import {createErrorModal, createInfoModal, createModal, Modal} from "../../ui/elements/Modal"; import {TeaSpeakIdentity} from "../../profiles/identities/TeamSpeakIdentity"; import * as tooltip from "../../ui/elements/Tooltip"; import {formatMessage} from "../../ui/frames/chat"; export function spawnTeamSpeakIdentityImprove(identity: TeaSpeakIdentity, name: string): Modal { let modal: Modal; let elapsed_timer: number; modal = createModal({ header: tr("Improve identity"), body: () => { let template = $("#tmpl_settings-teamspeak_improve").renderTag({ identity_name: name }); template = $.spawn("div").append(template); let active; const button_start_stop = template.find(".button-start-stop"); const button_close = template.find(".button-close"); const input_current_level = template.find(".identity-level input"); const input_target_level = template.find(".identity-target-level input"); const input_threads = template.find(".threads input"); const input_hash_rate = template.find(".hash-rate input"); const input_elapsed = template.find(".time-elapsed input"); button_close.on('click', event => { if (active) button_start_stop.trigger('click'); if (modal.shown) modal.close(); }); button_start_stop.on('click', event => { button_start_stop .toggleClass('btn-success', active) .toggleClass('btn-danger', !active) .text(active ? tr("Start") : tr("Stop")); input_threads.prop("disabled", !active); input_target_level.prop("disabled", !active); if (active) { input_hash_rate.val(0); clearInterval(elapsed_timer); active = false; return; } active = true; input_hash_rate.val("nan"); const threads = parseInt(input_threads.val() as string); const target_level = parseInt(input_target_level.val() as string); if (target_level == 0) { identity.improveLevelNative(-1, threads, () => active, current_level => { input_current_level.val(current_level); }, hash_rate => { input_hash_rate.val(hash_rate); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); createErrorModal(tr("Failed to improve identity"), tr("Failed to improve identity.
Error:") + error).open(); if (active) button_start_stop.trigger('click'); }); } else { identity.improveLevelNative(target_level, threads, () => active, current_level => { input_current_level.val(current_level); }, hash_rate => { input_hash_rate.val(hash_rate); }).then(success => { if (success) { identity.level().then(level => { input_current_level.val(level); createInfoModal(tr("Identity successfully improved"), formatMessage(tr("Identity successfully improved to level {}"), level)).open(); }).catch(error => { input_current_level.val("error: " + error); }); } if (active) button_start_stop.trigger('click'); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); createErrorModal(tr("Failed to improve identity"), tr("Failed to improve identity.
Error:") + error).open(); if (active) button_start_stop.trigger('click'); }); } const begin =; elapsed_timer = setInterval(() => { const time = ( - begin) / 1000; let seconds = Math.floor(time % 60).toString(); let minutes = Math.floor(time / 60).toString(); if (seconds.length < 2) seconds = "0" + seconds; if (minutes.length < 2) minutes = "0" + minutes; input_elapsed.val(minutes + ":" + seconds); }, 1000); }); template.find(".identity-unique-id input").val(identity.uid()); identity.level().then(level => { input_current_level.val(level); }).catch(error => { input_current_level.val("error: " + error); }); tooltip.initialize(template); return template.children(); }, footer: undefined, width: 750 }); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-identity-improve modal-green"); modal.close_listener.push(() => modal.htmlTag.find(".button-close").trigger('click'));; return modal; } export function spawnTeamSpeakIdentityImport(callback: (identity: TeaSpeakIdentity) => any): Modal { let modal: Modal; let selected_type: string; let identities: { [key: string]: TeaSpeakIdentity } = {}; modal = createModal({ header: tr("Import identity"), body: () => { let template = $("#tmpl_settings-teamspeak_import").renderTag(); const button_import = template.find(".button-import"); const button_file_select = template.find(".button-load-file"); const container_status = template.find(".container-status"); const input_text = template.find(".input-identity-text"); const input_file = template.find(".file-selector"); const set_status = (message: string | undefined, type: "error" | "loading" | "success") => { container_status.toggleClass("hidden", !message); if (message) { container_status.toggleClass("error", type === "error"); container_status.toggleClass("loading", type === "loading"); container_status.find("a").text(message); } }; button_file_select.on('click', event => input_file.trigger('click')); template.find("input[name='type']").on('change', event => { const type = ( as HTMLInputElement).value; button_file_select.prop("disabled", type !== "file"); input_text.prop("disabled", type !== "text"); selected_type = type; button_import.prop("disabled", !identities[type]); }); template.find("input[name='type'][value='file']").prop("checked", true).trigger("change"); const import_identity = (data: string, ini: boolean) => { set_status(tr("Parsing identity"), "loading"); TeaSpeakIdentity.import_ts(data, ini).then(identity => { identities[selected_type] = identity; set_status("Identity parsed successfully.", "success"); button_import.prop("disabled", false); template.find(".success").show(); }).catch(error => { set_status(tr("Failed to parse identity: ") + error, "error"); }); }; /* file select button */ input_file.on('change', event => { const element = as HTMLInputElement; const file_reader = new FileReader(); set_status(tr("Loading file"), "loading"); file_reader.onload = function () { import_identity(file_reader.result as string, true); }; file_reader.onerror = ev => { console.error(tr("Failed to read give identity file: %o"), ev); set_status(tr("Failed to read the identity file."), "error"); return; }; if (element.files && element.files.length > 0) file_reader.readAsText(element.files[0]); }); input_text.on('change keyup', event => { const text = input_text.val() as string; if (!text) { set_status("", "success"); return; } if (text.indexOf('V') == -1) { set_status(tr("Invalid identity string"), "error"); return; } import_identity(text, false); }); button_import.on('click', event => { modal.close(); callback(identities[selected_type]); }); set_status("", "success"); button_import.prop("disabled", true); return template.children(); }, footer: undefined, width: 750 }); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-identity-import modal-green");; return modal; }