import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import {LogCategory} from "tc-shared/log"; import {ClientEntry} from "tc-shared/ui/client"; import * as hex from "tc-shared/crypto/hex"; import { DownloadKey, FileManager, transfer_provider } from "tc-shared/file/FileManager"; import {image_type, ImageCache, ImageType, media_image_type} from "tc-shared/file/ImageCache"; export class Avatar { client_avatar_id: string; /* the base64 uid thing from a-m */ avatar_id: string; /* client_flag_avatar */ url: string; type: ImageType; } export class AvatarManager { handle: FileManager; private static cache: ImageCache; private _cached_avatars: {[response_avatar_id:number]:Avatar} = {}; private _loading_promises: {[response_avatar_id:number]:Promise} = {}; constructor(handle: FileManager) { this.handle = handle; if(!AvatarManager.cache) AvatarManager.cache = new ImageCache("avatars"); } destroy() { this._cached_avatars = undefined; this._loading_promises = undefined; } private async _response_url(response: Response, type: ImageType) : Promise { if(!response.headers.has('X-media-bytes')) throw "missing media bytes"; const media = media_image_type(type); const blob = await response.blob(); if(blob.type !== "image/" + media) return URL.createObjectURL(blob.slice(0, blob.size, "image/" + media)); else return URL.createObjectURL(blob); } async resolved_cached?(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_version?: string) : Promise { let avatar: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[avatar_version]; if(avatar) { if(typeof(avatar_version) !== "string" || avatar.avatar_id == avatar_version) return avatar; avatar = undefined; } if(!AvatarManager.cache.setupped()) await AvatarManager.cache.setup(); const response = await AvatarManager.cache.resolve_cached('avatar_' + client_avatar_id); //TODO age! if(!response) return undefined; let response_avatar_version = response.headers.has("X-avatar-version") ? response.headers.get("X-avatar-version") : undefined; if(typeof(avatar_version) === "string" && response_avatar_version != avatar_version) return undefined; const type = image_type(response.headers.get('X-media-bytes')); return this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id] = { client_avatar_id: client_avatar_id, avatar_id: avatar_version || response_avatar_version, url: await this._response_url(response, type), type: type }; } create_avatar_download(client_avatar_id: string) : Promise { log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, "Requesting download for avatar %s", client_avatar_id); return this.handle.download_file("", "/avatar_" + client_avatar_id); } private async _load_avatar(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_version: string) { try { let download_key: DownloadKey; try { download_key = await this.create_avatar_download(client_avatar_id); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Could not request download for avatar %s: %o"), client_avatar_id, error); throw "failed to request avatar download"; } const downloader = transfer_provider().spawn_download_transfer(download_key); let response: Response; try { response = await downloader.request_file(); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Could not download avatar %s: %o"), client_avatar_id, error); throw "failed to download avatar"; } const type = image_type(response.headers.get('X-media-bytes')); const media = media_image_type(type); await AvatarManager.cache.put_cache('avatar_' + client_avatar_id, response.clone(), "image/" + media, { "X-avatar-version": avatar_version }); const url = await this._response_url(response.clone(), type); return this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id] = { client_avatar_id: client_avatar_id, avatar_id: avatar_version, url: url, type: type }; } finally { this._loading_promises[client_avatar_id] = undefined; } } /* loads an avatar by the avatar id and optional with the avatar version */ load_avatar(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_version: string) : Promise { return this._loading_promises[client_avatar_id] || (this._loading_promises[client_avatar_id] = this._load_avatar(client_avatar_id, avatar_version)); } generate_client_tag(client: ClientEntry) : JQuery { return this.generate_tag(client.avatarId(),; } update_cache(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_id: string) { const _cached: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id]; if(_cached) { if(_cached.avatar_id === avatar_id) return; /* cache is up2date */, tr("Deleting cached avatar for client %s. Cached version: %s; New version: %s"), client_avatar_id, _cached.avatar_id, avatar_id); delete this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id]; AvatarManager.cache.delete("avatar_" + client_avatar_id).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to delete cached avatar for client %o: %o"), client_avatar_id, error); }); } else { this.resolved_cached(client_avatar_id).then(avatar => { if(avatar && avatar.avatar_id !== avatar_id) { /* this time we ensured that its cached */ this.update_cache(client_avatar_id, avatar_id); } }).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to delete cached avatar for client %o (cache lookup failed): %o"), client_avatar_id, error); }); } } generate_tag(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_id?: string, options?: { callback_image?: (tag: JQuery) => any, callback_avatar?: (avatar: Avatar) => any }) : JQuery { options = options || {}; let avatar_container = $.spawn("div"); let avatar_image = $.spawn("img").attr("alt", tr("Client avatar")); let cached_avatar: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id]; if(avatar_id === "") { avatar_container.append(this.generate_default_image()); } else if(cached_avatar && cached_avatar.avatar_id == avatar_id) { avatar_image.attr("src", cached_avatar.url); avatar_container.append(avatar_image); if(options.callback_image) options.callback_image(avatar_image); if(options.callback_avatar) options.callback_avatar(cached_avatar); } else { let loader_image = $.spawn("img"); loader_image.attr("src", "img/loading_image.svg").css("width", "75%"); avatar_container.append(loader_image); (async () => { let avatar: Avatar; try { avatar = await this.resolved_cached(client_avatar_id, avatar_id); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, error); } if(!avatar) avatar = await this.load_avatar(client_avatar_id, avatar_id); if(!avatar) throw "failed to load avatar"; if(options.callback_avatar) options.callback_avatar(avatar); avatar_image.attr("src", avatar.url); avatar_image.css("opacity", 0); avatar_container.append(avatar_image); loader_image.animate({opacity: 0}, 50, () => { loader_image.remove(); avatar_image.animate({opacity: 1}, 150, () => { if(options.callback_image) options.callback_image(avatar_image); }); }); })().catch(reason => { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Could not load avatar for id %s. Reason: %s"), client_avatar_id, reason); //TODO Broken image loader_image.addClass("icon client-warning").attr("tag", tr("Could not load avatar ") + client_avatar_id); }) } return avatar_container; } unique_id_2_avatar_id(unique_id: string) { function str2ab(str) { let buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); // 2 bytes for each char let bufView = new Uint8Array(buf); for (let i=0, strLen = str.length; i= '0' && c <= '9') offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0); else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + 0x0A; else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 0x0A; result += String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + offset); } return result; } catch (e) { //invalid base 64 (like music bot etc) return undefined; } } private generate_default_image() : JQuery { return $.spawn("img").attr("src", "img/style/avatar.png").css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); } generate_chat_tag(client: { id?: number; database_id?: number; }, client_unique_id: string, callback_loaded?: (successfully: boolean, error?: any) => any) : JQuery { let client_handle; if(typeof( == "number") client_handle = this.handle.handle.channelTree.findClient(; if(!client_handle && typeof( == "number") { client_handle = this.handle.handle.channelTree.find_client_by_dbid(client.database_id); } if(client_handle && client_handle.clientUid() !== client_unique_id) client_handle = undefined; const container = $.spawn("div").addClass("avatar"); if(client_handle && ! return container.append(this.generate_default_image()); const avatar_id = client_handle ? client_handle.avatarId() : this.unique_id_2_avatar_id(client_unique_id); if(avatar_id) { if(this._cached_avatars[avatar_id]) { /* Test if we're may able to load the client avatar sync without a loading screen */ const cache: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[avatar_id]; log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Using cached avatar. ID: %o | Version: %o (Cached: %o)"), avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined, cache.avatar_id); if(!client_handle || == cache.avatar_id) { const image = $.spawn("img").attr("src", cache.url).css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); return container.append(image); } } const image_loading = $.spawn("img").attr("src", "img/loading_image.svg").css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); /* lets actually load the avatar */ (async () => { let avatar: Avatar; let loaded_image = this.generate_default_image(); log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Resolving avatar. ID: %o | Version: %o"), avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined); try { //TODO: Cache if avatar load failed and try again in some minutes/may just even consider using the default avatar 'till restart try { avatar = await this.resolved_cached(avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to use cached avatar: %o"), error); } if(!avatar) avatar = await this.load_avatar(avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined); if(!avatar) throw "no avatar present!"; loaded_image = $.spawn("img").attr("src", avatar.url).css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); } catch(error) { throw error; } finally { container.children().remove(); container.append(loaded_image); } })().then(() => callback_loaded && callback_loaded(true)).catch(error => { log.warn(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Failed to load chat avatar for client %s. Error: %o"), client_unique_id, error); callback_loaded && callback_loaded(false, error); }); image_loading.appendTo(container); } else { this.generate_default_image().appendTo(container); } return container; } }