import * as log from "../../../log"; import {LogCategory} from "../../../log"; import * as ipc from "../../../ipc/BrowserIPC"; import {ChannelMessage} from "../../../ipc/BrowserIPC"; import {Registry, RegistryMap} from "../../../events"; import { EventControllerBase, Popout2ControllerMessages, PopoutIPCMessage } from "../../../ui/react-elements/external-modal/IPCMessage"; import {ModalController, ModalEvents, ModalOptions, ModalState} from "../../../ui/react-elements/ModalDefinitions"; export abstract class AbstractExternalModalController extends EventControllerBase<"controller"> implements ModalController { public readonly modalType: string; public readonly userData: any; private readonly modalEvents: Registry; private modalState: ModalState = ModalState.DESTROYED; private readonly documentUnloadListener: () => void; private callbackWindowInitialized: (error?: string) => void; protected constructor(modal: string, registries: RegistryMap, userData: any) { super(); this.initializeRegistries(registries); this.modalEvents = new Registry(); this.modalType = modal; this.userData = userData; this.ipcChannel = ipc.getInstance().createChannel(); this.ipcChannel.messageHandler = this.handleIPCMessage.bind(this); this.documentUnloadListener = () => this.destroy(); } getOptions(): Readonly { return {}; /* FIXME! */ } getEvents(): Registry { return this.modalEvents; } getState(): ModalState { return this.modalState; } protected abstract spawnWindow() : Promise; protected abstract focusWindow() : void; protected abstract destroyWindow() : void; async show() { if(this.modalState === ModalState.SHOWN) { this.focusWindow(); return; } this.modalState = ModalState.SHOWN; if(!await this.spawnWindow()) { this.modalState = ModalState.DESTROYED; throw tr("failed to create window"); } try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.callbackWindowInitialized = undefined; reject("window haven't called back"); }, 15000); this.callbackWindowInitialized = error => { this.callbackWindowInitialized = undefined; clearTimeout(timeout); error ? reject(error) : resolve(); }; }); } catch (e) { this.modalState = ModalState.DESTROYED; if(__build.mode !== "debug") { /* do not destroy the window in debug mode in order to debug what happened */ this.doDestroyWindow(); } throw e; } window.addEventListener("unload", this.documentUnloadListener);"open"); } private doDestroyWindow() { this.destroyWindow(); window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.documentUnloadListener); } async hide() { if(this.modalState == ModalState.DESTROYED || this.modalState === ModalState.HIDDEN) return; this.doDestroyWindow(); this.modalState = ModalState.HIDDEN;"close"); } destroy() { if(this.modalState === ModalState.DESTROYED) return; this.doDestroyWindow(); if(this.ipcChannel) { ipc.getInstance().deleteChannel(this.ipcChannel); } this.destroyIPC(); this.modalState = ModalState.DESTROYED;"destroy"); } protected handleWindowClosed() { /* no other way currently */ this.destroy(); } protected handleIPCMessage(remoteId: string, broadcast: boolean, message: ChannelMessage) { if(broadcast) return; if(this.ipcRemoteId === undefined) { log.debug(LogCategory.IPC, tr("Remote window connected with id %s"), remoteId); this.ipcRemoteId = remoteId; } else if(this.ipcRemoteId !== remoteId) { this.ipcRemoteId = remoteId; } super.handleIPCMessage(remoteId, broadcast, message); } protected handleTypedIPCMessage(type: T, payload: PopoutIPCMessage[T]) { super.handleTypedIPCMessage(type, payload); switch (type) { case "hello-popout": { const tpayload = payload as PopoutIPCMessage["hello-popout"]; log.trace(LogCategory.IPC, "Received Hello World from popup with version %s (expected %s).", tpayload.version, __build.version); if(tpayload.version !== __build.version) { this.sendIPCMessage("hello-controller", { accepted: false, message: tr("version miss match") }); if(this.callbackWindowInitialized) { this.callbackWindowInitialized(tr("version miss match")); this.callbackWindowInitialized = undefined; } return; } if(this.callbackWindowInitialized) { this.callbackWindowInitialized(); this.callbackWindowInitialized = undefined; } this.sendIPCMessage("hello-controller", { accepted: true, userData: this.userData, registries: Object.keys(this.localRegistries) }); break; } case "fire-event": case "fire-event-callback": /* already handled by out base class */ break; case "invoke-modal-action": /* must be handled by the underlying handler */ break; default: log.warn(LogCategory.IPC, "Received unknown message type from popup window: %s", type); return; } } }