2018-12-23 22:56:04 +01:00

156 lines
5.1 KiB

namespace bookmarks {
function guid() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
export interface ConnectIdentity {
identity_type: IdentitifyType;
export interface ForumConnectIdentity extends ConnectIdentity { }
export interface NicknameConnectIdentity extends ConnectIdentity { }
export interface TeamSpeakConnectIdentity extends ConnectIdentity { }
export interface ServerProperties {
server_address: string;
server_port: number;
server_password_hash?: string;
server_password?: string;
export enum BookmarkType {
export interface Bookmark {
type: /* BookmarkType.ENTRY */ BookmarkType;
/* readonly directory: DirectoryBookmark; */
server_properties: ServerProperties;
display_name: string;
unique_id: string;
nickname: string;
default_channel?: number | string;
default_channel_password_hash?: string;
default_channel_password?: string;
export interface DirectoryBookmark {
type: /* BookmarkType.DIRECTORY */ BookmarkType;
readonly content: (Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark)[];
unique_id: string;
display_name: string;
interface BookmarkConfig {
root_bookmark?: DirectoryBookmark;
default_added?: boolean;
let _bookmark_config: BookmarkConfig;
function bookmark_config() : BookmarkConfig {
return _bookmark_config;
let bookmark_json = localStorage.getItem("bookmarks");
let bookmarks = JSON.parse(bookmark_json) || {} as BookmarkConfig;
_bookmark_config = bookmarks;
_bookmark_config.root_bookmark = _bookmark_config.root_bookmark || { content: [], display_name: "root", type: BookmarkType.DIRECTORY} as DirectoryBookmark;
if(!_bookmark_config.default_added) {
_bookmark_config.default_added = true;
create_bookmark("TeaSpeak official Test-Server", _bookmark_config.root_bookmark, {
server_address: "ts.teaspeak.de",
server_port: 9987
}, "Another TeaSpeak user");
return _bookmark_config;
function save_config() {
localStorage.setItem("bookmarks", JSON.stringify(bookmark_config()));
export function bookmarks() : DirectoryBookmark {
return bookmark_config().root_bookmark;
function find_bookmark_recursive(parent: DirectoryBookmark, uuid: string) : Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark {
for(const entry of parent.content) {
if(entry.unique_id == uuid)
return entry;
if(entry.type == BookmarkType.DIRECTORY) {
const result = find_bookmark_recursive(entry as DirectoryBookmark, uuid);
if(result) return result;
return undefined;
export function find_bookmark(uuid: string) : Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark | undefined {
return find_bookmark_recursive(bookmarks(), uuid);
export function create_bookmark(display_name: string, directory: DirectoryBookmark, server_properties: ServerProperties, nickname: string) : Bookmark {
const bookmark = {
display_name: display_name,
server_properties: server_properties,
nickname: nickname,
type: BookmarkType.ENTRY,
unique_id: guid()
} as Bookmark;
return bookmark;
export function create_bookmark_directory(parent: DirectoryBookmark, name: string) : DirectoryBookmark {
const bookmark = {
type: BookmarkType.DIRECTORY,
display_name: name,
content: [],
unique_id: guid()
} as DirectoryBookmark;
return bookmark;
//TODO test if the new parent is within the old bookmark
export function change_directory(parent: DirectoryBookmark, bookmark: Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark) {
export function save_bookmark(bookmark?: Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark) {
save_config(); /* nvm we dont give a fuck... saving everything */
function delete_bookmark_recursive(parent: DirectoryBookmark, bookmark: Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark) {
const index = parent.content.indexOf(bookmark);
if(index != -1)
for(const entry of parent.content)
if(entry.type == BookmarkType.DIRECTORY)
delete_bookmark_recursive(entry as DirectoryBookmark, bookmark)
export function delete_bookmark(bookmark: Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark) {
delete_bookmark_recursive(bookmarks(), bookmark)