import {AudioRecorderBacked, DeviceList, IDevice,} from "tc-shared/audio/recorder"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import { AbstractInput, FilterMode, InputConsumer, InputConsumerType, InputEvents, InputStartError, InputState, LevelMeter, NodeInputConsumer } from "tc-shared/voice/RecorderBase"; import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import {LogCategory, logDebug, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log"; import * as aplayer from "./player"; import {JAbstractFilter, JStateFilter, JThresholdFilter} from "./RecorderFilter"; import {Filter, FilterType, FilterTypeClass} from "tc-shared/voice/Filter"; import {inputDeviceList} from "tc-backend/web/audio/RecorderDeviceList"; import {requestMediaStream, stopMediaStream} from "tc-shared/media/Stream"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; declare global { interface MediaStream { stop(); } } export interface WebIDevice extends IDevice { groupId: string; } export class WebAudioRecorder implements AudioRecorderBacked { createInput(): AbstractInput { return new JavascriptInput(); } async createLevelMeter(device: IDevice): Promise { const meter = new JavascriptLevelMeter(device as any); await meter.initialize(); return meter; } getDeviceList(): DeviceList { return inputDeviceList; } isRnNoiseSupported() { return false; } toggleRnNoise(target: boolean) { throw "not supported"; } } class JavascriptInput implements AbstractInput { public readonly events: Registry; private state: InputState = InputState.PAUSED; private deviceId: string | undefined; private consumer: InputConsumer; private currentStream: MediaStream; private currentAudioStream: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode; private audioContext: AudioContext; private sourceNode: AudioNode; /* last node which could be connected to the target; target might be the _consumer_node */ private audioNodeCallbackConsumer: ScriptProcessorNode; private readonly audioScriptProcessorCallback; private audioNodeVolume: GainNode; /* The node is connected to the audio context. Used for the script processor so it has a sink */ private audioNodeMute: GainNode; private registeredFilters: (Filter & JAbstractFilter)[] = []; private inputFiltered: boolean = false; private filterMode: FilterMode = FilterMode.Block; private startPromise: Promise; private volumeModifier: number = 1; constructor() { = new Registry(); aplayer.on_ready(() => this.handleAudioInitialized()); this.audioScriptProcessorCallback = this.handleAudio.bind(this); } destroy() { } private handleAudioInitialized() { this.audioContext = aplayer.context(); this.audioNodeMute = this.audioContext.createGain(); this.audioNodeMute.gain.value = 0; this.audioNodeMute.connect(this.audioContext.destination); this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer = this.audioContext.createScriptProcessor(1024 * 4); this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer.connect(this.audioNodeMute); this.audioNodeVolume = this.audioContext.createGain(); this.audioNodeVolume.gain.value = this.volumeModifier; this.initializeFilters(); } private setState(state: InputState) { if(this.state === state) { return; } const oldState = this.state; this.state = state;"notify_state_changed", { oldState, newState: state }); } private initializeFilters() { this.registeredFilters.forEach(e => e.finalize()); this.registeredFilters.sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority); if(!this.audioContext || !this.audioNodeVolume) { return; } if(this.filterMode === FilterMode.Block) { this.switchSourceNode(this.audioNodeMute); } else if(this.filterMode === FilterMode.Filter) { const activeFilters = this.registeredFilters.filter(e => e.isEnabled()); let chain = "output <- "; let currentSource: AudioNode = this.audioNodeVolume; for(const f of activeFilters) { f.initialize(this.audioContext, currentSource); f.setPaused(false); currentSource = f.audioNode; chain += FilterType[f.type] + " <- "; } chain += "input"; logDebug(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Input filter chain: %s"), chain); this.switchSourceNode(currentSource); } else if(this.filterMode === FilterMode.Bypass) { this.switchSourceNode(this.audioNodeVolume); } } private handleAudio(event: AudioProcessingEvent) { if(this.consumer?.type !== InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { return; } if(this.consumer.callbackAudio) { this.consumer.callbackAudio(event.inputBuffer); } if(this.consumer.callbackBuffer) { logWarn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("AudioInput has callback buffer, but this isn't supported yet!")); } } async start() : Promise { while(this.startPromise) { try { await this.startPromise; } catch {} } if(this.state === InputState.RECORDING) { return true; } else if(this.state === InputState.INITIALIZING) { return InputStartError.EBUSY; } /* do it async since if the doStart fails on the first iteration, we're setting the start promise, after it's getting cleared */ return await (this.startPromise = Promise.resolve().then(() => this.doStart())); } private async doStart() : Promise { try { if(!aplayer.initialized() || !this.audioContext) { return InputStartError.ESYSTEMUNINITIALIZED; } if(this.state != InputState.PAUSED) { throw tr("recorder already started"); } this.setState(InputState.INITIALIZING); let deviceId; if(this.deviceId === IDevice.NoDeviceId) { throw tr("no device selected"); } else if(this.deviceId === IDevice.DefaultDeviceId) { deviceId = undefined; } else { deviceId = this.deviceId; } const requestResult = await requestMediaStream(deviceId, undefined, "audio"); if(!(requestResult instanceof MediaStream)) { this.setState(InputState.PAUSED); return requestResult; } /* added the then body to avoid a inspection warning... */ inputDeviceList.refresh().then(() => {}); if(this.currentStream) { stopMediaStream(this.currentStream); this.currentStream = undefined; } this.currentAudioStream?.disconnect(); this.currentAudioStream = undefined; this.currentStream = requestResult; for(const filter of this.registeredFilters) { if(filter.isEnabled()) { filter.setPaused(false); } } /* TODO: Only add if we're really having a callback consumer */ this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer.addEventListener('audioprocess', this.audioScriptProcessorCallback); this.currentAudioStream = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(this.currentStream); this.currentAudioStream.connect(this.audioNodeVolume); this.setState(InputState.RECORDING); this.updateFilterStatus(true); return true; } catch(error) { if(this.state == InputState.INITIALIZING) { this.setState(InputState.PAUSED); } throw error; } finally { this.startPromise = undefined; } } async stop() { /* await the start */ if(this.startPromise) { try { await this.startPromise; } catch {} } this.setState(InputState.PAUSED); if(this.currentAudioStream) { this.currentAudioStream.disconnect(); } if(this.currentStream) { if(this.currentStream.stop) { this.currentStream.stop(); } else { this.currentStream.getTracks().forEach(value => { value.stop(); }); } } this.currentStream = undefined; this.currentAudioStream = undefined; for(const filter of this.registeredFilters) { if(filter.isEnabled()) { filter.setPaused(true); } } if(this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer) { this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer.removeEventListener('audioprocess', this.audioScriptProcessorCallback); } return undefined; } async setDeviceId(deviceId: string) { if(this.deviceId === deviceId) return; try { await this.stop(); } catch(error) { logWarn(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to stop previous record session (%o)"), error); } const oldDeviceId = deviceId; this.deviceId = deviceId;"notify_device_changed", { newDeviceId: deviceId, oldDeviceId }) } createFilter(type: T, priority: number): FilterTypeClass { let filter: JAbstractFilter & Filter; switch (type) { case FilterType.STATE: filter = new JStateFilter(priority); break; case FilterType.THRESHOLD: filter = new JThresholdFilter(priority); break; case FilterType.VOICE_LEVEL: throw tr("voice filter isn't supported!"); default: throw tr("unknown filter type"); } filter.callback_active_change = () => this.updateFilterStatus(false); filter.callback_enabled_change = () => this.initializeFilters(); this.registeredFilters.push(filter); this.initializeFilters(); this.updateFilterStatus(false); return filter as any; } supportsFilter(type: FilterType): boolean { switch (type) { case FilterType.THRESHOLD: case FilterType.STATE: return true; default: return false; } } resetFilter() { for(const filter of this.registeredFilters) { filter.finalize(); filter.enabled = false; } this.registeredFilters = []; this.initializeFilters(); this.updateFilterStatus(false); } removeFilter(filterInstance: Filter) { const index = this.registeredFilters.indexOf(filterInstance as any); if(index === -1) return; const [ filter ] = this.registeredFilters.splice(index, 1); filter.finalize(); filter.enabled = false; this.initializeFilters(); this.updateFilterStatus(false); } private calculateCurrentFilterStatus() { switch (this.filterMode) { case FilterMode.Block: return true; case FilterMode.Bypass: return false; case FilterMode.Filter: return this.registeredFilters.filter(e => e.isEnabled()).filter(e => > 0; } } private updateFilterStatus(forceUpdate: boolean) { let filtered = this.calculateCurrentFilterStatus(); if(filtered === this.inputFiltered && !forceUpdate) return; this.inputFiltered = filtered; if(filtered) {"notify_voice_end"); } else {"notify_voice_start"); } } isRecording(): boolean { return !this.inputFiltered; } async setConsumer(consumer: InputConsumer) { if(this.consumer) { if(this.consumer.type == InputConsumerType.NODE) { if(this.sourceNode) { this.consumer.callbackDisconnect(this.sourceNode); } } else if(this.consumer.type === InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { if(this.sourceNode) { this.sourceNode.disconnect(this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer); } } } if(consumer) { if(consumer.type == InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { if(this.sourceNode) { this.sourceNode.connect(this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer); } } else if(consumer.type == InputConsumerType.NODE) { if(this.sourceNode) { consumer.callbackNode(this.sourceNode); } } else { throw "native callback consumers are not supported!"; } } this.consumer = consumer; } private switchSourceNode(newNode: AudioNode) { if(this.consumer) { if(this.consumer.type == InputConsumerType.NODE) { const node_consumer = this.consumer as NodeInputConsumer; if(this.sourceNode) { node_consumer.callbackDisconnect(this.sourceNode); } if(newNode) { node_consumer.callbackNode(newNode); } } else if(this.consumer.type == InputConsumerType.CALLBACK) { this.sourceNode.disconnect(this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer); if(newNode) { newNode.connect(this.audioNodeCallbackConsumer); } } } this.sourceNode = newNode; } currentConsumer(): InputConsumer | undefined { return this.consumer; } currentDeviceId(): string | undefined { return this.deviceId; } currentState(): InputState { return this.state; } getVolume(): number { return this.volumeModifier; } setVolume(volume: number) { if(volume === this.volumeModifier) return; this.volumeModifier = volume; this.audioNodeVolume.gain.value = volume; } isFiltered(): boolean { return this.state === InputState.RECORDING ? this.inputFiltered : true; } getFilterMode(): FilterMode { return this.filterMode; } setFilterMode(mode: FilterMode) { if(this.filterMode === mode) { return; } const oldMode = this.filterMode; this.filterMode = mode; this.updateFilterStatus(false); this.initializeFilters();"notify_filter_mode_changed", { oldMode, newMode: mode }); } } class JavascriptLevelMeter implements LevelMeter { private static meterInstances: JavascriptLevelMeter[] = []; private static meterUpdateTask: number; readonly _device: WebIDevice; private _callback: (num: number) => any; private _context: AudioContext; private _gain_node: GainNode; private _source_node: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode; private _analyser_node: AnalyserNode; private _media_stream: MediaStream; private _analyse_buffer: Uint8Array; private _current_level = 0; constructor(device: WebIDevice) { this._device = device; } async initialize() { try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(reject, 5000); aplayer.on_ready(() => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); }); }); } catch(error) { throw tr("audio context timeout"); } this._context = aplayer.context(); if(!this._context) throw tr("invalid context"); this._gain_node = this._context.createGain(); this._gain_node.gain.setValueAtTime(0, 0); /* analyser node */ this._analyser_node = this._context.createAnalyser(); const optimal_ftt_size = Math.ceil(this._context.sampleRate * (JThresholdFilter.update_task_interval / 1000)); this._analyser_node.fftSize = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(optimal_ftt_size))); if(!this._analyse_buffer || this._analyse_buffer.length < this._analyser_node.fftSize) this._analyse_buffer = new Uint8Array(this._analyser_node.fftSize); /* starting stream */ const _result = await requestMediaStream(this._device.deviceId, this._device.groupId, "audio"); if(!(_result instanceof MediaStream)){ if(_result === InputStartError.ENOTALLOWED) throw tr("No permissions"); if(_result === InputStartError.ENOTSUPPORTED) throw tr("Not supported"); if(_result === InputStartError.EBUSY) throw tr("Device busy"); if(_result === InputStartError.EUNKNOWN) throw tr("an error occurred"); throw _result; } this._media_stream = _result; this._source_node = this._context.createMediaStreamSource(this._media_stream); this._source_node.connect(this._analyser_node); this._analyser_node.connect(this._gain_node); this._gain_node.connect(this._context.destination); JavascriptLevelMeter.meterInstances.push(this); if(JavascriptLevelMeter.meterInstances.length == 1) { clearInterval(JavascriptLevelMeter.meterUpdateTask); JavascriptLevelMeter.meterUpdateTask = setInterval(() => JavascriptLevelMeter._analyse_all(), JThresholdFilter.update_task_interval) as any; } } destroy() { JavascriptLevelMeter.meterInstances.remove(this); if(JavascriptLevelMeter.meterInstances.length == 0) { clearInterval(JavascriptLevelMeter.meterUpdateTask); JavascriptLevelMeter.meterUpdateTask = 0; } if(this._source_node) { this._source_node.disconnect(); this._source_node = undefined; } if(this._media_stream) { if(this._media_stream.stop) this._media_stream.stop(); else this._media_stream.getTracks().forEach(value => { value.stop(); }); this._media_stream = undefined; } if(this._gain_node) { this._gain_node.disconnect(); this._gain_node = undefined; } if(this._analyser_node) { this._analyser_node.disconnect(); this._analyser_node = undefined; } } getDevice(): IDevice { return this._device; } setObserver(callback: (value: number) => any) { this._callback = callback; } private static _analyse_all() { for(const instance of [...this.meterInstances]) instance._analyse(); } private _analyse() { this._analyser_node.getByteTimeDomainData(this._analyse_buffer); this._current_level = JThresholdFilter.calculateAudioLevel(this._analyse_buffer, this._analyser_node.fftSize, this._current_level, .75); if(this._callback) this._callback(this._current_level); } }