomer help texts are now forward able via the next button
- Do not show the what's new screen for new users
- Reworked the audio decode system
- Improved audio decode performance
- Heavily improved the audio quality for users with packet loss
- Reworked the audio decode system
- Fixed the country icon path for the native client
- Fixed the context menu for the native client (It errored because some icons generated by the sprite generator where miss aligned)
- Fixed the CSS-Variable editor export and import functionality for the native client
- Fixed the nasty scroll bar within the CSS-Variable editor for the native client
- Added the possibility, by shift clicking the export button, to export the full variable set, including the default values
- Made the CSS-Variable changes persistent. This means changes will still effect the client after a restart.
- Fixed the steam animation for the native client in development mode
- Added a fancy client updated, change log window for the native and web client
- Implemented the changed audio API into the client
- Fixed the voice push to talk delay
- Improved the microphone setting controller
- Heavily reworked the input recorder API
- Improved denied audio permission handling
- Added a "watch to gather" context menu entry for clients
- Disassembled the current client icon sprite into his icons
- Added an icon spread generator. This now allows dynamically adding new icons to the spread sheet
- Fixed a bug that prevented the microphone settings from saving
- Enabled the CSS editor for the client as well
- Added a watch to gather mode
- Added API support for the popout able browsers for the native client
- Putting the CSS files within the assets. No extra load needed any more
- Revoked the async file loading limit
- Improved chunk splitting for webpack
- Using webpack for the opus codec generated code as well
- Improved the web audio context handler
- Cleaning up the channel trees selection on reset
- Updated the translations to the newest standard
- Fixed bug where icons could not be loaded due to cros policy
- Cleaned up the web client socket connection establishment code
- Improved connect refused error detection (Not showing the certificate accept dialog if the server is down)
- Added the enchanted server log system
- Recoded the server log with react
- Some general project cleanup
- Heavily improved the IPC internal API
- Added a basic API for popout able modals
- Added a CSS variable editor
- Rewrote the channel conversation UI and manager
- Several bug fixes like the scrollbar
- Updated the channel history view mode
- Improved chat box behaviour
- Automatically crawling all channels on server join for new messages (requires TeaSpeak 1.4.16-b2 or higher)
- Improved the channel chat history browsing experience
- Added support for the
bbcode and markdown syntax - Recoded the private conversation UI and manager
- Improved client disconnect/reconnect handing
- Updated several chat box issues
- Improved history view
- Improved chat experience when chatting with two different users which have the same identity
- Automatically reopening the last open private chats
- Fixed the chat partner typing indicator
- Fixed chat scroll bar after switching tabs
- Fixed the chat "scroll to new messages" button
- Finalized the loader animation
- Improved the channel tree scroll fix handler
- Rewrote the channel conversation UI and manager
- Made the loader compatible with ES5 to support older browsers
- Updated the loader animation
- Recoded the permission editor with react
- Fixed sever permission editor display bugs
- Recoded the group add editor with react
- Added the ability to duplicate groups and copy their permissions
- The permission editor now uses by default the highest permission value instead of 1
- Added options to enable/disable a whole permission group
- Fixed local icon display element not updating when the icon has been loaded
- Started to extract all color values and put them into css variables
- Fixed a minor issue related to server/channel groups
- Added a copy/paste menu for all HTML input elements
- Heavily improved web client audio de/encoding
- Fixed script node voice encoding
- Finalize the channel file explorer
- Reworked the file transfer system
- Using an appropriate hash function for the avatar id generation
- Fixed icon over clipping for the channel tree and favorites
- Updated the volume adjustment bar
- Fixed client name change does not update the name in the channel tree
- Fixed hostbanner height
- Splitup the file transfer & management part
- Added the ability to register a custom file transfer provider (required for the native client)
- Added DockerHub image deploy automatisation
- Fixed enum member declaration for the dts generator
- Hiding non exported classes from
- Fixed missing channel tree update on talk power change
- Clicking on the music bot does not longer results in the insufficient permission sound when the client has no permissions
- Fixed permission editor overflow
- Fixed the bookmark edit window (bookmarks have failed to save)
- Recoded the channel tree using React
- Heavily improved channel tree performance on large servers (fluent scroll & updates)
- Automatically scroll to channel tree selection
- Fixed client speak indicator
- Fixed the message unread indicator only shows up after the second message (as well increase visibility)
- Fixed the invalid initialisation of codec workers
- Improved context menu subcontainer selection
- Fixed client channel permission tab within the permission editor (previously you've been kick from the server)
- Added the ability to collapse/expend the channel tree
- Removed PHP dependencies from the project. PHP isn't needed anymore
- Only show the host message when its not empty
- Improved key code displaying
- Added a keymap system (Hotkeys)
- Using React for the client control bar
- Saving last away state and message
- Saving last query show state
- Removing the hostbutton when we're disconnected from the server
- Improved main pages loader speed as well inlining the initial js/css sources This ensures that the error & loading animation loads properly regardless of any errors
- Implemented the new music bot playlist song list
- Implemented the missing server log message builders
- Using webpack instead of our own loaded (a lot of restructuring)
- Fixed that the microphone slider hasn't worked for touch devices
- Fixed a bug which caused that audio data hasn't been transmitted
- Added the ability to start a https web server
- Fixed a bug within the permission editor which kicks you from the server
- Fixed identity import throwing an "btoa" error
- Using proper icons for the client info
- Added an image preview overlay
- Added image preview within the chat
- Added an image preview to the music bot thumbnails
- Added an image preview to client avatars
- Fixed the translations system default repository
- Updated the sound playback mechanism and allowing the native backend to playback sounds via the native interface.
- Added a music bot control panel
- Updated the
tutorial - Correct redirecting to
when using the serve mode - Added correct hostname resolving for the web client.
- Fixed automatically added new lines for inserted text
- Improved button icon visibility within the permission editor
- Fixed missing "private chats" button
- Allowing YT videos within the chat and channel descriptions
- Updated the
- Added a music bot GUI
- Improved chat message parsing
- Fixed copy & paste error
- Better handling for spaces & tab indention
- Fixed internal audio codec error
- Fixed modal spam on microphone start fail
- Improved chat message parsing
- Improved background performance when the microphone has been muted
- Added support for
tags within the chat - Disabled BBCode format by default (enableable via the settings)
- Added a hint under the chat box for the text formatting
- Added Headings to the chat
- Added
to the chat - Added support for tables within the chat
- Fixed "undefined" history when pressing
within the chat box - Correctly logging ban messages within the server log
- Capturing last used profile for connect
- Fixing chat URL escaping
- Fixed issue #77
- Implemented issue #75 (Close Modals With ESC)
- Improved the server info modal experience (Correctly showing no permissions)
- Improved "About" modal overflow behaviour
- Allow the client to use the scroll bar without closing the modal within modals
- Improved bookmarks modal for smaller devices
- Fixed invalid white space representation
- Show the server online count along the server chat
- Fixed several bugs within the permission editor
- Hide senseless permissions (disableable via options)
- Mute system sounds by default if the output has been muted
- Improved PPT handler for the web client #73
- Added the possibility to connect within an already running TeaWeb instance
- Closing the emoji picker as soon the client clicks into the void
- Removed old
script and replaced it with a more modernfile.ts
script to generate the environment - Some small UI fixed
- Added support for the client to use his mouse keys (TeaClient for Windows only)
- Made the top menu bar fully translateable
- Fixed an UI overflow within the permission editor when using another language
- Removed old
Client update 1.4.0
Removed icon size restriction for SVGs
Fixed permission editor icon select for not granted icon permissions
Fixed "disconnect" button not showing up after beeing connected
Improved handling of
settings (Connect in a new tab does not show up anymore) -
Implemented avatar upload
Sorting server group icons within client channel tree
Fixed buggy away message position
Logging the servers welcome message #54
Showing servers hostbutton
Fixed microphone and sound action sounds #67
Added option to mute clients #64
Improved debug loader (no dependency faults anymore)
Saving private conversations and showing the messages again after client restart
Fixed some general memory leaks
Implemented the hostmessage functions
Fixed bookmark server password
Improved UI performance
Big UI Improvement:
- New "dark theme" design
- All elements are responsive to the font-size (Supporting now large & small screens (No mobile support yet))
- Implemented an active ping calculation
- And a lot more....
- Fixed channel create not working issue
- Added BB-Code support for pokes
- Improved the threshold audio filter
- Parsing
channels properly
- Show icons within the permission editor
- Added the possibility to select icons within the permission editor
- Added server group clients list
- Improved invite buddy dialog
- Improved poke modal system
- Improved modal template for text input
- Implemented icon upload
- Restructured project
- Redesigned the audio input API (required for the client)
- Minifying release file
- Fixed travis builds
- Added a master volume slider and separated it from the sounds master volume
- Saving changed sound and master volume settings
- Significant permission editor performance improve Using canvas now instead of a lots of HTML nodes
- Fixed client related query and music bot issues
- Adjusted hostbanner properties
- Added a chat history log
- Added some extra features needed for the client
- Fixed issue with client icons not updating correctly (Showing invalid microphone state)
- Added multi server mode
- Connect URL not disconnecting from all other servers
- Open certificate accept URL in another tab
- Improved the host banner experience
- Hiding server group types in permission editor which are not editable
- Improved icon and avatar cache handling
- Added an icon manager
- Fixed bookmark create modal style
- Fixed control bar drop downs going over the edge
- Fixed context menu overflowing and going out of the side
- Improved host banner url revoke (only revoke after a new one has been generated)
- Added some fancy console messages
- Added country icons to the translation tab
- Decreased required bandwidth on translation loading
- Using VAD by default instead of PPT
- Improved mobile experience:
- Double touch join channel
- Removed the info bar for devices smaller than 500px
- Added country flags and names
- Added favicon, which change when you're recording
- Fixed double cache loading
- Fixed modal sizing scroll bug
- Added a channel subscribe all button
- Added individual channel subscribe settings
- Improved chat switch performance
- Added a chat message URL finder
- Escape URL detection with
- Escape URL detection with
- Improved chat experience
- Displaying offline chats as offline
- Notify when user closes the chat
- Notify when user disconnect/reconnects
- Preloading hostbanners to prevent flickering
- Fixed empty channel and server kick messages
- Removed WebAssembly as dependency (Now working with MS Edge as well (but without audio))
- Improved channel tree performance
- Improved touch channel tree hierarchy (not selects the channel which had been actually touched)
- Added the possibility to scroll on the control bar (required for super small devices)
- Improved error handling within the codecs
- Fixed the vertical sliders for touch devices
- Added an effect on slider select/move
- Fixed query visibility setting
- Removed useless client infos for query clients
- Added an auto reconnect system
- Reworked the channel tree selected lines
- Fixed MS Edge loading/document issues
- Fixed invalid pattern in the yes/no modal
- Added a detection to the loader to avoid cached files on updates
- Improved UI now using the material design framework based on bootstrap
- Fixed several UI overflow or small screen issues
- Improved permission editor performance
- Added hash rate to identity improve
- Merged CSS files in release mode
- Fixed overlapping avatars
- Fixed channel permissions
- Made sounds configurable
- Added option to mute sounds when output is muted
- Added push to talk delay option
- Have improvements related to identity management
- First load of the app generates identity
- Default VAD is not longer PPT, changed to Voice activity detection via threshold
- Added identity improve gui
- Improved TeaSpeak identities (now generates automatic and are saveable)
- Fixed
parameter within URL
- Added the possibility to change the remote volume of a bot
- Added a playlist management system
- Added BBCodes to the chat
- Added client links to BBCodes
- Added channel links to BBCodes
- Added the possibility to drag client into the chat
- Added function "create invite code" to the server
- Added parameters
to URL to pass passwords
- Added multi user movement
- Improved connection profile error handling
- Added possibility to move the dividers
- Added query account management (since server 1.2.32b)
- Added bookmarks and bookmarks management
- Added query user visibility button and creation (Query management will follow soon)
- Fixed overflow within the group assignment dialog
- Implemented group prefix and suffix
- Implemented a translation system with default translated language sets for
- German
- Turkish
- Russian
- Implemented a translation system with default translated language sets for
- Fixed url connect parameters
- Fixed
detection - Added a hint if the channel encryption has been overridden by the server settings
- Enabled log grouping
- Improved permission popup performance
- Showing a better client version on client info
- When you press enter while a channel is selected let you enter this channel
- Fixed connect file select overflow
- Fixed
- Added the possibility to navigate via arrow keys within the channel tree
- Implemented support for svg and image detection
- Fixed keeped host banner
- Improved client updates, and showing a query client as a query
- Improved PPT handling
- Added basic music bot management (Create | Delete | Nickname/Description-change)
- Merged music bot pause and play. Added stop button
- Fixed voice "lamp" being on on channel switch
- Improved hostbanner reload (Not flicker anymore)
- Added sounds on servergroup assignment and on revoke as well for channel group changed
- Added client multiselect and multi actions
- Implemented serveredit file transfer support
- Reworked on the basic overlay sizes
- Added hostbanner to the UI
- Implemented sounds
- Implemented poke notification
- Added local volume change to music bots
- Added move and channel kick to the music bot context menu options
- Reworked private chat format
- Added several server chat messages
- Fixed client double click chat opening
- Implemented client drag and drop
- Fixed channel select within sub channels
- Restructured the project
- Added a lot of helper scripts
- Added a native client declaration export file to access the native methods
- Added speaker select option (client only)
- Displaying version of the client
- Reworked on the audio setting menu
- Project restructuring (forgot to update the changelog)
- Added a complete ban ui
- Fixed pointer stringify bug
- Added the permission system (Assignments and management)
- Fixed poke and client description with empty message
- Fixed channel tree icons
- Fixed group sorting
- Added Safari support
- Added support for token use
- Added support for away messages
- Fixed away display within information bar
- Capturing last given address and nickname within connect modal
- Using random password field ids for server connect modal
- Improved forum not authenticated message within connect modal
- Added partitional MS Edge support
- Fixed chat new line indeed
- Added server passwords within login modal
- Fixed native encoding for opera and firefox
- Made the default music bot group configurable
- The first public upload of the Web client
All TeaSpeak premium & alpha testers have access
You require a valid TeaSpeak forum account
- The first public upload of the Web client