import "broadcastchannel-polyfill"; import * as log from "../log"; import {LogCategory} from "../log"; import {ConnectHandler} from "../ipc/ConnectHandler"; import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; export interface BroadcastMessage { timestamp: number; receiver: string; sender: string; type: string; data: any; } function uuidv4() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0; const v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); } interface ProcessQuery { timestamp: number query_id: string; } export interface ChannelMessage { channel_id: string; type: string; data: any; } export interface ProcessQueryResponse { request_timestamp: number request_query_id: string; device_id: string; protocol: number; } export interface CertificateAcceptCallback { request_id: string; } export interface CertificateAcceptSucceeded { } export abstract class BasicIPCHandler { protected static readonly BROADCAST_UNIQUE_ID = "00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000"; protected static readonly PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; protected registeredChannels: IPCChannel[] = []; protected localUniqueId: string; protected constructor() { } setup() { this.localUniqueId = uuidv4(); } getLocalAddress() : string { return this.localUniqueId; } abstract sendMessage(type: string, data: any, target?: string); protected handleMessage(message: BroadcastMessage) { //log.trace(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received message %o"), message); if(message.receiver === BasicIPCHandler.BROADCAST_UNIQUE_ID) { if(message.type == "process-query") { log.debug(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received a device query from %s."), message.sender); this.sendMessage("process-query-response", { request_query_id: (, request_timestamp: (, device_id: this.localUniqueId, protocol: BasicIPCHandler.PROTOCOL_VERSION } as ProcessQueryResponse, message.sender); return; } } else if(message.receiver === this.localUniqueId) { if(message.type == "process-query-response") { const response: ProcessQueryResponse =; if(this._query_results[response.request_query_id]) this._query_results[response.request_query_id].push(response); else { log.warn(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received a query response for an unknown request.")); } return; } else if(message.type == "certificate-accept-callback") { const data: CertificateAcceptCallback =; if(!this._cert_accept_callbacks[data.request_id]) { log.warn(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received certificate accept callback for an unknown request ID.")); return; } this._cert_accept_callbacks[data.request_id](); delete this._cert_accept_callbacks[data.request_id]; this.sendMessage("certificate-accept-succeeded", { } as CertificateAcceptSucceeded, message.sender); return; } else if(message.type == "certificate-accept-succeeded") { if(!this._cert_accept_succeeded[message.sender]) { log.warn(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received certificate accept succeeded, but haven't a callback.")); return; } this._cert_accept_succeeded[message.sender](); return; } } if(message.type === "channel") { const data: ChannelMessage =; let channel_invoked = false; for(const channel of this.registeredChannels) { if(channel.channelId === data.channel_id && (typeof(channel.targetClientId) === "undefined" || channel.targetClientId === message.sender)) { if(channel.messageHandler) channel.messageHandler(message.sender, message.receiver === BasicIPCHandler.BROADCAST_UNIQUE_ID, data); channel_invoked = true; } } if(!channel_invoked) { /* Seems like we're not the only web/teaclient instance */ /* console.warn(tr("Received channel message for unknown channel (%s)"), data.channel_id); */ } } } createChannel(targetId?: string, channelId?: string) : IPCChannel { let channel: IPCChannel = { targetClientId: targetId, channelId: channelId || uuidv4(), messageHandler: undefined, sendMessage: (type: string, data: any, target?: string) => { if(typeof target !== "undefined") { if(typeof channel.targetClientId === "string" && target != channel.targetClientId) { throw "target id does not match channel target"; } } this.sendMessage("channel", { type: type, data: data, channel_id: channel.channelId } as ChannelMessage, target || channel.targetClientId || BasicIPCHandler.BROADCAST_UNIQUE_ID); } }; this.registeredChannels.push(channel); return channel; } channels() : IPCChannel[] { return this.registeredChannels; } deleteChannel(channel: IPCChannel) { this.registeredChannels = this.registeredChannels.filter(e => e !== channel); } private _query_results: {[key: string]:ProcessQueryResponse[]} = {}; async queryProcesses(timeout?: number) : Promise { const query_id = uuidv4(); this._query_results[query_id] = []; this.sendMessage("process-query", { query_id: query_id, timestamp: } as ProcessQuery); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout || 250)); const result = this._query_results[query_id]; delete this._query_results[query_id]; return result; } private _cert_accept_callbacks: {[key: string]:(() => any)} = {}; register_certificate_accept_callback(callback: () => any) : string { const id = uuidv4(); this._cert_accept_callbacks[id] = callback; return this.localUniqueId + ":" + id; } private _cert_accept_succeeded: {[sender: string]:(() => any)} = {}; post_certificate_accpected(id: string, timeout?: number) : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = id.split(":"); const timeout_id = setTimeout(() => { delete this._cert_accept_succeeded[data[0]]; clearTimeout(timeout_id); reject("timeout"); }, timeout || 250); this._cert_accept_succeeded[data[0]] = () => { delete this._cert_accept_succeeded[data[0]]; clearTimeout(timeout_id); resolve(); }; this.sendMessage("certificate-accept-callback", { request_id: data[1] } as CertificateAcceptCallback, data[0]); }) } } export interface IPCChannel { readonly channelId: string; targetClientId?: string; messageHandler: (remoteId: string, broadcast: boolean, message: ChannelMessage) => void; sendMessage(type: string, message: any, target?: string); } class BroadcastChannelIPC extends BasicIPCHandler { private static readonly CHANNEL_NAME = "TeaSpeak-Web"; private channel: BroadcastChannel; constructor() { super(); } setup() { super.setup(); = new BroadcastChannel(BroadcastChannelIPC.CHANNEL_NAME); = this.onMessage.bind(this); = this.onError.bind(this); } private onMessage(event: MessageEvent) { if(typeof( !== "string") { log.warn(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received message with an invalid type (%s): %o"), typeof(,; return; } let message: BroadcastMessage; try { message = JSON.parse(; } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received an invalid encoded message: %o"),; return; } super.handleMessage(message); } private onError(event: MessageEvent) { log.warn(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Received error: %o"), event); } sendMessage(type: string, data: any, target?: string) { const message: BroadcastMessage = {} as any; message.sender = this.localUniqueId; message.receiver = target ? target : BasicIPCHandler.BROADCAST_UNIQUE_ID; message.timestamp =; message.type = type; = data; if(message.receiver === this.localUniqueId) { this.handleMessage(message); } else {; } } } let handler: BasicIPCHandler; let connect_handler: ConnectHandler; export function setup() { if(!supported()) return; if(handler) throw "bipc already started"; handler = new BroadcastChannelIPC(); handler.setup(); connect_handler = new ConnectHandler(handler); connect_handler.setup(); } export function getIpcInstance() { return handler; } export function getInstanceConnectHandler() { return connect_handler; } export function supported() { /* we've a polyfill now */ return true; /* ios does not support this */ return typeof(window.BroadcastChannel) !== "undefined"; }