Spliit the script editor into its own dialog separate from the table. Only pass IDs between game, editor, and dialog for better performance.

This commit is contained in:
Pat Hartl 2023-11-28 20:48:03 -06:00
parent 875b7b7caa
commit 8cc97f9bdb
4 changed files with 221 additions and 187 deletions

View file

@ -4,75 +4,12 @@
@using LANCommander.Models
@using LANCommander.Services
@using System.IO.Compression;
@using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
@inject ScriptService ScriptService
@inject ModalService ModalService
@inject IMessageService MessageService
RenderFragment Footer =
<Button OnClick="Save" Disabled="@(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Script.Name))" Type="@ButtonType.Primary">Save</Button>
<Button OnClick="Close">Close</Button>
<Modal Visible="ModalVisible" Footer="@Footer" Title="@(Script == null ? "Add Script" : "Edit Script")" OkText="@("Save")" Maximizable="false" DefaultMaximized="true" Closable="true" OnCancel="Close">
<Form Model="@Script" Layout="@FormLayout.Vertical">
@foreach (var group in Snippets.Select(s => s.Group).Distinct())
@foreach (var snippet in Snippets.Where(s => s.Group == group))
<MenuItem OnClick="() => InsertSnippet(snippet)">
<Button Type="@ButtonType.Primary">@group</Button>
@if (ArchiveId != Guid.Empty)
<Button Icon="@IconType.Outline.FolderOpen" OnClick="BrowseForPath" Type="@ButtonType.Text">Browse</Button>
<Button Icon="@IconType.Outline.Build" OnClick="() => RegToPowerShell.Open()" Type="@ButtonType.Text">Import .reg</Button>
<StandaloneCodeEditor @ref="Editor" Id="editor" ConstructionOptions="EditorConstructionOptions" />
<FormItem Label="Name">
<Input @bind-Value="@context.Name" />
<FormItem Label="Type">
<Select @bind-Value="context.Type" TItem="ScriptType" TItemValue="ScriptType" DataSource="Enum.GetValues<ScriptType>().Where(st => AllowedTypes == null || AllowedTypes.Contains(st))">
<LabelTemplate Context="Value">@Value.GetDisplayName()</LabelTemplate>
<ItemTemplate Context="Value">@Value.GetDisplayName()</ItemTemplate>
<Checkbox @bind-Checked="context.RequiresAdmin">Requires Admin</Checkbox>
<FormItem Label="Description">
<TextArea @bind-Value="context.Description" MaxLength=500 ShowCount />
<RegToPowerShell @ref="RegToPowerShell" OnParsed="(text) => InsertText(text)" />
<Space Direction="DirectionVHType.Vertical" Size="@("large")" Style="width: 100%">
@ -85,7 +22,7 @@
<ActionColumn Title="">
<Space Style="display: flex; justify-content: end">
<Button OnClick="() => Edit(context)" Icon="@IconType.Outline.Edit" Type="@ButtonType.Text" />
<Button OnClick="() => Edit(context.Id)" Icon="@IconType.Outline.Edit" Type="@ButtonType.Text" />
<Popconfirm OnConfirm="() => Delete(context)" Title="Are you sure you want to delete this script?">
<Button Icon="@IconType.Outline.Close" Type="@ButtonType.Text" Danger />
@ -115,59 +52,44 @@
[Parameter] public Guid GameId { get; set; }
[Parameter] public Guid RedistributableId { get; set; }
[Parameter] public Guid ArchiveId { get; set; }
[Parameter] public ICollection<Script> Scripts { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<ICollection<Script>> ScriptsChanged { get; set; }
[Parameter] public IEnumerable<ScriptType> AllowedTypes { get; set; }
Script Script;
ICollection<Script> Scripts { get; set; } = new List<Script>();
bool ModalVisible = false;
IEnumerable<Snippet> Snippets { get; set; }
StandaloneCodeEditor? Editor;
RegToPowerShell RegToPowerShell;
private StandaloneEditorConstructionOptions EditorConstructionOptions(StandaloneCodeEditor editor)
protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
return new StandaloneEditorConstructionOptions
if (GameId != Guid.Empty)
Scripts = await ScriptService.Get(s => s.GameId == GameId).ToListAsync();
else if (RedistributableId != Guid.Empty)
Scripts = await ScriptService.Get(s => s.RedistributableId == RedistributableId).ToListAsync();
private async void Edit(Guid? scriptId = null)
var modalOptions = new ModalOptions()
AutomaticLayout = true,
Language = "powershell",
Value = Script.Contents,
Theme = "vs-dark",
Title = scriptId == null ? "Add Script" : "Edit Script",
Maximizable = false,
DefaultMaximized = true,
Closable = true,
OkText = "Save"
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
if (Scripts == null)
Scripts = new List<Script>();
var options = new ScriptEditorOptions()
ScriptId = scriptId ?? default,
AllowedTypes = AllowedTypes,
ArchiveId = ArchiveId,
GameId = GameId,
RedistributableId = RedistributableId
Snippets = ScriptService.GetSnippets();
var modalRef = await ModalService.CreateModalAsync<ScriptEditorDialog, ScriptEditorOptions, Script>(modalOptions, options);
if (Script == null)
Script = new Script();
private async void Edit(Script script = null)
if (script == null) {
if (GameId != Guid.Empty)
Script = new Script() { GameId = GameId };
if (RedistributableId != Guid.Empty)
Script = new Script() { RedistributableId = RedistributableId };
if (Editor != null)
await Editor.SetValue("");
Script = script;
if (Editor != null && Script != null)
await Editor.SetValue(Script.Contents);
ModalVisible = true;
modalRef.OnOk = async (script) =>
@ -179,81 +101,4 @@
await MessageService.Success("Script deleted!");
private void Close()
ModalVisible = false;
private async Task Save()
var value = await Editor.GetValue();
Script.Contents = value;
if (Script.Id == Guid.Empty)
Script = await ScriptService.Add(Script);
Script = await ScriptService.Update(Script);
await MessageService.Success("Script saved!");
private async Task InsertText(string text)
var line = await Editor.GetPosition();
var range = new BlazorMonaco.Range(line.LineNumber, 1, line.LineNumber, 1);
var currentSelections = await Editor.GetSelections();
await Editor.ExecuteEdits("ScriptEditor", new List<IdentifiedSingleEditOperation>()
new IdentifiedSingleEditOperation
Range = range,
Text = text,
ForceMoveMarkers = true
}, currentSelections);
private async Task InsertSnippet(Snippet snippet)
await InsertText(snippet.Content);
private async void BrowseForPath()
var modalOptions = new ModalOptions()
Title = "Choose Reference",
Maximizable = false,
DefaultMaximized = true,
Closable = true,
OkText = "Insert File Path"
var browserOptions = new FilePickerOptions()
ArchiveId = ArchiveId,
Select = true,
Multiple = false
var modalRef = await ModalService.CreateModalAsync<FilePickerDialog, FilePickerOptions, IEnumerable<IFileManagerEntry>>(modalOptions, browserOptions);
modalRef.OnOk = (results) =>
var path = results.FirstOrDefault().Path;
InsertText($"$InstallDir\\{path.Replace('/', '\\')}");
return Task.CompletedTask;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
@using LANCommander.Components.FileManagerComponents;
@using LANCommander.Extensions;
@using LANCommander.Data.Enums;
@using LANCommander.Models;
@inherits FeedbackComponent<ScriptEditorOptions, Script>
@inject ScriptService ScriptService
@inject ModalService ModalService
@inject IMessageService MessageService
<Form Model="@Script" Layout="@FormLayout.Vertical">
@foreach (var group in Snippets.Select(s => s.Group).Distinct())
@foreach (var snippet in Snippets.Where(s => s.Group == group))
<MenuItem OnClick="() => InsertSnippet(snippet)">
<Button Type="@ButtonType.Primary">@group</Button>
@if (Options.ArchiveId != Guid.Empty)
<Button Icon="@IconType.Outline.FolderOpen" OnClick="BrowseForPath" Type="@ButtonType.Text">Browse</Button>
<Button Icon="@IconType.Outline.Build" OnClick="() => RegToPowerShell.Open()" Type="@ButtonType.Text">Import .reg</Button>
<StandaloneCodeEditor @ref="Editor" Id="@("editor-" + Id.ToString())" ConstructionOptions="EditorConstructionOptions" />
<FormItem Label="Name">
<Input @bind-Value="@context.Name" />
<FormItem Label="Type">
<Select @bind-Value="context.Type" TItem="ScriptType" TItemValue="ScriptType" DataSource="Enum.GetValues<ScriptType>().Where(st => Options.AllowedTypes == null || Options.AllowedTypes.Contains(st))">
<LabelTemplate Context="Value">@Value.GetDisplayName()</LabelTemplate>
<ItemTemplate Context="Value">@Value.GetDisplayName()</ItemTemplate>
<Checkbox @bind-Checked="context.RequiresAdmin">Requires Admin</Checkbox>
<FormItem Label="Description">
<TextArea @bind-Value="context.Description" MaxLength=500 ShowCount />
<RegToPowerShell @ref="RegToPowerShell" OnParsed="(text) => InsertText(text)" />
@code {
Guid Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Script Script;
StandaloneCodeEditor? Editor;
RegToPowerShell RegToPowerShell;
IEnumerable<Snippet> Snippets { get; set; }
private StandaloneEditorConstructionOptions EditorConstructionOptions(StandaloneCodeEditor editor)
return new StandaloneEditorConstructionOptions
AutomaticLayout = true,
Language = "powershell",
Value = Script.Contents,
Theme = "vs-dark",
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
if (Options.ScriptId != Guid.Empty)
Script = await ScriptService.Get(Options.ScriptId);
Snippets = ScriptService.GetSnippets();
public override async Task OnFeedbackOkAsync(ModalClosingEventArgs args)
await Save();
await base.OkCancelRefWithResult!.OnOk(Script);
public override async Task CancelAsync(ModalClosingEventArgs args)
await base.CancelAsync(args);
private async void BrowseForPath()
var modalOptions = new ModalOptions()
Title = "Choose Reference",
Maximizable = false,
DefaultMaximized = true,
Closable = true,
OkText = "Insert File Path"
var browserOptions = new FilePickerOptions()
ArchiveId = Options.ArchiveId,
Select = true,
Multiple = false
var modalRef = await ModalService.CreateModalAsync<FilePickerDialog, FilePickerOptions, IEnumerable<IFileManagerEntry>>(modalOptions, browserOptions);
modalRef.OnOk = (results) =>
var path = results.FirstOrDefault().Path;
InsertText($"$InstallDir\\{path.Replace('/', '\\')}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task InsertText(string text)
var line = await Editor.GetPosition();
var range = new BlazorMonaco.Range(line.LineNumber, 1, line.LineNumber, 1);
var currentSelections = await Editor.GetSelections();
await Editor.ExecuteEdits("ScriptEditor", new List<IdentifiedSingleEditOperation>()
new IdentifiedSingleEditOperation
Range = range,
Text = text,
ForceMoveMarkers = true
}, currentSelections);
private async Task InsertSnippet(Snippet snippet)
await InsertText(snippet.Content);
private async Task Save()
var value = await Editor.GetValue();
Script.Contents = value;
if (Script.Id == Guid.Empty)
Script = await ScriptService.Add(Script);
Script = await ScriptService.Update(Script);
await MessageService.Success("Script saved!");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
using LANCommander.Data.Enums;
namespace LANCommander.Models
public class ScriptEditorOptions
public Guid ScriptId { get; set; }
public Guid GameId { get; set; }
public Guid RedistributableId { get; set; }
public Guid ArchiveId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ScriptType> AllowedTypes { get; set; }

View file

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
<div data-panel="Scripts">
<ScriptEditor @bind-Scripts="Game.Scripts" GameId="Game.Id" ArchiveId="@LatestArchiveId" AllowedTypes="new ScriptType[] { ScriptType.Install, ScriptType.Uninstall, ScriptType.NameChange, ScriptType.KeyChange }" />
<ScriptEditor GameId="Game.Id" ArchiveId="@LatestArchiveId" AllowedTypes="new ScriptType[] { ScriptType.Install, ScriptType.Uninstall, ScriptType.NameChange, ScriptType.KeyChange }" />
<div data-panel="Archives">