418 lines
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418 lines
16 KiB
import {ChannelTree} from "./ChannelTree";
import {Settings, settings} from "../settings";
import * as contextmenu from "../ui/elements/ContextMenu";
import * as log from "../log";
import {LogCategory, logError, logInfo, LogType} from "../log";
import {Sound} from "../audio/Sounds";
import {createServerModal} from "../ui/modal/ModalServerEdit";
import {spawnAvatarList} from "../ui/modal/ModalAvatarList";
import {Registry} from "../events";
import {ChannelTreeEntry, ChannelTreeEntryEvents} from "./ChannelTreeEntry";
import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize";
import {spawnInviteGenerator} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/invite/Controller";
import {HostBannerInfo, HostBannerInfoMode} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/HostBannerDefinitions";
import {spawnServerInfoNew} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/server-info/Controller";
import {CommandResult} from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration";
import {ErrorCode} from "tc-shared/connection/ErrorCode";
import {
kServerConnectionInfoFields, ServerAudioEncryptionMode,
} from "tc-shared/tree/ServerDefinitions";
import {spawnIconManage} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/icon-viewer/Controller";
/* TODO: Rework all imports */
export * from "./ServerDefinitions";
export interface ServerAddress {
host: string;
port: number;
export function parseServerAddress(address: string) : ServerAddress | undefined {
let ipv6End = address.indexOf(']');
let lastColonIndex = address.lastIndexOf(':');
if(lastColonIndex != -1 && lastColonIndex > ipv6End) {
const portStr = address.substr(lastColonIndex + 1);
if(!portStr.match(/^[0-9]{1,5}$/)) {
return undefined;
const port = parseInt(portStr);
if(port > 65565) {
return undefined;
return {
port: port,
host: address.substr(0, lastColonIndex)
} else {
return {
port: 9987,
host: address
export function stringifyServerAddress(address: ServerAddress) : string {
let result = address.host;
if(address.port !== 9987) {
if(address.host.indexOf(":") === -1) {
result += ":" + address.port;
} else {
result = "[" + result + "]:" + address.port;
return result;
export interface ServerEvents extends ChannelTreeEntryEvents {
notify_properties_updated: {
updated_properties: Partial<ServerProperties>;
server_properties: ServerProperties
notify_host_banner_updated: {},
export class ServerEntry extends ChannelTreeEntry<ServerEvents> {
remote_address: ServerAddress;
channelTree: ChannelTree;
properties: ServerProperties;
readonly events: Registry<ServerEvents>;
private info_request_promise: Promise<void> = undefined;
private info_request_promise_resolve: any = undefined;
private info_request_promise_reject: any = undefined;
private requestInfoPromise: Promise<ServerConnectionInfoResult>;
private requestInfoPromiseTimestamp: number;
/* TODO: Remove this? */
private _info_connection_promise: Promise<ServerConnectionInfo>;
private _info_connection_promise_timestamp: number;
private _info_connection_promise_resolve: any;
private _info_connection_promise_reject: any;
lastInfoRequest: number = 0;
nextInfoRequest: number = 0;
private _destroyed = false;
constructor(tree, name, address: ServerAddress) {
this.events = new Registry<ServerEvents>();
this.properties = new ServerProperties();
this.channelTree = tree;
this.remote_address = Object.assign({}, address); /* copy the address because it might get changed due to the DNS resolve */
this.properties.virtualserver_name = name;
this.events.on("notify_properties_updated", event => {
"virtualserver_hostbanner_url" in event.updated_properties ||
"virtualserver_hostbanner_mode" in event.updated_properties ||
"virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url" in event.updated_properties ||
"virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_interval" in event.updated_properties
) {
destroy() {
this._destroyed = true;
this.info_request_promise = undefined;
this.info_request_promise_resolve = undefined;
this.info_request_promise_reject = undefined;
this.channelTree = undefined;
this.remote_address = undefined;
contextMenuItems() : contextmenu.MenuEntry[] {
return [
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
name: tr("Show server info"),
callback: () => spawnServerInfoNew(this.channelTree.client),
icon_class: "client-about"
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: "client-invite_buddy",
name: tr("Invite buddy"),
callback: () => spawnInviteGenerator(this)
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.HR,
name: ''
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: "client-channel_switch",
name: tr("Join server text channel"),
callback: () => {
visible: !settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_SWITCH_INSTANT_CHAT)
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: "client-virtualserver_edit",
name: tr("Edit"),
callback: () => {
createServerModal(this, properties => {
logInfo(LogCategory.SERVER, tr("Changing server properties %o"), properties);
if (Object.keys(properties || {}).length > 0) {
return this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.send_command("serveredit", properties).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve();
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.HR,
visible: true,
name: ''
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: "client-iconviewer",
name: tr("View icons"),
callback: () => spawnIconManage(this.channelTree.client, 0, undefined)
}, {
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: 'client-iconsview',
name: tr("View avatars"),
visible: false, //TODO: Enable again as soon the new design is finished
callback: () => spawnAvatarList(this.channelTree.client)
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.HR,
name: ''
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: "client-channel_collapse_all",
name: tr("Collapse all channels"),
callback: () => this.channelTree.collapse_channels()
type: contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon_class: "client-channel_expand_all",
name: tr("Expend all channels"),
callback: () => this.channelTree.expand_channels()
showContextMenu(x: number, y: number, on_close: () => void = () => {}) {
contextmenu.spawn_context_menu(x, y, ...this.contextMenuItems(),
updateVariables(is_self_notify: boolean, ...variables: {key: string, value: string}[]) {
let group = log.group(log.LogType.DEBUG, LogCategory.SERVER, tr("Update properties (%i)"), variables.length);
const entries = [];
for(const variable of variables)
key: variable.key,
value: variable.value,
type: typeof (this.properties[variable.key])
log.table(LogType.DEBUG, LogCategory.PERMISSIONS, "Server update properties", entries);
let updatedProperties: Partial<ServerProperties> = {};
for(let variable of variables) {
if(!JSON.map_field_to(this.properties, variable.value, variable.key)) {
/* The value has not been updated */
updatedProperties[variable.key] = variable.value;
if(variable.key == "virtualserver_icon_id") {
this.properties.virtualserver_icon_id = variable.value as any >>> 0;
this.events.fire("notify_properties_updated", {
updated_properties: updatedProperties,
server_properties: this.properties
if(is_self_notify && this.info_request_promise_resolve) {
this.info_request_promise = undefined;
this.info_request_promise_reject = undefined;
this.info_request_promise_resolve = undefined;
/* this result !must! be cached for at least a second */
updateProperties() : Promise<void> {
if(this.info_request_promise && Date.now() - this.lastInfoRequest < 1000) return this.info_request_promise;
this.lastInfoRequest = Date.now();
this.nextInfoRequest = this.lastInfoRequest + 10 * 1000;
this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.send_command("servergetvariables").catch(error => {
this.info_request_promise = undefined;
this.info_request_promise_reject = undefined;
this.info_request_promise_resolve = undefined;
return this.info_request_promise = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
this.info_request_promise_reject = reject;
this.info_request_promise_resolve = resolve;
/* max 1s ago, so we could update every second */
request_connection_info() : Promise<ServerConnectionInfo> {
if(Date.now() - 900 < this._info_connection_promise_timestamp && this._info_connection_promise) {
return this._info_connection_promise;
if(this._info_connection_promise_reject) {
let _local_reject; /* to ensure we're using the right resolve! */
this._info_connection_promise = new Promise<ServerConnectionInfo>((resolve, reject) => {
this._info_connection_promise_resolve = resolve;
this._info_connection_promise_reject = reject;
_local_reject = reject;
this._info_connection_promise_timestamp = Date.now();
this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.send_command("serverrequestconnectioninfo", {}, { process_result: false }).catch(error => _local_reject(error));
return this._info_connection_promise;
requestConnectionInfo() : Promise<ServerConnectionInfoResult> {
if(this.requestInfoPromise && Date.now() - 900 < this.requestInfoPromiseTimestamp) {
return this.requestInfoPromise;
this.requestInfoPromiseTimestamp = Date.now();
return this.requestInfoPromise = this.doRequestConnectionInfo();
private async doRequestConnectionInfo() : Promise<ServerConnectionInfoResult> {
const connection = this.channelTree.client.serverConnection;
let result: ServerConnectionInfoResult = { status: "error", message: "missing notify" };
const handlerUnregister = connection.getCommandHandler().registerCommandHandler("notifyserverconnectioninfo", command => {
const payload = command.arguments[0];
const info = {} as any;
for(const key of Object.keys(kServerConnectionInfoFields)) {
if(!(key in payload)) {
result = { status: "error", message: "missing key " + key };
info[key] = parseFloat(payload[key]);
result = { status: "success", resultCached: false, result: info };
return false;
try {
await connection.send_command("serverrequestconnectioninfo", {}, { process_result: false });
} catch (error) {
if(error instanceof CommandResult) {
result = { status: "no-permission", failedPermission: this.channelTree.client.permissions.getFailedPermission(error) };
} else {
result = { status: "error", message: error.formattedMessage() };
} else if(typeof error === "string") {
result = { status: "error", message: error };
} else {
logError(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Failed to request the server connection info: %o"), error);
result = { status: "error", message: tr("lookup the console") };
} finally {
return result;
set_connection_info(info: ServerConnectionInfo) {
this._info_connection_promise_resolve = undefined;
this._info_connection_promise_reject = undefined;
shouldUpdateProperties() : boolean {
return this.nextInfoRequest < Date.now();
calculateUptime() : number {
if(this.properties.virtualserver_uptime == 0 || this.lastInfoRequest == 0) return this.properties.virtualserver_uptime;
return this.properties.virtualserver_uptime + (new Date().getTime() - this.lastInfoRequest) / 1000;
reset() {
this.properties = new ServerProperties();
this._info_connection_promise = undefined;
this._info_connection_promise_reject = undefined;
this._info_connection_promise_resolve = undefined;
this._info_connection_promise_timestamp = undefined;
generateHostBannerInfo() : HostBannerInfo {
if(!this.properties.virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url) {
return { status: "none" };
let mode: HostBannerInfoMode;
switch (this.properties.virtualserver_hostbanner_mode) {
case 0:
mode = "original";
case 1:
mode = "resize";
case 2:
mode = "resize-ratio";
return {
status: "set",
linkUrl: this.properties.virtualserver_hostbanner_url,
mode: mode,
imageUrl: this.properties.virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url,
updateInterval: this.properties.virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_interval,
getAudioEncryptionMode() : ServerAudioEncryptionMode {
switch (this.properties.virtualserver_codec_encryption_mode) {
case 0:
return "globally-off";
case 1:
return "individual";
case 2:
return "globally-on";
} |