import * as log from "./log"; import {LogCategory, logError, logTrace} from "./log"; import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import {Registry} from "./events"; import { tr } from "./i18n/localize"; export type RegistryValueType = boolean | number | string | object; export type RegistryValueTypeNames = "boolean" | "number" | "string" | "object"; export type RegistryValueTypeMapping = T extends boolean ? "boolean" : T extends number ? "number" : T extends string ? "string" : T extends object ? "object" : never; export interface RegistryKey { key: string; valueType: RegistryValueTypeMapping; fallbackKeys?: string | string[]; fallbackImports?: {[key: string]:(value: string) => ValueType}; description?: string; requireRestart?: boolean; } export interface ValuedRegistryKey extends RegistryKey { defaultValue: ValueType; } const UPDATE_DIRECT: boolean = true; function decodeValueFromString(input: string, type: RegistryValueTypeMapping) : T { switch (type) { case "string": return input as any; case "boolean": return (input === "1" || input === "true") as any; case "number": return parseFloat(input) as any; case "object": try { return JSON.parse(input); } catch (error) { return {} as any; } default: throw "value not decodable"; } } function encodeValueToString(input: T) : string { switch (typeof input) { case "string": return input; case "boolean": return input ? "1" : "0"; case "number": return input.toString(); case "object": return JSON.stringify(input); default: throw "value has invalid type"; } } function resolveKey( key: RegistryKey, resolver: (key: string) => string | undefined, defaultValue: DefaultType ) : ValueType | DefaultType { let value = resolver(key.key); if(typeof value === "string") { return decodeValueFromString(value, key.valueType); } /* trying fallback values */ for(const fallback of key.fallbackKeys || []) { value = resolver(fallback); if(typeof value !== "string") { continue; } if(!key.fallbackImports) { break; } /* fallback key succeeded */ const fallbackValueImporter = key.fallbackImports[fallback]; if(fallbackValueImporter) { return fallbackValueImporter(value); } break; } return defaultValue; } /** * Switched appended to the application via the URL. * TODO: Passing native client switches */ export namespace AppParameters { const parameters = {}; function parseParameters() { let search; if(window.opener && window.opener !== window) { search = new URL(window.location.href).search; } else { search =; } search.substr(1).split("&").forEach(part => { let item = part.split("="); parameters[item[0]] = decodeURIComponent(item[1]); }); } export function getValue(key: RegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV; export function getValue(key: ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue?: V) : V; export function getValue(key: RegistryKey | ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV { if(arguments.length > 1) { return resolveKey(key, key => parameters[key], defaultValue); } else if("defaultValue" in key) { return resolveKey(key, key => parameters[key], key.defaultValue); } else { throw tr("missing value"); } } parseParameters(); } export namespace AppParameters { export const KEY_CONNECT_ADDRESS: RegistryKey = { key: "ca", fallbackKeys: ["connect_address"], valueType: "string", description: "A target address to automatically connect to." }; export const KEY_CONNECT_NO_SINGLE_INSTANCE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "cnsi", fallbackKeys: ["connect_no_single_instance"], defaultValue: false, valueType: "boolean", }; export const KEY_CONNECT_TYPE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "ct", fallbackKeys: ["connect_type"], valueType: "number", defaultValue: 0, description: "Connection establish type for automatic connect attempts.\n0 = Connect directly\n1 = Open connect modal" }; export const KEY_CONNECT_NICKNAME: RegistryKey = { key: "cn", fallbackKeys: ["connect_username"], valueType: "string" }; export const KEY_CONNECT_TOKEN: RegistryKey = { key: "ctk", fallbackKeys: ["connect_token"], valueType: "string", description: "Token which will be used by default if the connection attempt succeeded." }; export const KEY_CONNECT_PROFILE: RegistryKey = { key: "cp", fallbackKeys: ["connect_profile"], valueType: "string", description: "The profile which should be used upon connect attempt." }; export const KEY_CONNECT_SERVER_PASSWORD: RegistryKey = { key: "csp", fallbackKeys: ["connect_server_password"], valueType: "string", description: "The password (hashed) for the auto connect attempt." }; export const KEY_CONNECT_CHANNEL: RegistryKey = { key: "cc", fallbackKeys: ["connect_channel"], valueType: "string", description: "The target channel for the connect attempt." }; export const KEY_CONNECT_CHANNEL_PASSWORD: RegistryKey = { key: "ccp", fallbackKeys: ["connect_channel_password"], valueType: "string", description: "The target channel password (hashed) for the connect attempt." }; export const KEY_IPC_REMOTE_ADDRESS: RegistryKey = { key: "ipc-address", valueType: "string", description: "Address of the owner for IPC communication." }; export const KEY_MODAL_TARGET: RegistryKey = { key: "modal-target", valueType: "string", description: "Target modal unique id which should be loaded" }; export const KEY_LOAD_DUMMY_ERROR: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "dummy_load_error", description: "Triggers a loading error at the end of the loading process.", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; } export class StaticSettings { private static _instance: StaticSettings; static get instance() : StaticSettings { if(!this._instance) { this._instance = new StaticSettings(true); } return this._instance; } protected staticValues = {}; protected constructor(_reserved = undefined) { } static(key: RegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV; static(key: ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue?: V) : V; static(key: RegistryKey | ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV { if(arguments.length > 1) { return AppParameters.getValue(key, defaultValue); } else { return AppParameters.getValue(key as ValuedRegistryKey); } } } export interface SettingsEvents { notify_setting_changed: { setting: string, mode: "global" | "server", oldValue: string, newValue: string, newCastedValue: any } } export class Settings { static readonly KEY_USER_IS_NEW: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "user_is_new_user", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: true }; static readonly KEY_LOG_LEVEL: RegistryKey = { key: "log.level", valueType: "number" }; static readonly KEY_DISABLE_COSMETIC_SLOWDOWN: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "disable_cosmetic_slowdown", description: "Disable the cosmetic slowdows in some processes, like icon upload.", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; static readonly KEY_DISABLE_CONTEXT_MENU: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "disableContextMenu", description: "Disable the context menu for the channel tree which allows to debug the DOM easier", defaultValue: false, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_DISABLE_GLOBAL_CONTEXT_MENU: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "disableGlobalContextMenu", description: "Disable the general context menu", defaultValue: true, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_DISABLE_UNLOAD_DIALOG: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "disableUnloadDialog", description: "Disables the unload popup on side closing", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; static readonly KEY_DISABLE_VOICE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "disableVoice", description: "Disables the voice bridge. If disabled, the audio and codec workers aren\'t required anymore", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; static readonly KEY_DISABLE_MULTI_SESSION: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "disableMultiSession", defaultValue: false, requireRestart: true, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_I18N_DEFAULT_REPOSITORY: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "i18n.default_repository", valueType: "string", defaultValue: "" }; /* Default client states */ static readonly KEY_CLIENT_STATE_MICROPHONE_MUTED: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "client_state_microphone_muted", defaultValue: false, fallbackKeys: ["mute_input"], valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CLIENT_STATE_SPEAKER_MUTED: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "client_state_speaker_muted", defaultValue: false, fallbackKeys: ["mute_output"], valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CLIENT_STATE_QUERY_SHOWN: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "client_state_query_shown", defaultValue: false, fallbackKeys: ["show_server_queries"], valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CLIENT_STATE_SUBSCRIBE_ALL_CHANNELS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "client_state_subscribe_all_channels", defaultValue: true, fallbackKeys: ["channel_subscribe_all"], valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CLIENT_STATE_AWAY: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "client_state_away", defaultValue: false, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CLIENT_AWAY_MESSAGE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "client_away_message", defaultValue: "", valueType: "string" }; /* Connect parameters */ static readonly KEY_FLAG_CONNECT_DEFAULT: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_default", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_ADDRESS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_address", valueType: "string", defaultValue: undefined }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_PROFILE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_profile", defaultValue: "default", valueType: "string", }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_USERNAME: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_username", valueType: "string", defaultValue: undefined }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_PASSWORD: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_password", valueType: "string", defaultValue: undefined }; static readonly KEY_FLAG_CONNECT_PASSWORD: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_password_hashed", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_HISTORY: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_history", valueType: "string", defaultValue: "" }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_SHOW_HISTORY: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_show_last_servers", valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: false }; static readonly KEY_CONNECT_NO_DNSPROXY: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "connect_no_dnsproxy", defaultValue: false, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CERTIFICATE_CALLBACK: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "certificate_callback", valueType: "string", defaultValue: undefined }; /* sounds */ static readonly KEY_SOUND_MASTER: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "audio_master_volume", defaultValue: 100, valueType: "number", }; static readonly KEY_SOUND_MASTER_SOUNDS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "audio_master_volume_sounds", defaultValue: 100, valueType: "number", }; static readonly KEY_SOUND_VOLUMES: RegistryKey = { key: "sound_volume", valueType: "string", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_FIXED_TIMESTAMPS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_fixed_timestamps", defaultValue: false, description: "Enables fixed timestamps for chat messages and disabled the updating once (2 seconds ago... etc)", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_COLLOQUIAL_TIMESTAMPS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_colloquial_timestamps", defaultValue: true, description: "Enabled colloquial timestamp formatting like \"Yesterday at ...\" or \"Today at ...\"", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_COLORED_EMOJIES: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_colored_emojies", defaultValue: true, description: "Enables colored emojies powered by Twemoji", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_HIGHLIGHT_CODE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_highlight_code", defaultValue: true, description: "Enables code highlighting within the chat (Client restart required)", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_TAG_URLS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_tag_urls", defaultValue: true, description: "Automatically link urls with [url]", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_ENABLE_MARKDOWN: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_enable_markdown", defaultValue: true, description: "Enabled markdown chat support.", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_ENABLE_BBCODE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_enable_bbcode", defaultValue: false, description: "Enabled bbcode support in chat.", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHAT_IMAGE_WHITELIST_REGEX: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "chat_image_whitelist_regex", defaultValue: JSON.stringify([]), valueType: "string", }; static readonly KEY_SWITCH_INSTANT_CHAT: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "switch_instant_chat", defaultValue: true, description: "Directly switch to channel chat on channel select", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_SWITCH_INSTANT_CLIENT: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "switch_instant_client", defaultValue: true, description: "Directly switch to client info on client select", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_HOSTBANNER_BACKGROUND: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "hostbanner_background", defaultValue: false, description: "Enables a default background begind the hostbanner", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_CHANNEL_EDIT_ADVANCED: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "channel_edit_advanced", defaultValue: false, description: "Edit channels in advanced mode with a lot more settings", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_PERMISSIONS_SHOW_ALL: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "permissions_show_all", defaultValue: false, description: "Show all permissions even thou they dont make sense for the server/channel group", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_TEAFORO_URL: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "teaforo_url", defaultValue: "", valueType: "string", }; static readonly KEY_FONT_SIZE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "font_size", valueType: "number", defaultValue: 14 //parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize) }; static readonly KEY_ICON_SIZE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "icon_size", defaultValue: 100, valueType: "number", }; static readonly KEY_KEYCONTROL_DATA: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "keycontrol_data", defaultValue: "{}", valueType: "string", }; static readonly KEY_LAST_INVITE_LINK_TYPE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "last_invite_link_type", defaultValue: "tea-web", valueType: "string", }; static readonly KEY_TRANSFERS_SHOW_FINISHED: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "transfers_show_finished", defaultValue: true, description: "Show finished file transfers in the file transfer list", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_TRANSFER_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER: RegistryKey = { key: "transfer_download_folder", description: "The download folder for the file transfer downloads", valueType: "string", /* defaultValue: */ }; static readonly KEY_IPC_REMOTE_ADDRESS: RegistryKey = { key: "ipc-address", valueType: "string" }; static readonly KEY_W2G_SIDEBAR_COLLAPSED: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "w2g_sidebar_collapsed", defaultValue: false, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_VOICE_ECHO_TEST_ENABLED: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "voice_echo_test_enabled", defaultValue: true, valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_RNNOISE_FILTER: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "rnnoise_filter", defaultValue: true, description: "Enable the rnnoise filter for supressing background noise", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_LOADER_ANIMATION_ABORT: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "loader_animation_abort", defaultValue: false, description: "Abort the loader animation when the app has been finished loading", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_STOP_VIDEO_ON_SWITCH: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "stop_video_on_channel_switch", defaultValue: true, description: "Stop video broadcasting on channel switch", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_SHOW_ALL_CLIENTS: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_show_all_clients", defaultValue: false, description: "Show all clients within the video frame, even if they're not broadcasting video", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_FORCE_SHOW_OWN_VIDEO: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_force_show_own_video", defaultValue: true, description: "Show own video preview even if you're not broadcasting any video", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE_MODE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_auto_subscribe_mode", defaultValue: 1, description: "Auto subscribe to incoming videos.\n0 := Do not auto subscribe.\n1 := Auto subscribe to the first video.\n2 := Subscribe to all incoming videos.", valueType: "number", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_default_max_width", defaultValue: 1280, description: "The default maximal width of the video being crated.", valueType: "number", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_default_max_height", defaultValue: 720, description: "The default maximal height of the video being crated.", valueType: "number", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_DYNAMIC_QUALITY: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_dynamic_quality", defaultValue: true, description: "Dynamically decrease video quality in order to archive a higher framerate.", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_DYNAMIC_FRAME_RATE: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_dynamic_frame_rate", defaultValue: true, description: "Dynamically decrease video framerate to allow higher video resolutions.", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly KEY_VIDEO_QUICK_SETUP: ValuedRegistryKey = { key: "video_quick_setup", defaultValue: true, description: "Automatically select the default video device and start broadcasting without the video configure dialog.", valueType: "boolean", }; static readonly FN_LOG_ENABLED: (category: string) => RegistryKey = category => { return { key: "log." + category.toLowerCase() + ".enabled", valueType: "boolean", } }; static readonly FN_SEPARATOR_STATE: (separator: string) => RegistryKey = separator => { return { key: "separator-settings-" + separator, valueType: "string", fallbackKeys: ["seperator-settings-" + separator] } }; static readonly FN_LOG_LEVEL_ENABLED: (category: string) => RegistryKey = category => { return { key: "log.level." + category.toLowerCase() + ".enabled", valueType: "boolean" } }; static readonly FN_INVITE_LINK_SETTING: (name: string) => RegistryKey = name => { return { key: "invite_link_setting_" + name, valueType: "string", } }; static readonly FN_SERVER_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE_MODE: (channel_id: number) => RegistryKey = channel => { return { key: "channel_subscribe_mode_" + channel, valueType: "number", } }; static readonly FN_SERVER_CHANNEL_COLLAPSED: (channel_id: number) => ValuedRegistryKey = channel => { return { key: "channel_collapsed_" + channel, defaultValue: false, valueType: "boolean", } }; static readonly FN_PROFILE_RECORD: (name: string) => RegistryKey = name => { return { key: "profile_record" + name, valueType: "object", } }; static readonly FN_CHANNEL_CHAT_READ: (id: number) => RegistryKey = id => { return { key: "channel_chat_read_" + id, valueType: "number", } }; static readonly FN_CLIENT_MUTED: (clientUniqueId: string) => RegistryKey = clientUniqueId => { return { key: "client_" + clientUniqueId + "_muted", valueType: "boolean", fallbackKeys: ["mute_client_" + clientUniqueId] } }; static readonly FN_CLIENT_VOLUME: (clientUniqueId: string) => RegistryKey = clientUniqueId => { return { key: "client_" + clientUniqueId + "_volume", valueType: "number", fallbackKeys: ["volume_client_" + clientUniqueId] } }; static readonly FN_EVENTS_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED: (event: string) => RegistryKey = event => { return { key: "event_notification_" + event + "_enabled", valueType: "boolean" } }; static readonly FN_EVENTS_LOG_ENABLED: (event: string) => RegistryKey = event => { return { key: "event_log_" + event + "_enabled", valueType: "boolean" } }; static readonly FN_EVENTS_FOCUS_ENABLED: (event: string) => RegistryKey = event => { return { key: "event_focus_" + event + "_enabled", valueType: "boolean" } }; static readonly KEYS = (() => { const result = []; for(const key of Object.keys(Settings)) { if(!key.toUpperCase().startsWith("KEY_")) { continue; } result.push(key); } return result; })(); static initialize() { settings = new Settings(); (window as any).settings = settings; (window as any).Settings = Settings; } readonly events: Registry; private readonly cacheGlobal = {}; private saveWorker: number; private updated: boolean = false; constructor() { = new Registry(); const json = localStorage.getItem(""); try { this.cacheGlobal = JSON.parse(json); } catch(error) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load global settings!\nJson: %s\nError: %o"), json, error); const show_popup = () => { //FIXME: Readd this //createErrorModal(tr("Failed to load global settings"), tr("Failed to load global client settings!\nLookup console for more information.")).open(); }; if(!loader.finished()) loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, { priority: 0, name: "Settings error", function: async () => show_popup() }); else show_popup(); } if(!this.cacheGlobal) this.cacheGlobal = {}; this.saveWorker = setInterval(() => { if(this.updated); }, 5 * 1000); } getValue(key: RegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV; getValue(key: ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue?: V) : V; getValue(key: RegistryKey | ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV { if(arguments.length > 1) { return resolveKey(key, key => this.cacheGlobal[key], defaultValue); } else if("defaultValue" in key) { return resolveKey(key, key => this.cacheGlobal[key], key.defaultValue); } else { debugger; throw tr("missing default value"); } } setValue(key: RegistryKey, value?: T){ if(value === null) { value = undefined; } if(this.cacheGlobal[key.key] === value) { return; } const oldValue = this.cacheGlobal[key.key]; if(value === undefined) { delete this.cacheGlobal[key.key]; } else { this.cacheGlobal[key.key] = encodeValueToString(value); } this.updated = true;"notify_setting_changed", { mode: "global", newValue: this.cacheGlobal[key.key], oldValue: oldValue, setting: key.key, newCastedValue: value }); logTrace(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Changing global setting %s to %o"), key.key, value); if(UPDATE_DIRECT) {; } } globalChangeListener(key: RegistryKey, listener: (newValue: T) => void) : () => void { return"notify_setting_changed", event => { if(event.setting === key.key && event.mode === "global") { listener(event.newCastedValue); } }) } save() { this.updated = false; let global = JSON.stringify(this.cacheGlobal); localStorage.setItem("", global); if(; } } export class ServerSettings { private cacheServer = {}; private serverUniqueId: string; private serverSaveWorker: number; private serverSettingsUpdated: boolean = false; private _destroyed = false; constructor() { this.serverSaveWorker = setInterval(() => { if(this.serverSettingsUpdated) {; } }, 5 * 1000); } destroy() { this._destroyed = true; this.serverUniqueId = undefined; this.cacheServer = undefined; clearInterval(this.serverSaveWorker); this.serverSaveWorker = undefined; } getValue(key: RegistryKey, defaultValue: DV) : V | DV; getValue(key: ValuedRegistryKey, defaultValue?: V) : V; getValue(key, defaultValue) { if(this._destroyed) { throw "destroyed"; } if(arguments.length > 1) { return resolveKey(key, key => this.cacheServer[key], defaultValue); } else if("defaultValue" in key) { return resolveKey(key, key => this.cacheServer[key], key.defaultValue); } else { debugger; throw tr("missing default value"); } } setValue(key: RegistryKey, value?: T) { if(this._destroyed) { throw "destroyed"; } if(this.cacheServer[key.key] === value) { return; } this.serverSettingsUpdated = true; if(value === undefined || value === null) { delete this.cacheServer[key.key]; } else { this.cacheServer[key.key] = encodeValueToString(value); } if(UPDATE_DIRECT) {; } } setServer(server_unique_id: string) { if(this._destroyed) throw "destroyed"; if(this.serverUniqueId) {; this.cacheServer = {}; this.serverUniqueId = undefined; } this.serverUniqueId = server_unique_id; if(this.serverUniqueId) { const json = localStorage.getItem("settings.server_" + server_unique_id); try { this.cacheServer = JSON.parse(json); } catch(error) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load server settings for server %s!\nJson: %s\nError: %o"), server_unique_id, json, error); } if(!this.cacheServer) this.cacheServer = {}; } } save() { if(this._destroyed) { throw "destroyed"; } this.serverSettingsUpdated = false; if(this.serverUniqueId) { let server = JSON.stringify(this.cacheServer); localStorage.setItem("settings.server_" + this.serverUniqueId, server); if( {; } } } } export let settings: Settings = null; loader.register_task(Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { priority: 1000, name: "Settings initialize", function: async () => Settings.initialize() })