$(document).bind("mousedown", function (e) { let menu = $(".context-menu"); if(!menu.is(":visible")) return; if ($(e.target).parents(".context-menu").length == 0) { despawn_context_menu(); } }); let contextMenuCloseFn = undefined; function despawn_context_menu() { let menu = $(".context-menu"); if(!menu.is(":visible")) return; menu.hide(100); if(contextMenuCloseFn) contextMenuCloseFn(); } enum MenuEntryType { CLOSE, ENTRY, HR, SUB_MENU } class MenuEntry { static HR() { return { callback: () => {}, type: MenuEntryType.HR, name: "", icon: "" }; }; static CLOSE(callback: () => void) { return { callback: callback, type: MenuEntryType.CLOSE, name: "", icon: "" }; } } interface ContextMenuEntry { callback?: () => void; type: MenuEntryType; name: (() => string) | string; icon?: (() => string) | string | JQuery; disabled?: boolean; invalidPermission?: boolean; sub_menu?: ContextMenuEntry[]; } function generate_tag(entry: ContextMenuEntry) : JQuery { if(entry.type == MenuEntryType.HR) { return $.spawn("hr"); } else if(entry.type == MenuEntryType.ENTRY) { console.log(entry.icon); let icon = $.isFunction(entry.icon) ? entry.icon() : entry.icon; if(typeof(icon) === "string") { if(!icon || icon.length == 0) icon = "icon_empty"; else icon = "icon " + icon; } let tag = $.spawn("div").addClass("entry"); tag.append(typeof(icon) === "string" ? $.spawn("div").addClass(icon) : icon); tag.append($.spawn("div").html($.isFunction(entry.name) ? entry.name() : entry.name)); if(entry.disabled || entry.invalidPermission) tag.addClass("disabled"); else { tag.click(function () { if($.isFunction(entry.callback)) entry.callback(); despawn_context_menu(); }); } return tag; } else if(entry.type == MenuEntryType.SUB_MENU) { let icon = $.isFunction(entry.icon) ? entry.icon() : entry.icon; if(typeof(icon) === "string") { if(!icon || icon.length == 0) icon = "icon_empty"; else icon = "icon " + icon; } let tag = $.spawn("div").addClass("entry").addClass("sub-container"); tag.append(typeof(icon) === "string" ? $.spawn("div").addClass(icon) : icon); tag.append($.spawn("div").html($.isFunction(entry.name) ? entry.name() : entry.name)); tag.append($.spawn("div").addClass("arrow right")); if(entry.disabled || entry.invalidPermission) tag.addClass("disabled"); else { let menu = $.spawn("div").addClass("sub-menu").addClass("context-menu"); for(let e of entry.sub_menu) menu.append(generate_tag(e)); menu.appendTo(tag); } return tag; } return $.spawn("div").text("undefined"); } function spawn_context_menu(x, y, ...entries: ContextMenuEntry[]) { const menu = $("#contextMenu").finish().empty(); contextMenuCloseFn = undefined; for(let entry of entries){ if(entry.type == MenuEntryType.CLOSE) { contextMenuCloseFn = entry.callback; } else menu.append(generate_tag(entry)); } menu.show(100); // In the right position (the mouse) menu.css({ "top": y + "px", "left": x + "px" }); }