//TODO: Test if we could render this image and not only the browser by knowing the type. import {createErrorModal, createModal} from "../../ui/elements/Modal"; import {tra} from "../../i18n/localize"; import {arrayBufferBase64} from "../../utils/buffers"; export function spawnAvatarUpload(callback_data: (data: ArrayBuffer | undefined | null) => any) { const modal = createModal({ header: tr("Avatar Upload"), footer: undefined, body: () => { return $("#tmpl_avatar_upload").renderTag({}); } }); let _data_submitted = false; let _current_avatar; modal.htmlTag.find(".button-select").on('click', event => { modal.htmlTag.find(".file-inputs").trigger('click'); }); modal.htmlTag.find(".button-delete").on('click', () => { if (_data_submitted) return; _data_submitted = true; modal.close(); callback_data(null); }); modal.htmlTag.find(".button-cancel").on('click', () => modal.close()); const button_upload = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-upload"); button_upload.on('click', event => (!_data_submitted) && (_data_submitted = true, modal.close(), true) && callback_data(_current_avatar)); const set_avatar = (data: string | undefined, type?: string) => { _current_avatar = data ? arrayBufferBase64(data) : undefined; button_upload.prop("disabled", !_current_avatar); modal.htmlTag.find(".preview img").attr("src", data ? ("data:image/" + type + ";base64," + data) : "img/style/avatar.png"); }; const input_node = modal.htmlTag.find(".file-inputs")[0] as HTMLInputElement; input_node.multiple = false; modal.htmlTag.find(".file-inputs").on('change', event => { console.log("Files: %o", input_node.files); const read_file = (file: File) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result as string); reader.onerror = error => reject(error); reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); (async () => { const data = await read_file(input_node.files[0]); if (!data.startsWith("data:image/")) { console.error(tr("Failed to load file %s: Invalid data media type (%o)"), input_node.files[0].name, data); createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to select avatar {}.
File is not an image", input_node.files[0].name)).open(); return; } const semi = data.indexOf(';'); const type = data.substring(11, semi); console.log(tr("Given image has type %s"), type); set_avatar(data.substr(semi + 8 /* 8 bytes := base64, */), type); })(); }); set_avatar(undefined); modal.close_listener.push(() => !_data_submitted && callback_data(undefined)); modal.open(); }