214 lines
7.4 KiB
214 lines
7.4 KiB
import * as sdpTransform from "sdp-transform";
import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize";
interface SdpCodec {
payload: number;
codec: string;
rate?: number;
encoding?: number;
fmtp?: { [key: string]: string | number },
rtcpFb?: string[]
/* For optimal performance these payload formats should match the servers one */
const H264_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 126;
const VP8_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 120; /* 120 is the default codec format for Firefox. Firefox has problems when changing the payload types */
export class SdpProcessor {
private static readonly kAudioCodecs: SdpCodec[] = [
// Primary audio format
// Attention, the payload id should be the same as the server once.
// If not, Firefox start to make trouble and isn't replaying the sound...
// Opus Mono/Opus Voice
codec: "opus",
rate: 48000,
encoding: 2,
fmtp: { minptime: 1, maxptime: 20, useinbandfec: 1, usedtx: 1, stereo: 0, "sprop-stereo": 0 },
rtcpFb: [ "transport-cc" ]
// Opus Stereo/Opus Music
codec: "opus",
rate: 48000,
encoding: 2,
fmtp: { minptime: 1, maxptime: 20, useinbandfec: 1, usedtx: 1, stereo: 1, "sprop-stereo": 1 },
rtcpFb: [ "transport-cc" ]
private static readonly kVideoCodecs: SdpCodec[] = [
payload: VP8_PAYLOAD_TYPE,
codec: "VP8",
rate: 90000,
rtcpFb: [ "nack", "nack pli", "ccm fir", "transport-cc" ],
payload: H264_PAYLOAD_TYPE,
codec: "H264",
rate: 90000,
rtcpFb: [ "nack", "nack pli", "ccm fir", "transport-cc" ],
//42001f | Original: 42e01f
fmtp: {
"level-asymmetry-allowed": 1,
"packetization-mode": 1,
"profile-level-id": "4d0028",
"max-fr": 30,
private rtpRemoteChannelMapping: {[key: string]: number};
private rtpLocalChannelMapping: {[key: string]: number};
constructor() {
reset() {
this.rtpRemoteChannelMapping = {};
this.rtpLocalChannelMapping = {};
getRemoteSsrcFromFromMediaId(mediaId: string) : number | undefined {
return this.rtpRemoteChannelMapping[mediaId];
getLocalSsrcFromFromMediaId(mediaId: string) : number | undefined {
return this.rtpLocalChannelMapping[mediaId];
processIncomingSdp(sdpString: string, _mode: "offer" | "answer") : string {
/* The server somehow does not encode the level id in hex */
sdpString = sdpString.replace(/profile-level-id=4325407/g, "profile-level-id=4d0028");
const sdp = sdpTransform.parse(sdpString);
this.rtpRemoteChannelMapping = SdpProcessor.generateRtpSSrcMapping(sdp);
return sdpTransform.write(sdp);
processOutgoingSdp(sdpString: string, _mode: "offer" | "answer") : string {
const sdp = sdpTransform.parse(sdpString);
/* apply the "root" fingerprint to each media, FF fix */
if(sdp.fingerprint) {
sdp.media.forEach(media => media.fingerprint = sdp.fingerprint);
/* remove the FID groups for video (We don't support that) */
for(const media of sdp.media) {
if(!media.ssrcGroups) { continue; }
for(const group of media.ssrcGroups.slice()) {
if(group.semantics === "FID") {
/* Keep the first ssrc which is the primary source. The other is for FID */
const ids = group.ssrcs.split(" ").map(ssrc => parseInt(ssrc) >>> 0).slice(1);
media.ssrcs = media.ssrcs.filter(ssrc => ids.indexOf(parseInt(ssrc.id as string) >>> 0) === -1);
this.rtpLocalChannelMapping = SdpProcessor.generateRtpSSrcMapping(sdp);
return sdpTransform.write(sdp);
private static generateRtpSSrcMapping(sdp: sdpTransform.SessionDescription) {
const mapping = {};
for(let media of sdp.media) {
if(typeof media.mid === "undefined") {
throw tra("missing media id for line {}", sdp.media.indexOf(media));
/* every ssrc MUST have a cname */
const ssrcs = (media.ssrcs || []).filter(e => e.attribute === "cname");
ssrcs.forEach(ssrc => {
if(typeof mapping[media.mid] === "undefined") {
mapping[media.mid] = ssrc.id as number >>> 0;
return mapping;
private static patchLocalCodecs(sdp: sdpTransform.SessionDescription) {
for(let media of sdp.media) {
if(media.type !== "video" && media.type !== "audio") {
media.fmtp = [];
media.rtp = [];
media.rtcpFb = [];
media.rtcpFbTrrInt = [];
for(let codec of (media.type === "audio" ? this.kAudioCodecs : this.kVideoCodecs)) {
payload: codec.payload,
codec: codec.codec,
encoding: codec.encoding,
rate: codec.rate
codec.rtcpFb?.forEach(fb => media.rtcpFb.push({
payload: codec.payload,
type: fb
if(codec.fmtp && Object.keys(codec.fmtp).length > 0) {
payload: codec.payload,
config: Object.keys(codec.fmtp).map(e => e + "=" + codec.fmtp[e]).join(";")
if(media.type === "audio") {
media.maxptime = media.fmtp["maxptime"];
if(window.detectedBrowser.name === "firefox") {
* Firefox does not support multiple payload formats not switching between them.
* This causes us only to add one, the primary, codec and hope for the best
* (Opus Stereo and Mono mixing seem to work right now 11.2020)
/* TODO: Test this again since we're not sending a end signal via RTCP. This might change the behaviour? */
media.payloads = media.rtp.map(e => e.payload).join(" ");
export namespace SdpCompressor {
export function decompressSdp(sdp: string, mode: number) : string {
if(mode === 0) {
return sdp;
} else if(mode === 1) {
/* TODO! */
return sdp;
} else {
throw tr("unsupported compression mode");
export function compressSdp(sdp: string, mode: number) : string {
if(mode === 0) {
return sdp;
} else if(mode === 1) {
/* TODO! */
return sdp;
} else {
throw tr("unsupported compression mode");
} |