import { AbstractHandshakeIdentityHandler, HandshakeCommandHandler, IdentitifyType, Identity } from "../../profiles/Identity"; import {LogCategory, logError} from "../../log"; import {CommandResult} from "../../connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {AbstractServerConnection} from "../../connection/ConnectionBase"; import {HandshakeIdentityHandler} from "../../connection/HandshakeHandler"; import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; class NameHandshakeHandler extends AbstractHandshakeIdentityHandler { readonly identity: NameIdentity; handler: HandshakeCommandHandler; constructor(connection: AbstractServerConnection, identity: NameIdentity) { super(connection); this.identity = identity; this.handler = new HandshakeCommandHandler(connection, this); this.handler["handshakeidentityproof"] = () => this.trigger_fail("server requested unexpected proof"); } executeHandshake() { this.connection.getCommandHandler().registerHandler(this.handler); this.connection.send_command("handshakebegin", { intention: 0, authentication_method: this.identity.type(), client_nickname: }).catch(error => { logError(LogCategory.IDENTITIES, tr("Failed to initialize name based handshake. Error: %o"), error); if(error instanceof CommandResult) error = error.extra_message || error.message; this.trigger_fail("failed to execute begin (" + error + ")"); }).then(() => this.trigger_success()); } protected trigger_fail(message: string) { this.connection.getCommandHandler().unregisterHandler(this.handler); super.trigger_fail(message); } protected trigger_success() { this.connection.getCommandHandler().unregisterHandler(this.handler); super.trigger_success(); } } export class NameIdentity implements Identity { private _name: string; constructor(name?: string) { this._name = name; } set_name(name: string) { this._name = name; } name() : string { return this._name; } fallback_name(): string | undefined { return this._name; } uid(): string { return btoa(this._name); //FIXME hash! } type(): IdentitifyType { return IdentitifyType.NICKNAME; } valid(): boolean { return this._name != undefined && this._name.length >= 5; } decode(data) : Promise { data = JSON.parse(data); if(data.version !== 1) throw "invalid version"; this._name = data["name"]; return; } encode?() : string { return JSON.stringify({ version: 1, name: this._name }); } spawn_identity_handshake_handler(connection: AbstractServerConnection) : HandshakeIdentityHandler { return new NameHandshakeHandler(connection, this); } }