321 lines
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321 lines
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import {
VideoSource, VideoSourceCapabilities, VideoSourceInitialSettings
} from "tc-shared/video/VideoSource";
import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events";
import {InputStartError} from "tc-shared/voice/RecorderBase";
import {LogCategory, logDebug, logError, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log";
import {queryMediaPermissions, requestMediaStream, stopMediaStream} from "tc-shared/media/Stream";
import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize";
declare global {
interface MediaDevices {
getDisplayMedia(options?: any) : Promise<MediaStream>;
function getStreamVideoDeviceId(stream: MediaStream) : string | undefined {
const track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
if(typeof track !== "object" || !("getCapabilities" in track)) { return undefined; }
return track.getCapabilities()?.deviceId;
export class WebVideoDriver implements VideoDriver {
private readonly events: Registry<VideoDriverEvents>;
private currentPermissionStatus: VideoPermissionStatus;
constructor() {
this.events = new Registry<VideoDriverEvents>();
this.currentPermissionStatus = VideoPermissionStatus.UserDenied;
private setPermissionStatus(status: VideoPermissionStatus) {
if(this.currentPermissionStatus === status) {
const oldState = this.currentPermissionStatus;
this.currentPermissionStatus = status;
this.events.fire("notify_permissions_changed", { newStatus: status, oldStatus: oldState });
private async handleSystemPermissionState(state: PermissionState | undefined) {
switch(state) {
case "denied":
case "prompt":
case "granted":
/* this will query the initial permission state */
if(await this.getDevices() === false) {
} else {
async initialize() {
if(window.detectedBrowser?.name === "firefox") {
/* We've to do a normal request every time we want to access your camera. */
} else {
const permissionState = await queryMediaPermissions("video", newState => this.handleSystemPermissionState(newState));
await this.handleSystemPermissionState(permissionState);
async getDevices(): Promise<VideoDevice[] | false> {
if(window.detectedBrowser?.name === "firefox") {
return [{
name: tr("Default Firefox device"),
id: "default"
/* TODO: Cache query response */
let devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
let hasPermissions = devices.findIndex(e => e.kind === "videoinput" && e.label !== "") !== -1 || devices.findIndex(e => e.kind === "videoinput") === -1;
if(!hasPermissions) {
return false;
const inputDevices = devices.filter(e => e.kind === "videoinput");
const oldDeviceList = this.devices;
this.devices = [];
let devicesAdded = 0;
for(const device of inputDevices) {
const oldIndex = oldDeviceList.findIndex(e => e.deviceId === device.deviceId);
if(oldIndex === -1) {
} else {
oldDeviceList.splice(oldIndex, 1);
deviceId: device.deviceId,
driver: "WebAudio",
groupId: device.groupId,
name: device.label
return inputDevices.map(info => {
return {
id: info.deviceId,
name: info.label
async requestPermissions(): Promise<VideoSource | boolean> {
const result = await requestMediaStream("default", undefined, "video");
if(result === InputStartError.ENOTALLOWED) {
return false;
} else if(result === InputStartError.ESYSTEMDENIED) {
return false;
/* TODO: May update the device list? */
if(result instanceof MediaStream) {
let deviceId = getStreamVideoDeviceId(result);
if(deviceId === undefined) {
if(window.detectedBrowser?.name === "firefox") {
* Firefox does not support "getCapabilities".
* Since FF also just support one device, we know how the device id;
deviceId = "default";
} else {
/* We can't identify the underlying device. It's better to close than returning an unknown stream. */
return true;
const devices = await this.getDevices();
const deviceIndex = devices === false ? -1 : devices.findIndex(e => e.id === deviceId);
return new WebVideoSource(deviceId, deviceIndex === -1 ? tr("Unknown source") : (devices[deviceIndex] as VideoDevice).name, result);
} else {
return true;
getEvents(): Registry<VideoDriverEvents> {
return this.events;
getPermissionStatus(): VideoPermissionStatus {
return this.currentPermissionStatus;
async createVideoSource(id: string | undefined): Promise<VideoSource> {
const result = await requestMediaStream(id ? id : "default", undefined, "video");
* If we've got denied of requesting a stream reset the state to not allowed.
* This also applies to Firefox since the user has to manually update the flag after that.
* Only the initial state for Firefox is and should be "Granted".
if(result === InputStartError.ENOTALLOWED) {
throw tr("Device access has been denied");
} else if(result === InputStartError.ESYSTEMDENIED) {
throw tr("Device access has been denied");
if(this.currentPermissionStatus !== VideoPermissionStatus.Granted) {
/* TODO: May update the device list? */
if(result instanceof MediaStream) {
const deviceId = getStreamVideoDeviceId(result);
if(id === undefined && deviceId === undefined) {
logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Requested default video source, but returned source is nothing."));
} else if(deviceId === undefined) {
/* Do nothing. We've to trust that the given track origins from the requested id. */
} else if(id === undefined) {
/* We requested the default id and received something */
} else if(deviceId !== id) {
logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Requested video source %s but received %s"), id, deviceId);
} else {
/* We're fine. We received the device we wanted. */
const devices = await this.getDevices();
const deviceIndex = devices === false ? -1 : devices.findIndex(e => e.id === deviceId);
return new WebVideoSource(id, deviceIndex === -1 ? tr("Unknown source") : (devices[deviceIndex] as VideoDevice).name, result);
} else {
throw tra("An unknown error happened while opening the device ({})", result);
screenQueryAvailable(): boolean {
return false;
async queryScreenCaptureDevices(): Promise<ScreenCaptureDevice[]> {
throw tr("screen capture device query not supported");
async createScreenSource(_id: string | undefined, _allowFocusLoss: boolean): Promise<VideoSource> {
try {
const source = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({ audio: false, video: true });
const videoTrack = source.getVideoTracks()[0];
if(!videoTrack) {
throw tr("missing video track");
logDebug(LogCategory.VIDEO, tr("Display media received with settings: %o"), videoTrack.getSettings());
return new WebVideoSource(videoTrack.getSettings().deviceId, tr("Screen"), source);
} catch (error) {
logWarn(LogCategory.VIDEO, tr("Failed to create a screen source: %o"), error);
if(error instanceof Error) {
throw error.message;
} else if(typeof error === "string") {
throw error;
} else {
throw tr("Failed to create screen source");
export class WebVideoSource implements VideoSource {
private readonly deviceId: string;
private readonly displayName: string;
private readonly stream: MediaStream;
private readonly initialSettings: VideoSourceInitialSettings;
private referenceCount = 1;
constructor(deviceId: string, displayName: string, stream: MediaStream) {
this.deviceId = deviceId;
this.displayName = displayName;
this.stream = stream;
const settings = stream.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
this.initialSettings = {
frameRate: settings.frameRate,
height: settings.height,
width: settings.width
destroy() {
getId(): string {
return this.deviceId;
getName(): string {
return this.displayName;
getStream(): MediaStream {
return this.stream;
getInitialSettings(): VideoSourceInitialSettings {
return this.initialSettings;
getCapabilities(): VideoSourceCapabilities {
const videoTrack = this.stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
const capabilities = "getCapabilities" in videoTrack ? videoTrack.getCapabilities() : undefined;
return {
minWidth: capabilities?.width?.min || 1,
maxWidth: capabilities?.width?.max || this.initialSettings.width || undefined,
minHeight: capabilities?.height?.min || 1,
maxHeight: capabilities?.height?.max || this.initialSettings.height || undefined,
minFrameRate: capabilities?.frameRate?.min || 1,
maxFrameRate: capabilities?.frameRate?.max || this.initialSettings.frameRate || undefined
deref() {
this.referenceCount -= 1;
if(this.referenceCount === 0) {
} else if(this.referenceCount < 0) {
logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Video source reference count went bellow zero! This indicates a critical system flaw."));
ref() {
if(this.referenceCount <= 0) {
throw tr("the video stream has already been destroyed");
return this;
} |