import { VideoBroadcastConfig, LocalVideoBroadcast, LocalVideoBroadcastEvents, LocalVideoBroadcastState, VideoBroadcastStatistics, VideoBroadcastType, VideoClient, VideoConnection, VideoConnectionEvent, VideoConnectionStatus } from "tc-shared/connection/VideoConnection"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import {VideoSource} from "tc-shared/video/VideoSource"; import {RTCBroadcastableTrackType, RTCConnection, RTCConnectionEvents, RTPConnectionState} from "../Connection"; import {LogCategory, logError, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log"; import {Settings, settings} from "tc-shared/settings"; import {RtpVideoClient} from "./VideoClient"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; import {ConnectionState} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import {ConnectionStatistics} from "tc-shared/connection/ConnectionBase"; import * as _ from "lodash"; class LocalRtpVideoBroadcast implements LocalVideoBroadcast { private readonly handle: RtpVideoConnection; private readonly type: VideoBroadcastType; private readonly events: Registry; private state: LocalVideoBroadcastState; private currentSource: VideoSource; private currentConfig: VideoBroadcastConfig; private signaledConfig: VideoBroadcastConfig | undefined; private broadcastStartId: number; private localStartPromise: Promise; constructor(handle: RtpVideoConnection, type: VideoBroadcastType) { this.handle = handle; this.type = type; this.broadcastStartId = 0; = new Registry(); this.state = { state: "stopped" }; } destroy() {; } getEvents(): Registry { return; } getSource(): VideoSource | undefined { return this.currentSource; } getState(): LocalVideoBroadcastState { return this.state; } private setState(newState: LocalVideoBroadcastState) { if(_.isEqual(this.state, newState)) { return; } const oldState = this.state; this.state = newState;"notify_state_changed", { oldState: oldState, newState: newState }); } getStatistics(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(undefined); } async changeSource(source: VideoSource, constraints: VideoBroadcastConfig): Promise { let sourceRef = source.ref(); try { if(this.currentSource !== source) { console.error("Source changed"); const videoTracks = source.getStream().getVideoTracks(); if(videoTracks.length === 0) { throw tr("missing video stream track"); } while(this.localStartPromise) { await this.localStartPromise; } if(this.state.state !== "broadcasting") { throw tr("not broadcasting anything"); } /* Apply the constraints to the current source */ await this.doApplyLocalConstraints(constraints, source); const startId = ++this.broadcastStartId; let rtcBroadcastType: RTCBroadcastableTrackType = this.type === "camera" ? "video" : "video-screen"; try { await this.handle.getRTCConnection().setTrackSource(rtcBroadcastType, videoTracks[0]); } catch (error) { if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } logError(LogCategory.WEBRTC, tr("Failed to change video track for broadcast %s: %o"), this.type, error); throw tr("failed to change video track"); } this.setCurrentSource(sourceRef); } else if(!_.isEqual(this.currentConfig, constraints)) { console.error("Constraints changed"); await this.applyConstraints(constraints); } } finally { sourceRef.deref(); } } private setCurrentSource(source: VideoSource | undefined) { if(this.currentSource) { this.currentSource.deref(); this.currentConfig = undefined; } this.currentSource = source?.ref(); } async startBroadcasting(source: VideoSource, constraints: VideoBroadcastConfig): Promise { const sourceRef = source.ref(); while(this.localStartPromise) { await this.localStartPromise; } const promise = this.doStartBroadcast(source, constraints); this.localStartPromise = promise.catch(() => {}); this.localStartPromise.then(() => this.localStartPromise = undefined); try { await promise; } finally { sourceRef.deref(); } } private async doStartBroadcast(source: VideoSource, constraints: VideoBroadcastConfig) { const videoTracks = source.getStream().getVideoTracks(); if(videoTracks.length === 0) { throw tr("missing video stream track"); } const startId = ++this.broadcastStartId; this.setCurrentSource(source); this.setState({ state: "initializing" }); if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } try { await this.doApplyLocalConstraints(constraints, this.currentSource); } catch (error) { if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } logError(LogCategory.WEBRTC, tr("Failed to apply video constraints for broadcast %s: %o"), this.type, error); this.stopBroadcasting(true, { state: "failed", reason: tr("Failed to apply video constraints") }); throw tr("Failed to apply video constraints"); } if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } let rtcBroadcastType: RTCBroadcastableTrackType = this.type === "camera" ? "video" : "video-screen"; try { await this.handle.getRTCConnection().setTrackSource(rtcBroadcastType, videoTracks[0]); } catch (error) { if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } this.stopBroadcasting(true, { state: "failed", reason: tr("Failed to set track source") }); logError(LogCategory.WEBRTC, tr("Failed to setup video track for broadcast %s: %o"), this.type, error); throw tr("failed to initialize video track"); } if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } const config = Object.assign({}, this.currentConfig); try { await this.handle.getRTCConnection().startVideoBroadcast(this.type, config); } catch (error) { if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } this.stopBroadcasting(true, { state: "failed", reason: error }); throw error; } if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } /* TODO: Test if the config may has already be changed */ this.signaledConfig = config; this.setState({ state: "broadcasting" }); } async applyConstraints(constraints: VideoBroadcastConfig): Promise { await this.doApplyLocalConstraints(constraints, this.currentSource); if(this.signaledConfig?.keyframeInterval !== constraints.keyframeInterval || this.signaledConfig?.maxBandwidth !== constraints.maxBandwidth ) { try { await this.handle.getRTCConnection().changeVideoBroadcastConfig(this.type, constraints); this.signaledConfig = Object.assign({}, constraints); } catch (error) { /* Really rethrow it? */ throw error; } } } private async doApplyLocalConstraints(constraints: VideoBroadcastConfig, source: VideoSource): Promise { const capabilities = source.getCapabilities(); const videoConstraints: MediaTrackConstraints = {}; if(constraints.dynamicQuality && capabilities) { videoConstraints.width = { min: capabilities.minWidth, max: constraints.width, ideal: constraints.width }; videoConstraints.height = { min: capabilities.minHeight, max: constraints.height, ideal: constraints.height }; } else { videoConstraints.width = constraints.width; videoConstraints.height = constraints.height; } if(constraints.dynamicFrameRate && capabilities) { videoConstraints.frameRate = { min: capabilities.minFrameRate, max: constraints.maxFrameRate, ideal: constraints.maxFrameRate }; } else { videoConstraints.frameRate = constraints.maxFrameRate; } await source.getStream().getVideoTracks()[0]?.applyConstraints(constraints); this.currentConfig = constraints; } stopBroadcasting(skipRtcStop?: boolean, stopState?: LocalVideoBroadcastState) { if(this.state.state === "stopped" && (!stopState || _.isEqual(stopState, this.state))) { return; } this.broadcastStartId++; (async () => { while(this.localStartPromise) { await this.localStartPromise; } let rtcBroadcastType: RTCBroadcastableTrackType = this.type === "camera" ? "video" : "video-screen"; if(!skipRtcStop && !(this.state.state === "failed" || this.state.state === "stopped")) { this.handle.getRTCConnection().stopTrackBroadcast(rtcBroadcastType); } this.setCurrentSource(undefined); try { await this.handle.getRTCConnection().setTrackSource(rtcBroadcastType, null); } catch (error) { logWarn(LogCategory.VIDEO, tr("Failed to change the RTC video track to null: %o"), error); } this.setState(stopState || { state: "stopped" }); })(); } /** * Restart the broadcast after a channel switch. */ restartBroadcast() { (async () => { while(this.localStartPromise) { await this.localStartPromise; } if(this.state.state !== "broadcasting") { return; } this.setState({ state: "initializing" }); const startId = ++this.broadcastStartId; try { const config = Object.assign({}, this.currentConfig); await this.handle.getRTCConnection().startVideoBroadcast(this.type, config); this.setState({ state: "broadcasting" }); this.signaledConfig = config; /* TODO: Test if the config may has already be changed */ } catch (error) { if(this.broadcastStartId !== startId) { /* broadcast start has been canceled */ return; } this.stopBroadcasting(true, { state: "failed", reason: error }); throw error; } })(); } getConstraints(): VideoBroadcastConfig | undefined { return this.currentConfig; } } export class RtpVideoConnection implements VideoConnection { private readonly rtcConnection: RTCConnection; private readonly events: Registry; private readonly listener: (() => void)[]; private connectionState: VideoConnectionStatus; private broadcasts: {[T in VideoBroadcastType]: LocalRtpVideoBroadcast} = { camera: new LocalRtpVideoBroadcast(this, "camera"), screen: new LocalRtpVideoBroadcast(this, "screen") }; private registeredClients: {[key: number]: RtpVideoClient} = {}; constructor(rtcConnection: RTCConnection) { this.rtcConnection = rtcConnection; = new Registry(); this.setConnectionState(VideoConnectionStatus.Disconnected); this.listener = []; /* We only have to listen for move events since if the client is leaving the broadcast will be terminated anyways */ this.listener.push(this.rtcConnection.getConnection().command_handler_boss().register_explicit_handler("notifyclientmoved", event => { const localClient = this.rtcConnection.getConnection().client.getClient(); for(const data of event.arguments) { const clientId = parseInt(data["clid"]); if(clientId === localClient.clientId()) { Object.values(this.registeredClients).forEach(client => { client.setBroadcastId("screen", undefined); client.setBroadcastId("camera", undefined); }); if(settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_STOP_VIDEO_ON_SWITCH)) { Object.values(this.broadcasts).forEach(broadcast => broadcast.stopBroadcasting()); } else { /* The server stops broadcasting by default, we've to reenable it */ Object.values(this.broadcasts).forEach(broadcast => broadcast.restartBroadcast()); } } else if(parseInt("scid") === localClient.currentChannel().channelId) { const broadcast = this.registeredClients[clientId]; broadcast?.setBroadcastId("screen", undefined); broadcast?.setBroadcastId("camera", undefined); } } })); this.listener.push(this.rtcConnection.getConnection().command_handler_boss().register_explicit_handler("notifybroadcastvideo", event => { const assignedClients: { clientId: number, broadcastType: VideoBroadcastType }[] = []; for(const data of event.arguments) { if(!("bid" in data)) { continue; } const broadcastId = parseInt(data["bid"]); const broadcastType = parseInt(data["bt"]); const sourceClientId = parseInt(data["sclid"]); if(!this.registeredClients[sourceClientId]) { logWarn(LogCategory.VIDEO, tr("Received video broadcast info about a not registered client (%d)"), sourceClientId); /* TODO: Cache the value! */ continue; } let videoBroadcastType: VideoBroadcastType; switch(broadcastType) { case 0x00: videoBroadcastType = "camera"; break; case 0x01: videoBroadcastType = "screen"; break; default: logWarn(LogCategory.VIDEO, tr("Received video broadcast info with an invalid video broadcast type: %d."), broadcastType); continue; } this.registeredClients[sourceClientId].setBroadcastId(videoBroadcastType, broadcastId); assignedClients.push({ broadcastType: videoBroadcastType, clientId: sourceClientId }); } const broadcastTypes: VideoBroadcastType[] = ["screen", "camera"]; Object.values(this.registeredClients).forEach(client => { for(const type of broadcastTypes) { if(assignedClients.findIndex(assignment => assignment.broadcastType === type && assignment.clientId === client.getClientId()) !== -1) { continue; } client.setBroadcastId(type, undefined); } }); })); this.listener.push(this.rtcConnection.getConnection().events.on("notify_connection_state_changed", event => { if(event.newState !== ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { Object.values(this.broadcasts).forEach(broadcast => broadcast.stopBroadcasting(true)); } })); this.listener.push(this.rtcConnection.getEvents().on("notify_state_changed", event => this.handleRtcConnectionStateChanged(event))); this.listener.push(this.rtcConnection.getEvents().on("notify_video_assignment_changed", event => { if( { switch ( { case 2: this.handleVideoAssignmentChanged("camera", event); break; case 3: this.handleVideoAssignmentChanged("screen", event); break; default: logWarn(LogCategory.WEBRTC, tr("Received video track %o assignment for invalid media: %o"), event.track.getSsrc(),; return; } } else { /* track has been removed */ this.handleVideoAssignmentChanged("screen", event); this.handleVideoAssignmentChanged("camera", event); } })); } private setConnectionState(state: VideoConnectionStatus) { if(this.connectionState === state) { return; } const oldState = this.connectionState; this.connectionState = state;"notify_status_changed", { oldState: oldState, newState: state }); } destroy() { this.listener.forEach(callback => callback()); this.listener.splice(0, this.listener.length);; } getRTCConnection() : RTCConnection { return this.rtcConnection; } getEvents(): Registry { return; } getStatus(): VideoConnectionStatus { return this.connectionState; } getRetryTimestamp(): number | 0 { return this.rtcConnection.getRetryTimestamp(); } getFailedMessage(): string { return this.rtcConnection.getFailReason(); } registerVideoClient(clientId: number) { if(typeof this.registeredClients[clientId] !== "undefined") { debugger; throw tr("a video client with this id has already been registered"); } return this.registeredClients[clientId] = new RtpVideoClient(this.rtcConnection, clientId); } registeredVideoClients(): VideoClient[] { return Object.values(this.registeredClients); } unregisterVideoClient(client: VideoClient) { const clientId = client.getClientId(); if(this.registeredClients[clientId] !== client) { debugger; return; } this.registeredClients[clientId].destroy(); delete this.registeredClients[clientId]; } private handleRtcConnectionStateChanged(event: RTCConnectionEvents["notify_state_changed"]) { switch (event.newState) { case RTPConnectionState.CONNECTED: this.setConnectionState(VideoConnectionStatus.Connected); break; case RTPConnectionState.CONNECTING: this.setConnectionState(VideoConnectionStatus.Connecting); break; case RTPConnectionState.DISCONNECTED: this.setConnectionState(VideoConnectionStatus.Disconnected); break; case RTPConnectionState.FAILED: this.setConnectionState(VideoConnectionStatus.Failed); break; case RTPConnectionState.NOT_SUPPORTED: this.setConnectionState(VideoConnectionStatus.Unsupported); break; } } private handleVideoAssignmentChanged(type: VideoBroadcastType, event: RTCConnectionEvents["notify_video_assignment_changed"]) { const oldClient = Object.values(this.registeredClients).find(client => client.getRtpTrack(type) === event.track); if(oldClient) { oldClient.setRtpTrack(type, undefined); } if( { const newClient = this.registeredClients[]; if(newClient) { newClient.setRtpTrack(type, event.track); } else { logWarn(LogCategory.VIDEO, tr("Received video track assignment for unknown video client (%o)."),; } } } async getConnectionStats(): Promise { const stats = await this.rtcConnection.getConnectionStatistics(); return { bytesReceived: stats.videoBytesReceived, bytesSend: stats.videoBytesSent }; } getLocalBroadcast(channel: VideoBroadcastType): LocalVideoBroadcast { return this.broadcasts[channel]; } }