import MouseDownEvent = JQuery.MouseDownEvent; enum ElementType { HEADER, BODY, FOOTER } type BodyCreator = (() => JQuery | JQuery[] | string) | string | JQuery | JQuery[]; const ModalFunctions = { divify: function (val: JQuery) { if(val.length > 1) return $.spawn("div").append(val); return val; }, jqueriefy: function(val: BodyCreator, type?: ElementType) : JQuery { if($.isFunction(val)) val = val(); if($.isArray(val)) { let result = $.spawn("div"); for(let element of val) this.jqueriefy(element, type).appendTo(result); return result; } switch (typeof val){ case "string": if(type == ElementType.HEADER) return $.spawn("div").addClass("modal-title").text(val); return $("
" + val + "
"); case "object": return val as JQuery; case "undefined": return undefined; default: console.error(("Invalid type %o"), typeof val); return $(); } }, warpProperties(data: ModalProperties | any) : ModalProperties { if(data instanceof ModalProperties) return data; else { const props = new ModalProperties(); for(const key of Object.keys(data)) props[key] = data[key]; return props; } } }; class ModalProperties { template?: string; header: BodyCreator = () => "HEADER"; body: BodyCreator = () => "BODY"; footer: BodyCreator = () => "FOOTER"; closeListener: (() => void) | (() => void)[] = () => {}; registerCloseListener(listener: () => void) : this { if(this.closeListener) { if($.isArray(this.closeListener)) this.closeListener.push(listener); else this.closeListener = [this.closeListener, listener]; } else this.closeListener = listener; return this; } width: number | string; min_width?: number | string; height: number | string = "auto"; closeable: boolean = true; triggerClose(){ if($.isArray(this.closeListener)) for(let listener of this.closeListener) listener(); else this.closeListener(); } template_properties?: any = {}; trigger_tab: boolean = true; full_size?: boolean = false; } $(document).on('mousedown', (event: MouseDownEvent) => { /* pageX or pageY are undefined if this is an event executed via .trigger('click'); */ if(_global_modal_count == 0 || typeof(event.pageX) === "undefined" || typeof(event.pageY) === "undefined") return; let element = as HTMLElement; do { if(element.classList.contains('modal-content')) break; if(!element.classList.contains('modal')) continue; if(element == _global_modal_last && _global_modal_last_time + 100 > break; $(element).find("> .modal-dialog > .modal-content > .modal-header .button-modal-close").trigger('click'); break; } while((element = element.parentElement)); }); let _global_modal_count = 0; let _global_modal_last: HTMLElement; let _global_modal_last_time: number; class Modal { private _htmlTag: JQuery; properties: ModalProperties; shown: boolean; open_listener: (() => any)[] = []; close_listener: (() => any)[] = []; close_elements: JQuery; constructor(props: ModalProperties) { = props; this.shown = false; } get htmlTag() : JQuery { if(!this._htmlTag) this._create(); return this._htmlTag; } private _create() { const header = ModalFunctions.jqueriefy(, ElementType.HEADER); const body = ModalFunctions.jqueriefy(, ElementType.BODY); const footer = ModalFunctions.jqueriefy(, ElementType.FOOTER); //FIXME: cache template const template = $( || "#tmpl_modal"); const properties = { modal_header: header, modal_body: body, modal_footer: footer, closeable:, full_size: }; if( Object.assign(properties,; const tag = template.renderTag(properties); if(typeof( !== "undefined" && typeof( !== "undefined") tag.find(".modal-content") .css("min-width", .css("width",; else if(typeof( !== "undefined") //Legacy support tag.find(".modal-content").css("min-width",; else if(typeof( !== "undefined") tag.find(".modal-content").css("min-width",; this.close_elements = tag.find(".button-modal-close"); this.close_elements.toggle('click', event => { if( this.close(); }); this._htmlTag = tag; this._htmlTag.find("input").on('change', event => { $(".form-group").toggleClass('is-filled', !!( as HTMLInputElement).value); }); //TODO: After the animation! this._htmlTag.on('', event => ! || this.close()); this._htmlTag.on('', event => this._htmlTag.remove()); } open() { if(this.shown) return; _global_modal_last_time =; _global_modal_last = this.htmlTag[0]; this.shown = true; this.htmlTag.appendTo($("body")); _global_modal_count++;; setTimeout(() => this.htmlTag.addClass('shown'), 0); setTimeout(() => { for(const listener of this.open_listener) listener(); this.htmlTag.find(".tab").trigger('tab.resize'); }, 300); } close() { if(!this.shown) return; _global_modal_count--; this.shown = false; this.htmlTag.removeClass('shown'); setTimeout(() => { this.htmlTag.remove(); this._htmlTag = undefined; }, 300);; for(const listener of this.close_listener) listener(); } set_closeable(flag: boolean) { if(flag === return; = flag; this.close_elements.toggle(flag); } } function createModal(data: ModalProperties | any) : Modal { return new Modal(ModalFunctions.warpProperties(data)); } class InputModalProperties extends ModalProperties { maxLength?: number; field_title?: string; field_label?: string; field_placeholder?: string; error_message?: string; } function createInputModal(headMessage: BodyCreator, question: BodyCreator, validator: (input: string) => boolean, callback: (flag: boolean | string) => void, props: InputModalProperties | any = {}) : Modal { props = ModalFunctions.warpProperties(props); props.template_properties || (props.template_properties = {}); props.template_properties.field_title = props.field_title; props.template_properties.field_label = props.field_label; props.template_properties.field_placeholder = props.field_placeholder; props.template_properties.error_message = props.error_message; props.template = "#tmpl_modal_input"; props.header = headMessage; props.template_properties.question = ModalFunctions.jqueriefy(question); const modal = createModal(props); const input = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-value input"); const button_cancel = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-cancel"); const button_submit = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-submit"); let submited = false; input.on('keyup change', event => { const str = input.val() as string; const valid = str !== undefined && validator(str); input.attr("pattern", valid ? null : "^[a]{1000}$").toggleClass("is-invalid", !valid); button_submit.prop("disabled", !valid); }); input.on('keydown', event => { if(event.keyCode !== KeyCode.KEY_RETURN || event.shiftKey) return; if(button_submit.prop("disabled")) return; button_submit.trigger('click'); }); button_submit.on('click', event => { if(!submited) { submited = true; const str = input.val() as string; if(str !== undefined && validator(str)) callback(str); else callback(false); } modal.close(); }).prop("disabled", !validator("")); /* disabled if empty input isn't allowed */ button_cancel.on('click', event => { if(!submited) { submited = true; callback(false); } modal.close(); }); modal.open_listener.push(() => input.focus()); modal.close_listener.push(() => button_cancel.trigger('click')); return modal; } function createErrorModal(header: BodyCreator, message: BodyCreator, props: ModalProperties | any = { footer: undefined }) { props = ModalFunctions.warpProperties(props); (props.template_properties || (props.template_properties = {})).header_class = "modal-header-error"; props.header = header; props.body = message; const modal = createModal(props); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-error"); return modal; } function createInfoModal(header: BodyCreator, message: BodyCreator, props: ModalProperties | any = { footer: undefined }) { props = ModalFunctions.warpProperties(props); (props.template_properties || (props.template_properties = {})).header_class = "modal-header-info"; props.header = header; props.body = message; const modal = createModal(props); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-info"); return modal; } /* extend jquery */ interface ModalElements { header?: BodyCreator; body?: BodyCreator; footer?: BodyCreator; } interface JQuery { modalize(entry_callback?: (header: JQuery, body: JQuery, footer: JQuery) => ModalElements | void, properties?: ModalProperties | any) : Modal; } $.fn.modalize = function (this: JQuery, entry_callback?: (header: JQuery, body: JQuery, footer: JQuery) => ModalElements | void, properties?: ModalProperties | any) : Modal { properties = properties || {} as ModalProperties; entry_callback = entry_callback || ((a,b,c) => undefined); let tag_modal = this[0].tagName.toLowerCase() == "modal" ? this : undefined; /* TODO may throw exception? */ let tag_head = tag_modal ? tag_modal.find("modal-header") : ModalFunctions.jqueriefy(properties.header); let tag_body = tag_modal ? tag_modal.find("modal-body") : this; let tag_footer = tag_modal ? tag_modal.find("modal-footer") : ModalFunctions.jqueriefy(properties.footer); const result = entry_callback(tag_head, tag_body, tag_footer) || {}; properties.header = result.header || tag_head; properties.body = result.body || tag_body; properties.footer = result.footer || tag_footer; return createModal(properties); };