import * as ts from "typescript"; import * as sha256 from "sha256"; import {SyntaxKind} from "typescript"; import {TranslationEntry} from "./generator"; export function generate(file: ts.SourceFile, config: Configuration) : TranslationEntry[] { let result: TranslationEntry[] = []; file.forEachChild(n => _generate(config, n, result)); return result; } const source_location = (node: ts.Node) => { const sf = node.getSourceFile(); let { line, character } = sf ? sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()) : {line: -1, character: -1}; return `${(sf || {fileName: "unknown"}).fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1})`; }; function report(node: ts.Node, message: string) { console.log(`${source_location(node)}: ${message}`); } function _generate(config: Configuration, node: ts.Node, result: TranslationEntry[]) { //console.log("Node: %s", SyntaxKind[node.kind]); call_analize: if(ts.isCallExpression(node)) { const call = node; const call_name = call.expression["escapedText"] as string; if(call_name != "tr") break call_analize; console.dir(call_name); console.log("Parameters: %o", call.arguments.length); if(call.arguments.length > 1) { report(call, "Invalid argument count"); node.forEachChild(n => _generate(config, n, result)); return; } const object = call.arguments[0]; if(object.kind != SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { report(call, "Invalid argument: " + SyntaxKind[object.kind]); node.forEachChild(n => _generate(config, n, result)); return; } console.log("Message: %o", object.text); //FIXME if(config.replace_cache) { console.log("Update!"); ts.updateCall(call, call.expression, call.typeArguments, [ts.createLiteral("PENIS!")]); } const { line, character } = node.getSourceFile().getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()); result.push({ filename: node.getSourceFile().fileName, line: line, character: character, message: object.text }); } node.forEachChild(n => _generate(config, n, result)); } function create_unique_check(config: Configuration, source_file: ts.SourceFile, variable: ts.Expression, variables: { name: string, node: ts.Node }[]) : ts.Node[] { const nodes: ts.Node[] = [], blocked_nodes: ts.Statement[] = []; const node_path = (node: ts.Node) => { const sf = node.getSourceFile(); let { line, character } = sf ? sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()) : {line: -1, character: -1}; return `${(sf || {fileName: "unknown"}).fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1})`; }; const create_error = (variable_name: ts.Expression, variable_path: ts.Expression, other_path: ts.Expression) => { return [ ts.createLiteral("Translation with generated name \""), variable_name, ts.createLiteral("\" already exists!\nIt has been already defined here: "), other_path, ts.createLiteral("\nAttempted to redefine here: "), variable_path, ts.createLiteral("\nRegenerate and/or fix your program!") ].reduce((a, b) => ts.createBinary(a, SyntaxKind.PlusToken, b)); }; let declarations_file: ts.Expression; const unique_check_label_name = "unique_translation_check"; /* initialization */ { const declarations = ts.createElementAccess(variable, ts.createLiteral(config.variables.declarations)); nodes.push(ts.createAssignment(declarations, ts.createBinary(declarations, SyntaxKind.BarBarToken, ts.createAssignment(declarations, ts.createObjectLiteral())))); declarations_file = ts.createElementAccess(variable, ts.createLiteral(config.variables.declare_files)); nodes.push(ts.createAssignment(declarations_file, ts.createBinary(declarations_file, SyntaxKind.BarBarToken, ts.createAssignment(declarations_file, ts.createObjectLiteral())))); variable = declarations; } /* test file already loaded */ { const unique_id = sha256(source_file.fileName + " | " + ( / 1000)); const property = ts.createElementAccess(declarations_file, ts.createLiteral(unique_id)); const if_condition = ts.createBinary(property, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken, ts.createIdentifier("undefined")); // let if_then: ts.Block; { const elements: ts.Statement[] = []; const console = ts.createIdentifier("console.warn"); elements.push(ts.createCall(console, [], [ts.createLiteral("This file has already been loaded!\nAre you executing scripts twice?") as any]) as any); elements.push(ts.createBreak(unique_check_label_name)); if_then = ts.createBlock(elements); } const if_else = ts.createAssignment(property, ts.createLiteral(unique_id)); blocked_nodes.push(ts.createIf(if_condition, if_then, if_else as any)); } /* test if variable has been defined somewhere else */ { const for_variable_name = ts.createLoopVariable(); const for_variable_path = ts.createLoopVariable(); const for_declaration = ts.createVariableDeclarationList([ts.createVariableDeclaration(ts.createObjectBindingPattern([ ts.createBindingElement(undefined, config.optimized ? "n": "name", for_variable_name, undefined), ts.createBindingElement(undefined, config.optimized ? "p": "path", for_variable_path, undefined)]) , undefined, undefined)]); let for_block: ts.Statement; { //Create the for block const elements: ts.Statement[] = []; const property = ts.createElementAccess(variable, for_variable_name); const if_condition = ts.createBinary(property, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken, ts.createIdentifier("undefined")); // const if_then = ts.createThrow(create_error(for_variable_name, for_variable_path, property)); const if_else = ts.createAssignment(property, for_variable_path); const if_valid = ts.createIf(if_condition, if_then, if_else as any); elements.push(if_valid); for_block = ts.createBlock(elements); } let block = ts.createForOf(undefined, for_declaration, ts.createArrayLiteral( [ => ts.createObjectLiteral([ ts.createPropertyAssignment(config.optimized ? "n": "name", ts.createLiteral(, ts.createPropertyAssignment(config.optimized ? "p": "path", ts.createLiteral(node_path(e.node))) ])) ]) , for_block); block = ts.addSyntheticLeadingComment(block, SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, "Auto generated helper for testing if the translation keys are unique", true); blocked_nodes.push(block); } return [...nodes, ts.createLabel(unique_check_label_name, ts.createBlock(blocked_nodes))]; } export function transform(config: Configuration, context: ts.TransformationContext, source_file: ts.SourceFile) : TransformResult { const cache: VolatileTransformConfig = {} as any; cache.translations = []; config.variables = (config.variables || {}) as any; config.variables.base = config.variables.base || (config.optimized ? "__tr" : "_translations"); config.variables.declare_files = config.variables.declare_files || (config.optimized ? "f" : "declare_files"); config.variables.declarations = config.variables.declarations || (config.optimized ? "d" : "definitions"); //Initialize nodes const extra_nodes: ts.Node[] = []; { cache.nodes = {} as any; if(config.use_window) { const window = ts.createIdentifier("window"); let translation_map = ts.createPropertyAccess(window, ts.createIdentifier(config.variables.base)); const new_translations = ts.createAssignment(translation_map, ts.createObjectLiteral()); let translation_map_init: ts.Expression = ts.createBinary(translation_map, ts.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken, new_translations); translation_map_init = ts.createParen(translation_map_init); extra_nodes.push(translation_map_init); cache.nodes = { translation_map: translation_map }; } else if(config.module) { cache.nodes = { translation_map: ts.createIdentifier(config.variables.base) }; extra_nodes.push(ts.createVariableDeclarationList([ ts.createVariableDeclaration(config.variables.base, undefined, ts.createObjectLiteral()) ], ts.NodeFlags.Const), ts.createToken(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken)); } else { const variable_map = ts.createIdentifier(config.variables.base); const inline_if = ts.createBinary(ts.createBinary(ts.createTypeOf(variable_map), SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken, ts.createLiteral("undefined")), ts.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken, ts.createAssignment(variable_map, ts.createObjectLiteral())); cache.nodes = { translation_map: variable_map, }; extra_nodes.push(inline_if); } } const used_names = [config.variables.declarations, config.variables.declare_files]; const generated_names: { name: string, node: ts.Node }[] = []; let generator_base = 0; cache.name_generator = (config, node, message) => { const characters = "0123456789_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; let name; do { name = ""; if(config.module) { name = "_" + generator_base++; } else { /* Global namespace. We've to generate a random name so no duplicates happen */ while(name.length < 8) { const char = characters[Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)]; name = name + char; if(name[0] >= '0' && name[0] <= '9') name = name.substr(1) || ""; } } } while(used_names.findIndex(e => e === name) !== -1); generated_names.push({name: name, node: node}); return name; }; function visit(node: ts.Node): ts.Node { node = ts.visitEachChild(node, visit, context); return replace_processor(config, cache, node, source_file); } source_file = ts.visitNode(source_file, visit); if(!config.module) { /* we don't need a unique check because we're just in our scope */ extra_nodes.push(...create_unique_check(config, source_file, cache.nodes.translation_map, generated_names)); } source_file = ts.updateSourceFileNode(source_file, [...(extra_nodes as any[]), ...source_file.statements], source_file.isDeclarationFile, source_file.referencedFiles, source_file.typeReferenceDirectives, source_file.hasNoDefaultLib, source_file.referencedFiles); const result: TransformResult = {} as any; result.node = source_file; result.translations = cache.translations; return result; } export function replace_processor(config: Configuration, cache: VolatileTransformConfig, node: ts.Node, source_file: ts.SourceFile) : ts.Node { if(config.verbose) console.log("Process %s", SyntaxKind[node.kind]); if(ts.isCallExpression(node)) { const call = node; const call_name = call.expression["escapedText"] as string; if(call_name != "tr") return node; if(!node.getSourceFile()) return node; if(config.verbose) { console.dir(call_name); console.log("Parameters: %o", call.arguments.length); } if(call.arguments.length > 1) throw new Error(source_location(call) + ": tr(...) has been called with an invalid arguments (" + (call.arguments.length === 0 ? "too few" : "too many") + ")"); const fullText = call.getFullText(source_file); if(fullText && fullText.indexOf("@tr-ignore") !== -1) return node; const object = call.arguments[0]; if(object.kind != SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { if(call.getSourceFile()) throw new Error(source_location(call) + ": Ignoring tr call because given argument isn't of type string literal. (" + SyntaxKind[object.kind] + ")"); report(call, "Ignoring tr call because given argument isn't of type string literal. (" + SyntaxKind[object.kind] + ")"); } if(config.verbose) console.log("Message: %o", object.text || object.getText(source_file)); const variable_name = ts.createIdentifier(cache.name_generator(config, node, object.text || object.getText(source_file))); const variable_init = ts.createPropertyAccess(cache.nodes.translation_map, variable_name); const variable = ts.createPropertyAccess(cache.nodes.translation_map, variable_name); const new_variable = ts.createAssignment(variable, call); let { line, character } = source_file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()); cache.translations.push({ message: object.text || object.getText(source_file), line: line, character: character, filename: (source_file || {fileName: "unknown"}).fileName }); return ts.createBinary(variable_init, ts.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken, new_variable); } return node; } export interface Configuration { use_window?: boolean; replace_cache?: boolean; verbose?: boolean; optimized?: boolean; module?: boolean; variables?: { base: string, declarations: string, declare_files: string } } export interface TransformResult { node: ts.SourceFile; translations: TranslationEntry[]; } interface VolatileTransformConfig { nodes: { translation_map: ts.Expression; }; name_generator: (config: Configuration, node: ts.Node, message: string) => string; translations: TranslationEntry[]; }