277 lines
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277 lines
9.1 KiB
import * as log from "tc-shared/log";
import {LogCategory} from "tc-shared/log";
import {settings} from "tc-shared/settings";
import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler";
import * as sbackend from "tc-backend/audio/sounds";
export enum Sound {
SOUND_TEST = "sound.test",
SOUND_EGG = "sound.egg",
AWAY_ACTIVATED = "away_activated",
AWAY_DEACTIVATED = "away_deactivated",
MICROPHONE_MUTED = "microphone.muted",
MICROPHONE_ACTIVATED = "microphone.activated",
SOUND_MUTED = "sound.muted",
SOUND_ACTIVATED = "sound.activated",
CONNECTION_CONNECTED = "connection.connected",
CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED = "connection.disconnected",
CONNECTION_BANNED = "connection.banned",
CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUT = "connection.disconnected.timeout",
CONNECTION_REFUSED = "connection.refused",
SERVER_EDITED = "server.edited",
SERVER_EDITED_SELF = "server.edited.self",
SERVER_KICKED = "server.kicked",
CHANNEL_CREATED = "channel.created",
CHANNEL_MOVED = "channel.moved",
CHANNEL_EDITED = "channel.edited",
CHANNEL_EDITED_SELF = "channel.edited.self",
CHANNEL_DELETED = "channel.deleted",
CHANNEL_JOINED = "channel.joined",
CHANNEL_KICKED = "channel.kicked", //You got kicked from the channel
USER_MOVED = "user.moved", //User moved
USER_MOVED_SELF = "user.moved.self", //You were moved
USER_POKED_SELF = "user.poked.self", //Hey wakeup
USER_BANNED = "user.banned",
USER_ENTERED = "user.joined", //User joined your channel
USER_ENTERED_MOVED = "user.joined.moved", //User was moved to your channel
USER_ENTERED_KICKED = "user.joined.kicked", //User was kicked to your channel
USER_ENTERED_CONNECT = "user.joined.connect",
USER_LEFT = "user.left", //User left your channel
USER_LEFT_MOVED = "user.left.moved", //User was move out of your channel
USER_LEFT_KICKED_CHANNEL = "user.left.kicked.server", //User was kicked out of your channel
USER_LEFT_KICKED_SERVER = "user.left.kicked.channel", //User is your channel was kicked from the server
USER_LEFT_DISCONNECT = "user.left.disconnect",
USER_LEFT_BANNED = "user.left.banned",
USER_LEFT_TIMEOUT = "user.left.timeout",
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS = "error.insufficient_permissions",
MESSAGE_SEND = "message.send",
MESSAGE_RECEIVED = "message.received",
GROUP_SERVER_ASSIGNED = "group.server.assigned",
GROUP_SERVER_REVOKED = "group.server.revoked",
GROUP_CHANNEL_CHANGED = "group.channel.changed",
GROUP_SERVER_ASSIGNED_SELF = "group.server.assigned.self",
GROUP_SERVER_REVOKED_SELF = "group.server.revoked.self",
GROUP_CHANNEL_CHANGED_SELF = "group.channel.changed.self"
export interface SoundHandle {
key: string;
filename: string;
export interface SoundFile {
path: string;
volume?: number;
let speech_mapping: {[key: string]:SoundHandle} = {};
let volume_require_save = false;
let speech_volume: {[key: string]:number} = {};
let master_volume: number;
let overlap_sounds: boolean;
let ignore_muted: boolean;
let master_mixed: GainNode;
function register_sound(key: string, file: string) {
speech_mapping[key] = {key: key, filename: file} as SoundHandle;
export function get_sound_volume(sound: Sound, default_volume?: number) : number {
let result = speech_volume[sound];
if(typeof(result) === "undefined") {
if(typeof(default_volume) !== "undefined")
result = default_volume;
result = 1;
return result;
export function set_sound_volume(sound: Sound, volume: number) {
volume_require_save = volume_require_save || speech_volume[sound] != volume;
speech_volume[sound] = volume == 1 ? undefined : volume;
export function get_master_volume() : number {
return master_volume;
export function set_master_volume(volume: number) {
volume_require_save = volume_require_save || master_volume != volume;
master_volume = volume;
if(master_mixed) {
master_mixed.gain.setValueAtTime(volume, 0);
master_mixed.gain.value = volume;
export function overlap_activated() : boolean {
return overlap_sounds;
export function set_overlap_activated(flag: boolean) {
volume_require_save = volume_require_save || overlap_sounds != flag;
overlap_sounds = flag;
export function ignore_output_muted() : boolean {
return ignore_muted;
export function set_ignore_output_muted(flag: boolean) {
volume_require_save = volume_require_save || ignore_muted != flag;
ignore_muted = flag;
export function save() {
if(volume_require_save) {
volume_require_save = false;
const data: any = {};
data.version = 1;
for(const key of Object.keys(Sound)) {
if(typeof(speech_volume[Sound[key]]) !== "undefined")
data[Sound[key]] = speech_volume[Sound[key]];
data.master = master_volume;
data.overlap = overlap_sounds;
data.ignore_muted = ignore_muted;
settings.changeGlobal("sound_volume", JSON.stringify(data));
export function initialize() : Promise<void> {
beforeSend: function(jqXHR,settings){
if (settings.dataType === 'binary') {
settings.xhr().responseType = 'arraybuffer';
settings.processData = false;
/* volumes */
const data = JSON.parse(settings.static_global("sound_volume", "{}"));
for(const sound_key of Object.keys(Sound)) {
if(typeof(data[Sound[sound_key]]) !== "undefined")
speech_volume[Sound[sound_key]] = data[Sound[sound_key]];
master_volume = typeof(data.master) === "number" ? data.master : 1;
overlap_sounds = typeof(data.overlap) === "boolean" ? data.overlap : true;
ignore_muted = typeof(data.ignore_muted) === "boolean" ? data.ignore_muted : false;
register_sound("message.received", "effects/message_received.wav");
register_sound("message.send", "effects/message_send.wav");
manager = new SoundManager(undefined);
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
url: "audio/speech/mapping.json",
success: response => {
if(typeof(response) === "string")
response = JSON.parse(response);
for(const entry of response)
register_sound(entry.key, "speech/" + entry.file);
error: error => {
log.error(LogCategory.AUDIO, "error: %o", error);
timeout: 5000,
async: true,
type: 'GET'
export interface PlaybackOptions {
ignore_muted?: boolean;
ignore_overlap?: boolean;
default_volume?: number;
callback?: (flag: boolean) => any;
export async function resolve_sound(sound: Sound) : Promise<SoundHandle> {
const file: SoundHandle = speech_mapping[sound];
if(!file) throw tr("Missing sound handle");
return file;
export let manager: SoundManager;
export class SoundManager {
private readonly _handle: ConnectionHandler;
private _playing_sounds: {[key: string]:number} = {};
constructor(handle: ConnectionHandler) {
this._handle = handle;
play(_sound: Sound, options?: PlaybackOptions) {
options = options || {};
const volume = get_sound_volume(_sound, options.default_volume);
log.info(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Replaying sound %s (Sound volume: %o | Master volume %o)"), _sound, volume, master_volume);
if(volume == 0 || master_volume == 0)
if(this._handle && !options.ignore_muted && !ignore_output_muted() && this._handle.client_status.output_muted)
resolve_sound(_sound).then(handle => {
if(!handle) return;
if(!options.ignore_overlap && (this._playing_sounds[handle.filename] > 0) && !overlap_activated()) {
log.info(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Dropping requested playback for sound %s because it would overlap."), _sound);
this._playing_sounds[handle.filename] = (this._playing_sounds[handle.filename] || 0) + 1;
path: "audio/" + handle.filename,
volume: volume * master_volume
}).then(() => {
}).catch(error => {
log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to replay sound %s: %o"), handle.filename, error);
}).then(() => {
}).catch(error => {
log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to replay sound %o because it could not be resolved: %o"), _sound, error);
} |