1041 lines
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1041 lines
35 KiB
namespace app {
export enum Type {
export let type: Type = Type.UNKNOWN;
export function is_web() {
return type == Type.WEB_RELEASE || type == Type.WEB_DEBUG;
namespace loader {
export type Task = {
name: string,
priority: number, /* tasks with the same priority will be executed in sync */
function: () => Promise<void>
export enum Stage {
loading loader required files (incl this)
setting up the loading process
loading all style sheet files
loading all javascript files
loading all template files
initializing static/global stuff
finalizing load process
invoking main task
export let cache_tag: string | undefined;
let current_stage: Stage = undefined;
const tasks: {[key:number]:Task[]} = {};
export function finished() {
return current_stage == Stage.DONE;
export function register_task(stage: Stage, task: Task) {
if(current_stage > stage) {
console.warn("Register loading task, but it had already been finished. Executing task anyways!");
task.function().catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to execute delayed loader task!");
console.log(" - %s: %o", task.name, error);
const task_array = tasks[stage] || [];
tasks[stage] = task_array.sort((a, b) => a.priority > b.priority ? 1 : 0);
export async function execute() {
const load_begin = Date.now();
let begin: number = Date.now();
let end: number;
while(current_stage <= Stage.LOADED || typeof(current_stage) === "undefined") {
let current_tasks: Task[] = [];
while((tasks[current_stage] || []).length > 0) {
if(current_tasks.length == 0 || current_tasks[0].priority == tasks[current_stage][0].priority) {
} else break;
const errors: {
error: any,
task: Task
}[] = [];
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for(const task of current_tasks) {
try {
console.debug("Executing loader %s (%d)", task.name, task.priority);
promises.push(task.function().catch(error => {
task: task,
error: error
return Promise.resolve();
} catch(error) {
task: task,
error: error
await Promise.all([...promises]);
if(errors.length > 0) {
console.error("Failed to execute loader. The following tasks failed (%d):", errors.length);
for(const error of errors)
console.error(" - %s: %o", error.task.name, error.error);
throw "failed to process step " + Stage[current_stage];
if(current_tasks.length == 0) {
if(typeof(current_stage) === "undefined") {
current_stage = -1;
console.debug("[loader] Booting app");
} else if(current_stage < Stage.INITIALIZING) {
console.debug("[loader] Entering next state (%s). Last state took %dms", Stage[current_stage + 1], (end = Date.now()) - begin);
} else {
console.debug("[loader] Finish invoke took %dms", (end = Date.now()) - begin);
begin = end;
current_stage += 1;
if(current_stage != Stage.DONE)
console.groupCollapsed("Executing loading stage %s", Stage[current_stage]);
console.debug("[loader] finished loader. (Total time: %dms)", Date.now() - load_begin);
type SourcePath = string | string[];
function script_name(path: string | string[]) {
if(Array.isArray(path)) {
let buffer = "";
let _or = " or ";
for(let entry of path)
buffer += _or + script_name(entry);
return buffer.slice(_or.length);
} else return "<code>" + path + "</code>";
class SyntaxError {
source: any;
constructor(source: any) {
this.source = source;
export async function load_script(path: SourcePath) : Promise<void> {
if(Array.isArray(path)) { //We have some fallback
return load_script(path[0]).catch(error => {
if(error instanceof SyntaxError)
return Promise.reject(error.source);
if(path.length > 1)
return load_script(path.slice(1));
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const tag: HTMLScriptElement = document.createElement("script");
let error = false;
const error_handler = (event: ErrorEvent) => {
if(event.filename == tag.src && event.message.indexOf("Illegal constructor") == -1) { //Our tag throw an uncaught error
console.log("msg: %o, url: %o, line: %o, col: %o, error: %o", event.message, event.filename, event.lineno, event.colno, event.error);
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
reject(new SyntaxError(event.error));
error = true;
window.addEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
const timeout_handle = setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
tag.type = "application/javascript";
tag.async = true;
tag.defer = true;
tag.onerror = error => {
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
tag.onload = () => {
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
console.debug("Script %o loaded", path);
setTimeout(resolve, 100);
tag.src = path + (cache_tag || "");
export async function load_scripts(paths: SourcePath[]) : Promise<void> {
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
const errors: {
script: SourcePath,
error: any
}[] = [];
for(const script of paths)
promises.push(load_script(script).catch(error => {
script: script,
error: error
return Promise.resolve();
await Promise.all([...promises]);
if(errors.length > 0) {
console.error("Failed to load the following scripts:");
for(const script of errors)
console.log(" - %o: %o", script.script, script.error);
displayCriticalError("Failed to load script " + script_name(errors[0].script) + " <br>" + "View the browser console for more information!");
throw "failed to load script " + script_name(errors[0].script);
export async function load_style(path: SourcePath) : Promise<void> {
if(Array.isArray(path)) { //We have some fallback
return load_script(path[0]).catch(error => {
if(error instanceof SyntaxError)
return Promise.reject(error.source);
if(path.length > 1)
return load_script(path.slice(1));
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const tag: HTMLLinkElement = document.createElement("link");
let error = false;
const error_handler = (event: ErrorEvent) => {
console.log("msg: %o, url: %o, line: %o, col: %o, error: %o", event.message, event.filename, event.lineno, event.colno, event.error);
if(event.filename == tag.href) { //FIXME!
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
reject(new SyntaxError(event.error));
error = true;
window.addEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
const timeout_handle = setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
tag.type = "text/css";
tag.onerror = error => {
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
console.error("File load error for file %s: %o", path, error);
reject("failed to load file " + path);
tag.onload = () => {
const css: CSSStyleSheet = tag.sheet as CSSStyleSheet;
const rules = css.cssRules;
const rules_remove: number[] = [];
const rules_add: string[] = [];
for(let index = 0; index < rules.length; index++) {
const rule = rules.item(index);
let rule_text = rule.cssText;
if(rule.cssText.indexOf("%%base_path%%") != -1) {
rules_add.push(rule_text.replace("%%base_path%%", document.location.origin + document.location.pathname));
for(const index of rules_remove.sort((a, b) => b > a ? 1 : 0)) {
for(const rule of rules_add)
css.insertRule(rule, rules_remove[0]);
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
console.debug("Style sheet %o loaded", path);
setTimeout(resolve, 100);
tag.href = path + (cache_tag || "");
export async function load_styles(paths: SourcePath[]) : Promise<void> {
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
const errors: {
sheet: SourcePath,
error: any
}[] = [];
for(const sheet of paths)
promises.push(load_style(sheet).catch(error => {
sheet: sheet,
error: error
return Promise.resolve();
await Promise.all([...promises]);
if(errors.length > 0) {
console.error("Failed to load the following style sheet:");
for(const sheet of errors)
console.log(" - %o: %o", sheet.sheet, sheet.error);
displayCriticalError("Failed to load style sheet " + script_name(errors[0].sheet) + " <br>" + "View the browser console for more information!");
throw "failed to load style sheet " + script_name(errors[0].sheet);
/* define that here */
let _critical_triggered = false;
const display_critical_load = (message: string, error?: string) => {
if(_critical_triggered) return; /* only show the first error */
_critical_triggered = true;
let tag = document.getElementById("critical-load");
let detail = tag.getElementsByClassName("detail")[0];
detail.innerHTML = message;
if(error) {
const error_tags = tag.getElementsByClassName("error");
error_tags[0].innerHTML = error;
tag.style.display = "block";
_fadeout_warned = true; /* we know that JQuery hasn't been loaded, else this function would be replaced by something else */
const loader_impl_display_critical_error = message => {
if(typeof(createErrorModal) !== 'undefined' && typeof((<any>window).ModalFunctions) !== 'undefined') {
createErrorModal("A critical error occurred while loading the page!", message, {closeable: false}).open();
} else {
interface Window {
impl_display_critical_error: (_: string) => any;
if(!window.impl_display_critical_error) { /* default impl */
window.impl_display_critical_error = loader_impl_display_critical_error;
function displayCriticalError(message: string) {
/* all javascript loaders */
const loader_javascript = {
detect_type: async () => {
if(window.require) {
const request = new Request("js/proto.js");
let file_path = request.url;
throw "Invalid file path (" + file_path + ")";
file_path = file_path.substring(process.platform === "win32" ? 8 : 7);
const fs = require('fs');
if(fs.existsSync(file_path)) {
app.type = app.Type.CLIENT_DEBUG;
} else {
app.type = app.Type.CLIENT_RELEASE;
} else {
/* test if js/proto.js is available. If so we're in debug mode */
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', 'js/proto.js', true);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (request.readyState === 4){
if (request.status === 404) {
app.type = app.Type.WEB_RELEASE;
} else {
app.type = app.Type.WEB_DEBUG;
request.onerror = () => {
reject("Failed to detect app type");
load_scripts: async () => {
if(window.require !== undefined) {
console.log("Loading node specific things");
const remote = require('electron').remote;
module.paths.push(remote.app.getAppPath() + "/node_modules");
module.paths.push(remote.app.getAppPath() + "/app");
module.paths.push(remote.getGlobal("browser-root") + "js/");
window.$ = require("assets/jquery.min.js");
if(!window.require) {
await loader.load_script(["vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"]);
/* bootstrap material design and libs */
await loader.load_script(["vendor/popper/popper.js"]);
//depends on popper
await loader.load_script(["vendor/bootstrap-material/bootstrap-material-design.js"]);
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, {
name: "materialize body",
priority: 10,
function: async () => { $(document).ready(function() { $('body').bootstrapMaterialDesign(); }); }
await loader.load_script("vendor/jsrender/jsrender.min.js");
await loader.load_scripts([
if(app.type == app.Type.WEB_RELEASE || app.type == app.Type.CLIENT_RELEASE) {
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT, {
name: "scripts release",
priority: 20,
function: loader_javascript.load_release
} else {
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT, {
name: "scripts debug",
priority: 20,
function: loader_javascript.load_scripts_debug
load_scripts_debug: async () => {
/* test if we're loading as TeaClient or WebClient */
if(!window.require) {
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT, {
name: "javascript web",
priority: 10,
function: loader_javascript.load_scripts_debug_web
} else {
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT, {
name: "javascript client",
priority: 10,
function: loader_javascript.load_scripts_debug_client
/* load some extends classes */
await loader.load_scripts([
/* load the main app */
await loader.load_scripts([
//Load general API's
//load the profiles
//Basic UI elements
//Load UI
//Load permissions
//Load audio
//Load codec
//Load general stuff
"js/profiles/identities/NameIdentity.js", //Depends on Identity
"js/profiles/identities/TeaForumIdentity.js", //Depends on Identity
"js/profiles/identities/TeamSpeakIdentity.js", //Depends on Identity
await loader.load_script("js/main.js");
load_scripts_debug_web: async () => {
await loader.load_scripts([
load_scripts_debug_client: async () => {
await loader.load_scripts([
load_release: async () => {
console.log("Load for release!");
await loader.load_scripts([
//Load general API's
["js/client.min.js", "js/client.js"]
const loader_webassembly = {
test_webassembly: async () => {
/* We dont required WebAssembly anymore for fundamental functions, only for auto decoding
if(typeof (WebAssembly) === "undefined" || typeof (WebAssembly.compile) === "undefined") {
if (navigator.browserSpecs.name == 'Safari') {
if (parseInt(navigator.browserSpecs.version) < 11) {
displayCriticalError("You require Safari 11 or higher to use the web client!<br>Safari " + navigator.browserSpecs.version + " does not support WebAssambly!");
else {
// Do something for all other browsers.
displayCriticalError("You require WebAssembly for TeaSpeak-Web!");
throw "Missing web assembly";
const loader_style = {
load_style: async () => {
await loader.load_styles([
if(app.type == app.Type.WEB_DEBUG || app.type == app.Type.CLIENT_DEBUG) {
await loader_style.load_style_debug();
} else {
await loader_style.load_style_release();
/* the material design */
await loader.load_style("css/theme/bootstrap-material-design.css");
load_style_debug: async () => {
await loader.load_styles([
load_style_release: async () => {
await loader.load_styles([
async function load_templates() {
try {
const response = await $.ajax("templates.html" + (loader.cache_tag || ""));
let node = document.createElement("html");
node.innerHTML = response;
let tags: HTMLCollection;
if(node.getElementsByTagName("body").length > 0)
tags = node.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].children;
tags = node.children;
let root = document.getElementById("templates");
if(!root) {
displayCriticalError("Failed to find template tag!");
while(tags.length > 0){
let tag = tags.item(0);
} catch(error) {
displayCriticalError("Failed to find template tag!");
throw "template error";
/* test if all files shall be load from cache or fetch again */
async function check_updates() {
const app_version = (() => {
const version_node = document.getElementById("app_version");
if(!version_node) return undefined;
const version = version_node.hasAttribute("value") ? version_node.getAttribute("value") : undefined;
if(!version) return undefined;
if(version == "unknown" || version.replace(/0+/, "").length == 0)
return undefined;
return version;
console.log("Found current app version: %o", app_version);
if(!app_version) {
/* TODO add warning */
loader.cache_tag = "?_ts=" + Date.now();
const cached_version = localStorage.getItem("cached_version");
if(!cached_version || cached_version != app_version) {
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, {
priority: 0,
name: "cached version updater",
function: async () => {
localStorage.setItem("cached_version", app_version);
loader.cache_tag = "?_version=" + app_version;
interface Window {
$: JQuery;
//FUN: loader_ignore_age=0&loader_default_duration=1500&loader_default_age=5000
let _fadeout_warned = false;
function fadeoutLoader(duration = undefined, minAge = undefined, ignoreAge = undefined) {
if(typeof($) === "undefined") {
console.warn("Could not fadeout loader screen. Missing jquery functions.");
_fadeout_warned = true;
let settingsDefined = typeof(StaticSettings) !== "undefined";
if(!duration) {
duration = StaticSettings.instance.static("loader_default_duration", 750);
else duration = 750;
if(!minAge) {
minAge = StaticSettings.instance.static("loader_default_age", 1750);
else minAge = 750;
if(!ignoreAge) {
ignoreAge = StaticSettings.instance.static("loader_ignore_age", false);
else ignoreAge = false;
let age = Date.now() - app.appLoaded;
if(age < minAge && !ignoreAge) {
setTimeout(() => fadeoutLoader(duration, 0, true), minAge - age);
$(".loader .bookshelf_wrapper").animate({top: 0, opacity: 0}, duration);
$(".loader .half").animate({width: 0}, duration, () => {
/* register tasks */
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "safari fix",
function: async () => {
/* safari remove "fix" */
if(Element.prototype.remove === undefined)
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "remove", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: function(){
priority: 50
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "Browser detection",
function: async () => {
navigator.browserSpecs = (function(){
let ua = navigator.userAgent, tem, M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
return {name:'IE',version:(tem[1] || '')};
if(M[1]=== 'Chrome'){
tem = ua.match(/\b(OPR|Edge)\/(\d+)/);
if(tem != null) return {name:tem[1].replace('OPR', 'Opera'),version:tem[2]};
M = M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
if((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i))!= null)
M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]);
return {name:M[0], version:M[1]};
console.log("Resolved browser specs: %o", navigator.browserSpecs); //Object { name: "Firefox", version: "42" }
priority: 30
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "secure tester",
function: async () => {
/* we need https or localhost to use some things like the storage API */
if(typeof isSecureContext === "undefined")
(<any>window)["isSecureContext"] = location.protocol !== 'https:' && location.hostname !== 'localhost';
if(!isSecureContext) {
display_critical_load("TeaWeb cant run on unsecured sides.", "App requires to be loaded via HTTPS!");
throw "App requires a secure context!"
priority: 20
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "webassembly tester",
function: loader_webassembly.test_webassembly,
priority: 20
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "app type test",
function: loader_javascript.detect_type,
priority: 20
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "update tester",
priority: 60,
function: check_updates
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT, {
name: "javascript",
function: loader_javascript.load_scripts,
priority: 10
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.STYLE, {
name: "style",
function: loader_style.load_style,
priority: 10
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.TEMPLATES, {
name: "templates",
function: load_templates,
priority: 10
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, {
name: "loaded handler",
function: async () => {
priority: 10
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, {
name: "error task",
function: async () => {
if(Settings.instance.static(Settings.KEY_LOAD_DUMMY_ERROR, false)) {
display_critical_load("The tea is cold!", "Argh, this is evil! Cold tea dosn't taste good.");
throw "The tea is cold!";
priority: 20
window["Module"] = window["Module"] || {};
/* TeaClient */
if(window.require) {
const path = require("path");
const remote = require('electron').remote;
module.paths.push(path.join(remote.app.getAppPath(), "/modules"));
module.paths.push(path.join(path.dirname(remote.getGlobal("browser-root")), "js"));
const connector = require("renderer");
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.INITIALIZING, {
name: "teaclient initialize",
function: connector.initialize,
priority: 40
} else {
const hello_world = () => {
const print_security = () => {
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 42px",
"font-weight: bold",
"-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black",
"color: red"
console.log("%c ", "font-size: 100px;");
console.log("%cSecurity warning:", css);
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 18px",
"font-weight: bold"
console.log("%cPasting anything in here could give attackers access to your data.", css);
console.log("%cUnless you understand exactly what you are doing, close this window and stay safe.", css);
console.log("%c ", "font-size: 100px;");
/* print the hello world */
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 72px",
"font-weight: bold",
"-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black",
"color: #18BC9C"
console.log("%cHey, hold on!", css);
const css = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 26px",
"font-weight: bold"
const css_2 = [
"display: block",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: 26px",
"font-weight: bold",
"color: blue"
const display_detect = /./;
display_detect.toString = function() { print_security(); return ""; }
console.log("%cLovely to see you using and debugging the TeaSpeak Web client.", css);
console.log("%cIf you have some good ideas or already done some incredible changes,", css);
console.log("%cyou'll be may interested to share them here: %chttps://github.com/TeaSpeak/TeaWeb", css, css_2);
console.log("%c ", display_detect);
try { /* lets try to print it as VM code :)*/
let hello_world_code = hello_world.toString();
hello_world_code = hello_world_code.substr(hello_world_code.indexOf('() => {') + 8);
hello_world_code = hello_world_code.substring(0, hello_world_code.lastIndexOf("}"));
hello_world_code = hello_world_code.replace(/(?!"\S*) {2,}(?!\S*")/g, " ").replace(/[\n\r]/g, "");
} catch(e) {
loader.execute().then(() => {
console.log("app successfully loaded!");
}).catch(error => {
displayCriticalError("failed to load app!<br>Please lookup the browser console for more details");
/* console.error("Failed to load app!\nError: %o", error); */ //Error should be already printed by the loader
}); |