import { AbstractInput, CallbackInputConsumer, InputConsumer, InputConsumerType, InputDevice, InputStartResult, InputState, LevelMeter, NodeInputConsumer } from "tc-shared/voice/RecorderBase"; import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {LogCategory} from "tc-shared/log"; import * as aplayer from "./player"; import * as rbase from "tc-shared/voice/RecorderBase"; declare global { interface MediaStream { stop(); } } let _queried_devices: JavascriptInputDevice[]; let _queried_permissioned: boolean = false; export interface JavascriptInputDevice extends InputDevice { device_id: string; group_id: string; } function getUserMediaFunctionPromise() : (constraints: MediaStreamConstraints) => Promise { if('mediaDevices' in navigator && 'getUserMedia' in navigator.mediaDevices) return constraints => navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); const _callbacked_function = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; if(!_callbacked_function) return undefined; return constraints => new Promise((resolve, reject) => _callbacked_function(constraints, resolve, reject)); } async function query_devices() { const general_supported = !!getUserMediaFunctionPromise(); try { const context = aplayer.context(); const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(); _queried_permissioned = false; if(devices.filter(e => !!e.label).length > 0) _queried_permissioned = true; _queried_devices = devices.filter(e => e.kind === "audioinput").map((e: MediaDeviceInfo): JavascriptInputDevice => { return { channels: context ? context.destination.channelCount : 2, sample_rate: context ? context.sampleRate : 44100, default_input: e.deviceId == "default", driver: "WebAudio", name: e.label || "device-id{" + e.deviceId+ "}", supported: general_supported, device_id: e.deviceId, group_id: e.groupId, unique_id: e.deviceId } }); if(_queried_devices.length > 0 && _queried_devices.filter(e => e.default_input).length == 0) _queried_devices[0].default_input = true; } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to query microphone devices (%o)"), error); _queried_devices = []; } } export function devices() : InputDevice[] { if(typeof(_queried_devices) === "undefined") query_devices(); return _queried_devices || []; } export function device_refresh_available() : boolean { return true; } export function refresh_devices() : Promise { return query_devices(); } export function create_input() : AbstractInput { return new JavascriptInput(); } export async function create_levelmeter(device: InputDevice) : Promise { const meter = new JavascriptLevelmeter(device as any); await meter.initialize(); return meter; } loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { function: async () => { query_devices(); }, /* May wait for it? */ priority: 10, name: "query media devices" }); export namespace filter { export abstract class JAbstractFilter implements rbase.filter.Filter { type; source_node: AudioNode; audio_node: NodeType; context: AudioContext; enabled: boolean = false; active: boolean = false; /* if true the filter filters! */ callback_active_change: (new_state: boolean) => any; paused: boolean = true; abstract initialize(context: AudioContext, source_node: AudioNode); abstract finalize(); /* whatever the input has been paused and we don't expect any input */ abstract set_pause(flag: boolean); is_enabled(): boolean { return this.enabled; } } export class JThresholdFilter extends JAbstractFilter implements rbase.filter.ThresholdFilter { public static update_task_interval = 20; /* 20ms */ type = rbase.filter.Type.THRESHOLD; callback_level?: (value: number) => any; private _threshold = 50; private _update_task: any; private _analyser: AnalyserNode; private _analyse_buffer: Uint8Array; private _silence_count = 0; private _margin_frames = 5; private _current_level = 0; private _smooth_release = 0; private _smooth_attack = 0; finalize() { this.set_pause(true); if(this.source_node) { try { this.source_node.disconnect(this._analyser) } catch (error) {} try { this.source_node.disconnect(this.audio_node) } catch (error) {} } this._analyser = undefined; this.source_node = undefined; this.audio_node = undefined; this.context = undefined; } initialize(context: AudioContext, source_node: AudioNode) { this.context = context; this.source_node = source_node; this.audio_node = context.createGain(); this._analyser = context.createAnalyser(); const optimal_ftt_size = Math.ceil((source_node.context || context).sampleRate * (JThresholdFilter.update_task_interval / 1000)); const base2_ftt = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(optimal_ftt_size))); this._analyser.fftSize = base2_ftt; if(!this._analyse_buffer || this._analyse_buffer.length < this._analyser.fftSize) this._analyse_buffer = new Uint8Array(this._analyser.fftSize); = false; this.audio_node.gain.value = 1; this.source_node.connect(this.audio_node); this.source_node.connect(this._analyser); /* force update paused state */ this.set_pause(!(this.paused = !this.paused)); } get_margin_frames(): number { return this._margin_frames; } set_margin_frames(value: number) { this._margin_frames = value; } get_attack_smooth(): number { return this._smooth_attack; } get_release_smooth(): number { return this._smooth_release; } set_attack_smooth(value: number) { this._smooth_attack = value; } set_release_smooth(value: number) { this._smooth_release = value; } get_threshold(): number { return this._threshold; } set_threshold(value: number): Promise { this._threshold = value; return Promise.resolve(); } public static process(buffer: Uint8Array, ftt_size: number, previous: number, smooth: number) { let level; { let total = 0, float, rms; for(let index = 0; index < ftt_size; index++) { float = ( buffer[index++] / 0x7f ) - 1; total += (float * float); } rms = Math.sqrt(total / ftt_size); let db = 20 * ( Math.log(rms) / Math.log(10) ); // sanity check db = Math.max(-192, Math.min(db, 0)); level = 100 + ( db * 1.92 ); } return previous * smooth + level * (1 - smooth); } private _analyse() { this._analyser.getByteTimeDomainData(this._analyse_buffer); let smooth; if(this._silence_count == 0) smooth = this._smooth_release; else smooth = this._smooth_attack; this._current_level = JThresholdFilter.process(this._analyse_buffer, this._analyser.fftSize, this._current_level, smooth); this._update_gain_node(); if(this.callback_level) this.callback_level(this._current_level); } private _update_gain_node() { let state; if(this._current_level > this._threshold) { this._silence_count = 0; state = true; } else { state = this._silence_count++ < this._margin_frames; } if(state) { this.audio_node.gain.value = 1; if( { = false; this.callback_active_change(false); } } else { this.audio_node.gain.value = 0; if(! { = true; this.callback_active_change(true); } } } set_pause(flag: boolean) { if(flag === this.paused) return; this.paused = flag; if(this.paused) { clearInterval(this._update_task); this._update_task = undefined; if( { = false; this.callback_active_change(false); } } else { if(!this._update_task && this._analyser) this._update_task = setInterval(() => this._analyse(), JThresholdFilter.update_task_interval); } } } export class JStateFilter extends JAbstractFilter implements rbase.filter.StateFilter { type = rbase.filter.Type.STATE; finalize() { if(this.source_node) { try { this.source_node.disconnect(this.audio_node) } catch (error) {} } this.source_node = undefined; this.audio_node = undefined; this.context = undefined; } initialize(context: AudioContext, source_node: AudioNode) { this.context = context; this.source_node = source_node; this.audio_node = context.createGain(); this.audio_node.gain.value = ? 0 : 1; this.source_node.connect(this.audio_node); } is_active(): boolean { return; } set_state(state: boolean): Promise { if( === state) return Promise.resolve(); = state; if(this.audio_node) this.audio_node.gain.value = state ? 0 : 1; this.callback_active_change(state); return Promise.resolve(); } set_pause(flag: boolean) { this.paused = flag; } } } class JavascriptInput implements AbstractInput { private _state: InputState = InputState.PAUSED; private _current_device: JavascriptInputDevice | undefined; private _current_consumer: InputConsumer; private _current_stream: MediaStream; private _current_audio_stream: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode; private _audio_context: AudioContext; private _source_node: AudioNode; /* last node which could be connected to the target; target might be the _consumer_node */ private _consumer_callback_node: ScriptProcessorNode; private readonly _consumer_audio_callback; private _volume_node: GainNode; private _mute_node: GainNode; private _filters: rbase.filter.Filter[] = []; private _filter_active: boolean = false; private _volume: number = 1; callback_begin: () => any = undefined; callback_end: () => any = undefined; constructor() { aplayer.on_ready(() => this._audio_initialized()); this._consumer_audio_callback = this._audio_callback.bind(this); } private _audio_initialized() { this._audio_context = aplayer.context(); if(!this._audio_context) return; this._mute_node = this._audio_context.createGain(); this._mute_node.gain.value = 0; this._mute_node.connect(this._audio_context.destination); this._consumer_callback_node = this._audio_context.createScriptProcessor(1024 * 4); this._consumer_callback_node.connect(this._mute_node); this._volume_node = this._audio_context.createGain(); this._volume_node.gain.value = this._volume; this._initialize_filters(); if(this._state === InputState.INITIALIZING) this.start(); } private _initialize_filters() { const filters = this._filters as any as filter.JAbstractFilter[]; for(const filter of filters) { if(filter.is_enabled()) filter.finalize(); } if(this._audio_context && this._volume_node) { const active_filter = filters.filter(e => e.is_enabled()); let stream: AudioNode = this._volume_node; for(const f of active_filter) { f.initialize(this._audio_context, stream); stream = f.audio_node; } this._switch_source_node(stream); } } private _audio_callback(event: AudioProcessingEvent) { if(!this._current_consumer || this._current_consumer.type !== InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) return; const callback = this._current_consumer as CallbackInputConsumer; if(callback.callback_audio) callback.callback_audio(event.inputBuffer); if(callback.callback_buffer) { log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("AudioInput has callback buffer, but this isn't supported yet!")); } } current_state() : InputState { return this._state; }; private _start_promise: Promise; async start() : Promise { if(this._start_promise) { try { await this._start_promise; if(this._state != InputState.PAUSED) return; } catch(error) { log.debug(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("JavascriptInput:start() Start promise await resulted in an error: %o"), error); } } return await (this._start_promise = this._start()); } /* request permission for devices only one per time! */ private static _running_request: Promise; static async request_media_stream(device_id: string, group_id: string) : Promise { while(this._running_request) { try { await this._running_request; } catch(error) { } } const promise = (this._running_request = this.request_media_stream0(device_id, group_id)); try { return await this._running_request; } finally { if(this._running_request === promise) this._running_request = undefined; } } static async request_media_stream0(device_id: string, group_id: string) : Promise { const media_function = getUserMediaFunctionPromise(); if(!media_function) return InputStartResult.ENOTSUPPORTED; try {, tr("Requesting a microphone stream for device %s in group %s"), device_id, group_id); const audio_constrains: MediaTrackConstraints = {}; audio_constrains.deviceId = device_id; audio_constrains.groupId = group_id; audio_constrains.echoCancellation = true; audio_constrains.autoGainControl = true; audio_constrains.noiseSuppression = true; /* disabled because most the time we get a OverconstrainedError */ //audio_constrains.sampleSize = {min: 420, max: 960 * 10, ideal: 960}; const stream = await media_function({ audio: audio_constrains, video: undefined }); if(!_queried_permissioned) query_devices(); /* we now got permissions, requery devices */ return stream; } catch(error) { if('name' in error) { if( === "NotAllowedError") { //createErrorModal(tr("Failed to create microphone"), tr("Microphone recording failed. Please allow TeaWeb access to your microphone")).open(); //FIXME: Move this to somewhere else! log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Microphone request failed (No permissions). Browser message: %o"), error.message); return InputStartResult.ENOTALLOWED; } else { log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Microphone request failed. Request resulted in error: %o: %o"),, error); } } else { log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to initialize recording stream (%o)"), error); } return InputStartResult.EUNKNOWN; } } private async _start() : Promise { try { if(this._state != InputState.PAUSED) throw tr("recorder already started"); this._state = InputState.INITIALIZING; if(!this._current_device) throw tr("invalid device"); if(!this._audio_context) { debugger; throw tr("missing audio context"); } const _result = await JavascriptInput.request_media_stream(this._current_device.device_id, this._current_device.group_id); if(!(_result instanceof MediaStream)) { this._state = InputState.PAUSED; return _result; } this._current_stream = _result; for(const f of this._filters) if(f.is_enabled() && f instanceof filter.JAbstractFilter) f.set_pause(false); this._consumer_callback_node.addEventListener('audioprocess', this._consumer_audio_callback); this._current_audio_stream = this._audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(this._current_stream); this._current_audio_stream.connect(this._volume_node); this._state = InputState.RECORDING; return InputStartResult.EOK; } catch(error) { if(this._state == InputState.INITIALIZING) { this._state = InputState.PAUSED; } throw error; } finally { this._start_promise = undefined; } } async stop() { /* await all starts */ try { if(this._start_promise) await this._start_promise; } catch(error) {} this._state = InputState.PAUSED; if(this._current_audio_stream) this._current_audio_stream.disconnect(); if(this._current_stream) { if(this._current_stream.stop) this._current_stream.stop(); else this._current_stream.getTracks().forEach(value => { value.stop(); }); } this._current_stream = undefined; this._current_audio_stream = undefined; for(const f of this._filters) if(f.is_enabled() && f instanceof filter.JAbstractFilter) f.set_pause(true); if(this._consumer_callback_node) this._consumer_callback_node.removeEventListener('audioprocess', this._consumer_audio_callback); return undefined; } current_device(): InputDevice | undefined { return this._current_device; } async set_device(device: InputDevice | undefined) { if(this._current_device === device) return; const saved_state = this._state; try { await this.stop(); } catch(error) { log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to stop previous record session (%o)"), error); } this._current_device = device as any; /* TODO: Test for device_id and device_group */ if(!device) { this._state = saved_state === InputState.PAUSED ? InputState.PAUSED : InputState.DRY; return; } if(saved_state !== InputState.PAUSED) { try { await this.start() } catch(error) { log.warn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to start new recording stream (%o)"), error); throw "failed to start record"; } } return; } get_filter(type: rbase.filter.Type): rbase.filter.Filter | undefined { for(const filter of this._filters) if(filter.type == type) return filter; let new_filter: filter.JAbstractFilter; switch (type) { case rbase.filter.Type.STATE: new_filter = new filter.JStateFilter(); break; case rbase.filter.Type.VOICE_LEVEL: throw "voice filter isn't supported!"; case rbase.filter.Type.THRESHOLD: new_filter = new filter.JThresholdFilter(); break; default: throw "invalid filter type, or type isn't implemented! (" + type + ")"; } new_filter.callback_active_change = () => this._recalculate_filter_status(); this._filters.push(new_filter as any); this.enable_filter(type); return new_filter as any; } supports_filter(type: rbase.filter.Type) : boolean { switch (type) { case rbase.filter.Type.THRESHOLD: case rbase.filter.Type.STATE: return true; default: return false; } } private find_filter(type: rbase.filter.Type) : filter.JAbstractFilter | undefined { for(const filter of this._filters) if(filter.type == type) return filter as any; return undefined; } clear_filter() { for(const _filter of this._filters) { if(!_filter.is_enabled()) continue; const c_filter = _filter as any as filter.JAbstractFilter; c_filter.finalize(); c_filter.enabled = false; } this._initialize_filters(); this._recalculate_filter_status(); } disable_filter(type: rbase.filter.Type) { const filter = this.find_filter(type); if(!filter) return; /* test if the filter is active */ if(!filter.is_enabled()) return; filter.enabled = false; filter.set_pause(true); filter.finalize(); this._initialize_filters(); this._recalculate_filter_status(); } enable_filter(type: rbase.filter.Type) { const filter = this.get_filter(type) as any as filter.JAbstractFilter; if(filter.is_enabled()) return; filter.enabled = true; filter.set_pause(typeof this._current_audio_stream !== "object"); this._initialize_filters(); this._recalculate_filter_status(); } private _recalculate_filter_status() { let filtered = this._filters.filter(e => e.is_enabled()).filter(e => (e as any as filter.JAbstractFilter).active).length > 0; if(filtered === this._filter_active) return; this._filter_active = filtered; if(filtered) { if(this.callback_end) this.callback_end(); } else { if(this.callback_begin) this.callback_begin(); } } current_consumer(): InputConsumer | undefined { return this._current_consumer; } async set_consumer(consumer: InputConsumer) { if(this._current_consumer) { if(this._current_consumer.type == InputConsumerType.NODE) { if(this._source_node) (this._current_consumer as NodeInputConsumer).callback_disconnect(this._source_node) } else if(this._current_consumer.type === InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { if(this._source_node) this._source_node.disconnect(this._consumer_callback_node); } } if(consumer) { if(consumer.type == InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { if(this._source_node) this._source_node.connect(this._consumer_callback_node); } else if(consumer.type == InputConsumerType.NODE) { if(this._source_node) (consumer as NodeInputConsumer).callback_node(this._source_node); } else { throw "native callback consumers are not supported!"; } } this._current_consumer = consumer; } private _switch_source_node(new_node: AudioNode) { if(this._current_consumer) { if(this._current_consumer.type == InputConsumerType.NODE) { const node_consumer = this._current_consumer as NodeInputConsumer; if(this._source_node) node_consumer.callback_disconnect(this._source_node); if(new_node) node_consumer.callback_node(new_node); } else if(this._current_consumer.type == InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { this._source_node.disconnect(this._consumer_callback_node); if(new_node) new_node.connect(this._consumer_callback_node); } } this._source_node = new_node; } get_volume(): number { return this._volume; } set_volume(volume: number) { if(volume === this._volume) return; this._volume = volume; this._volume_node.gain.value = volume; } } class JavascriptLevelmeter implements LevelMeter { private static _instances: JavascriptLevelmeter[] = []; private static _update_task: number; readonly _device: JavascriptInputDevice; private _callback: (num: number) => any; private _context: AudioContext; private _gain_node: GainNode; private _source_node: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode; private _analyser_node: AnalyserNode; private _media_stream: MediaStream; private _analyse_buffer: Uint8Array; private _current_level = 0; constructor(device: JavascriptInputDevice) { this._device = device; } async initialize() { try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(reject, 5000); aplayer.on_ready(() => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); }); }); } catch(error) { throw tr("audio context timeout"); } this._context = aplayer.context(); if(!this._context) throw tr("invalid context"); this._gain_node = this._context.createGain(); this._gain_node.gain.setValueAtTime(0, 0); /* analyser node */ this._analyser_node = this._context.createAnalyser(); const optimal_ftt_size = Math.ceil(this._context.sampleRate * (filter.JThresholdFilter.update_task_interval / 1000)); this._analyser_node.fftSize = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(optimal_ftt_size))); if(!this._analyse_buffer || this._analyse_buffer.length < this._analyser_node.fftSize) this._analyse_buffer = new Uint8Array(this._analyser_node.fftSize); /* starting stream */ const _result = await JavascriptInput.request_media_stream(this._device.device_id, this._device.group_id); if(!(_result instanceof MediaStream)){ if(_result === InputStartResult.ENOTALLOWED) throw tr("No permissions"); if(_result === InputStartResult.ENOTSUPPORTED) throw tr("Not supported"); if(_result === InputStartResult.EBUSY) throw tr("Device busy"); if(_result === InputStartResult.EUNKNOWN) throw tr("an error occurred"); throw _result; } this._media_stream = _result; this._source_node = this._context.createMediaStreamSource(this._media_stream); this._source_node.connect(this._analyser_node); this._analyser_node.connect(this._gain_node); this._gain_node.connect(this._context.destination); JavascriptLevelmeter._instances.push(this); if(JavascriptLevelmeter._instances.length == 1) { clearInterval(JavascriptLevelmeter._update_task); JavascriptLevelmeter._update_task = setInterval(() => JavascriptLevelmeter._analyse_all(), filter.JThresholdFilter.update_task_interval) as any; } } destory() { JavascriptLevelmeter._instances.remove(this); if(JavascriptLevelmeter._instances.length == 0) { clearInterval(JavascriptLevelmeter._update_task); JavascriptLevelmeter._update_task = 0; } if(this._source_node) { this._source_node.disconnect(); this._source_node = undefined; } if(this._media_stream) { if(this._media_stream.stop) this._media_stream.stop(); else this._media_stream.getTracks().forEach(value => { value.stop(); }); this._media_stream = undefined; } if(this._gain_node) { this._gain_node.disconnect(); this._gain_node = undefined; } if(this._analyser_node) { this._analyser_node.disconnect(); this._analyser_node = undefined; } } device(): InputDevice { return this._device; } set_observer(callback: (value: number) => any) { this._callback = callback; } private static _analyse_all() { for(const instance of [...this._instances]) instance._analyse(); } private _analyse() { this._analyser_node.getByteTimeDomainData(this._analyse_buffer); this._current_level = filter.JThresholdFilter.process(this._analyse_buffer, this._analyser_node.fftSize, this._current_level, .75); if(this._callback) this._callback(this._current_level); } }