using LANCommander.SDK.Enums; using LANCommander.SDK.Extensions; using LANCommander.SDK.Helpers; using LANCommander.SDK.Models; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using SharpCompress.Common; using SharpCompress.Readers; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace LANCommander.SDK { public class GameManager { private readonly ILogger Logger; private Client Client { get; set; } private string DefaultInstallDirectory { get; set; } public delegate void OnArchiveEntryExtractionProgressHandler(object sender, ArchiveEntryExtractionProgressArgs e); public event OnArchiveEntryExtractionProgressHandler OnArchiveEntryExtractionProgress; public delegate void OnArchiveExtractionProgressHandler(long position, long length); public event OnArchiveExtractionProgressHandler OnArchiveExtractionProgress; private TrackableStream Stream; private IReader Reader; public GameManager(Client client, string defaultInstallDirectory) { Client = client; DefaultInstallDirectory = defaultInstallDirectory; } public GameManager(Client client, string defaultInstallDirectory, ILogger logger) { Client = client; DefaultInstallDirectory = defaultInstallDirectory; Logger = logger; } /// /// Downloads, extracts, and runs post-install scripts for the specified game /// /// Game to install /// Maximum attempts in case of transmission error /// Final install path /// public string Install(Guid gameId, int maxAttempts = 10) { GameManifest manifest = null; var game = Client.GetGame(gameId); var destination = Path.Combine(DefaultInstallDirectory, game.Title.SanitizeFilename()); if (ManifestHelper.Exists(destination)) manifest = ManifestHelper.Read(destination); if (manifest == null || manifest.Id != gameId) { Logger?.LogTrace("Installing game {GameTitle} ({GameId})", game.Title, game.Id); var result = RetryHelper.RetryOnException(maxAttempts, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), new ExtractionResult(), () => { Logger?.LogTrace("Attempting to download and extract game"); return DownloadAndExtract(game, destination); }); if (!result.Success && !result.Canceled) throw new Exception("Could not extract the installer. Retry the install or check your connection"); else if (result.Canceled) return ""; game.InstallDirectory = result.Directory; } else { Logger?.LogTrace("Game {GameTitle} ({GameId}) is already installed to {InstallDirectory}", game.Title, game.Id, destination); game.InstallDirectory = destination; } var writeManifestSuccess = RetryHelper.RetryOnException(maxAttempts, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), false, () => { Logger?.LogTrace("Attempting to get game manifest"); manifest = Client.GetGameManifest(game.Id); ManifestHelper.Write(manifest, game.InstallDirectory); return true; }); if (!writeManifestSuccess) throw new Exception("Could not grab the manifest file. Retry the install or check your connection"); Logger?.LogTrace("Saving scripts"); ScriptHelper.SaveScript(game, ScriptType.Install); ScriptHelper.SaveScript(game, ScriptType.Uninstall); ScriptHelper.SaveScript(game, ScriptType.NameChange); ScriptHelper.SaveScript(game, ScriptType.KeyChange); return game.InstallDirectory; } public void Uninstall(string installDirectory) { Logger?.LogTrace("Attempting to delete the install directory"); if (Directory.Exists(installDirectory)) Directory.Delete(installDirectory, true); Logger?.LogTrace("Deleted install directory {InstallDirectory}", installDirectory); } private ExtractionResult DownloadAndExtract(Game game, string destination) { if (game == null) { Logger?.LogTrace("Game failed to download, no game was specified"); throw new ArgumentNullException("No game was specified"); } Logger?.LogTrace("Downloading and extracting {Game} to path {Destination}", game.Title, destination); var extractionResult = new ExtractionResult { Canceled = false, }; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); Stream = Client.StreamGame(game.Id); Reader = ReaderFactory.Open(Stream); Stream.OnProgress += (pos, len) => { OnArchiveExtractionProgress?.Invoke(pos, len); }; Reader.EntryExtractionProgress += (object sender, ReaderExtractionEventArgs e) => { OnArchiveEntryExtractionProgress?.Invoke(this, new ArchiveEntryExtractionProgressArgs { Entry = e.Item, Progress = e.ReaderProgress, }); }; while (Reader.MoveToNextEntry()) { if (Reader.Cancelled) break; Reader.WriteEntryToDirectory(destination, new ExtractionOptions() { ExtractFullPath = true, Overwrite = true, PreserveFileTime = true, }); } Reader.Dispose(); Stream.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Reader.Cancelled) { Logger?.LogTrace("User cancelled the download"); extractionResult.Canceled = true; if (Directory.Exists(destination)) { Logger?.LogTrace("Cleaning up orphaned files after cancelled install"); Directory.Delete(destination, true); } } else { Logger?.LogError(ex, "Could not extract to path {Destination}", destination); if (Directory.Exists(destination)) { Logger?.LogTrace("Cleaning up orphaned install files after bad install"); Directory.Delete(destination, true); } throw new Exception("The game archive could not be extracted, is it corrupted? Please try again"); } } if (!extractionResult.Canceled) { extractionResult.Success = true; extractionResult.Directory = destination; Logger?.LogTrace("Game {Game} successfully downloaded and extracted to {Destination}", game.Title, destination); } return extractionResult; } public void CancelInstall() { Reader?.Cancel(); // Reader?.Dispose(); // Stream?.Dispose(); } } }