
380 lines
11 KiB

import * as script_loader from "./script_loader";
import * as style_loader from "./style_loader";
import * as template_loader from "./template_loader";
declare global {
interface Window {
tr(message: string) : string;
tra(message: string, ...args: (string | number | boolean)[]) : string;
tra(message: string, ...args: any[]) : JQuery[];
log: any;
StaticSettings: any;
export interface Config {
loader_groups: boolean;
verbose: boolean;
error: boolean;
baseUrl: string;
export let config: Config = {
loader_groups: false,
verbose: false,
error: true,
baseUrl: "./"
export type Task = {
name: string,
priority: number, /* tasks with the same priority will be executed in sync */
function: () => Promise<void>
export enum Stage {
loading loader required files (incl this)
setting up the loading process
loading all style sheet files
loading all javascript files
loading all template files
initializing static/global stuff
finalizing load process
invoking main task
let cache_tag: string | undefined;
let current_stage: Stage = undefined;
const tasks: {[key:number]:Task[]} = {};
/* test if all files shall be load from cache or fetch again */
function loader_cache_tag() {
if(__build.mode === "debug") {
cache_tag = "?_ts=" + Date.now();
const cached_version = localStorage.getItem("cached_version");
if(!cached_version || cached_version !== __build.version) {
register_task(Stage.LOADED, {
priority: 0,
name: "cached version updater",
function: async () => {
localStorage.setItem("cached_version", __build.version);
cache_tag = "?_version=" + __build.version;
export type ModuleMapping = {
application: string,
modules: {
"id": string,
"context": string,
"resource": string
const module_mapping_: ModuleMapping[] = [];
export function module_mapping() : ModuleMapping[] { return module_mapping_; }
export function get_cache_version() { return cache_tag; }
export function finished() {
return current_stage == Stage.DONE;
export function running() { return typeof(current_stage) !== "undefined"; }
export function register_task(stage: Stage, task: Task) {
if(current_stage > stage) {
console.warn("Register loading task, but it had already been finished. Executing task anyways!");
const promise = task.function();
if(!promise) {
console.error("Loading task %s hasn't returned a promise!", task.name);
promise.catch(error => {
if(config.error) {
console.error("Failed to execute delayed loader task!");
console.log(" - %s: %o", task.name, error);
const task_array = tasks[stage] || [];
tasks[stage] = task_array.sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority);
export async function execute() {
const load_begin = Date.now();
let begin: number = 0;
let end: number = Date.now();
while(current_stage <= Stage.LOADED || typeof(current_stage) === "undefined") {
let current_tasks: Task[] = [];
while((tasks[current_stage] || []).length > 0) {
if(current_tasks.length == 0 || current_tasks[0].priority == tasks[current_stage][0].priority) {
} else break;
const errors: {
error: any,
task: Task
}[] = [];
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for(const task of current_tasks) {
try {
if(config.verbose) console.debug("Executing loader %s (%d)", task.name, task.priority);
const promise = task.function();
if(!promise) {
console.error("Loading task %s hasn't returned a promise!", task.name);
promises.push(promise.catch(error => {
task: task,
error: error
return Promise.resolve();
} catch(error) {
task: task,
error: error
if(promises.length > 0) {
await Promise.all([...promises]);
if(errors.length > 0) {
if(config.loader_groups) console.groupEnd();
console.error("Failed to execute loader. The following tasks failed (%d):", errors.length);
for(const error of errors)
console.error(" - %s: %o", error.task.name, error.error);
throw "failed to process step " + Stage[current_stage];
if(current_tasks.length == 0) {
if(typeof(current_stage) === "undefined") {
current_stage = -1;
if(config.verbose) console.debug("[loader] Booting app");
} else if(current_stage < Stage.INITIALIZING) {
if(config.loader_groups) console.groupEnd();
if(config.verbose) console.debug("[loader] Entering next state (%s). Last state took %dms", Stage[current_stage + 1], (end = Date.now()) - begin);
} else {
if(config.loader_groups) console.groupEnd();
if(config.verbose) console.debug("[loader] Finish invoke took %dms", (end = Date.now()) - begin);
begin = end;
current_stage += 1;
if(current_stage != Stage.DONE && config.loader_groups)
console.groupCollapsed("Executing loading stage %s", Stage[current_stage]);
if(config.verbose) console.debug("[loader] finished loader. (Total time: %dms)", Date.now() - load_begin);
export function execute_managed() {
execute().then(() => {
if(config.verbose) {
let message;
if(typeof(window.tr) !== "undefined")
message = tr("App loaded successfully!");
message = "App loaded successfully!";
if(typeof(window.log) !== "undefined") {
/* We're having our log module */
window.log.info(window.log.LogCategory.GENERAL, message);
} else {
}).catch(error => {
console.error("App loading failed: %o", error);
critical_error("Failed to execute loader", "Lookup the console for more detail");
let _fadeout_warned;
export function hide_overlay() {
if(typeof($) === "undefined") {
console.warn("Could not fadeout loader screen. Missing jquery functions.");
_fadeout_warned = true;
const animation_duration = 750;
$(".loader .bookshelf_wrapper").animate({top: 0, opacity: 0}, animation_duration);
$(".loader .half").animate({width: 0}, animation_duration, () => {
/* critical error handler */
export type ErrorHandler = (message: string, detail: string) => void;
let _callback_critical_error: ErrorHandler;
let _callback_critical_called: boolean = false;
export function critical_error(message: string, detail?: string) {
if(_callback_critical_called) {
console.warn("[CRITICAL] %s", message);
if(typeof(detail) === "string")
console.warn("[CRITICAL] %s", detail);
_callback_critical_called = true;
if(_callback_critical_error) {
_callback_critical_error(message, detail);
/* default handling */
let tag = document.getElementById("critical-load");
const error_tags = tag.getElementsByClassName("error");
error_tags[0].innerHTML = message;
if(typeof(detail) === "string") {
let node_detail = tag.getElementsByClassName("detail")[0];
node_detail.innerHTML = detail;
export function critical_error_handler(handler?: ErrorHandler, override?: boolean) : ErrorHandler {
if((typeof(handler) === "object" && handler !== _callback_critical_error) || override)
_callback_critical_error = handler;
return _callback_critical_error;
/* loaders */
export type DependSource = {
url: string;
depends: string[];
export type SourcePath = string | DependSource | string[];
export const scripts = script_loader;
export const style = style_loader;
export const templates = template_loader;
/* Hello World message */
const clog = console.log;
const print_security = () => {
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 42px",
"font-weight: bold",
"-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black",
"color: red"
clog("%c ", "font-size: 100px;");
clog("%cSecurity warning:", css);
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 18px",
"font-weight: bold"
clog("%cPasting anything in here could give attackers access to your data.", css);
clog("%cUnless you understand exactly what you are doing, close this window and stay safe.", css);
clog("%c ", "font-size: 100px;");
/* print the hello world */
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 72px",
"font-weight: bold",
"-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black",
"color: #18BC9C"
clog("%cHey, hold on!", css);
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 26px",
"font-weight: bold"
const css_2 = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 26px",
"font-weight: bold",
"color: blue"
const display_detect = /./;
display_detect.toString = function() { print_security(); return ""; };
clog("%cLovely to see you using and debugging the TeaSpeak-Web client.", css);
clog("%cIf you have some good ideas or already done some incredible changes,", css);
clog("%cyou'll be may interested to share them here: %chttps://github.com/TeaSpeak/TeaWeb", css, css_2);
clog("%c ", display_detect);