import {ConnectionHandler} from "../../ConnectionHandler"; import {settings, Settings} from "../../settings"; import {LogCategory} from "../../log"; import * as log from "../../log"; import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; export class Hostbanner { readonly html_tag: JQuery; readonly client: ConnectionHandler; private _destryed = false; private updater; constructor(client: ConnectionHandler) { this.client = client; this.html_tag = $.spawn("div").addClass("container-hostbanner"); this.html_tag.on('click', event => { const server = this.client.channelTree.server; if(!server || ! return;, '_blank'); }); this.update(); } destroy() { if(this.updater) { clearTimeout(this.updater); this.updater = undefined; } if(this.html_tag) { this.html_tag.remove(); } this._destryed = true; } update() { if(this._destryed) return; if(this.updater) { clearTimeout(this.updater); this.updater = undefined; } this.html_tag.toggleClass("no-background", !settings.static_global(Settings.KEY_HOSTBANNER_BACKGROUND)); const tag = this.generate_tag(); tag.then(element => { log.debug(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Regenerated hostbanner tag. Replacing it: %o"), element); if(!element) { this.html_tag.empty().addClass("disabled"); return; } const children = this.html_tag.children(); this.html_tag.append(element).removeClass("disabled"); /* allow the new image be loaded from cache URL */ { children .css('z-index', '2') .css('position', 'absolute') .css('height', '100%') .css('width', '100%'); setTimeout(() => { children.detach(); }, 250); } }).catch(error => { log.warn(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Failed to load the hostbanner: %o"), error); this.html_tag.empty().addClass("disabled"); }); const server = this.client.channelTree.server; this.html_tag.attr('title', server ? : undefined); } public static async generate_tag(banner_url: string | undefined, gfx_interval: number, mode: number) : Promise { if(!banner_url) return undefined; if(gfx_interval > 0) { const update_interval = Math.max(gfx_interval, 60); const update_timestamp = (Math.floor(( / 1000) / update_interval) * update_interval).toString(); try { const url = new URL(banner_url); if( == 0) banner_url += "?_ts=" + update_timestamp; else banner_url += "&_ts=" + update_timestamp; } catch(error) { console.warn(tr("Failed to parse banner URL: %o. Using default '&' append."), error); banner_url += "&_ts=" + update_timestamp; } } /* first now load the image */ const image_element = document.createElement("img"); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { image_element.onload = resolve; image_element.onerror = reject; image_element.src = banner_url; = 'none'; document.body.append(image_element); log.debug(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Successfully loaded hostbanner image.")); }); image_element.parentNode.removeChild(image_element); = 'unset'; return $.spawn("div").addClass("hostbanner-image-container hostbanner-mode-" + mode).append($(image_element)); } private async generate_tag?() : Promise { if(!this.client.connected) return undefined; const server = this.client.channelTree.server; if(!server) return undefined; if(! return undefined; const timeout =; const tag = Hostbanner.generate_tag(,,; if(timeout > 0) this.updater = setTimeout(() => this.update(), timeout * 1000); return tag; } }