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169 lines
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namespace events {
export interface EventConvert<All> {
as<T extends keyof All>() : All[T];
export interface Event<T> {
readonly type: T;
export class SingletonEvent implements Event<"singletone-instance"> {
static readonly instance = new SingletonEvent();
readonly type = "singletone-instance";
private constructor() { }
export class Registry<Events> {
private handler: {[key: string]:((event) => void)[]} = {};
private connections: {[key: string]:Registry<string>[]} = {};
private debug_prefix = undefined;
enable_debug(prefix: string) { this.debug_prefix = prefix || "---"; }
disable_debug() { this.debug_prefix = undefined; }
on<T extends keyof Events>(event: T, handler: (event?: Events[T] & Event<T> & EventConvert<Events>) => void);
on(events: (keyof Events)[], handler: (event?: Event<keyof Events> & EventConvert<Events>) => void);
on(events, handler) {
events = [events];
for(const event of events) {
const handlers = this.handler[event] || (this.handler[event] = []);
off<T extends keyof Events>(handler: (event?: Event<T>) => void);
off<T extends keyof Events>(event: T, handler: (event?: Event<T> & EventConvert<Events>) => void);
off(event: (keyof Events)[], handler: (event?: Event<keyof Events> & EventConvert<Events>) => void);
off(handler_or_events, handler?) {
if(typeof handler_or_events === "function") {
for(const key of Object.keys(this.handler))
} else {
handler_or_events = [handler_or_events];
for(const event of handler_or_events) {
const handlers = this.handler[event];
if(handlers) handlers.remove(handler);
connect<EOther, T extends keyof Events & keyof EOther>(event: T, target: Registry<EOther>) {
(this.connections[event as string] || (this.connections[event as string] = [])).push(target as any);
disconnect<EOther, T extends keyof Events & keyof EOther>(event: T, target: Registry<EOther>) {
(this.connections[event as string] || []).remove(target as any);
disconnect_all<EOther>(target: Registry<EOther>) {
for(const event of Object.keys(this.connections))
this.connections[event].remove(target as any);
fire<T extends keyof Events>(event_type: T, data?: Events[T]) {
if(this.debug_prefix) console.log("[%s] Trigger event: %s", this.debug_prefix, event_type);
const event = Object.assign(typeof data === "undefined" ? SingletonEvent.instance : data, {
type: event_type,
as: function () { return this; }
for(const handler of (this.handler[event_type as string] || []))
for(const evhandler of (this.connections[event_type as string] || []))
evhandler.fire(event_type as any, event as any);
destory() {
this.handler = {};
namespace global {
export namespace channel_tree {
export interface client {
"enter_view": {},
"left_view": {},
"property_update": {
properties: string[]
"music_status_update": {
player_buffered_index: number,
player_replay_index: number
"music_song_change": {
"song": SongInfo
/* TODO: Move this out of the music bots interface? */
"playlist_song_add": { song: PlaylistSong },
"playlist_song_remove": { song_id: number },
"playlist_song_reorder": { song_id: number, previous_song_id: number },
"playlist_song_loaded": { song_id: number, success: boolean, error_msg?: string, metadata?: string },
export namespace sidebar {
export interface music {
"open": {}, /* triggers when frame should be shown */
"close": {}, /* triggers when frame will be closed */
"bot_change": {
old: MusicClientEntry | undefined,
new: MusicClientEntry | undefined
"bot_property_update": {
properties: string[]
"action_play": {},
"action_pause": {},
"action_song_set": { song_id: number },
"action_forward": {},
"action_rewind": {},
"action_forward_ms": {
units: number;
"action_rewind_ms": {
units: number;
"action_song_add": {},
"action_song_delete": { song_id: number },
"action_playlist_reload": {},
"playtime_move_begin": {},
"playtime_move_end": {
canceled: boolean,
target_time?: number
"reorder_begin": { song_id: number; entry: JQuery },
"reorder_end": { song_id: number; canceled: boolean; entry: JQuery; previous_entry?: number },
"player_time_update": channel_tree.client["music_status_update"],
"player_song_change": channel_tree.client["music_song_change"],
"playlist_song_add": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_add"] & { insert_effect?: boolean },
"playlist_song_remove": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_remove"],
"playlist_song_reorder": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_reorder"],
"playlist_song_loaded": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_loaded"] & { html_entry?: JQuery },
const eclient = new events.Registry<events.channel_tree.client>();
const emusic = new events.Registry<events.sidebar.music>();
eclient.connect("playlist_song_loaded", emusic);
eclient.connect("playlist_song_loaded", emusic);