import Key = JQuery.Key; enum ChatType { GENERAL, SERVER, CHANNEL, CLIENT } class ChatMessage { date: Date; message: string; private _htmlTag: JQuery; constructor(message) { = new Date(); this.message = message; } private num(num: number) : string { let str = num.toString(); while(str.length < 2) str = '0' + str; return str; } get htmlTag() { if(this._htmlTag) return this._htmlTag; let tag = $.spawn("div"); tag.addClass("message"); let dateTag = $.spawn("div"); dateTag.text("<" + this.num( + ":" + this.num( + ":" + this.num( + "> "); dateTag.css("margin-right", "4px"); dateTag.css("color", "dodgerblue"); let messageTag = $.spawn("div"); messageTag.html(this.message); messageTag.css("color", "blue"); this._htmlTag = tag; tag.append(dateTag); tag.append(messageTag); tag.hide(); return tag; } static formatMessage(message: string) : string { /* message = message .replace(/ /g, ' ') .replace(/\n/g, "
"); */ const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = message; message = div.innerHTML; console.log(message + "->" + div.innerHTML); return message; } } class ChatEntry { handle: ChatBox; type: ChatType; key: string; history: ChatMessage[]; private _name: string; private _htmlTag: any; private _closeable: boolean; private _unread : boolean; onMessageSend: (text: string) => void; onClose: () => boolean; constructor(handle, type : ChatType, key) { this.handle = handle; this.type = type; this.key = key; this._name = key; this.history = []; this.onClose = function () { return true; } } appendError(message: string, ...args) { this.appendMessage("{0}".format(ChatMessage.formatMessage(message).format(...args)), false); } appendMessage(message : string, fmt: boolean = true, ...args) { let parms: any[] = []; for(let index = 2; index < arguments.length; index++) { if(typeof arguments[index] == "string") arguments[index] = ChatMessage.formatMessage(arguments[index]); else if(arguments[index] instanceof jQuery) arguments[index] = arguments[index].html(); else { console.error("Invalid type " + typeof arguments[index] + "|" + arguments[index].prototype); arguments[index] = arguments[index].toString(); } parms.push(arguments[index]); } let msg : string = fmt ? ChatMessage.formatMessage(message) : message; msg = msg.format(parms); let elm = new ChatMessage(msg); this.history.push(elm); while(this.history.length > 100) { let elm = this.history.pop_front(); elm.htmlTag.animate({opacity: 0}, 200, function () { $(this).detach(); }); } if(this.handle.activeChat === this) { let box = $(this.handle.htmlTag).find(".messages"); let mbox = $(this.handle.htmlTag).find(".message_box"); let bottom : boolean = box.scrollTop() + box.height() + 1 >= mbox.height(); mbox.append(elm.htmlTag);"opacity", "0").animate({opacity: 1}, 100); if(bottom) box.scrollTop(mbox.height()); } else { this.unread = true; } } displayHistory() { this.unread = false; let box = $(this.handle.htmlTag).find(".messages"); let mbox = $(this.handle.htmlTag).find(".message_box"); mbox.empty(); for(let e of this.history) { mbox.append(e.htmlTag); if(":hidden")); } box.scrollTop(mbox.height()); } get htmlTag() { if(this._htmlTag) return this._htmlTag; let tag = $.spawn("div"); tag.addClass("chat"); tag.append("
"); tag.append("" + this._name + ""); let closeTag = $.spawn("div"); closeTag.addClass("btn_close icon client-tab_close_button"); if(!this._closeable) closeTag.hide(); tag.append(closeTag); const _this = this; () { _this.handle.activeChat = _this; }); tag.on("contextmenu", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let actions = []; actions.push({ type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY, icon: "", name: "Clear", callback: () => { _this.history = []; _this.displayHistory(); } }); if(_this.closeable) { actions.push({ type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY, icon: "client-tab_close_button", name: "Close", callback: () => { chat.deleteChat(_this); } }); } actions.push({ type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY, icon: "client-tab_close_button", name: "Close all private tabs", callback: () => { //TODO Implement this? } }); spawnMenu(e.pageX, e.pageY, ...actions); }); () { if($.isFunction(_this.onClose) && !_this.onClose()) return; _this.handle.deleteChat(_this); }); this._htmlTag = tag; return tag; } set name(newName : string) { console.log("Change name!"); this._name = newName; this.htmlTag.find(".name").text(this._name); } set closeable(flag : boolean) { if(this._closeable == flag) return; this._closeable = flag; console.log("Set closeable: " + this._closeable); if(flag) this.htmlTag.find(".btn_close").show(); else this.htmlTag.find(".btn_close").hide(); } set unread(flag : boolean) { if(this._unread == flag) return; this._unread = flag; this.htmlTag.find(".chatIcon").attr("class", "chatIcon icon clicon " + this.chatIcon()); if(flag) { this.htmlTag.find(".name").css("color", "blue"); } else { this.htmlTag.find(".name").css("color", "black"); } } private chatIcon() : string { if(this._unread) { switch (this.type) { case ChatType.CLIENT: return "client-new_chat"; } } switch (this.type) { case ChatType.SERVER: return "client-server_log"; case ChatType.CHANNEL: return "client-channel_chat"; case ChatType.CLIENT: return "client-player_chat"; case ChatType.GENERAL: return "client-channel_chat"; } return ""; } } class ChatBox { htmlTag: JQuery; chats: ChatEntry[]; private _activeChat: ChatEntry; constructor(htmlTag: JQuery) { this.htmlTag = htmlTag; this.htmlTag.find(".input button").click(this.onSend.bind(this)); this.htmlTag.find(".input_box").keypress(event => { if(event.keyCode == Key.Enter && !event.shiftKey) { this.onSend(); return false; } }).on('input', (event) => { let text = $(; if(this.testMessage(text)) this.htmlTag.find(".input button").removeAttr("disabled"); else this.htmlTag.find(".input button").attr("disabled", "true"); }).trigger("input"); this.chats = []; this._activeChat = undefined; this.createChat("chat_server", ChatType.SERVER).onMessageSend = (text: string) => { if(!globalClient.serverConnection) { chat.serverChat().appendError("Could not send chant message (Not connected)"); return; } globalClient.serverConnection.sendMessage(text, ChatType.SERVER); }; this.createChat("chat_channel", ChatType.CHANNEL).onMessageSend = (text: string) => { if(!globalClient.serverConnection) { chat.channelChat().appendError("Could not send chant message (Not connected)"); return; } globalClient.serverConnection.sendMessage(text, ChatType.CHANNEL, globalClient.getClient().currentChannel()); }; globalClient.permissions.initializedListener.push(flag => { if(flag) this.activeChat0(this._activeChat); }); } createChat(key, type : ChatType = ChatType.CLIENT) : ChatEntry { let chat = new ChatEntry(this, type, key); this.chats.push(chat); this.htmlTag.find(".chats").append(chat.htmlTag); if(!this._activeChat) this.activeChat = chat; return chat; } findChat(key : string) : ChatEntry { for(let e of this.chats) if(e.key == key) return e; return undefined; } deleteChat(chat : ChatEntry) { this.chats.remove(chat); chat.htmlTag.detach(); if(this._activeChat === chat) { if(this.chats.length > 0) this.activeChat = this.chats.last(); else this.activeChat = undefined; } } onSend() { let textBox = $(this.htmlTag).find(".input_box"); let text = textBox.val().toString(); if(!this.testMessage(text)) return; textBox.val(""); $(this.htmlTag).find(".input_box").trigger("input"); if(this._activeChat && $.isFunction(this._activeChat.onMessageSend)) this._activeChat.onMessageSend(text); } set activeChat(chat : ChatEntry) { if(this.chats.indexOf(chat) === -1) return; if(this._activeChat == chat) return; this.activeChat0(chat); } private activeChat0(chat: ChatEntry) { this._activeChat = chat; for(let e of this.chats) e.htmlTag.removeClass("active"); let flagAllowSend = false; if(this._activeChat) { this._activeChat.htmlTag.addClass("active"); this._activeChat.displayHistory(); if(globalClient && globalClient.permissions && globalClient.permissions.initialized()) switch (this._activeChat.type) { case ChatType.CLIENT: flagAllowSend = true; break; case ChatType.SERVER: flagAllowSend = globalClient.permissions.neededPermission(PermissionType.B_CLIENT_SERVER_TEXTMESSAGE_SEND).granted(1); break; case ChatType.CHANNEL: flagAllowSend = globalClient.permissions.neededPermission(PermissionType.B_CLIENT_CHANNEL_TEXTMESSAGE_SEND).granted(1); break; } } this.htmlTag.find(".input_box").prop("disabled", !flagAllowSend); } get activeChat(){ return this._activeChat; } channelChat() : ChatEntry { return this.findChat("chat_channel"); } serverChat() { return this.findChat("chat_server"); } focus(){ $(this.htmlTag).find(".input_box").focus(); } private testMessage(message: string) : boolean { message = message .replace(/ /gi, "") .replace(/
/gi, "") .replace(/\n/gi, "") .replace(//gi, ""); return message.length > 0; } }