2020-06-15 17:16:34 +02:00

1025 lines
33 KiB

import * as path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import * as util from "util";
import * as crypto from "crypto";
import * as http from "http";
import * as url_utils from "url";
import * as cp from "child_process";
import * as mt from "mime-types";
import * as os from "os";
import {PathLike} from "fs";
import {ChildProcess} from "child_process";
import * as https from "https";
/* All project files */
type ProjectResourceType = "html" | "js" | "css" | "wasm" | "wav" | "json" | "img" | "i18n" | "pem";
type ProjectResource = {
"type": ProjectResourceType;
"build-target": "dev" | "rel" | "dev|rel";
"web-only"?: boolean;
"client-only"?: boolean;
"serve-only"?: boolean;
"search-pattern": RegExp;
"search-exclude"?: RegExp;
"req-parm"?: string[];
"path": string;
"local-path": string;
const APP_FILE_LIST_SHARED_SOURCE: ProjectResource[] = [
{ /* shared html files */
"type": "html",
"search-pattern": /^.*([a-zA-Z]+)\.(html|json)$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./",
"local-path": "./shared/html/"
{ /* javascript files as manifest.json */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /.*\.(js|json)$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "js/",
"local-path": "./dist/"
{ /* javascript files as manifest.json */
"type": "html",
"search-pattern": /.*\.html$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./",
"local-path": "./dist/"
{ /* Loader css file (only required in dev mode. In release it gets inlined) */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "css/",
"local-path": "./loader/css/"
{ /* shared developer single css files */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "css/",
"local-path": "./shared/css/"
{ /* shared css mapping files (development mode only) */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.(css.map|scss)$/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "css/",
"local-path": "./shared/css/",
"req-parm": ["--mappings"]
{ /* shared release css files */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "rel",
"path": "css/",
"local-path": "./shared/generated/"
{ /* shared release css files */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "rel",
"path": "css/loader/",
"local-path": "./shared/css/loader/"
{ /* shared release css files */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "css/theme/",
"local-path": "./shared/css/theme/"
{ /* shared sound files */
"type": "wav",
"search-pattern": /.*\.wav$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "audio/",
"local-path": "./shared/audio/"
{ /* shared data sound files */
"type": "json",
"search-pattern": /.*\.json/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "audio/",
"local-path": "./shared/audio/"
{ /* shared image files */
"type": "img",
"search-pattern": /.*\.(svg|png)/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "img/",
"local-path": "./shared/img/"
const APP_FILE_LIST_SHARED_VENDORS: ProjectResource[] = [
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /.*(\.min)?\.js$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "vendor/",
"local-path": "./vendor/"
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "vendor/",
"local-path": "./vendor/"
const APP_FILE_LIST_CLIENT_SOURCE: ProjectResource[] = [
{ /* client css files */
"client-only": true,
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "css/",
"local-path": "./client/css/"
{ /* client js files */
"client-only": true,
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /.*\.js/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "js/",
"local-path": "./client/js/"
const APP_FILE_LIST_WEB_SOURCE: ProjectResource[] = [
{ /* generated assembly files */
"web-only": true,
"type": "wasm",
"search-pattern": /.*\.(wasm)/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "wasm/",
"local-path": "./web/native-codec/generated/"
{ /* web css files */
"web-only": true,
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "css/",
"local-path": "./web/css/"
{ /* web html files */
"web-only": true,
"type": "html",
"search-pattern": /.*\.(html)/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./",
"local-path": "./web/html/"
{ /* translations */
"web-only": true, /* Only required for the web client */
"type": "i18n",
"search-pattern": /.*\.(translation|json)/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "i18n/",
"local-path": "./shared/i18n/"
//FIXME: This isn't working right now
const CERTACCEPT_FILE_LIST: ProjectResource[] = [
{ /* html files */
"type": "html",
"search-pattern": /^([a-zA-Z]+)\.(html|json)$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/",
"local-path": "./shared/popup/certaccept/html/"
{ /* javascript loader (debug) */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /(loader|certaccept)\.js$/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/loader/",
"local-path": "./shared/loader/"
{ /* javascript loader (releases) */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /.*loader_certaccept.min.js$/,
"build-target": "rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/loader/",
"local-path": "./shared/generated/"
{ /* javascript imported from shared for debug */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /^(BrowserIPC|log|proto|settings)\.js$/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/js/",
"local-path": "./shared/js/"
{ /* javascript for debug */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /^certaccept\.min\.js$/,
"build-target": "rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/js/",
"local-path": "./shared/generated/"
{ /* javascript for release */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /^.*\.js$/,
"build-target": "dev",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/js/",
"local-path": "./shared/popup/certaccept/js/"
{ /* shared css files */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/css/loader/",
"local-path": "./shared/css/loader/"
{ /* shared css files */
"type": "css",
"search-pattern": /.*\.css$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/css/static/",
"local-path": "./shared/popup/certaccept/css/static/"
{ /* img files */
"type": "img",
"search-pattern": /^(loading_error.*)\.(svg)$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/img/",
"local-path": "./shared/img/"
{ /* jquery vendor */
"type": "js",
"search-pattern": /^jquery\/.*\.js$/,
"build-target": "dev|rel",
"path": "./popup/certaccept/vendor/",
"local-path": "./vendor/"
declare module "fs-extra" {
export function exists(path: PathLike): Promise<boolean>;
/* the generator */
namespace generator {
export type SearchOptions = {
target: "client" | "web";
mode: "rel" | "dev";
serving: boolean;
source_path: string;
parameter: string[];
export type Entry = {
target_path: string; /* relative */
local_path: string; /* absolute */
name: string;
type: ProjectResourceType;
hash: string;
async function sha(type: "sha1" | "sha256", file: string) : Promise<string> {
const result = crypto.createHash(type);
const fis = fs.createReadStream(file);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fis.on("error", reject);
fis.on("end", resolve);
fis.on("data", chunk => result.update(chunk));
return result.digest("hex");
const rreaddir = async p => {
const result = [];
try {
const files = await fs.readdir(p);
for(const file of files) {
const file_path = path.join(p, file);
const info = await fs.stat(file_path);
if(info.isDirectory()) {
result.push(...await rreaddir(file_path));
} else {
} catch(error) {
if(error.code === "ENOENT")
return [];
throw error;
return result;
function file_matches_options(file: ProjectResource, options: SearchOptions) {
if(typeof file["web-only"] === "boolean" && file["web-only"] && options.target !== "web")
return false;
if(typeof file["client-only"] === "boolean" && file["client-only"] && options.target !== "client")
return false;
if(typeof file["serve-only"] === "boolean" && file["serve-only"] && !options.serving)
return false;
if(!file["build-target"].split("|").find(e => e === options.mode))
return false;
return !(Array.isArray(file["req-parm"]) && file["req-parm"].find(e => !options.parameter.find(p => p.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase())));
export async function search_files(files: ProjectResource[], options: SearchOptions) : Promise<Entry[]> {
const result: Entry[] = [];
for(const file of files) {
if(!file_matches_options(file, options))
const normal_local = path.normalize(path.join(options.source_path, file["local-path"]));
const files: string[] = await rreaddir(normal_local);
for(const f of files) {
const local_name = f.substr(normal_local.length);
if(!local_name.match(file["search-pattern"]) && !local_name.replace("\\\\", "/").match(file["search-pattern"]))
if(typeof(file["search-exclude"]) !== "undefined" && f.match(file["search-exclude"]))
const data = {
hash: await sha("sha1", f),
local_path: f,
target_path: path.join(file.path, local_name),
name: path.basename(f),
type: file.type
if(result.find(e => e.target_path === data.target_path))
return result;
export async function search_http_file(files: ProjectResource[], target_file: string, options: SearchOptions) : Promise<string> {
for(const file of files) {
if(!file_matches_options(file, options))
if(file.path !== "./" && !target_file.startsWith("/" + file.path.replace(/\\/g, "/")))
const normal_local = path.normalize(path.join(options.source_path, file["local-path"]));
const files: string[] = await rreaddir(normal_local);
for(const f of files) {
const local_name = f.substr(normal_local.length);
if(!local_name.match(file["search-pattern"]) && !local_name.replace("\\\\", "/").match(file["search-pattern"]))
if(typeof(file["search-exclude"]) !== "undefined" && f.match(file["search-exclude"]))
if("/" + path.join(file.path, local_name).replace(/\\/g, "/") === target_file)
return f;
return undefined;
namespace server {
import SearchOptions = generator.SearchOptions;
export type Options = {
port: number;
search_options: SearchOptions;
const exec: (command: string) => Promise<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }> = util.promisify(cp.exec);
let files: ProjectResource[] = [];
let server: http.Server;
let options: Options;
const use_https = false;
export async function launch(_files: ProjectResource[], options_: Options) {
options = options_;
files = _files;
if(process.env["ssl_enabled"] || use_https) {
//openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout files_key.pem -out files_cert.pem
const key_file = process.env["ssl_key"] || path.join(__dirname, "files_key.pem");
const cert_file = process.env["ssl_cert"] || path.join(__dirname, "files_cert.pem");
if(!await fs.pathExists(key_file))
throw "Missing ssl key file";
if(!await fs.pathExists(cert_file))
throw "Missing ssl cert file";
server = https.createServer({
key: await fs.readFile(key_file),
cert: await fs.readFile(cert_file),
}, handle_request);
} else {
server = http.createServer(handle_request);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
server.on('error', reject);
server.listen(options.port, () => {
server.off("error", reject);
export async function shutdown() {
if(server) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => server.close(error => error ? reject(error) : resolve()));
server = undefined;
async function serve_file(pathname: string, query: any, response: http.ServerResponse) {
const file = await generator.search_http_file(files, pathname, options.search_options);
if(!file) {
console.log("[SERVER] Client requested unknown file %s", pathname);
response.write("Missing file: " + pathname);
let type = mt.lookup(path.extname(file)) || "text/html";
console.log("[SERVER] Serving file %s", file, type);
const fis = fs.createReadStream(file);
response.writeHead(200, "success", {
"Content-Type": type + "; charset=utf-8"
fis.on("end", () => response.end());
fis.on("error", () => {
response.write("Ah error happend!");
fis.on("data", data => response.write(data));
async function handle_api_request(request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse, url: url_utils.UrlWithParsedQuery) {
if(url.query["type"] === "files") {
response.writeHead(200, { "info-version": 1 });
for(const file of await generator.search_files(files, options.search_options))
response.write(file.type + "\t" + file.hash + "\t" + path.dirname(file.target_path) + "\t" + file.name + "\n");
} else if(url.query["type"] === "file") {
let p = path.join(url.query["path"] as string, url.query["name"] as string).replace(/\\/g, "/");
if(!p.startsWith("/")) p = "/" + p;
serve_file(p, url.query, response);
success: 0,
message: "Unknown command"
function handle_request(request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) {
let url: url_utils.UrlWithParsedQuery;
try {
url = url_utils.parse(request.url, true);
} catch(error) {
response.write("invalid url:\n");
if(url.pathname === "/api.php") {
//Client API
handle_api_request(request, response, url);
} else if(url.pathname === "/") {
url.pathname = "/index.html";
serve_file(url.pathname, url.query, response);
namespace watcher {
function execute(cmd: string, args: string[]) : ChildProcess {
if(os.platform() === "win32")
return cp.spawn(process.env.comspec, ["/C", cmd, ...args], {
stdio: "pipe",
cwd: __dirname,
env: Object.assign({ NODE_ENV: "development" }, process.env)
return cp.spawn(cmd, args, {
cwd: __dirname,
stdio: "pipe",
detached: true,
env: Object.assign({ NODE_ENV: "development" }, process.env)
export abstract class Watcher {
readonly name: string;
protected verbose: boolean = false;
private _process: ChildProcess;
private _callback_init: () => any;
private _callback_init_fail: (msg: string) => any;
protected constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
async start() {
if(this._process) throw "watcher already started";
const command = this.start_command();
this._process = execute(command[0], command.slice(1));
this._process.stdout.on("readable", this.handle_stdout_readable.bind(this));
this._process.stderr.on("readable", this.handle_stderr_readable.bind(this));
this._process.addListener("exit", this.handle_exit.bind(this));
this._process.addListener("error", this.handle_error.bind(this));
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = setTimeout(reject, 5000, "timeout");
this._callback_init = () => {
this._callback_init_fail = err => {
} catch(e) {
try { this.stop(); } catch (_) { }
throw e;
} finally {
this._callback_init_fail = undefined;
this._callback_init = undefined;
console.log("%s started.", this.name);
protected abstract start_command() : string[];
async stop() {
if(!this._process) return;
console.log("%s stopped.", this.name);
this._process = undefined;
private handle_exit(code: number | null, signal: string | null) {
console.log("%s exited with code %d (%s)", this.name, code, signal);
this._callback_init_fail("unexpected exit with code " + code);
private handle_stdout_readable() {
const buffer: Buffer = this._process.stdout.read(this._process.stdout.readableLength);
if(!buffer) return;
const data = buffer.toString();
if(this.verbose) {
const lines = data.split("\n");
for(let index = 0; index < lines.length; index++) {
let line = lines[index];
if(line.charAt(0) === "\r")
line = line.substr(1);
if(line === "" && index + 1 === lines.length)
console.log("%s: %s", this.name, line);
private handle_stderr_readable() {
const buffer: Buffer = this._process.stdout.read(this._process.stdout.readableLength);
if(!buffer) return;
console.log("%s read %d error bytes:", this.name, buffer.length);
private handle_error(err: Error) {
if(this._callback_init_fail) {
console.debug("%s received startup error: %o", this.name, err);
this._callback_init_fail("received error: " + err.message);
} else {
console.log("%s received error: %o", this.name, err);
export class TSCWatcher extends Watcher {
constructor() {
super("TSC Watcher");
//this.verbose = true;
protected start_command(): string[] {
return ["npm", "run", "tsc", "--", "-w"];
export class SASSWatcher extends Watcher {
constructor() {
super("SASS Watcher");
this.verbose = false;
protected start_command(): string[] {
return ["npm", "run", "sass", "--", "--watch", ".:."];
export class WebPackWatcher extends Watcher {
private readonly target;
constructor(target: "web" | "client") {
super("WebPack Watcher");
this.target = target;
this.verbose = true;
protected start_command(): string[] {
return ["npm", "run", "webpack-" + this.target, "--", "--watch"];
async function main_serve(target: "client" | "web", mode: "rel" | "dev", port: number) {
await server.launch(target === "client" ? CLIENT_APP_FILE_LIST : WEB_APP_FILE_LIST, {
port: port,
search_options: {
source_path: __dirname,
parameter: [],
target: target,
mode: mode,
serving: true
console.log("Server started on %d", port);
console.log("To stop the server press ^K^C.");
await new Promise(resolve => {});
async function main_develop(node: boolean, target: "client" | "web", port: number, flags: string[]) {
const tscwatcher = new watcher.TSCWatcher();
try {
if(flags.indexOf("--no-tsc") == -1)
await tscwatcher.start();
const sasswatcher = new watcher.SASSWatcher();
try {
if(flags.indexOf("--no-sass") == -1)
await sasswatcher.start();
const webpackwatcher = new watcher.WebPackWatcher(target);
try {
if(flags.indexOf("--no-webpack") == -1)
await webpackwatcher.start();
try {
await server.launch(target === "client" ? CLIENT_APP_FILE_LIST : WEB_APP_FILE_LIST, {
port: port,
search_options: {
source_path: __dirname,
parameter: [],
target: target,
mode: "dev",
serving: true
} catch(error) {
console.error("Failed to start server: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
console.log("Server started on %d", port);
console.log("To stop the session press ^K^C.");
await new Promise(resolve => process.once('SIGINT', resolve));
console.log("Stopping session.");
try {
await server.shutdown();
} catch(error) {
console.warn("Failed to stop web server: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to start WebPack watcher: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
} finally {
try {
await webpackwatcher.stop();
} catch(error) {
console.warn("Failed to stop WebPack watcher: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
} catch(error) {
console.error("Failed to start SASS watcher: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
} finally {
try {
await sasswatcher.stop();
} catch(error) {
console.warn("Failed to stop SASS watcher: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
} catch(error) {
console.error("Failed to start TSC watcher: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
} finally {
try {
await tscwatcher.stop();
} catch(error) {
console.warn("Failed to stop TSC watcher: %o", error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
async function git_tag() {
const git_rev = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ".git", "HEAD")).toString();
let version;
if(git_rev.indexOf("/") === -1)
return git_rev.substr(0, 7);
return fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ".git", git_rev.substr(5).trim())).toString().substr(0, 7);
async function main_generate(target: "client" | "web", mode: "rel" | "dev", dest_path: string, args: any[]) {
const begin = Date.now();
const files = await generator.search_files(target === "client" ? CLIENT_APP_FILE_LIST : WEB_APP_FILE_LIST, {
source_path: __dirname,
parameter: args,
target: target,
mode: mode,
serving: true
if(await fs.exists(dest_path))
await fs.remove(dest_path);
await fs.mkdirp(dest_path);
let linker: (source: string, target: string) => Promise<void>;
if(os.platform() === "win32") {
/* we're not able to create any links so we're copying the file */
linker = (source, target) => fs.copyFile(source, target);
} else {
const exec = util.promisify(cp.exec);
linker = async (source, target) => {
const command = "ln -s " + source + " " + target;
const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(command);
throw "failed to create link: " + stderr;
for(const file of files) {
const target_path = path.join(dest_path, file.target_path);
await fs.mkdirp(path.dirname(target_path));
console.debug("Linking %s to %s", target_path, file.local_path);
await linker(file.local_path, target_path);
//Write the version file (Attention git-bash needs to be within the normal PATH!)
const version = await git_tag();
await fs.writeFile(path.join(dest_path, "version"), version);
console.log("Done in %dms (Version: %s)", Date.now() - begin, version);
async function main(args: string[]) {
if(args.length >= 1) {
if((args[0].toLowerCase() === "develop" && args.length >= 2) || args[0].toLowerCase() === "ndevelop") {
const is_node = args[0].toLowerCase() === "ndevelop";
if(is_node && args.length < 2) {
console.error("Please specify on which module you want to work.");
console.error("For developing on the web client run: npm start web");
let target;
switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "c":
case "client":
target = "client";
case "w":
case "web":
target = "web";
console.error("Unknown serve target %s.", args[1]);
const switches = [];
const pargs = args.slice(1).filter(e => e.startsWith("--") ? (switches.push(e), false) : true);
await main_develop(is_node, target, pargs.length > 1 ? parseInt(pargs[1]) : 8081, switches);
if(args.length >= 2) {
if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "serve") {
let target;
switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "c":
case "client":
target = "client";
case "w":
case "web":
target = "web";
console.error("Unknown serve target %s.", args[1]);
let mode;
switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) {
case "dev":
case "devel":
case "development":
mode = "dev";
case "rel":
case "release":
mode = "rel";
console.error("Unknown serve mode %s.", args[2]);
let port = 8081;
if(args.length >= 4) {
port = parseInt(args[3]);
if(Number.isNaN(port) || port <= 0 || port > 65665) {
console.log("Invalid HTTP server port: %s", args[3]);
await main_serve(target, mode, port);
if(args.length >= 3) {
if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "generate" || args[0].toLowerCase() === "gen") {
let target;
let dest_dir;
switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "c":
case "client":
target = "client";
case "w":
case "web":
target = "web";
console.error("Unknown serve target %s.", args[1]);
let mode;
switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) {
case "dev":
case "devel":
case "development":
mode = "dev";
dest_dir = target === "client" ?
path.join(__dirname, "client-api", "environment", "ui-files", "raw") :
path.join(__dirname, "web", "environment", "development");
case "rel":
case "release":
mode = "rel";
dest_dir = target === "client" ?
path.join(__dirname, "client-api", "environment", "ui-files", "raw") :
path.join(__dirname, "web", "environment", "release");
console.error("Unknown serve mode %s.", args[2]);
await main_generate(target, mode, args.length >= 4 && args[3] !== "unset" ? args[3] : dest_dir, args.length >= 5 ? args.slice(4) : []);
} else if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "list") {
console.error("Currently not yet supported");
console.log("Invalid arguments!");
console.log("Usage: node files.js <mode> [args...]");
console.log(" node files.js serve <client|web> <dev|rel> [port] | Start a HTTP server which serves the web client");
console.log(" node files.js generate <client|web> <dev|rel> [dest dir] [flags...] | Generate the final environment ready to be packed and deployed");
console.log(" node files.js list <client|web> <dev|rel> | List all project files");
console.log(" node files.js develop <client|web> [port] | Start a developer session. All typescript an SASS files will generated automatically");
console.log(" | You could access your current build via http://localhost:8081");
/* proxy log for better format */
const wrap_log = (original, prefix: string) => (message, ...args) => original(prefix + (message ? message + "" : "").replace(/\n/g, "\n" + prefix), ...args.map(e => typeof(e) === "string" ? e.replace(/\n/g, "\n" + prefix) : e));
console.log = wrap_log(console.log, "[INFO ] ");
console.debug = wrap_log(console.debug, "[DEBUG] ");
console.warn = wrap_log(console.warn, "[WARNING] ");
console.error = wrap_log(console.error, "[ERROR] ");
main(process.argv.slice(2)).then(ignore_exit => {
if(typeof(ignore_exit) === "boolean" && !<any>ignore_exit) return;
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to execute application. Exception reached execution root!");