namespace profiles.identities { export enum IdentitifyType { TEAFORO, TEAMSPEAK, NICKNAME } export interface Identity { fallback_name(): string | undefined ; uid() : string; type() : IdentitifyType; valid() : boolean; encode?() : string; decode(data: string) : Promise; spawn_identity_handshake_handler(connection: connection.AbstractServerConnection) : connection.HandshakeIdentityHandler; } export async function decode_identity(type: IdentitifyType, data: string) : Promise { let identity: Identity; switch (type) { case IdentitifyType.NICKNAME: identity = new NameIdentity(); break; case IdentitifyType.TEAFORO: identity = new TeaForumIdentity(undefined); break; case IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK: identity = new TeaSpeakIdentity(undefined, undefined); break; } if(!identity) return undefined; try { await identity.decode(data) } catch(error) { /* todo better error handling! */ console.error(error); return undefined; } return identity; } export function create_identity(type: IdentitifyType) { let identity: Identity; switch (type) { case IdentitifyType.NICKNAME: identity = new NameIdentity(); break; case IdentitifyType.TEAFORO: identity = new TeaForumIdentity(undefined); break; case IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK: identity = new TeaSpeakIdentity(undefined, undefined); break; } return identity; } export class HandshakeCommandHandler extends connection.AbstractCommandHandler { readonly handle: T; constructor(connection: connection.AbstractServerConnection, handle: T) { super(connection); this.handle = handle; } handle_command(command: connection.ServerCommand): boolean { if($.isFunction(this[command.command])) this[command.command](command.arguments); else if(command.command == "error") { return false; } else { console.warn(tr("Received unknown command while handshaking (%o)"), command); } return true; } } export abstract class AbstractHandshakeIdentityHandler implements connection.HandshakeIdentityHandler { connection: connection.AbstractServerConnection; protected callbacks: ((success: boolean, message?: string) => any)[] = []; protected constructor(connection: connection.AbstractServerConnection) { this.connection = connection; } register_callback(callback: (success: boolean, message?: string) => any) { this.callbacks.push(callback); } abstract start_handshake(); protected trigger_success() { for(const callback of this.callbacks) callback(true); } protected trigger_fail(message: string) { for(const callback of this.callbacks) callback(false, message); } } }