import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import * as path from "path"; import { pascalCase } from "change-case"; import XMLParser from "xml-parser"; import potpack from "potpack"; function generateAttributes(attributes: XMLParser.Attributes) { const keys = Object.keys(attributes); if(keys.length === 0) return ""; return Object.keys(attributes).map(e => ` ${e}="${attributes[e]}"`).join(""); } function jsNode2xml(indent: string, data: XMLParser.Node) { if(data.content && data.children.length) throw "invalid node"; const tagOpen = `<${}${generateAttributes(data.attributes)}>`; const tagClose = ``; let content = data.children.length ? => jsNode2xml(indent + " ", e)).join("\n") : data.content || ""; if(content.length !== 0) content = "\n" + content + "\n" + indent; return ( `${indent}${tagOpen}` + `${content}` + `${tagClose}` ); } interface SVGFile { bounds: { /* w & h required for potpack */ w: number, h: number, x: number, y: number }, name: string, data: XMLParser.Document } export async function generateSpriteSvg(sprite: GeneratedSprite) { let result = ""; result += `\n`; result += `\n`; result += `\n`; for(const file of sprite.entries) { const root =; delete root.attributes["xmlns"]; delete root.attributes["xmlns:xlink"]; root.attributes["id"] = "client-" +; /* appending the "client-" due to legacy reasons */ root.attributes["x"] = file.bounds.x.toString(); root.attributes["y"] = file.bounds.y.toString(); root.attributes["width"] = file.bounds.w.toString(); root.attributes["height"] = file.bounds.h.toString(); result += jsNode2xml(" ", root) + "\n"; } result += ""; return result; } export interface SpriteCssOptions { selector: string; scale: number; unit: "px" | "em"; } export async function generateSpriteCss(options: SpriteCssOptions, classPrefix: string, sprite: GeneratedSprite, publicUrl: string) { const boundsMap = {}; sprite.entries.forEach(e => { const key = e.bounds.w + " " + e.bounds.h; boundsMap[key] = (boundsMap[key] | 0) + 1; }); const best = Object.keys(boundsMap).sort((a, b) => boundsMap[b] - boundsMap[a])[0]; const [ defaultWidth, defaultHeight ] = best.split(" ").map(parseFloat); const scaleX = options.unit === "px" ? options.scale : options.scale / defaultWidth; const scaleY = options.unit === "px" ? options.scale : options.scale / defaultHeight; let result = ""; result += `${options.selector}{`; result += `display:inline-block;`; /* doing a relative path here as well since WebPack may messes around here since the public path may start with / and if it's a file path / means the root... */ result += `background-image:url(".${publicUrl}"),url("${publicUrl}");`; result += `background-repeat:no-repeat;`; result += `background-size:${sprite.width * scaleX}${options.unit} ${sprite.height * scaleY}${options.unit};`; result += `height:${defaultHeight * scaleY}${options.unit};`; result += `width:${defaultWidth * scaleX}${options.unit}`; result += `}`; const unit = (value: number) => { let valStr = value.toString(); return value === 0 ? `${valStr}` : `${valStr}${options.unit}`; }; for(const file of sprite.entries) { result += `${options.selector}.${classPrefix}${}{`; result += `background-position:${unit(-file.bounds.x * scaleX)} ${unit(-file.bounds.y * scaleY)}`; if(file.bounds.w !== defaultWidth || file.bounds.h !== defaultHeight) { result += ";"; /* from before */ result += `background-size:${sprite.width * scaleX}${options.unit} ${sprite.height * scaleY}${options.unit};`; result += `width:${file.bounds.w * scaleY}${options.unit};`; result += `height:${file.bounds.h * scaleX}${options.unit}`; } result += `}`; } return result; } export interface SpriteDtsOptions { module: boolean; enumName: string; classUnionName: string; } function generateEnumMembers(options: SpriteDtsOptions, sprite: GeneratedSprite, cssClassPrefix: string) : { [key: string]: string } { const result = {}; for(const file of sprite.entries) { let name =; name = name.replace(/[- ]/g, "_") .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, ""); name = pascalCase(name); result[name] = cssClassPrefix +; } return result; } export async function generateSpriteDts(options: SpriteDtsOptions, moduleName: string, sprite: GeneratedSprite, cssClassPrefix: string, modulePrefix: string, sourceDirectory: string) { const headerLines = []; const lines = []; headerLines.push(`/*`); headerLines.push(` * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!`); headerLines.push(` *`); headerLines.push(` * This file has been auto generated by the svg-sprite generator.`); headerLines.push(` * Sprite source directory: ${sourceDirectory}`); headerLines.push(` * Sprite count: ${sprite.entries.length}`); headerLines.push(` */`); headerLines.push(``); { let union = ""; for(const file of sprite.entries) union += ` | "${cssClassPrefix}${}"`; lines.push(`export type ${options.classUnionName} = ${union.substring(3)};`); } lines.push(``); { lines.push(`export enum ${options.enumName} {`); const members = generateEnumMembers(options, sprite, cssClassPrefix); for(const key of Object.keys(members)) lines.push(` ${key} = "${members[key]}",`); lines.push("}"); } //sprite.entries[0].bounds. lines.push(``); lines.push(`export const spriteEntries: {`); lines.push(` id: string;`); lines.push(` className: string;`); lines.push(` width: number;`); lines.push(` height: number;`); lines.push(` xOffset: number;`); lines.push(` yOffset: number;`); lines.push(`}[];`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`export const spriteUrl: string;`); lines.push(`export const classList: string[];`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`export const spriteWidth: number;`); lines.push(`export const spriteHeight: number;`); if(options.module) { let result = ""; result += headerLines.join("\n"); result += `declare module "${modulePrefix}${moduleName}" {\n`; result += => " " + e).join("\n"); result += `\n}`; return result; } else { return headerLines.join("\n") + lines.join("\n"); } } export async function generateSpriteJs(options: SpriteDtsOptions, sprite: GeneratedSprite, publicUrl: string, cssClassPrefix: string) { let lines = []; { lines.push(`let EnumClassList = {};`); const members = generateEnumMembers(options, sprite, cssClassPrefix); for(const key of Object.keys(members)) lines.push(`EnumClassList[EnumClassList["${key}"] = "${members[key]}"] = "${key}";`); } lines.push(``); lines.push(`let SpriteEntries = [`); for(const entry of sprite.entries) { lines.push(` Object.freeze({`); lines.push(` id: "${}",`); lines.push(` className: "${cssClassPrefix}${}",`); lines.push(` width: ${entry.bounds.w},`); lines.push(` height: ${entry.bounds.h},`); lines.push(` xOffset: ${entry.bounds.x},`); lines.push(` yOffset: ${entry.bounds.y},`); lines.push(` }),`); } lines.push(`];`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`let SpriteUrl = decodeURIComponent("${encodeURIComponent(publicUrl)}");`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`let ClassList = [${ => `"${cssClassPrefix}${}", `)}];`); lines.push(``); lines.push(`Object.defineProperty(module.exports, "__esModule", { value: true });`); lines.push(`module.exports.${options.enumName} = Object.freeze(EnumClassList);`); lines.push(`module.exports.spriteUrl = SpriteUrl;`); lines.push(`module.exports.classList = Object.freeze(ClassList);`); lines.push(`module.exports.spriteEntries = Object.freeze(SpriteEntries);`); lines.push(`module.exports.spriteWidth = ${sprite.width};`); lines.push(`module.exports.spriteHeight = ${sprite.height};`); return lines.join("\n"); } export interface GeneratedSprite { width: number; height: number; entries: SVGFile[]; } export async function generateSprite(files: string[]) : Promise { const result = { entries: [], } as GeneratedSprite; for(const file of files) { const svg = {} as SVGFile; = XMLParser((await fs.readFile(file)).toString()); = path.basename(file, path.extname(file)); if(! { console.warn("Missing svg root element for %s. Skipping file.", file); continue; } if( !== "svg") { console.warn("invalid svg root attribute for " + file + " (" + + ")"); continue; } const rootAttributes =; const [ /* xOff */, /* yOff */, width, height ] = rootAttributes["viewBox"].split(" ").map(parseFloat); if(isNaN(width) || isNaN(height)) { console.warn("Skipping SVG %s because of invalid bounds (Parsed: %d x %d, Values: %o).", file, width, height, rootAttributes["viewBox"].split(" ")); continue; } else if(Math.floor(width) !== width || Math.floor(height) !== height) { console.warn("Skipping SVG %s because of an non interger height/width (%fx%f)", file, width, height); continue; } svg.bounds = { w: width, h: height, x: undefined, y: undefined }; result.entries.push(svg); } const spriteDim = potpack( => e.bounds)); result.width = spriteDim.w; result.height = spriteDim.h; return result; }