import {BasicCodec} from "./BasicCodec"; import {CodecType} from "./Codec"; import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import {LogCategory} from "tc-shared/log"; interface ExecuteResult { result?: any; error?: string; success: boolean; timings: { upstream: number; downstream: number; handle: number; } } export class CodecWrapperWorker extends BasicCodec { private _worker: Worker; private _initialized: boolean = false; private _initialize_promise: Promise; private _token_index: number = 0; readonly type: CodecType; private pending_executes: {[key: string]: { timeout?: any; timestamp_send: number, resolve: (_: ExecuteResult) => void; reject: (_: any) => void; }} = {}; constructor(type: CodecType) { super(48000); this.type = type; switch (type) { case CodecType.OPUS_MUSIC: this.channelCount = 2; break; case CodecType.OPUS_VOICE: this.channelCount = 1; break; default: throw "invalid codec type!"; } } name(): string { return "Worker for " + CodecType[this.type] + " Channels " + this.channelCount; } async initialise() : Promise { if(this._initialized) return; if(this._initialize_promise) return await this._initialize_promise; this._initialize_promise = this.spawn_worker().then(() => this.execute("initialise", { type: this.type, channelCount: this.channelCount, })).then(result => { if(result.success) { this._initialized = true; return Promise.resolve(true); } log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to initialize codec %s: %s"), CodecType[this.type], result.error); return Promise.reject(result.error); }); await this._initialize_promise; } initialized() : boolean { return this._initialized; } deinitialise() { this.execute("deinitialise", {}); this._initialized = false; this._initialize_promise = undefined; } async decode(data: Uint8Array): Promise { if(!this.initialized()) throw "codec not initialized/initialize failed"; const result = await this.execute("decodeSamples", { data: data, length: data.length }); if(result.timings.downstream > 5 || result.timings.upstream > 5 || result.timings.handle > 5) log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Worker message stock time: {downstream: %dms, handle: %dms, upstream: %dms}"), result.timings.downstream, result.timings.handle, result.timings.upstream); if(!result.success) throw result.error || tr("unknown decode error"); let array = new Float32Array(result.result.length); for(let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) array[index] =[index]; let audioBuf = this._audioContext.createBuffer(this.channelCount, array.length / this.channelCount, this._codecSampleRate); for (let channel = 0; channel < this.channelCount; channel++) { for (let offset = 0; offset < audioBuf.length; offset++) { audioBuf.getChannelData(channel)[offset] = array[channel + offset * this.channelCount]; } } return audioBuf; } async encode(data: AudioBuffer) : Promise { if(!this.initialized()) throw "codec not initialized/initialize failed"; let buffer = new Float32Array(this.channelCount * data.length); for (let offset = 0; offset < data.length; offset++) { for (let channel = 0; channel < this.channelCount; channel++) buffer[offset * this.channelCount + channel] = data.getChannelData(channel)[offset]; } const result = await this.execute("encodeSamples", { data: buffer, length: buffer.length }); if(result.timings.downstream > 5 || result.timings.upstream > 5) log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Worker message stock time: {downstream: %dms, handle: %dms, upstream: %dms}"), result.timings.downstream, result.timings.handle, result.timings.upstream); if(!result.success) throw result.error || tr("unknown encode error"); let array = new Uint8Array(result.result.length); for(let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) array[index] =[index]; return array; } reset() : boolean { //TODO: Await result! this.execute("reset", {}); return true; } private handle_worker_message(message: any) { if(!message["token"]) { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Invalid worker token!")); return; } if(message["token"] === "notify") { /* currently not really used */ if(message["type"] == "chatmessage_server") { //FIXME? return; } log.debug(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Costume callback! (%o)"), message); return; } const request = this.pending_executes[message["token"]]; if(typeof request !== "object") { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Received worker execute result for unknown token (%s)"), message["token"]); return; } delete this.pending_executes[message["token"]]; const result: ExecuteResult = { success: message["success"], error: message["error"], result: message["result"], timings: { downstream: message["timestamp_received"] - request.timestamp_send, handle: message["timestamp_send"] - message["timestamp_received"], upstream: - message["timestamp_send"] } }; clearTimeout(request.timeout); request.resolve(result); } private handle_worker_error(error: any) { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Received error from codec worker. Closing worker.")); for(const token of Object.keys(this.pending_executes)) { this.pending_executes[token].reject(error); delete this.pending_executes[token]; } this._worker = undefined; } private execute(command: string, data: any, timeout?: number) : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!this._worker) { reject(tr("worker does not exists")); return; } const token = this._token_index++ + "_token"; const payload = { token: token, command: command, data: data, }; this.pending_executes[token] = { timeout: typeof timeout === "number" ? setTimeout(() => reject(tr("timeout for command ") + command), timeout) : undefined, resolve: resolve, reject: reject, timestamp_send: }; this._worker.postMessage(payload); }); } private async spawn_worker() : Promise { this._worker = new Worker("tc-backend/web/workers/codec", { type: "module" }); this._worker.onmessage = event => this.handle_worker_message(; this._worker.onerror = event => this.handle_worker_error(event.error); const result = await this.execute("global-initialize", {}, 15000); if(!result.success) throw result.error; } }