160 lines
5.5 KiB
160 lines
5.5 KiB
import * as webpack from "webpack";
import * as path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import * as sha1 from "sha1";
import {
generateSpriteCss, generateSpriteDts, generateSpriteJs,
} from "./generator";
export interface Options {
modulePrefix?: string, /* defaults to svg-sprites/ */
dtsOutputFolder: string,
configurations: {
[key: string] : SvgSpriteConfiguration
const Module = require("webpack/lib/Module");
const { RawSource } = require("webpack-sources");
interface SvgSpriteConfiguration {
folder: string;
cssClassPrefix: string;
dtsOptions: SpriteDtsOptions;
cssOptions: SpriteCssOptions[];
class SvgSpriteModule extends Module {
private readonly pluginConfig: Options;
private readonly configName: string;
private readonly config: SvgSpriteConfiguration;
private sprite: GeneratedSprite;
private spriteSvg: string;
private spriteCss: string;
private spriteJs: string;
private spriteAssetName: string;
private spriteAssetUrl: string;
constructor(context: string, pluginConfig: Options, configName: string, config: SvgSpriteConfiguration) {
super("javascript/dynamic", context);
this.pluginConfig = pluginConfig;
this.configName = configName;
this.config = config;
identifier() {
return `SVG sprite ` + this.configName;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener) {
return `SVG sprite ` + this.configName;
needRebuild() {
return false;
build(options, compilation, resolver, fs_, callback) {
console.info("Building SVG sprite for configuration %s", this.configName);
this.built = true;
this.buildMeta = {
async: false,
exportsType: undefined
this.buildInfo = {};
if(this.spriteAssetName) {
delete compilation.assets[this.spriteAssetName];
(async () => {
const files = (await fs.readdir(this.config.folder)).map(e => path.join(this.config.folder, e));
this.sprite = await generateSprite(files);
this.spriteSvg = await generateSpriteSvg(this.sprite);
this.spriteAssetName = "sprite-" + sha1(this.spriteSvg).substr(-20) + ".svg";
this.spriteAssetUrl = (compilation.options.output.publicPath || "") + this.spriteAssetName;
compilation.assets[this.spriteAssetName] = new RawSource(this.spriteSvg);
this.spriteCss = "";
for(const cssOption of this.config.cssOptions) {
this.spriteCss += await generateSpriteCss(cssOption, this.config.cssClassPrefix, this.sprite, this.spriteAssetUrl);
this.spriteJs = await generateSpriteJs(this.config.dtsOptions, this.sprite, this.spriteAssetUrl, this.config.cssClassPrefix);
const dtsContent = await generateSpriteDts(this.config.dtsOptions, this.configName, this.sprite, this.config.cssClassPrefix, this.pluginConfig.modulePrefix);
await fs.writeFile(path.join(this.pluginConfig.dtsOutputFolder, this.configName + ".d.ts"), dtsContent);
})().then(() => {
}).catch(error => {
callback("failed to generate sprite");
source() {
const encodedCss = this.spriteCss
.replace(/%/g, "%25")
.replace(/"/g, "%22")
.replace(/\n/g, "%0A");
let lines = [];
lines.push(`/* initialize css */`);
lines.push(`var element = document.createElement("style");`);
lines.push(`element.innerText = decodeURIComponent("${encodedCss}");`);
lines.push(`/* initialize typescript objects */`);
return new RawSource(lines.join("\n"));
size() {
return 12;
updateHash(hash, chunkGraph) {
hash.update("svg-sprite module");
hash.update(this.configName || "none");
hash.update(this.spriteCss || "none");
hash.update(this.spriteSvg || "none");
super.updateHash(hash, chunkGraph);
export class SpriteGenerator {
readonly options: Options;
constructor(options: Options) {
this.options = options || {} as any;
this.options.configurations = this.options.configurations || {};
this.options.modulePrefix = this.options.modulePrefix || "svg-sprites/";
apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) {
compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap("SpriteGenerator", (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => {
normalModuleFactory.hooks.factory.tap("SpriteGenerator", factory => (data, callback) => {
if(data.request.startsWith(this.options.modulePrefix)) {
const configName = data.request.substr(this.options.modulePrefix.length);
if(this.options.configurations[configName] === undefined) {
callback("Missing SVG configuration " + configName);
callback(null, new SvgSpriteModule(data.request, this.options, configName, this.options.configurations[configName]));
factory(data, callback);
} |