- Modals - Settings (X) - Avatar list - Music System - Ban Liste - Übersicht - Suchfunktion - Text - "Hightlisht own bans" - "Show only own bans" Pro Ban: - Globaler ban oder server ban - Name (Nicht immer gegeben) - IP (Nicht immer gegeben) - UID (Nicht immer gegeben) - HWID (Nicht immer gegeben) - Reason - Creator - Created/Expires - "More info" Button (Dort sieht man auch dann die "Enforcements") - Reload button - Hinzufügen - Bearbeiten - Löschen - Ban "More Info" Dialog Alle daten wie bei der liste, und eine liste mit "trigger" events (enforcements) Pro entry: - Unqiue ID - Hardware ID - Client Name - Connection IP - Timestamp - Modal Bookmarks - Bookmark list (+ Subdirectories) - Bookmark Settings - Bookmark/Directory name - Only for bookmarks: - Connect profile - Server address - Server port - Server password - Only for directories - Parent directory - Modal Bookmark create - Type: Bookmark | Directory - Parent directory - Name - Client info popup - Basic Info - Name/Unique ID (Database ID vil auch? Oder als hover irgendwo) - TeaForo connected? Ist premium ja nein? - Country - Avatar - IP (Wenn permission) - Status Away (+ Away message?) Microphone disabled Speakers/Headphones disabled Speakers/Headphones Muted Microphone Muted - Description - Server groups - Channel group - Connect count (Wie oft der client schon connected ist) - Online seid | Idle time - Ping - Client version - First connected Nur TeaClient; Nicht für WebClient clients - Bandwidth - Packets send/received | Packet Loss - Up/Download Quota - Server - Server region/country - Bandwidths & Transferred data - Channel - Audio Codec (Opus (4)) - Channel type (Wenn TEMP dann delete delay (nur wenn empty)) - Channel Topic - Current clients "2/Unlimited" - Description - Password protected - "Texting mode" | Private | "No saving" | "Logged (+ history length)" - Channel creator - Channel crate timestamp - Server "short" info? - Server info popup - Name - Version - Clients (TS3 | TeaSpeak | Query | Web) /Max Client/Reserved - Uptime - License? - Address - Average ping + Packet loss - Bandwidth last minutes (In & Out) - Bandwidth last second (In & Out) - Packets + Bytes transfered (In & Out) - File Transfer Bandwidth (Up + Download) - File Transfer bytes transferred, month & global (Up + Download) TODO: Context menu for clients => Group assignment => Not assignable groups sind assignable Fix these icons: https://img.did.science/Screenshot_20-11-06.png - Application Options - Crash - Focus crash window on crash - Add a notification (Like the browser notifications) Connection state sometimes does not update The teaforum account does not show the premium status Allow channel chatting in the current channel Generate a default identity in JS when no POW worker is avaliable! Top menu double click does not work (not open again) Test the site without initializing the contgext seperators!