import {decode_identity, IdentitifyType, Identity} from "tc-shared/profiles/Identity"; import {guid} from "tc-shared/crypto/uid"; import {TeaForumIdentity} from "tc-shared/profiles/identities/TeaForumIdentity"; import {TeaSpeakIdentity} from "tc-shared/profiles/identities/TeamSpeakIdentity"; import {AbstractServerConnection} from "tc-shared/connection/ConnectionBase"; import {HandshakeIdentityHandler} from "tc-shared/connection/HandshakeHandler"; import {createErrorModal} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Modal"; import {formatMessage} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/chat"; export class ConnectionProfile { id: string; profile_name: string; default_username: string; default_password: string; selected_identity_type: string = "unset"; identities: { [key: string]: Identity } = {}; constructor(id: string) { = id; } connect_username(): string { if (this.default_username && this.default_username !== "Another TeaSpeak user") return this.default_username; let selected = this.selected_identity(); let name = selected ? selected.fallback_name() : undefined; return name || "Another TeaSpeak user"; } selected_identity(current_type?: IdentitifyType): Identity { if (!current_type) current_type = this.selected_type(); if (current_type === undefined) return undefined; if (current_type == IdentitifyType.TEAFORO) { return TeaForumIdentity.identity(); } else if (current_type == IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK || current_type == IdentitifyType.NICKNAME) { return this.identities[IdentitifyType[current_type].toLowerCase()]; } return undefined; } selected_type?(): IdentitifyType { return this.selected_identity_type ? IdentitifyType[this.selected_identity_type.toUpperCase()] : undefined; } set_identity(type: IdentitifyType, identity: Identity) { this.identities[IdentitifyType[type].toLowerCase()] = identity; } spawn_identity_handshake_handler?(connection: AbstractServerConnection): HandshakeIdentityHandler { const identity = this.selected_identity(); if (!identity) return undefined; return identity.spawn_identity_handshake_handler(connection); } encode?(): string { const identity_data = {}; for (const key in this.identities) if (this.identities[key]) identity_data[key] = this.identities[key].encode(); return JSON.stringify({ version: 1, username: this.default_username, password: this.default_password, profile_name: this.profile_name, identity_type: this.selected_identity_type, identity_data: identity_data, id: }); } valid(): boolean { const identity = this.selected_identity(); return !!identity && identity.valid(); } } async function decode_profile(data): Promise { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.version !== 1) return "invalid version"; const result: ConnectionProfile = new ConnectionProfile(; result.default_username = data.username; result.default_password = data.password; result.profile_name = data.profile_name; result.selected_identity_type = (data.identity_type || "").toLowerCase(); if (data.identity_data) { for (const key of Object.keys(data.identity_data)) { const type = IdentitifyType[key.toUpperCase() as string]; const _data = data.identity_data[key]; if (type == undefined) continue; const identity = await decode_identity(type, _data); if (identity == undefined) continue; result.identities[key.toLowerCase()] = identity; } } return result; } interface ProfilesData { version: number; profiles: string[]; } let available_profiles: ConnectionProfile[] = []; export async function load() { available_profiles = []; const profiles_json = localStorage.getItem("profiles"); let profiles_data: ProfilesData = (() => { try { return profiles_json ? JSON.parse(profiles_json) : {version: 0} as any; } catch (error) { debugger; console.error(tr("Invalid profile json! Resetting profiles :( (%o)"), profiles_json); createErrorModal(tr("Profile data invalid"), formatMessage(tr("The profile data is invalid.{:br:}This might cause data loss."))).open(); return {version: 0}; } })(); if (profiles_data.version === 0) { profiles_data = { version: 1, profiles: [] }; } if (profiles_data.version == 1) { for (const profile_data of profiles_data.profiles) { const profile = await decode_profile(profile_data); if (typeof (profile) === 'string') { console.error(tr("Failed to load profile. Reason: %s, Profile data: %s"), profile, profiles_data); continue; } available_profiles.push(profile); } } if (!find_profile("default")) { //Create a default profile and teaforo profile { const profile = create_new_profile("default", "default"); profile.default_password = ""; profile.default_username = ""; profile.profile_name = "Default Profile"; /* generate default identity */ try { const identity = await TeaSpeakIdentity.generate_new(); let active = true; setTimeout(() => { active = false; }, 1000); await identity.improve_level(8, 1, () => active); profile.set_identity(IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK, identity); profile.selected_identity_type = IdentitifyType[IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK]; } catch (error) { createErrorModal(tr("Failed to generate default identity"), tr("Failed to generate default identity!
Please manually generate the identity within your settings => profiles")).open(); } } { /* forum identity (works only when connected to the forum) */ const profile = create_new_profile("TeaSpeak Forum", "teaforo"); profile.default_password = ""; profile.default_username = ""; profile.profile_name = "TeaSpeak Forum profile"; profile.set_identity(IdentitifyType.TEAFORO, TeaForumIdentity.identity()); profile.selected_identity_type = IdentitifyType[IdentitifyType.TEAFORO]; } save(); } } export function create_new_profile(name: string, id?: string): ConnectionProfile { const profile = new ConnectionProfile(id || guid()); profile.profile_name = name; profile.default_username = ""; available_profiles.push(profile); return profile; } let _requires_save = false; export function save() { const profiles: string[] = []; for (const profile of available_profiles) profiles.push(profile.encode()); const data = JSON.stringify({ version: 1, profiles: profiles }); localStorage.setItem("profiles", data); } export function mark_need_save() { _requires_save = true; } export function requires_save(): boolean { return _requires_save; } export function profiles(): ConnectionProfile[] { return available_profiles; } export function find_profile(id: string): ConnectionProfile | undefined { for (const profile of profiles()) if ( == id) return profile; return undefined; } export function find_profile_by_name(name: string): ConnectionProfile | undefined { name = name.toLowerCase(); for (const profile of profiles()) if ((profile.profile_name || "").toLowerCase() == name) return profile; return undefined; } export function default_profile(): ConnectionProfile { return find_profile("default"); } export function set_default_profile(profile: ConnectionProfile) { const old_default = default_profile(); if (old_default && old_default != profile) { = guid(); } = "default"; return old_default; } export function delete_profile(profile: ConnectionProfile) { available_profiles.remove(profile); }