import {LogCategory, logError, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import {server_connections} from "tc-shared/ConnectionManager"; import {ServerProperties} from "tc-shared/tree/Server"; export const kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId = "unknown"; export type ConnectionHistoryEntry = { id: number, timestamp: number, serverUniqueId: string | typeof kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId /* Target address how it has been given by the user */ targetAddress: string, nickname: string, hashedPassword: string, }; export type ConnectionHistoryServerEntry = { firstConnectTimestamp: number, firstConnectId: number, lastConnectTimestamp: number, lastConnectId: number, } export type ConnectionHistoryServerInfo = { name: string, iconId: number, country: string, /* These properties are only available upon server variable retrieval */ clientsOnline: number | -1, clientsMax: number | -1, passwordProtected: boolean } export class ConnectionHistory { private database: IDBDatabase; constructor() { } async initializeDatabase() { const openRequest ="connection-log", 1); openRequest.onupgradeneeded = event => { const database = openRequest.result; switch (event.oldVersion) { case 0: if(!database.objectStoreNames.contains("attempt-history")) { /* Schema: { timestamp: number, targetAddress: string, nickname: string, hashedPassword: string, serverUniqueId: string | typeof kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId, } */ const store = database.createObjectStore("attempt-history", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true }); store.createIndex("timestamp", "timestamp", { unique: false }); store.createIndex("targetAddress", "targetAddress", { unique: false }); store.createIndex("serverUniqueId", "serverUniqueId", { unique: false }); } if(!database.objectStoreNames.contains("server-info")) { database.createObjectStore("server-info", { keyPath: "uniqueId" }); /* Schema: { firstConnectTimestamp: number, firstConnectId: number, lastConnectTimestamp: number, lastConnectId: number, name: string, iconId: number, country: string, clientsOnline: number | -1, clientsMax: number | -1, passwordProtected: boolean } */ } /* fall through wanted */ case 1: break; default: throw tra("connection log database has an invalid version: {}", event.oldVersion); } }; this.database = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { openRequest.onblocked = () => reject(tr("Failed to open the connection log database")); openRequest.onerror = () => { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to open the client connection log database: %o"), openRequest.error); reject(openRequest.error.message); }; openRequest.onsuccess = () => resolve(openRequest.result); }); } /** * Register a new connection attempt. * @param attempt * @return Returns a unique connect attempt identifier id which could be later used to set the unique server id. */ async logConnectionAttempt(attempt: { targetAddress: string, nickname: string, hashedPassword: string, }) : Promise { if(!this.database) { return; } const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readwrite"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); const id = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const insert = store.put({ timestamp:, serverUniqueId: kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId, targetAddress: attempt.targetAddress, nickname: attempt.nickname, hashedPassword: attempt.hashedPassword, }); insert.onsuccess = () => resolve(insert.result); insert.onerror = () => reject(insert.error); }); if(typeof id !== "number") { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Received invalid idb key type which isn't a number: %o"), id); throw tr("invalid idb key returned"); } return id; } private async resolveDatabaseServerInfo(serverUniqueId: string, mode: IDBTransactionMode) : Promise { const transaction = this.database.transaction(["server-info"], mode); const store = transaction.objectStore("server-info"); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cursor = store.openCursor(serverUniqueId); cursor.onsuccess = () => resolve(cursor.result); cursor.onerror = () => reject(cursor.error); }); } private async updateDatabaseServerInfo(serverUniqueId: string, updateCallback: (databaseValue) => void) { let entry = await this.resolveDatabaseServerInfo(serverUniqueId, "readwrite"); if(entry) { const newValue = Object.assign({}, entry.value); updateCallback(newValue); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const update = entry.update(newValue); update.onsuccess = resolve; update.onerror = () => reject(update.error); }); } else { const transaction = this.database.transaction(["server-info"], "readwrite"); const store = transaction.objectStore("server-info"); const value = { uniqueId: serverUniqueId, firstConnectTimestamp: 0, firstConnectId: -1, lastConnectTimestamp: 0, lastConnectId: -1, name: tr("unknown"), iconId: 0, clientsOnline: -1, clientsMax: -1, passwordProtected: false }; updateCallback(value); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const insert = store.put(value); insert.onsuccess = resolve; insert.onerror = () => reject(insert.error); }); } } /** * Update the connection attempts target server id. * @param connectionAttemptId * @param serverUniqueId */ async updateConnectionServerUniqueId(connectionAttemptId: number, serverUniqueId: string) { if(!this.database) { return; } const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readwrite"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); let connectAttemptInfo; { const entry = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cursor = store.openCursor(connectionAttemptId); cursor.onsuccess = () => resolve(cursor.result); cursor.onerror = () => reject(cursor.error); }); if(!entry) { throw tr("missing connection attempt"); } if(entry.value.serverUniqueId === serverUniqueId) { logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("updateConnectionServerUniqueId(...) has been called twice")); return; } else if(entry.value.serverUniqueId !== kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId) { throw tr("connection attempt has already a server unique id set"); } const newValue = connectAttemptInfo = Object.assign({}, entry.value); newValue.serverUniqueId = serverUniqueId; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const update = entry.update(newValue); update.onsuccess = resolve; update.onerror = () => reject(update.error); }); } await this.updateDatabaseServerInfo(serverUniqueId, databaseValue => { if(databaseValue.firstConnectTimestamp === 0) { databaseValue.firstConnectTimestamp = connectAttemptInfo.timestamp; databaseValue.firstConnectId =; } databaseValue.lastConnectTimestamp = connectAttemptInfo.timestamp; databaseValue.lastConnectId =; }); } /** * Update the connection attempt server password * @param connectionAttemptId * @param passwordHash */ async updateConnectionServerPassword(connectionAttemptId: number, passwordHash: string) { if(!this.database) { return; } const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readwrite"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); const entry = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cursor = store.openCursor(connectionAttemptId); cursor.onsuccess = () => resolve(cursor.result); cursor.onerror = () => reject(cursor.error); }); if(!entry) { throw tr("missing connection attempt"); } const newValue = Object.assign({}, entry.value); newValue.hashedPassword = passwordHash; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const update = entry.update(newValue); update.onsuccess = resolve; update.onerror = () => reject(update.error); }); } /** * Update the server info of the given server. * @param serverUniqueId * @param info */ async updateServerInfo(serverUniqueId: string, info: ConnectionHistoryServerInfo) { if(!this.database) { return; } await this.updateDatabaseServerInfo(serverUniqueId, databaseValue => { =; databaseValue.iconId = info.iconId; databaseValue.clientsOnline = info.clientsOnline; databaseValue.clientsMax = info.clientsMax; }); } async deleteConnectionAttempts(target: string, targetType: "address" | "server-unique-id") { if(!this.database) { return; } const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readwrite"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); const cursor = store.index(targetType === "server-unique-id" ? "serverUniqueId" : "targetAddress").openCursor(target); const promises = []; while(true) { const entry = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cursor.onsuccess = () => resolve(cursor.result); cursor.onerror = () => reject(cursor.error); }); if (!entry) { break; } promises.push(new Promise(resolve => { const deleteRequest = entry.delete(); deleteRequest.onsuccess = resolve; deleteRequest.onerror = () => { logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to delete a connection attempt: %o"), deleteRequest.error); resolve(); } })); entry.continue(); } await Promise.all(promises); } /** * Query the server info of a given server unique id * @param serverUniqueId */ async queryServerInfo(serverUniqueId: string) : Promise<(ConnectionHistoryServerInfo & ConnectionHistoryServerEntry) | undefined> { if(!this.database) { return undefined; } let entry = await this.resolveDatabaseServerInfo(serverUniqueId, "readonly"); if(!entry) { return; } const value = entry.value; return { firstConnectId: value.firstConnectId, firstConnectTimestamp: value.firstConnectTimestamp, lastConnectId: value.lastConnectId, lastConnectTimestamp: value.lastConnectTimestamp, name:, iconId: value.iconId, country:, clientsOnline: value.clientsOnline, clientsMax: value.clientsMax, passwordProtected: value.passwordProtected }; } /** * Query the last connected addresses/servers. * @param maxUniqueServers */ async lastConnectedServers(maxUniqueServers: number) : Promise { if(!this.database) { return []; } const result: ConnectionHistoryEntry[] = []; const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readonly"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); const cursor = store.index("timestamp").openCursor(undefined, "prev"); while(result.length < maxUniqueServers) { const entry = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cursor.onsuccess = () => resolve(cursor.result); cursor.onerror = () => reject(cursor.error); }); if(!entry) { break; } const parsedEntry = { id:, timestamp: entry.value.timestamp, serverUniqueId: entry.value.serverUniqueId, nickname: entry.value.nickname, hashedPassword: entry.value.hashedPassword, targetAddress: entry.value.targetAddress, } as ConnectionHistoryEntry; entry.continue(); if(parsedEntry.serverUniqueId !== kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId) { if(result.findIndex(entry => entry.serverUniqueId === parsedEntry.serverUniqueId) !== -1) { continue; } const failedEntry = result.find(entry => entry.targetAddress === parsedEntry.targetAddress); if(failedEntry) { /* We've a newer, but failed attempt to that address. Since we've connected to that address already we could just use that attempt */ failedEntry.serverUniqueId = parsedEntry.serverUniqueId; continue; } } else { if(result.findIndex(entry => entry.targetAddress === parsedEntry.targetAddress) !== -1) { continue; } } result.push(parsedEntry); } return result; } async lastConnectInfo(target: string, targetType: "address" | "server-unique-id", onlySucceeded?: boolean) : Promise { if(!this.database) { return undefined; } const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readonly"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); const cursor = store.index(targetType === "server-unique-id" ? "serverUniqueId" : "targetAddress").openCursor(target, "prev"); while(true) { const entry = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cursor.onsuccess = () => resolve(cursor.result); cursor.onerror = () => reject(cursor.error); }); if(!entry) { return undefined; } if(entry.value.serverUniqueId === kUnknownHistoryServerUniqueId && onlySucceeded) { continue; } return { id:, timestamp: entry.value.timestamp, serverUniqueId: entry.value.serverUniqueId, nickname: entry.value.nickname, hashedPassword: entry.value.hashedPassword, targetAddress: entry.value.targetAddress, }; } } async countConnectCount(target: string, targetType: "address" | "server-unique-id") : Promise { if(!this.database) { return -1; } const transaction = this.database.transaction(["attempt-history"], "readonly"); const store = transaction.objectStore("attempt-history"); const count = store.index(targetType === "server-unique-id" ? "serverUniqueId" : "targetAddress").count(target); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { count.onsuccess = () => resolve(count.result); count.onerror = () => reject(count.error); }); } } const kConnectServerInfoUpdatePropertyKeys: (keyof ServerProperties)[] = [ "virtualserver_icon_id", "virtualserver_name", "virtualserver_flag_password", "virtualserver_maxclients", "virtualserver_clientsonline", "virtualserver_flag_password", "virtualserver_country_code" ]; class ConnectionHistoryUpdateListener { private readonly history: ConnectionHistory; private listenerHandlerManager: (() => void)[]; private listenerConnectionHandler: {[key: string]: (() => void)[]} = {}; constructor(history: ConnectionHistory) { this.history = history; this.listenerHandlerManager = []; this.listenerHandlerManager.push("notify_handler_created", event => { this.registerConnectionHandler(event.handler); })); this.listenerHandlerManager.push("notify_handler_deleted", event => { this.listenerConnectionHandler[event.handler.handlerId]?.forEach(callback => callback()); delete this.listenerConnectionHandler[event.handler.handlerId]; })); } destroy() { this.listenerHandlerManager.forEach(callback => callback()); Object.values(this.listenerConnectionHandler).forEach(callbacks => callbacks.forEach(callback => callback())); this.listenerConnectionHandler = {}; } private registerConnectionHandler(handler: ConnectionHandler) {"notify_properties_updated", event => { if("virtualserver_unique_identifier" in event.updated_properties) { if(handler.currentConnectId > 0) { this.history.updateConnectionServerUniqueId(handler.currentConnectId, event.server_properties.virtualserver_unique_identifier) .catch(error => { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to update connect server unique id: %o"), error); }) } } for(const key of kConnectServerInfoUpdatePropertyKeys) { if(key in event.updated_properties) { this.history.updateServerInfo(event.server_properties.virtualserver_unique_identifier, { name: event.server_properties.virtualserver_name, iconId: event.server_properties.virtualserver_icon_id, country: event.server_properties.virtualserver_country_code, clientsMax: event.server_properties.virtualserver_maxclients, clientsOnline: event.server_properties.virtualserver_clientsonline, passwordProtected: event.server_properties.virtualserver_flag_password }).catch(error => { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to update connect server info: %o"), error); }); break; } } }); } } export let connectionHistory: ConnectionHistory; let historyInfoListener: ConnectionHistoryUpdateListener; loader.register_task(Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { priority: 0, name: "Chat history setup", function: async () => { if(!('indexedDB' in window)) { loader.critical_error(tr("Missing Indexed DB support")); throw tr("Missing Indexed DB support"); } connectionHistory = new ConnectionHistory(); try { await connectionHistory.initializeDatabase(); } catch (error) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to initialize connection history database: %o"), error); logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Do not saving the connection attempts.")); return; } historyInfoListener = new ConnectionHistoryUpdateListener(connectionHistory); (window as any).connectionHistory = connectionHistory; } });