import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import {LogCategory, logDebug, logError, logInfo, logTrace, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import { CommandSessionInitializeAgent, CommandSessionUpdateLocale, Message, MessageCommand, MessageCommandResult, MessageNotify, NotifyClientsOnline } from "./messages"; import {config, tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; import {geoLocationProvider} from "tc-shared/clientservice/GeoLocation"; import translation_config = config.translation_config; import {getBackend} from "tc-shared/backend"; const kApiVersion = 1; const kVerbose = true; type ConnectionState = "disconnected" | "connecting" | "connected" | "reconnect-pending"; type PendingCommand = { resolve: (result: MessageCommandResult) => void, timeout: number }; interface ClientServiceConnectionEvents { notify_state_changed: { oldState: ConnectionState, newState: ConnectionState }, notify_notify_received: { notify: MessageNotify } } let tokenIndex = 0; class ClientServiceConnection { readonly events: Registry; readonly verbose: boolean; readonly reconnectInterval: number; private reconnectTimeout: number; private connectionState: ConnectionState; private connection: WebSocket; private pendingCommands: {[key: string]: PendingCommand} = {}; constructor(reconnectInterval: number, verbose: boolean) { = new Registry(); this.reconnectInterval = reconnectInterval; this.verbose = verbose; } destroy() { this.disconnect();; } getState() : ConnectionState { return this.connectionState; } private setState(newState: ConnectionState) { if(this.connectionState === newState) { return; } const oldState = this.connectionState; this.connectionState = newState;"notify_state_changed", { oldState, newState }) } connect() { this.disconnect(); this.setState("connecting"); let address; address = ""; //address = "localhost:1244"; this.connection = new WebSocket(`wss://${address}/ws-api/v${kApiVersion}`); this.connection.onclose = event => { if(this.verbose) { logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Lost connection to statistics server (Connection closed). Reason: %s"), event.reason ? `${event.reason} (${event.code})` : event.code); } this.handleConnectionLost(); }; this.connection.onopen = () => { if(this.verbose) { logDebug(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Connection established.")); } this.setState("connected"); } this.connection.onerror = () => { if(this.connectionState === "connecting") { if(this.verbose) { logDebug(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Failed to connect to target server.")); } this.handleConnectFail(); } else { if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received web socket error which indicates that the connection has been closed.")); } this.handleConnectionLost(); } }; this.connection.onmessage = event => { if(typeof !== "string") { if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Receved non text message: %o"),; } return; } this.handleServerMessage(; }; } disconnect() { if(this.connection) { this.connection.onclose = undefined; this.connection.onopen = undefined; this.connection.onmessage = undefined; this.connection.onerror = undefined; this.connection.close(); this.connection = undefined; } for(const command of Object.values(this.pendingCommands)) { command.resolve({ type: "ConnectionClosed" }); } this.pendingCommands = {}; clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); this.reconnectTimeout = undefined; this.setState("disconnected"); } cancelReconnect() { clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); this.reconnectTimeout = undefined; if(this.connectionState === "reconnect-pending") { this.setState("disconnected"); } } async executeCommand(command: MessageCommand) : Promise { if(this.connectionState !== "connected") { return { type: "ConnectionClosed" }; } const token = "tk-" + ++tokenIndex; try { this.connection.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "Command", token: token, command: command } as Message)); } catch (error) { if(this.verbose) { logError(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Failed to send command: %o"), error); } return { type: "GenericError", error: tr("Failed to send command") }; } return await new Promise(resolve => { const proxiedResolve = (result: MessageCommandResult) => { clearTimeout(this.pendingCommands[token]?.timeout); delete this.pendingCommands[token]; resolve(result); }; this.pendingCommands[token] = { resolve: proxiedResolve, timeout: setTimeout(() => proxiedResolve({ type: "ConnectionTimeout" }), 5000) }; }); } private handleConnectFail() { this.disconnect(); this.executeReconnect(); } private handleConnectionLost() { this.disconnect(); this.executeReconnect(); } private executeReconnect() { if(!this.reconnectInterval) { return; } if(this.verbose) { logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Scheduling reconnect in %dms"), this.reconnectInterval); } this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.connect(), this.reconnectInterval); this.setState("reconnect-pending"); } private handleServerMessage(message: string) { let data: Message; try { data = JSON.parse(message); } catch (_error) { if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received message which isn't parsable as JSON.")); } return; } if(data.type === "Command") { if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received message of type command. The server should not send these. Message: %o"), data); } /* Well this is odd. We should never receive such */ } else if(data.type === "CommandResult") { if(data.token === null) { if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received general error: %o"), data.result); } } else if(this.pendingCommands[data.token]) { /* The entry itself will be cleaned up by the resolve callback */ this.pendingCommands[data.token].resolve(data.result); } else if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received command result for unknown token: %o"), data.token); } } else if(data.type === "Notify") {"notify_notify_received", { notify: data.notify }); } else if(this.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received message with invalid type: %o"), (data as any).type); } } } export class ClientServices { private connection: ClientServiceConnection; private sessionInitialized: boolean; private retryTimer: number; private initializeAgentId: number; private initializeLocaleId: number; constructor() { this.initializeAgentId = 0; this.initializeLocaleId = 0; this.sessionInitialized = false; this.connection = new ClientServiceConnection(5000, kVerbose);"notify_state_changed", event => { if(event.newState !== "connected") { this.sessionInitialized = false; return; } logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Connected successfully. Initializing session.")); this.executeCommandWithRetry({ type: "SessionInitialize", payload: { anonymize_ip: false }}, 2500).then(result => { if(result.type !== "Success") { if(result.type === "ConnectionClosed") { return; } if(kVerbose) { logError(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Failed to initialize session. Retrying in 120 seconds. Result: %o"), result); } this.scheduleRetry(120 * 1000); return; } this.sendInitializeAgent().then(undefined); this.sendLocaleUpdate(); }); });"notify_notify_received", event => { switch (event.notify.type) { case "NotifyClientsOnline": this.handleNotifyClientsOnline(event.notify.payload); break; default: return; } }); } start() { this.connection.connect(); } stop() { this.connection.disconnect(); clearTimeout(this.retryTimer); this.initializeAgentId++; this.initializeLocaleId++; } private scheduleRetry(time: number) { this.stop(); this.retryTimer = setTimeout(() => this.connection.connect(), time); } /** * Returns as soon the result indicates that something else went wrong rather than transmitting. * @param command * @param retryInterval */ private async executeCommandWithRetry(command: MessageCommand, retryInterval: number) : Promise { while(true) { const result = await this.connection.executeCommand(command); switch (result.type) { case "ServerInternalError": case "CommandEnqueueError": case "ClientSessionUninitialized": const shouldRetry = await new Promise(resolve => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { listener(); resolve(true); }, 2500); const listener ="notify_state_changed", event => { if(event.newState !== "connected") { resolve(false); clearTimeout(timeout); } }) }); if(shouldRetry) { continue; } else { return result; } default: return result; } } } private async sendInitializeAgent() { const taskId = ++this.initializeAgentId; const payload: CommandSessionInitializeAgent = { session_type: === "web" ? 0 : 1, architecture: null, platform_version: null, platform: null, client_version: null, ui_version: __build.version }; if( === "client") { const info = getBackend("native").getVersionInfo(); payload.client_version = info.version; payload.architecture = info.os_architecture; payload.platform = info.os_platform; payload.platform_version = info.os_platform_version; } else { const os = window.detectedBrowser.os; const osParts = os.split(" "); if(osParts.last().match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { payload.platform_version = osParts.last(); osParts.splice(osParts.length - 1, 1); } payload.platform = osParts.join(" "); payload.architecture =; payload.client_version = window.detectedBrowser.version; } if(this.initializeAgentId !== taskId) { /* We don't want to send that stuff any more */ return; } this.executeCommandWithRetry({ type: "SessionInitializeAgent", payload }, 2500).then(result => { if(kVerbose) { logTrace(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Agent initialize result: %o"), result); } }); } private async sendLocaleUpdate() { const taskId = ++this.initializeLocaleId; const payload: CommandSessionUpdateLocale = { ip_country: null, selected_locale: null, local_timestamp: }; const geoInfo = await geoLocationProvider.queryInfo(2500); payload.ip_country = geoInfo?.country?.toLowerCase() || null; const trConfig = translation_config(); payload.selected_locale = trConfig?.current_translation_url || null; if(this.initializeLocaleId !== taskId) { return; } this.connection.executeCommand({ type: "SessionUpdateLocale", payload }).then(result => { if(kVerbose) { logTrace(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Agent local update result: %o"), result); } }); } private handleNotifyClientsOnline(notify: NotifyClientsOnline) { logInfo(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Received user count update: %o"), notify); } } export let clientServices: ClientServices; loader.register_task(Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { priority: 30, function: async () => { clientServices = new ClientServices(); clientServices.start(); (window as any).clientServices = clientServices; }, name: "client services" });