136 lines
5.5 KiB
136 lines
5.5 KiB
import {config, critical_error, SourcePath} from "./loader";
import {load_parallel, LoadCallback, LoadSyntaxError, ParallelOptions, script_name} from "./utils";
let _script_promises: {[key: string]: Promise<void>} = {};
function load_script_url(url: string) : Promise<void> {
if(typeof _script_promises[url] === "object")
return _script_promises[url];
return (_script_promises[url] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const script_tag: HTMLScriptElement = document.createElement("script");
let error = false;
const error_handler = (event: ErrorEvent) => {
if(event.filename == script_tag.src && event.message.indexOf("Illegal constructor") == -1) { //Our tag throw an uncaught error
if(config.verbose) console.log("msg: %o, url: %o, line: %o, col: %o, error: %o", event.message, event.filename, event.lineno, event.colno, event.error);
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
reject(new LoadSyntaxError(event.error));
error = true;
window.addEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
const cleanup = () => {
script_tag.onerror = undefined;
script_tag.onload = undefined;
window.removeEventListener('error', error_handler as any);
const timeout_handle = setTimeout(() => {
}, 120 * 1000);
script_tag.type = "application/javascript";
script_tag.async = true;
script_tag.defer = true;
script_tag.onerror = error => {
script_tag.onload = () => {
if(config.verbose) console.debug("Script %o loaded", url);
setTimeout(resolve, 100);
script_tag.src = config.baseUrl + url;
})).then(() => {
/* cleanup memory */
_script_promises[url] = Promise.resolve(); /* this promise does not holds the whole script tag and other memory */
return _script_promises[url];
}).catch(error => {
/* cleanup memory */
_script_promises[url] = Promise.reject(error); /* this promise does not holds the whole script tag and other memory */
return _script_promises[url];
export interface Options {
cache_tag?: string;
export async function load(path: SourcePath, options: Options) : Promise<void> {
if(Array.isArray(path)) { //We have fallback scripts
return load(path[0], options).catch(error => {
if(error instanceof LoadSyntaxError)
return Promise.reject(error);
if(path.length > 1)
return load(path.slice(1), options);
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
const source = typeof(path) === "string" ? {url: path, depends: []} : path;
if(source.url.length == 0) return Promise.resolve();
/* await depends */
for(const depend of source.depends) {
throw "Missing dependency " + depend;
await _script_promises[depend];
await load_script_url(source.url + (options.cache_tag || ""));
type MultipleOptions = Options | ParallelOptions;
export async function load_multiple(paths: SourcePath[], options: MultipleOptions, callback?: LoadCallback<SourcePath>) : Promise<void> {
const result = await load_parallel<SourcePath>(paths, e => load(e, options), e => script_name(e, false), options, callback);
if(result.failed.length > 0) {
if(config.error) {
console.error("Failed to load the following scripts:");
for(const script of result.failed) {
const sname = script_name(script.request, false);
if(script.error instanceof LoadSyntaxError) {
const source = script.error.source as Error;
if(source.name === "TypeError") {
let prefix = "";
while(prefix.length < sname.length + 7) prefix += " ";
console.log(" - %s: %s:\n%s", sname, source.message, source.stack.split("\n").map(e => prefix + e.trim()).slice(1).join("\n"));
} else if(typeof source === "string") {
console.log(" - %s: %s", sname, source);
} else {
console.log(" - %s: %o", sname, source);
} else {
console.log(" - %s: %o", sname, script.error);
let errorMessage;
const error = result.failed[0].error;
if(error instanceof LoadSyntaxError) {
errorMessage = error.source.message;
} else if(typeof error === "string") {
errorMessage = error;
} else {
console.error("Script %s loading error: %o", script_name(result.failed[0].request, false), error);
errorMessage = "View the browser console for more information!";
critical_error("Failed to load script " + script_name(result.failed[0].request, true), errorMessage);
throw "failed to load script " + script_name(result.failed[0].request, false) + " (" + errorMessage + ")";
} |