import {LogCategory, logDebug, logInfo, logWarn} from "../log"; import {BasicIPCHandler, ChannelMessage, IPCChannel} from "../ipc/BrowserIPC"; import {guid} from "../crypto/uid"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; export interface MethodProxyInvokeData { method_name: string; arguments: any[]; promise_id: string; } export interface MethodProxyResultData { promise_id: string; result: any; success: boolean; } export interface MethodProxyCallback { promise: Promise; promise_id: string; resolve: (object: any) => any; reject: (object: any) => any; } export type MethodProxyConnectParameters = { channel_id: string; client_id: string; } export abstract class MethodProxy { readonly ipc_handler: BasicIPCHandler; private _ipc_channel: IPCChannel; private _ipc_parameters: MethodProxyConnectParameters; private readonly _local: boolean; private readonly _slave: boolean; private _connected: boolean; private _proxied_methods: {[key: string]:() => Promise} = {}; private _proxied_callbacks: {[key: string]:MethodProxyCallback} = {}; protected constructor(ipc_handler: BasicIPCHandler, connect_params?: MethodProxyConnectParameters) { this.ipc_handler = ipc_handler; this._ipc_parameters = connect_params; this._connected = false; this._slave = typeof(connect_params) !== "undefined"; this._local = typeof(connect_params) !== "undefined" && connect_params.channel_id === "local" && connect_params.client_id === "local"; } protected setup() { if(this._local) { this._connected = true; this.on_connected(); } else { if(this._slave) this._ipc_channel = this.ipc_handler.createChannel(this._ipc_parameters.client_id, this._ipc_parameters.channel_id); else this._ipc_channel = this.ipc_handler.createChannel(); this._ipc_channel.messageHandler = this._handle_message.bind(this); if(this._slave) this._ipc_channel.sendMessage("initialize", {}); } } protected finalize() { if(!this._local) { if(this._connected) this._ipc_channel.sendMessage("finalize", {}); this.ipc_handler.deleteChannel(this._ipc_channel); this._ipc_channel = undefined; } for(const promise of Object.values(this._proxied_callbacks)) promise.reject("disconnected"); this._proxied_callbacks = {}; this._connected = false; this.on_disconnected(); } protected register_method(method: (...args: any[]) => Promise | string) { let method_name: string; if(typeof method === "function") { logDebug(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Registering method proxy for %s"),; method_name =; } else { logDebug(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Registering method proxy for %s"), method); method_name = method; } if(!this[method_name]) throw "method is missing in current object"; this._proxied_methods[method_name] = this[method_name]; if(!this._local) { this[method_name] = (...args: any[]) => { if(!this._connected) return Promise.reject("not connected"); const proxy_callback = { promise_id: guid() } as MethodProxyCallback; this._proxied_callbacks[proxy_callback.promise_id] = proxy_callback; proxy_callback.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proxy_callback.resolve = resolve; proxy_callback.reject = reject; }); this._ipc_channel.sendMessage("invoke", { promise_id: proxy_callback.promise_id, arguments: [...args], method_name: method_name } as MethodProxyInvokeData); return proxy_callback.promise; } } } private _handle_message(remote_id: string, boradcast: boolean, message: ChannelMessage) { if(message.type === "finalize") { this._handle_finalize(); } else if(message.type === "initialize") { this._handle_remote_callback(remote_id); } else if(message.type === "invoke") { this._handle_invoke(; } else if(message.type === "result") { this._handle_result(; } } private _handle_finalize() { this.on_disconnected(); this.finalize(); this._connected = false; } private _handle_remote_callback(remote_id: string) { if(!this._ipc_channel.targetClientId) { if(this._slave) throw "initialize wrong state!"; this._ipc_channel.targetClientId = remote_id; /* now we're able to send messages */ this.on_connected(); this._ipc_channel.sendMessage("initialize", true); } else { if(!this._slave) throw "initialize wrong state!"; this.on_connected(); } this._connected = true; } private _send_result(promise_id: string, success: boolean, message: any) { this._ipc_channel.sendMessage("result", { promise_id: promise_id, result: message, success: success } as MethodProxyResultData); } private _handle_invoke(data: MethodProxyInvokeData) { if(this._proxied_methods[data.method_name]) throw "we could not invoke a local proxied method!"; if(!this[data.method_name]) { this._send_result(data.promise_id, false, "missing method"); return; } try { logInfo(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Invoking method %s with arguments: %o"), data.method_name, data.arguments); const promise = this[data.method_name](; promise.then(result => { logInfo(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Result: %o"), result); this._send_result(data.promise_id, true, result); }).catch(error => { this._send_result(data.promise_id, false, error); }); } catch(error) { this._send_result(data.promise_id, false, error); return; } } private _handle_result(data: MethodProxyResultData) { if(!this._proxied_callbacks[data.promise_id]) { logWarn(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received proxy method result for unknown promise")); return; } const callback = this._proxied_callbacks[data.promise_id]; delete this._proxied_callbacks[data.promise_id]; if(data.success) callback.resolve(data.result); else callback.reject(data.result); } generate_connect_parameters() : MethodProxyConnectParameters { if(this._slave) throw "only masters can generate connect parameters!"; if(!this._ipc_channel) throw "please call setup() before"; return { channel_id: this._ipc_channel.channelId, client_id: this.ipc_handler.getLocalAddress() }; } is_slave() { return this._local || this._slave; } /* the popout modal */ is_master() { return this._local || !this._slave; } /* the host (teaweb application) */ protected abstract on_connected(); protected abstract on_disconnected(); }