import {readFileSync, writeFileSync, mkdir, existsSync} from "fs"; import * as ts from "typescript"; import * as decl from "./declarator"; import * as glob from "glob"; import * as path from "path"; import * as mkdirp from "mkdirp"; import {removeSync} from "fs-extra"; import * as import_organizer from "./import_organizer"; import * as declare_fixup from "./declare_fixup"; let source_files: string[] = []; let exclude_files: string[] = []; let target_directory: string = "out.d/"; let verbose: boolean = false; let config_file: string = undefined; let base_path = process.cwd(); let module_mode: boolean = false; let args = process.argv.slice(2); while(args.length > 0) { if(args[0] === "--file") { source_files.push(args[1]); args = args.slice(2); } else if(args[0] === "--exclude") { exclude_files.push(args[1]); args = args.slice(2); } else if(args[0] === "--destination") { target_directory = args[1]; args = args.slice(2); } else if(args[0] === "-v" || args[0] === "--verbose") { verbose = true; args = args.slice(1); } else if(args[0] === "-c" || args[0] === "--config") { config_file = args[1]; base_path = path.normalize(path.dirname(config_file)); args = args.slice(2); } else if(args[0] === "-b" || args[0] === "--base-directory") { base_path = args[1]; base_path = path.normalize(base_path); args = args.slice(2); } else if(args[0] === "-m" || args[0] === "--module") { module_mode = true; args = args.slice(1); } else { console.error("Invalid command line option %s", args[0]); process.exit(1); } } if(config_file) { console.log("Loading config file"); const json = JSON.parse(readFileSync(config_file).toString()); if(!json) { console.error("Failed to parse config!"); process.exit(1); } if(Array.isArray(json["source_files"])) source_files.push(...json["source_files"]); if(Array.isArray(json["exclude"])) exclude_files.push(...json["exclude"]); if(typeof json["target_directory"] === "string") target_directory = json["target_directory"]; if(typeof json["base_directory"] === "string") base_path = json["base_directory"]; if(typeof json["modular"] === "boolean") module_mode = json["modular"]; } if(verbose) { console.log("Base path: " + base_path); console.log("Input files:"); for(const file of source_files) console.log(" - " + file); console.log("Target directory: " + target_directory); } if(existsSync(target_directory)) { removeSync(target_directory); if(existsSync(target_directory)) { console.error("Failed to remove target directory (%s)", target_directory); process.exit(1); } } const negate_files: string[] = [].concat.apply([], => glob.sync(base_path + "/" + file))).map(file => path.normalize(file)); source_files.forEach(file => { const glob_base = path.normalize(path.join(process.cwd(), base_path)); if(verbose) console.log("Globbing %s", glob_base); glob.sync(glob_base + "/" + file).forEach(_file => { _file = path.normalize(_file); if(!_file.startsWith(glob_base)) { /* this should never happen */ console.log("Skipping %s because of unmatching base directory.", _file); return; } for(const n_file of negate_files) { if(n_file == _file) { console.log("Skipping %s", _file); return; } } const relpath = _file.substr(glob_base.length); let source = ts.createSourceFile( _file, readFileSync(_file).toString(), ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015, true ); console.log("Compile %s (%s)", _file, relpath); const decl_nodes = decl.generate(source, { remove_private: true, module_mode: module_mode }); const result = decl.print(source, declare_fixup.fix_declare_global(import_organizer.remove_unused(source, decl_nodes))); let fpath = path.join(base_path, target_directory, relpath); fpath = fpath.substr(0, fpath.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".d.ts"; mkdirp(path.normalize(path.dirname(fpath)), error => { if(error) throw error; writeFileSync(fpath, result); }); }); });