import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import * as log from "../../../log"; import {LogCategory} from "../../../log"; import {EventClient, EventServerAddress, EventType, TypeInfo} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/log/Definitions"; import {server_connections} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/connection_handlers"; import {renderBBCodeAsText} from "tc-shared/text/bbcode"; import {format_time} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/chat"; import {ViewReasonId} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import {findLogDispatcher} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/log/DispatcherLog"; import {formatDate} from "tc-shared/MessageFormatter"; import {Settings, settings} from "tc-shared/settings"; export type DispatcherLog = (data: TypeInfo[T], handlerId: string, eventType: T) => void; const notificationDefaultStatus = {}; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.CLIENT_POKE_RECEIVED] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.SERVER_BANNED] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.SERVER_CLOSED] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.SERVER_HOST_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.GLOBAL_MESSAGE] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.CONNECTION_FAILED] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.PRIVATE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED] = true; notificationDefaultStatus[EventType.CONNECTION_VOICE_DROPPED] = true; let windowFocused = false; document.addEventListener("focusin", () => windowFocused = true); document.addEventListener("focusout", () => windowFocused = false); const dispatchers: {[key: string]: DispatcherLog} = { }; function registerDispatcher(key: T, builder: DispatcherLog) { dispatchers[key] = builder; } export function findNotificationDispatcher(type: T) : DispatcherLog { return dispatchers[type]; } export function getRegisteredNotificationDispatchers() : TypeInfo[] { return Object.keys(dispatchers) as any; } export function isNotificationEnabled(type: EventType) { return, notificationDefaultStatus[type as any] || false); } const kDefaultIcon = "img/teaspeak_cup_animated.png"; async function resolveAvatarUrl(client: EventClient, handlerId: string) { const connection = server_connections.findConnection(handlerId); const avatar = connection.fileManager.avatars.resolveClientAvatar({ clientUniqueId: client.client_unique_id, id: client.client_id }); await avatar.awaitLoaded(); return avatar.getAvatarUrl(); } async function resolveServerIconUrl(handlerId: string) { const connection = server_connections.findConnection(handlerId); if( { const icon = connection.fileManager.icons.load_icon(; await icon.await_loading(); return icon.loaded_url; } return kDefaultIcon; } function spawnNotification(title: string, options: NotificationOptions) { if(!options.icon) options.icon = kDefaultIcon; if('Notification' in window) { try { new Notification(title, options); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } } function spawnServerNotification(handlerId: string, options: NotificationOptions) { resolveServerIconUrl(handlerId).then(iconUrl => { const connection = server_connections.findConnection(handlerId); if(!connection) return; options.icon = iconUrl; spawnNotification(, options); }); } function spawnClientNotification(handlerId: string, client: EventClient, options: NotificationOptions) { resolveAvatarUrl(client, handlerId).then(avatarUrl => { const connection = server_connections.findConnection(handlerId); if(!connection) return; options.icon = avatarUrl; spawnNotification(, options); }); } const formatServerAddress = (address: EventServerAddress) => address.server_hostname + (address.server_port === 9987 ? "" : ":" + address.server_port); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_BEGIN, data => { spawnNotification(tr("Connecting..."), { body: tra("Connecting to {}", formatServerAddress(data.address)) }); }); /* Snipped CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_RESOLVE */ registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_RESOLVED, data => { spawnNotification(tr("Hostname resolved"), { body: tra("Hostname resolved successfully to {}", formatServerAddress(data.address)) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_RESOLVE_ERROR, data => { spawnNotification(tr("Connect failed"), { body: tra("Failed to resolve hostname.\nConnecting to given hostname.\nError: {0}", data.message) }); }); /* Snipped CONNECTION_LOGIN */ registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_CONNECTED, data => { spawnNotification(tra("Connected to {}", formatServerAddress(data.serverAddress)), { body: tra("You connected as {}", data.own_client.client_name) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_FAILED, data => { spawnNotification(tra("Connection to {} failed", formatServerAddress(data.serverAddress)), { body: tra("Failed to connect to {}.", formatServerAddress(data.serverAddress)) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.DISCONNECTED, () => { spawnNotification(tra("You disconnected from the server"), { }); }); /* snipped RECONNECT_SCHEDULED */ /* snipped RECONNECT_EXECUTE */ /* snipped RECONNECT_CANCELED */ registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_VOICE_CONNECT, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tr("Connecting voice bridge.") }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_VOICE_CONNECT_SUCCEEDED, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tr("Voice bridge successfully connected.") }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_VOICE_CONNECT_FAILED, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("Failed to setup voice bridge: {0}. Allow reconnect: {1}", data.reason, data.reconnect_delay > 0 ? tr("Yes") : tr("No")) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_VOICE_DROPPED, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tr("Voice bridge has been dropped. Trying to reconnect.") }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CONNECTION_COMMAND_ERROR, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("Command execution resulted in an error.") }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.SERVER_WELCOME_MESSAGE, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("Welcome message:\n{}", data.message) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.SERVER_HOST_MESSAGE, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("Host message:\n{}", data.message) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.SERVER_HOST_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT, (data) => { spawnNotification(tr("Connection to server denied"), { body: tra("Server message:\n{}", data.message) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.SERVER_CLOSED, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: data.message ? tra("Server has been closed ({})", data.message) : tr("Server has been closed") }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.SERVER_BANNED, (data, handlerId) => { const time = data.time === 0 ? "ever" : format_time(data.time * 1000, tr("one second")); const reason = data.message ? " Reason: " + data.message : ""; spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: data.invoker.client_id > 0 ? tra("You've been banned from the server by {0} for {1}.{2}", data.invoker.client_name, time, reason) : tra("You've been banned from the server for {0}.{1}", time, reason) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.SERVER_REQUIRES_PASSWORD, () => { spawnNotification(tra("Failed to connect to the server"), { body: tr("Server requires a password to connect.") }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_ENTER, (data, handlerId) => { let message; switch (data.reason) { case ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION: if(data.channel_from) { message = tra("{0} appeared from {1} to {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); } else { message = tra("{0} appeared to channel {1}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); } break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED: if(data.channel_from) { message = tra("{0} appeared from {1} to {2}, moved by {3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); } else { message = tra("{0} appeared to {1}, moved by {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); } break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK: if(data.channel_from) { message = tra("{0} appeared from {1} to {2}, kicked by {3}{4}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); } else { message = tra("{0} appeared to {1}, kicked by {2}{3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); } break; default: return; } spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: message }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_ENTER_OWN_CHANNEL, (data, handlerId) => { let message; switch (data.reason) { case ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION: if(data.channel_from) { message = tra("{0} appeared from {1} to your channel {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); } else { message = tra("{0} appeared to your channel {1}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); } break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED: if(data.channel_from) { message = tra("{0} appeared from {1} to your channel {2}, moved by {3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); } else { message = tra("{0} appeared to your channel {1}, moved by {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); } break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK: if(data.channel_from) { message = tra("{0} appeared from {1} to your channel {2}, kicked by {3}{4}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); } else { message = tra("{0} appeared to your channel {1}, kicked by {2}{3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); } break; default: return; } spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: message }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_MOVE, (data, handlerId) => { let message; switch (data.reason) { case ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED: message = tra("{0} was moved from channel {1} to {2} by {3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION: message = tra("{0} switched from channel {1} to {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK: message = tra("{0} got kicked from channel {1} to {2} by {3}{4}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; default: return; } spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: message }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_MOVE_OWN_CHANNEL, findLogDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_MOVE)); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_MOVE_OWN, (data, handlerId) => { let message; switch (data.reason) { case ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED: message = tra("You have been moved by {3} from channel {1} to {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION: /* no need to notify here */ return; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK: message = tra("You got kicked out of the channel {1} to channel {2} by {3}{4}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; default: return; } spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: message }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_LEAVE, (data, handlerId) => { let message; switch (data.reason) { case ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION: message = tra("{0} disappeared from {1} to {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_LEFT: message = tra("{0} left the server{1}", data.client.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_KICK: message = tra("{0} was kicked from the server by {1}.{2}", data.client, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK: message = tra("{0} was kicked from channel {1} by {2}.{3}", data.client, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_BAN: let duration = "permanently"; if(data.ban_time) duration = tr("for") + " " + formatDate(data.ban_time); message = tra("{0} was banned {1} by {2}.{3}", data.client.client_name, duration, data.invoker.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_TIMEOUT: message = tra("{0} timed out{1}", data.client.client_name, data.message ? " (" + data.message + ")" : ""); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED: message = tra("{0} disappeared from {1} to {2}, moved by {3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); break; default: return; } spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: message }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_LEAVE_OWN_CHANNEL, (data, handlerId) => { let message; switch (data.reason) { case ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION: message = tra("{0} disappeared from your channel {1} to {2}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name); break; case ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED: message = tra("{0} disappeared from your channel {1} to {2}, moved by {3}", data.client.client_name, data.channel_from.channel_name, data.channel_to.channel_name, data.invoker.client_name); break; default: return findLogDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_LEAVE)(data, handlerId, EventType.CLIENT_VIEW_LEAVE); } spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: message }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_NICKNAME_CHANGED, (data, handlerId) => { spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.client, { body: tra("{0} changed his nickname from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"", data.client.client_name, data.old_name, data.new_name) }); }); /* snipped CLIENT_NICKNAME_CHANGED_OWN */ /* snipped CLIENT_NICKNAME_CHANGE_FAILED */ registerDispatcher(EventType.CHANNEL_CREATE, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("Channel {} has been created by {}.",, data.creator.client_name) }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.CHANNEL_DELETE, (data, handlerId) => { spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("Channel {} has been deleted by {}.",, data.deleter.client_name) }); }); /* snipped CHANNEL_CREATE_OWN */ /* snipped CHANNEL_DELETE_OWN */ /* snipped ERROR_CUSTOM */ /* snipped ERROR_PERMISSION */ /* TODO! CLIENT_SERVER_GROUP_ADD = "", CLIENT_SERVER_GROUP_REMOVE = "", CLIENT_CHANNEL_GROUP_CHANGE = "", */ registerDispatcher(EventType.CLIENT_POKE_RECEIVED, (data, handlerId) => { resolveAvatarUrl(data.sender, handlerId).then(avatarUrl => { const connection = server_connections.findConnection(handlerId); if(!connection) return; new Notification(, { body: tr("You've peen poked by") + " " + data.sender.client_name + (data.message ? ":\n" + renderBBCodeAsText(data.message) : ""), icon: avatarUrl }); }); }); /* snipped CLIENT_POKE_SEND */ registerDispatcher(EventType.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, (data, handlerId) => { if(windowFocused) return; spawnServerNotification(handlerId, { body: tra("{} send a server message: {}", data.sender.client_name, renderBBCodeAsText(data.message)), }); }); registerDispatcher(EventType.PRIVATE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, (data, handlerId) => { if(windowFocused) return; spawnClientNotification(handlerId, data.sender, { body: tra("Private message from {}: {}", data.sender.client_name, renderBBCodeAsText(data.message)), }); }); /* snipped PRIVATE_MESSAGE_SEND */ loader.register_task(Stage.LOADED, { function: async () => { if(!('Notification' in window)) return; if(Notification.permission === "granted") return; Notification.requestPermission().then(result => {, tr("Notification permission request resulted in %s"), result); }).catch(error => { log.warn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to execute notification permission request: %O"), error); }); }, name: "Request notifications", priority: 1 });