/// /// namespace audio { export namespace js { export namespace codec { class CacheEntry { instance: BasicCodec; owner: number; last_access: number; } export class CodecPool { codecIndex: number; name: string; type: CodecType; entries: CacheEntry[] = []; maxInstances: number = 2; private _supported: boolean = true; initialize(cached: number) { /* test if we're able to use this codec */ const dummy_client_id = 0xFFEF; this.ownCodec(dummy_client_id, _ => {}).then(codec => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Release again! (%o)"), codec); this.releaseCodec(dummy_client_id); }).catch(error => { if(this._supported) { log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Disabling codec support for "), this.name); createErrorModal(tr("Could not load codec driver"), tr("Could not load or initialize codec ") + this.name + "
" + "Error: " + JSON.stringify(error) + "").open(); log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to initialize the opus codec. Error: %o"), error); } else { log.debug(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to initialize already disabled codec. Error: %o"), error); } this._supported = false; }); } supported() { return this._supported; } ownCodec?(clientId: number, callback_encoded: (buffer: Uint8Array) => any, create: boolean = true) : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!this._supported) { reject(tr("unsupported codec!")); return; } let free_slot = 0; for(let index = 0; index < this.entries.length; index++) { if(this.entries[index].owner == clientId) { this.entries[index].last_access = Date.now(); if(this.entries[index].instance.initialized()) resolve(this.entries[index].instance); else { this.entries[index].instance.initialise().then((flag) => { //TODO test success flag this.ownCodec(clientId, callback_encoded, false).then(resolve).catch(reject); }).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Could not initialize codec!\nError: %o"), error); reject(typeof(error) === 'string' ? error : tr("Could not initialize codec!")); }); } return; } else if(this.entries[index].owner == 0) { free_slot = index; } } if(!create) { resolve(undefined); return; } if(free_slot == 0){ free_slot = this.entries.length; let entry = new CacheEntry(); entry.instance = audio.codec.new_instance(this.type); this.entries.push(entry); } this.entries[free_slot].owner = clientId; this.entries[free_slot].last_access = new Date().getTime(); this.entries[free_slot].instance.on_encoded_data = callback_encoded; if(this.entries[free_slot].instance.initialized()) this.entries[free_slot].instance.reset(); else { this.ownCodec(clientId, callback_encoded, false).then(resolve).catch(reject); return; } resolve(this.entries[free_slot].instance); }); } releaseCodec(clientId: number) { for(let index = 0; index < this.entries.length; index++) if(this.entries[index].owner == clientId) this.entries[index].owner = 0; } constructor(index: number, name: string, type: CodecType){ this.codecIndex = index; this.name = name; this.type = type; this._supported = this.type !== undefined && audio.codec.supported(this.type); } } } export enum VoiceEncodeType { JS_ENCODE, NATIVE_ENCODE } export class VoiceConnection extends connection.voice.AbstractVoiceConnection { readonly connection: connection.ServerConnection; rtcPeerConnection: RTCPeerConnection; dataChannel: RTCDataChannel; private _type: VoiceEncodeType = VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE; /* * To ensure we're not sending any audio because the settings activates the input, * we self mute the audio stream */ local_audio_mute: GainNode; local_audio_stream: MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode; static codec_pool: codec.CodecPool[]; static codecSupported(type: number) : boolean { return this.codec_pool.length > type && this.codec_pool[type].supported(); } private voice_packet_id: number = 0; private chunkVPacketId: number = 0; private send_task: NodeJS.Timer; private _audio_source: RecorderProfile; private _audio_clients: audio.js.VoiceClientController[] = []; private _encoder_codec: number = 5; constructor(connection: connection.ServerConnection) { super(connection); this.connection = connection; this._type = settings.static_global("voice_connection_type", this._type); } destroy() { clearInterval(this.send_task); this.drop_rtp_session(); this.acquire_voice_recorder(undefined, true).catch(error => { log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to release voice recorder: %o"), error); }).then(() => { for(const client of this._audio_clients) { client.abort_replay(); client.callback_playback = undefined; client.callback_state_changed = undefined; client.callback_stopped = undefined; } this._audio_clients = undefined; this._audio_source = undefined; }); } static native_encoding_supported() : boolean { const context = window.webkitAudioContext || window.AudioContext; if(!context) return false; if(!context.prototype.createMediaStreamDestination) return false; //Required, but not available within edge return true; } static javascript_encoding_supported() : boolean { if(!window.RTCPeerConnection) return false; if(!RTCPeerConnection.prototype.createDataChannel) return false; return true; } current_encoding_supported() : boolean { switch (this._type) { case VoiceEncodeType.JS_ENCODE: return audio.js.VoiceConnection.javascript_encoding_supported(); case VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE: return audio.js.VoiceConnection.native_encoding_supported(); } return false; } private setup_native() { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Setting up native voice stream!")); if(!audio.js.VoiceConnection.native_encoding_supported()) { log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Native codec isn't supported!")); return; } if(!this.local_audio_stream) { this.local_audio_stream = audio.player.context().createMediaStreamDestination(); } if(!this.local_audio_mute) { this.local_audio_mute = audio.player.context().createGain(); this.local_audio_mute.connect(this.local_audio_stream); this.local_audio_mute.gain.value = 1; } } private setup_js() { if(!audio.js.VoiceConnection.javascript_encoding_supported()) return; if(!this.send_task) this.send_task = setInterval(this.send_next_voice_packet.bind(this), 20); /* send all 20ms out voice packets */ } async acquire_voice_recorder(recorder: RecorderProfile | undefined, enforce?: boolean) { if(this._audio_source === recorder && !enforce) return; if(recorder) await recorder.unmount(); if(this._audio_source) await this._audio_source.unmount(); this.handle_local_voice_ended(); this._audio_source = recorder; if(recorder) { recorder.current_handler = this.connection.client; recorder.callback_unmount = this.on_recorder_yield.bind(this); recorder.callback_start = this.handle_local_voice_started.bind(this); recorder.callback_stop = this.handle_local_voice_ended.bind(this); if(this._type == VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE) { if(!this.local_audio_stream) this.setup_native(); /* requires initialized audio */ await recorder.input.set_consumer({ type: audio.recorder.InputConsumerType.NODE, callback_node: node => { if(!this.local_audio_stream || !this.local_audio_mute) return; node.connect(this.local_audio_mute); }, callback_disconnect: node => { if(!this.local_audio_mute) return; node.disconnect(this.local_audio_mute); } } as audio.recorder.NodeInputConsumer); } else { await recorder.input.set_consumer({ type: audio.recorder.InputConsumerType.CALLBACK, callback_audio: buffer => this.handle_local_voice(buffer, false) } as audio.recorder.CallbackInputConsumer); } } this.connection.client.update_voice_status(undefined); } get_encoder_type() : VoiceEncodeType { return this._type; } set_encoder_type(target: VoiceEncodeType) { if(target == this._type) return; this._type = target; if(this._type == VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE) this.setup_native(); else this.setup_js(); this.start_rtc_session(); } voice_playback_support() : boolean { return this.dataChannel && this.dataChannel.readyState == "open"; } voice_send_support() : boolean { if(this._type == VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE) return audio.js.VoiceConnection.native_encoding_supported() && this.rtcPeerConnection.getLocalStreams().length > 0; else return this.voice_playback_support(); } private voice_send_queue: {data: Uint8Array, codec: number}[] = []; handleEncodedVoicePacket(data: Uint8Array, codec: number){ this.voice_send_queue.push({data: data, codec: codec}); } private send_next_voice_packet() { const buffer = this.voice_send_queue.pop_front(); if(!buffer) return; this.send_voice_packet(buffer.data, buffer.codec); } send_voice_packet(encoded_data: Uint8Array, codec: number) { if(this.dataChannel) { this.voice_packet_id++; if(this.voice_packet_id > 65535) this.voice_packet_id = 0; let packet = new Uint8Array(encoded_data.byteLength + 5); packet[0] = this.chunkVPacketId++ < 5 ? 1 : 0; //Flag header packet[1] = 0; //Flag fragmented packet[2] = (this.voice_packet_id >> 8) & 0xFF; //HIGHT (voiceID) packet[3] = (this.voice_packet_id >> 0) & 0xFF; //LOW (voiceID) packet[4] = codec; //Codec packet.set(encoded_data, 5); try { this.dataChannel.send(packet); } catch (error) { log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to send voice packet. Error: %o"), error); } } else { log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Could not transfer audio (not connected)")); } } private _audio_player_waiting = false; start_rtc_session() { if(!audio.player.initialized()) { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Audio player isn't initialized yet. Waiting for gesture.")); if(!this._audio_player_waiting) { this._audio_player_waiting = true; audio.player.on_ready(() => this.start_rtc_session()); } return; } if(!this.current_encoding_supported()) return false; if(this._type == VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE) this.setup_native(); else this.setup_js(); this.drop_rtp_session(); this._ice_use_cache = true; let config: RTCConfiguration = {}; config.iceServers = []; config.iceServers.push({ urls: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' }); this.rtcPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(config); const dataChannelConfig = { ordered: true, maxRetransmits: 0 }; this.dataChannel = this.rtcPeerConnection.createDataChannel('main', dataChannelConfig); this.dataChannel.onmessage = this.on_data_channel_message.bind(this); this.dataChannel.onopen = this.on_data_channel.bind(this); this.dataChannel.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; let sdpConstraints : RTCOfferOptions = {}; sdpConstraints.offerToReceiveAudio = this._type == VoiceEncodeType.NATIVE_ENCODE; sdpConstraints.offerToReceiveVideo = false; sdpConstraints.voiceActivityDetection = true; this.rtcPeerConnection.onicecandidate = this.on_local_ice_candidate.bind(this); if(this.local_audio_stream) { //May a typecheck? this.rtcPeerConnection.addStream(this.local_audio_stream.stream); log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Adding native audio stream (%o)!"), this.local_audio_stream.stream); } this.rtcPeerConnection.createOffer(sdpConstraints) .then(offer => this.on_local_offer_created(offer)) .catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Could not create ice offer! error: %o"), error); }); } drop_rtp_session() { if(this.dataChannel) { this.dataChannel.close(); this.dataChannel = undefined; } if(this.rtcPeerConnection) { this.rtcPeerConnection.close(); this.rtcPeerConnection = undefined; } this._ice_use_cache = true; this._ice_cache = []; this.connection.client.update_voice_status(undefined); } private _ice_use_cache: boolean = true; private _ice_cache: any[] = []; handleControlPacket(json) { if(json["request"] === "answer") { const session_description = new RTCSessionDescription(json["msg"]); log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Received answer to our offer. Answer: %o"), session_description); this.rtcPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(session_description).then(() => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Answer applied successfully. Applying ICE candidates (%d)."), this._ice_cache.length); this._ice_use_cache = false; for(let msg of this._ice_cache) { this.rtcPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(msg)).catch(error => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to add remote cached ice candidate %s: %o"), msg, error); }); } this._ice_cache = []; }).catch(error => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to apply remote description: %o"), error); //FIXME error handling! }); } else if(json["request"] === "ice") { if(!this._ice_use_cache) { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Add remote ice! (%o)"), json["msg"]); this.rtcPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(json["msg"])).catch(error => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to add remote ice candidate %s: %o"), json["msg"], error); }); } else { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Cache remote ice! (%o)"), json["msg"]); this._ice_cache.push(json["msg"]); } } else if(json["request"] == "status") { if(json["state"] == "failed") { const chandler = this.connection.client; chandler.log.log(log.server.Type.CONNECTION_VOICE_SETUP_FAILED, { reason: json["reason"], reconnect_delay: json["allow_reconnect"] ? 1 : 0 }); log.error(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Failed to setup voice bridge (%s). Allow reconnect: %s"), json["reason"], json["allow_reconnect"]); if(json["allow_reconnect"] == true) { this.start_rtc_session(); } //TODO handle fail specially when its not allowed to reconnect } } } private on_local_ice_candidate(event: RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent) { if (event) { //if(event.candidate && event.candidate.protocol !== "udp") // return; log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Gathered local ice candidate %o."), event.candidate); if(event.candidate) { this.connection.sendData(JSON.stringify({ type: 'WebRTC', request: "ice", msg: event.candidate, })); } else { this.connection.sendData(JSON.stringify({ type: 'WebRTC', request: "ice_finish" })); } } } private on_local_offer_created(localSession) { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Local offer created. Setting up local description. (%o)"), localSession); this.rtcPeerConnection.setLocalDescription(localSession).then(() => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Offer applied successfully. Sending offer to server.")); this.connection.sendData(JSON.stringify({type: 'WebRTC', request: "create", msg: localSession})); }).catch(error => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to apply local description: %o"), error); //FIXME error handling }); } private on_data_channel(channel) { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Got new data channel! (%s)"), this.dataChannel.readyState); this.connection.client.update_voice_status(); } private on_data_channel_message(message: MessageEvent) { const chandler = this.connection.client; if(chandler.client_status.output_muted) /* we dont need to do anything with sound playback when we're not listening to it */ return; let bin = new Uint8Array(message.data); let clientId = bin[2] << 8 | bin[3]; let packetId = bin[0] << 8 | bin[1]; let codec = bin[4]; //log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, "Client id " + clientId + " PacketID " + packetId + " Codec: " + codec); let client = this.find_client(clientId); if(!client) { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Having voice from unknown audio client? (ClientID: %o)"), clientId); return; } let codec_pool = VoiceConnection.codec_pool[codec]; if(!codec_pool) { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Could not playback codec %o"), codec); return; } let encodedData; if(message.data.subarray) encodedData = message.data.subarray(5); else encodedData = new Uint8Array(message.data, 5); if(encodedData.length == 0) { client.stopAudio(); codec_pool.releaseCodec(clientId); } else { codec_pool.ownCodec(clientId, e => this.handleEncodedVoicePacket(e, codec), true) .then(decoder => decoder.decodeSamples(client.get_codec_cache(codec), encodedData)) .then(buffer => client.playback_buffer(buffer)).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Could not playback client's (%o) audio (%o)"), clientId, error); if(error instanceof Error) log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, error.stack); }); } } private handle_local_voice(data: AudioBuffer, head: boolean) { const chandler = this.connection.client; if(!chandler.connected) return false; if(chandler.client_status.input_muted) return false; if(head) this.chunkVPacketId = 0; let client = this.find_client(chandler.clientId); if(!client) { log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Tried to send voice data, but local client hasn't a voice client handle")); return; } const codec = this._encoder_codec; VoiceConnection.codec_pool[codec] .ownCodec(chandler.getClientId(), e => this.handleEncodedVoicePacket(e, codec), true) .then(encoder => encoder.encodeSamples(client.get_codec_cache(codec), data)); } private handle_local_voice_ended() { const chandler = this.connection.client; const ch = chandler.getClient(); if(ch) ch.speaking = false; if(!chandler.connected) return false; if(chandler.client_status.input_muted) return false; log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Local voice ended")); if(this.dataChannel && this._encoder_codec >= 0) this.send_voice_packet(new Uint8Array(0), this._encoder_codec); } private handle_local_voice_started() { const chandler = this.connection.client; if(chandler.client_status.input_muted) { /* evail hack due to the settings :D */ log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Received local voice started event, even thou we're muted! Do not send any voice.")); if(this.local_audio_mute) this.local_audio_mute.gain.value = 0; return; } if(this.local_audio_mute) this.local_audio_mute.gain.value = 1; log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Local voice started")); const ch = chandler.getClient(); if(ch) ch.speaking = true; } private on_recorder_yield() { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, "Lost recorder!"); this._audio_source = undefined; this.acquire_voice_recorder(undefined, true); /* we can ignore the promise because we should finish this directly */ } connected(): boolean { return typeof(this.dataChannel) !== "undefined" && this.dataChannel.readyState === "open"; } voice_recorder(): RecorderProfile { return this._audio_source; } available_clients(): connection.voice.VoiceClient[] { return this._audio_clients; } find_client(client_id: number) : audio.js.VoiceClientController | undefined { for(const client of this._audio_clients) if(client.client_id === client_id) return client; return undefined; } unregister_client(client: connection.voice.VoiceClient): Promise { if(!(client instanceof audio.js.VoiceClientController)) throw "Invalid client type"; this._audio_clients.remove(client); return Promise.resolve(); } register_client(client_id: number): connection.voice.VoiceClient { const client = new audio.js.VoiceClientController(client_id); this._audio_clients.push(client); return client; } decoding_supported(codec: number): boolean { return VoiceConnection.codecSupported(codec); } encoding_supported(codec: number): boolean { return VoiceConnection.codecSupported(codec); } get_encoder_codec(): number { return this._encoder_codec; } set_encoder_codec(codec: number) { this._encoder_codec = codec; } } } } /* funny fact that typescript dosn't find this */ interface RTCPeerConnection { addStream(stream: MediaStream): void; getLocalStreams(): MediaStream[]; getStreamById(streamId: string): MediaStream | null; removeStream(stream: MediaStream): void; createOffer(successCallback?: RTCSessionDescriptionCallback, failureCallback?: RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback, options?: RTCOfferOptions): Promise; } loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { priority: 10, function: async () => { audio.player.on_ready(() => { log.info(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Initializing voice handler after AudioController has been initialized!")); audio.js.VoiceConnection.codec_pool = [ new audio.js.codec.CodecPool(0, tr("Speex Narrowband"), CodecType.SPEEX_NARROWBAND), new audio.js.codec.CodecPool(1, tr("Speex Wideband"), CodecType.SPEEX_WIDEBAND), new audio.js.codec.CodecPool(2, tr("Speex Ultra Wideband"), CodecType.SPEEX_ULTRA_WIDEBAND), new audio.js.codec.CodecPool(3, tr("CELT Mono"), CodecType.CELT_MONO), new audio.js.codec.CodecPool(4, tr("Opus Voice"), CodecType.OPUS_VOICE), new audio.js.codec.CodecPool(5, tr("Opus Music"), CodecType.OPUS_MUSIC) ]; audio.js.VoiceConnection.codec_pool[4].initialize(2); audio.js.VoiceConnection.codec_pool[5].initialize(2); }); }, name: "registering codec initialisation" });