false, "msg" => $message ])); } function verifyPostSecret() { if(!isset($_POST["secret"])) { errorExit("Missing required information!"); } $require_secret = file_get_contents(".deploy_secret"); if($require_secret === false || strlen($require_secret) == 0) { errorExit("Server missing secret!"); } if(!is_string($_POST["secret"])) { errorExit("Invalid secret!"); } if(strcmp(trim($require_secret), trim($_POST["secret"])) !== 0) { errorExit("Secret does not match!"); } } function handleRequest() { if(isset($_GET) && isset($_GET["type"])) { if ($_GET["type"] == "update-info") { global $CLIENT_BASE_PATH; $raw_versions = file_get_contents($CLIENT_BASE_PATH . "/version.json"); if($raw_versions === false) { errorExit("Missing file!"); } $versions = json_decode($raw_versions, true); $versions["success"] = true; die(json_encode($versions)); } else if ($_GET["type"] == "update-download") { global $CLIENT_BASE_PATH; $path = $CLIENT_BASE_PATH . $_GET["channel"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_GET["version"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $raw_release_info = file_get_contents($path . "info.json"); if($raw_release_info === false) { errorExit("missing info file (version and/or channel missing. Path was " . $path . ")"); } $release_info = json_decode($raw_release_info); foreach($release_info as $platform) { if($platform->platform != $_GET["platform"]) continue; if($platform->arch != $_GET["arch"]) continue; http_response_code(200); header("Cache-Control: public"); // needed for internet explorer header("Content-Type: application/binary"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-Length:".filesize($path . $platform->update)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=update.tar.gz"); header("info-version: 1"); readfile($path . $platform->update); die(); } errorExit("Missing platform, arch or file"); } else if ($_GET["type"] == "ui-info") { global $UI_BASE_PATH; $version_info = file_get_contents($UI_BASE_PATH . "info.json"); if($version_info === false) $version_info = array(); else $version_info = json_decode($version_info, true); $info = array(); $info["success"] = true; $info["versions"] = array(); foreach($version_info as $channel => $data) { if(!isset($data["latest"])) continue; $channel_info = [ "timestamp" => $data["latest"]["timestamp"], "version" => $data["latest"]["version"], "git-ref" => $data["latest"]["git-ref"], "channel" => $channel, "required_client" => $data["latest"]["required_client"] ]; array_push($info["versions"], $channel_info); } die(json_encode($info)); } else if ($_GET["type"] == "ui-download") { global $UI_BASE_PATH; if(!isset($_GET["channel"]) || !isset($_GET["version"])) errorExit("missing required parameters"); if($_GET["version"] !== "latest" && !isset($_GET["git-ref"])) errorExit("missing required parameters"); $version_info = file_get_contents($UI_BASE_PATH . "info.json"); if($version_info === false) $version_info = array(); else $version_info = json_decode($version_info, true); $channel_data = $version_info[$_GET["channel"]]; if(!isset($channel_data)) errorExit("channel unknown"); $ui_pack = false; if($_GET["version"] === "latest") { $ui_pack = $channel_data["latest"]; } else { foreach ($channel_data["history"] as $entry) { if($entry["version"] == $_GET["version"] && $entry["git-ref"] == $_GET["git-ref"]) { $ui_pack = $entry; break; } } } if($ui_pack === false) errorExit("missing version"); header("Cache-Control: public"); // needed for internet explorer header("Content-Type: application/binary"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ui.tar.gz"); header("info-version: 1"); header("x-ui-timestamp: " . $ui_pack["timestamp"]); header("x-ui-version: " . $ui_pack["version"]); header("x-ui-git-ref: " . $ui_pack["git-ref"]); header("x-ui-required_client: " . $ui_pack["required_client"]); $read = readfile($ui_pack["file"]); header("Content-Length:" . $read); if($read === false) errorExit("internal error: Failed to read file!"); die(); } } else if($_POST["type"] == "deploy-build") { global $CLIENT_BASE_PATH; if(!isset($_POST["version"]) || !isset($_POST["platform"]) || !isset($_POST["arch"]) || !isset($_POST["update_suffix"]) || !isset($_POST["installer_suffix"])) { errorExit("Missing required information!"); } verifyPostSecret(); if(!isset($_FILES["update"])) { errorExit("Missing update file"); } if($_FILES["update"]["error"] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { errorExit("Upload for update failed!"); } if(!isset($_FILES["installer"])) { errorExit("Missing installer file"); } if($_FILES["installer"]["error"] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { errorExit("Upload for installer failed!"); } $json_version = json_decode($_POST["version"], true); $version = $json_version["major"] . "." . $json_version["minor"] . "." . $json_version["patch"] . ($json_version["build"] > 0 ? "-" . $json_version["build"] : ""); $path = $CLIENT_BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_POST["channel"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $version . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; exec("mkdir -p " . $path); //mkdir($path, 777, true); $filename_update = "TeaClient-" . $_POST["platform"] . "_" . $_POST["arch"] . "." . $_POST["update_suffix"]; $filename_install = "TeaClient-" . $_POST["platform"] . "_" . $_POST["arch"] . "." . $_POST["installer_suffix"]; { $version_info = file_get_contents($path . "info.json"); if($version_info === false) { $version_info = array(); } else { $version_info = json_decode($version_info, true); if($version_info === false) { errorExit("Failed to decode old versions info file"); } } for($index = 0; $index < count($version_info); $index++) { if($version_info[$index]["platform"] == $_POST["platform"] && $version_info[$index]["arch"] == $_POST["arch"]) { array_splice($version_info, $index, 1); break; } } $info = array(); $info["platform"] = $_POST["platform"]; $info["arch"] = $_POST["arch"]; $info["update"] = $filename_update; $info["install"] = $filename_install; array_push($version_info, $info); file_put_contents($path . "info.json", json_encode($version_info)); } { $filename = $CLIENT_BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "version.json"; $indexes = file_get_contents($filename); if($indexes === false) { $indexes = array(); } else { $indexes = json_decode($indexes, true); if($indexes === false) { errorExit("Failed to decode old latest versions info file"); } } $index = &$indexes[$_POST["channel"]]; if(!isset($index)) { $index = array(); } for($idx = 0; $idx < count($index); $idx++) { if($index[$idx]["platform"] == $_POST["platform"] && $index[$idx]["arch"] == $_POST["arch"]) { array_splice($index, $idx, 1); break; } } $info = array(); $info["platform"] = $_POST["platform"]; $info["arch"] = $_POST["arch"]; $info["version"] = $json_version; array_push($index, $info); file_put_contents($filename, json_encode($indexes)); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES["installer"]["tmp_name"],$path . $filename_install); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["update"]["tmp_name"],$path . $filename_update); die(json_encode([ "success" => true ])); } else if($_POST["type"] == "deploy-ui-build") { global $UI_BASE_PATH; if(!isset($_POST["channel"]) || !isset($_POST["version"]) || !isset($_POST["git_ref"]) || !isset($_POST["required_client"])) { errorExit("Missing required information!"); } verifyPostSecret(); $path = $UI_BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $channeled_path = $UI_BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_POST["channel"]; $filename = "TeaClientUI-" . $_POST["version"] . "_" . $_POST["git_ref"] . ".tar.gz"; exec("mkdir -p " . $path); exec("mkdir -p " . $channeled_path); { $info = file_get_contents($path . "info.json"); if($info === false) { $info = array(); } else { $info = json_decode($info, true); if($info === false) { errorExit("failed to decode old info file"); } } $channel_info = &$info[$_POST["channel"]]; if(!$channel_info) { $channel_info = array(); } $entry = [ "timestamp" => time(), "file" => $channeled_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename, "version" => $_POST["version"], "git-ref" => $_POST["git_ref"], "required_client" => $_POST["required_client"] ]; $channel_info["latest"] = $entry; if(!$channel_info["history"]) $channel_info["history"] = array(); array_push($channel_info["history"], $entry); file_put_contents($path . "info.json", json_encode($info)); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],$channeled_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename); die(json_encode([ "success" => true ])); } else die(json_encode([ "success" => false, "error" => "invalid action!" ])); } handleRequest();