109 lines
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109 lines
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/// <reference path="../Identity.ts" />
namespace profiles.identities {
class TeaForumHandshakeHandler extends AbstractHandshakeIdentityHandler {
readonly identity: TeaForumIdentity;
constructor(connection: ServerConnection, identity: profiles.identities.TeaForumIdentity) {
this.identity = identity;
start_handshake() {
this.connection.commandHandler["handshakeidentityproof"] = this.handle_proof.bind(this);
this.connection.sendCommand("handshakebegin", {
intention: 0,
authentication_method: this.identity.type(),
data: this.identity.data_json()
}).catch(error => {
console.error(tr("Failed to initialize TeaForum based handshake. Error: %o"), error);
if(error instanceof CommandResult)
error = error.extra_message || error.message;
this.trigger_fail("failed to execute begin (" + error + ")");
private handle_proof(json) {
this.connection.sendCommand("handshakeindentityproof", {
proof: this.identity.data_sign()
}).catch(error => {
console.error(tr("Failed to proof the identity. Error: %o"), error);
if(error instanceof CommandResult)
error = error.extra_message || error.message;
this.trigger_fail("failed to execute proof (" + error + ")");
}).then(() => this.trigger_success());
export class TeaForumIdentity implements Identity {
private identityData: string;
private identityDataJson: string;
private identitySign: string;
valid() : boolean {
return this.identityDataJson.length > 0 && this.identityDataJson.length > 0 && this.identitySign.length > 0;
constructor(data: string, sign: string) {
this.identityDataJson = data;
this.identityData = data ? JSON.parse(this.identityDataJson) : undefined;
this.identitySign = sign;
data_json() : string { return this.identityDataJson; }
data_sign() : string { return this.identitySign; }
name() : string { return this.identityData["user_name"]; }
uid() : string { return "TeaForo#" + this.identityData["user_id"]; }
type() : IdentitifyType { return IdentitifyType.TEAFORO; }
decode(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if(data.version !== 1)
return false;
this.identityDataJson = data["identity_data"];
this.identitySign = data["identity_sign"];
this.identityData = JSON.parse(this.identityData);
return true;
encode?() : string {
return JSON.stringify({
version: 1,
identity_data: this.identityDataJson,
identity_sign: this.identitySign
spawn_identity_handshake_handler(connection: ServerConnection) : HandshakeIdentityHandler {
return new TeaForumHandshakeHandler(connection, this);
let static_identity: TeaForumIdentity;
export function set_static_identity(identity: TeaForumIdentity) {
static_identity = identity;
export function setup_forum() {
const user_data = settings.static("forum_user_data") as string;
const user_sign = settings.static("forum_user_sign") as string;
if(user_data && user_sign)
static_identity = new TeaForumIdentity(user_data, user_sign);
export function valid_static_forum_identity() : boolean {
return static_identity && static_identity.valid();
export function static_forum_identity() : TeaForumIdentity | undefined {
return static_identity;
} |