using LANCommander.PlaynitePlugin.Helpers; using LANCommander.SDK.Enums; using LANCommander.SDK.Extensions; using LANCommander.SDK.Models; using Playnite.SDK; using Playnite.SDK.Models; using Playnite.SDK.Plugins; using SharpCompress.Common; using SharpCompress.Readers; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using YamlDotNet.Serialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions; namespace LANCommander.PlaynitePlugin { public class LANCommanderInstallController : InstallController { public static readonly ILogger Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(); private LANCommanderLibraryPlugin Plugin; private PowerShellRuntime PowerShellRuntime; private Playnite.SDK.Models.Game PlayniteGame; public LANCommanderInstallController(LANCommanderLibraryPlugin plugin, Playnite.SDK.Models.Game game) : base(game) { Name = "Install using LANCommander"; Plugin = plugin; PlayniteGame = game; PowerShellRuntime = new PowerShellRuntime(); } public override void Install(InstallActionArgs args) { Logger.Trace("Game install triggered, checking connection..."); while (!Plugin.ValidateConnection()) { Logger.Trace("User not authenticated. Opening auth window..."); Plugin.ShowAuthenticationWindow(); } var gameId = Guid.Parse(Game.GameId); var game = Plugin.LANCommander.GetGame(gameId); Logger.Trace($"Installing game {game.Title} ({game.Id})..."); var result = RetryHelper.RetryOnException(10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), new ExtractionResult(), () => { Logger.Trace("Attempting to download and extract game..."); return DownloadAndExtract(game); }); if (!result.Success && !result.Canceled) throw new Exception("Could not extract the install archive. Retry the install or check your connection."); else if (result.Canceled) throw new Exception("Install was canceled"); var installInfo = new GameInstallationData() { InstallDirectory = result.Directory }; PlayniteGame.InstallDirectory = result.Directory; SDK.GameManifest manifest = null; var writeManifestSuccess = RetryHelper.RetryOnException(10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), false, () => { Logger.Trace("Attempting to get game manifest..."); manifest = Plugin.LANCommander.GetGameManifest(gameId); WriteManifest(manifest, result.Directory); return true; }); if (!writeManifestSuccess) throw new Exception("Could not get or write the manifest file. Retry the install or check your connection."); Logger.Trace("Saving scripts..."); SaveScript(game, result.Directory, ScriptType.Install); SaveScript(game, result.Directory, ScriptType.Uninstall); SaveScript(game, result.Directory, ScriptType.NameChange); SaveScript(game, result.Directory, ScriptType.KeyChange); try { PowerShellRuntime.RunScript(PlayniteGame, ScriptType.Install); PowerShellRuntime.RunScript(PlayniteGame, ScriptType.NameChange, Plugin.Settings.PlayerName); var key = Plugin.LANCommander.GetAllocatedKey(game.Id); PowerShellRuntime.RunScript(PlayniteGame, ScriptType.KeyChange, $"\"{key}\""); } catch { } Plugin.UpdateGame(manifest, gameId); Plugin.DownloadCache.Remove(gameId); InvokeOnInstalled(new GameInstalledEventArgs(installInfo)); } private ExtractionResult DownloadAndExtract(LANCommander.SDK.Models.Game game) { if (game == null) { Logger.Trace("Game failed to download! No game was specified!"); throw new Exception("Game failed to download!"); } var destination = Path.Combine(Plugin.Settings.InstallDirectory, game.Title.SanitizeFilename()); Logger.Trace($"Downloading and extracting \"{game.Title}\" to path {destination}"); var result = Plugin.PlayniteApi.Dialogs.ActivateGlobalProgress(progress => { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); progress.ProgressMaxValue = 100; progress.CurrentProgressValue = 0; using (var gameStream = Plugin.LANCommander.StreamGame(game.Id)) using (var reader = ReaderFactory.Open(gameStream)) { progress.ProgressMaxValue = gameStream.Length; gameStream.OnProgress += (pos, len) => { progress.CurrentProgressValue = pos; }; reader.EntryExtractionProgress += (object sender, ReaderExtractionEventArgs e) => { if (progress.CancelToken != null && progress.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { reader.Cancel(); progress.IsIndeterminate = true; reader.Dispose(); gameStream.Dispose(); } }; reader.WriteAllToDirectory(destination, new ExtractionOptions() { ExtractFullPath = true, Overwrite = true }); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (progress.CancelToken != null && progress.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { Logger.Trace("User cancelled the download"); if (Directory.Exists(destination)) { Logger.Trace("Cleaning up orphaned install files after cancelled install..."); Directory.Delete(destination, true); } } else { Logger.Error(ex, $"Could not extract to path {destination}"); if (Directory.Exists(destination)) { Logger.Trace("Cleaning up orphaned install files after bad install..."); Directory.Delete(destination, true); } throw new Exception("The game archive could not be extracted. Please try again or fix the archive!"); } } }, new GlobalProgressOptions($"Downloading {game.Title}...") { IsIndeterminate = false, Cancelable = true, }); var extractionResult = new ExtractionResult { Canceled = result.Canceled }; if (!result.Canceled) { extractionResult.Success = true; extractionResult.Directory = destination; Logger.Trace($"Game successfully downloaded and extracted to {destination}"); } return extractionResult; } private string Download(LANCommander.SDK.Models.Game game) { string tempFile = String.Empty; if (game != null) { Plugin.PlayniteApi.Dialogs.ActivateGlobalProgress(progress => { progress.ProgressMaxValue = 100; progress.CurrentProgressValue = 0; var destination = Plugin.LANCommander.DownloadGame(game.Id, (changed) => { progress.CurrentProgressValue = changed.ProgressPercentage; }, (complete) => { progress.CurrentProgressValue = 100; }); // Lock the thread until download is done while (progress.CurrentProgressValue != 100) { } tempFile = destination; }, new GlobalProgressOptions($"Downloading {game.Title}...") { IsIndeterminate = false, Cancelable = false, }); return tempFile; } else throw new Exception("Game failed to download!"); } private string Extract(LANCommander.SDK.Models.Game game, string archivePath) { var destination = Path.Combine(Plugin.Settings.InstallDirectory, game.Title.SanitizeFilename()); Plugin.PlayniteApi.Dialogs.ActivateGlobalProgress(progress => { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); using (var fs = File.OpenRead(archivePath)) using (var ts = new TrackableStream(fs)) using (var reader = ReaderFactory.Open(ts)) { progress.ProgressMaxValue = ts.Length; ts.OnProgress += (pos, len) => { progress.CurrentProgressValue = pos; }; reader.WriteAllToDirectory(destination, new ExtractionOptions() { ExtractFullPath = true, Overwrite = true }); } }, new GlobalProgressOptions($"Extracting {game.Title}...") { IsIndeterminate = false, Cancelable = false, }); return destination; } private void WriteManifest(SDK.GameManifest manifest, string installDirectory) { var destination = Path.Combine(installDirectory, "_manifest.yml"); Logger.Trace($"Attempting to write manifest to path {destination}"); var serializer = new SerializerBuilder() .WithNamingConvention(new PascalCaseNamingConvention()) .Build(); Logger.Trace("Serializing manifest..."); var yaml = serializer.Serialize(manifest); Logger.Trace("Writing manifest file..."); File.WriteAllText(destination, yaml); } private void SaveScript(LANCommander.SDK.Models.Game game, string installationDirectory, ScriptType type) { var script = game.Scripts.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Type == type); if (script == null) return; if (script.RequiresAdmin) script.Contents = "# Requires Admin" + "\r\n\r\n" + script.Contents; var filename = PowerShellRuntime.GetScriptFilePath(PlayniteGame, type); if (File.Exists(filename)) File.Delete(filename); Logger.Trace($"Writing {type} script to {filename}"); File.WriteAllText(filename, script.Contents); } } }