299 lines
11 KiB
299 lines
11 KiB
"key": {
"message": "Show permission description",
"line": 374,
"character": 30,
"filename": "/home/wolverindev/TeaSpeak/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/shared/js/ui/modal/ModalPermissionEdit.ts"
"translated": "Berechtigungsbeschreibung anzeigen",
"flags": [
function guid() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
namespace i18n {
export interface TranslationKey {
message: string;
line?: number;
character?: number;
filename?: string;
export interface Translation {
key: TranslationKey;
translated: string;
flags?: string[];
export interface Contributor {
name: string;
email: string;
export interface TranslationFile {
path: string;
full_url: string;
translations: Translation[];
export interface RepositoryTranslation {
key: string;
path: string;
country_code: string;
name: string;
contributors: Contributor[];
export interface TranslationRepository {
unique_id: string;
url: string;
name?: string;
contact?: string;
translations?: RepositoryTranslation[];
load_timestamp?: number;
let translations: Translation[] = [];
let fast_translate: { [key:string]:string; } = {};
export function tr(message: string, key?: string) {
const sloppy = fast_translate[message];
if(sloppy) return sloppy;
log.info(LogCategory.I18N, "Translating \"%s\". Default: \"%s\"", key, message);
let translated = message;
for(const translation of translations) {
if(translation.key.message == message) {
translated = translation.translated;
fast_translate[message] = translated;
return translated;
async function load_translation_file(url: string, path: string) : Promise<TranslationFile> {
return new Promise<TranslationFile>((resolve, reject) => {
url: url,
async: true,
success: result => {
try {
const file = (typeof(result) === "string" ? JSON.parse(result) : result) as TranslationFile;
if(!file) {
reject("Invalid json");
file.full_url = url;
file.path = path;
//TODO validate file
} catch(error) {
log.warn(LogCategory.I18N, tr("Failed to load translation file %s. Failed to parse or process json: %o"), url, error);
reject(tr("Failed to process or parse json!"));
error: (xhr, error) => {
reject(tr("Failed to load file: ") + error);
export function load_file(url: string, path: string) : Promise<void> {
return load_translation_file(url, path).then(result => {
log.info(LogCategory.I18N, tr("Successfully initialized up translation file from %s"), url);
translations = result.translations;
return Promise.resolve();
}).catch(error => {
log.warn(LogCategory.I18N, tr("Failed to load translation file from \"%s\". Error: %o"), url, error);
return Promise.reject(error);
async function load_repository0(repo: TranslationRepository, reload: boolean) {
if(!repo.load_timestamp || repo.load_timestamp < 1000 || reload) {
const info_json = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: repo.url + "/info.json",
async: true,
cache: !reload,
success: result => {
const file = (typeof(result) === "string" ? JSON.parse(result) : result) as TranslationFile;
if(!file) {
reject("Invalid json");
error: (xhr, error) => {
reject(tr("Failed to load file: ") + error);
Object.assign(repo, info_json);
repo.unique_id = guid();
repo.translations = repo.translations || [];
repo.load_timestamp = Date.now();
export async function load_repository(url: string) : Promise<TranslationRepository> {
const result = {} as TranslationRepository;
result.url = url;
await load_repository0(result, false);
return result;
export namespace config {
export interface TranslationConfig {
current_repository_url?: string;
current_language?: string;
current_translation_url: string;
current_translation_path: string;
export interface RepositoryConfig {
repositories?: {
url?: string;
repository?: TranslationRepository;
const repository_config_key = "i18n.repository";
let _cached_repository_config: RepositoryConfig;
export function repository_config() {
return _cached_repository_config;
const config_string = localStorage.getItem(repository_config_key);
const config: RepositoryConfig = config_string ? JSON.parse(config_string) : {};
config.repositories = config.repositories || [];
for(const repo of config.repositories)
(repo.repository || {load_timestamp: 0}).load_timestamp = 0;
if(config.repositories.length == 0) {
//Add the default TeaSpeak repository
load_repository(StaticSettings.instance.static("i18n.default_repository", "i18n/")).then(repo => {
log.info(LogCategory.I18N, tr("Successfully added default repository from \"%s\"."), repo.url);
}).catch(error => {
log.warn(LogCategory.I18N, tr("Failed to add default repository. Error: %o"), error);
return _cached_repository_config = config;
export function save_repository_config() {
localStorage.setItem(repository_config_key, JSON.stringify(_cached_repository_config));
const translation_config_key = "i18n.translation";
let _cached_translation_config: TranslationConfig;
export function translation_config() : TranslationConfig {
return _cached_translation_config;
const config_string = localStorage.getItem(translation_config_key);
_cached_translation_config = config_string ? JSON.parse(config_string) : {};
return _cached_translation_config;
export function save_translation_config() {
localStorage.setItem(translation_config_key, JSON.stringify(_cached_translation_config));
export function register_repository(repository: TranslationRepository) {
if(!repository) return;
for(const repo of config.repository_config().repositories)
if(repo.url == repository.url) return;
export function registered_repositories() : TranslationRepository[] {
return config.repository_config().repositories.map(e => e.repository || {url: e.url, load_timestamp: 0} as TranslationRepository);
export function delete_repository(repository: TranslationRepository) {
if(!repository) return;
for(const repo of [...config.repository_config().repositories])
if(repo.url == repository.url) {
export async function iterate_repositories(callback_entry: (repository: TranslationRepository) => any) {
const promises = [];
for(const repository of registered_repositories()) {
promises.push(load_repository0(repository, false).then(() => callback_entry(repository)).catch(error => {
log.warn(LogCategory.I18N, "Failed to fetch repository %s. error: %o", repository.url, error);
await Promise.all(promises);
export function select_translation(repository: TranslationRepository, entry: RepositoryTranslation) {
const cfg = config.translation_config();
if(entry && repository) {
cfg.current_language = entry.name;
cfg.current_repository_url = repository.url;
cfg.current_translation_url = repository.url + entry.path;
cfg.current_translation_path = entry.path;
} else {
cfg.current_language = undefined;
cfg.current_repository_url = undefined;
cfg.current_translation_url = undefined;
cfg.current_translation_path = undefined;
export async function initialize() {
const rcfg = config.repository_config(); /* initialize */
const cfg = config.translation_config();
if(cfg.current_translation_url) {
try {
await load_file(cfg.current_translation_url, cfg.current_translation_path);
} catch (error) {
createErrorModal(tr("Translation System"), tr("Failed to load current selected translation file.") + "<br>File: " + cfg.current_translation_url + "<br>Error: " + error + "<br>" + tr("Using default fallback translations.")).open();
// await load_file("http://localhost/home/TeaSpeak/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/web/environment/development/i18n/de_DE.translation");
// await load_file("http://localhost/home/TeaSpeak/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/web/environment/development/i18n/test.json");
// @ts-ignore
const tr: typeof i18n.tr = i18n.tr; |