import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import * as bipc from "./ipc/BrowserIPC"; import * as sound from "./sound/Sounds"; import * as i18n from "./i18n/localize"; import {tra} from "./i18n/localize"; import * as fidentity from "./profiles/identities/TeaForumIdentity"; import * as aplayer from "tc-backend/audio/player"; import * as ppt from "tc-backend/ppt"; import * as global_ev_handler from "./events/ClientGlobalControlHandler"; import {AppParameters, settings, Settings, UrlParameterBuilder, UrlParameterParser} from "tc-shared/settings"; import {LogCategory, logDebug, logError, logInfo, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log"; import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import {createErrorModal, createInfoModal} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Modal"; import {RecorderProfile, setDefaultRecorder} from "tc-shared/voice/RecorderProfile"; import {spawnYesNo} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/ModalYesNo"; import {formatMessage} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/chat"; import {openModalNewcomer} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/ModalNewcomer"; import {global_client_actions} from "tc-shared/events/GlobalEvents"; import {MenuEntryType, spawn_context_menu} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/ContextMenu"; import {copyToClipboard} from "tc-shared/utils/helpers"; import {checkForUpdatedApp} from "tc-shared/update"; import {setupJSRender} from "tc-shared/ui/jsrender"; import {ConnectRequestData} from "tc-shared/ipc/ConnectHandler"; import {defaultConnectProfile, findConnectProfile} from "tc-shared/profiles/ConnectionProfile"; import {server_connections} from "tc-shared/ConnectionManager"; import {spawnConnectModalNew} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/connect/Controller"; import {initializeKeyControl} from "./KeyControl"; import {assertMainApplication} from "tc-shared/ui/utils"; /* required import for init */ import "svg-sprites/client-icons"; import "../css/load-css" import "./proto"; import "./video-viewer/Controller"; import "./profiles/ConnectionProfile"; import "./update/UpdaterWeb"; import "./file/LocalIcons"; import "./connection/CommandHandler"; import "./connection/ConnectionBase"; import "./connection/rtc/Connection"; import "./connection/rtc/video/Connection"; import "./video/VideoSource"; import "./media/Video"; import "./ui/AppController"; import "./ui/frames/menu-bar/MainMenu"; import "./ui/modal/connect/Controller"; import "./ui/elements/ContextDivider"; import "./ui/elements/Tab"; import "./clientservice"; import "./text/bbcode/InviteController"; import {clientServiceInvite} from "tc-shared/clientservice"; import {ActionResult} from "tc-services"; import {CommandResult} from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {ErrorCode} from "tc-shared/connection/ErrorCode"; import {bookmarks} from "tc-shared/Bookmarks"; assertMainApplication(); let preventWelcomeUI = false; async function initialize() { try { await i18n.initialize(); } catch(error) { console.error(tr("Failed to initialized the translation system!\nError: %o"), error); loader.critical_error("Failed to setup the translation system"); return; } bipc.setupIpcHandler(); } async function initializeApp() { global_ev_handler.initialize(global_client_actions); if(!aplayer.initialize()) { console.warn(tr("Failed to initialize audio controller!")); } aplayer.on_ready(() => aplayer.set_master_volume(settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_SOUND_MASTER) / 100)); const recorder = new RecorderProfile("default"); try { await recorder.initialize(); } catch (error) { /* TODO: Recover into a defined state? */ logError(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Failed to initialize default recorder: %o"), error); } setDefaultRecorder(recorder); sound.initialize().then(() => { logInfo(LogCategory.AUDIO, tr("Sounds initialized")); }); sound.set_master_volume(settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_SOUND_MASTER_SOUNDS) / 100); try { await ppt.initialize(); } catch(error) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to initialize ppt!\nError: %o"), error); loader.critical_error(tr("Failed to initialize ppt!")); return; } } /* The native client has received a connect request. */ export function handleNativeConnectRequest(url: URL) { let serverAddress =; if(url.searchParams.has("port")) { if(serverAddress.indexOf(':') !== -1) { logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Received connect request which specified the port twice (via parameter and host). Using host port.")); } else if(serverAddress.indexOf(":") === -1) { serverAddress += ":" + url.searchParams.get("port"); } else { serverAddress = `[${serverAddress}]:${url.searchParams.get("port")}`; } } handleConnectRequest(serverAddress, undefined, new UrlParameterParser(url)).then(undefined); } export async function handleConnectRequest(serverAddress: string, serverUniqueId: string | undefined, parameters: UrlParameterParser) { const inviteLinkId = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_INVITE_REFERENCE, undefined); logDebug(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Executing connect request with invite key reference: %o"), inviteLinkId); if(inviteLinkId) { clientServiceInvite.logAction(inviteLinkId, "ConnectAttempt").then(result => { if(result.status !== "success") { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Failed to register connect attempt: %o"), result.result); } }); } const result = await doHandleConnectRequest(serverAddress, serverUniqueId, parameters); if(inviteLinkId) { let promise: Promise>; switch (result.status) { case "success": promise = clientServiceInvite.logAction(inviteLinkId, "ConnectSuccess"); break; case "channel-already-joined": case "server-already-joined": promise = clientServiceInvite.logAction(inviteLinkId, "ConnectNoAction", { reason: result.status }); break; default: promise = clientServiceInvite.logAction(inviteLinkId, "ConnectFailure", { reason: result.status }); break; } promise.then(result => { if(result.status !== "success") { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Failed to register connect result: %o"), result.result); } }); } } type ConnectRequestResult = { status: "success" | "profile-invalid" | "client-aborted" | "server-join-failed" | "server-already-joined" | "channel-already-joined" | "channel-not-visible" | "channel-join-failed" } /** * @param serverAddress The target address to connect to * @param serverUniqueId If given a server unique id. If any of our current connections matches it, such connection will be used * @param parameters General connect parameters from the connect URL */ async function doHandleConnectRequest(serverAddress: string, serverUniqueId: string | undefined, parameters: UrlParameterParser) : Promise { let targetServerConnection: ConnectionHandler; let isCurrentServerConnection: boolean; if(serverUniqueId) { if(server_connections.getActiveConnectionHandler()?.getCurrentServerUniqueId() === serverUniqueId) { targetServerConnection = server_connections.getActiveConnectionHandler(); isCurrentServerConnection = true; } else { targetServerConnection = server_connections.getAllConnectionHandlers().find(connection => connection.getCurrentServerUniqueId() === serverUniqueId); isCurrentServerConnection = false; } } const profileId = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_PROFILE, undefined); const profile = findConnectProfile(profileId) || targetServerConnection?.serverConnection.handshake_handler()?.parameters.profile || defaultConnectProfile(); if(!profile || !profile.valid()) { spawnConnectModalNew({ selectedAddress: serverAddress, selectedProfile: profile }); return { status: "profile-invalid" }; } if(!aplayer.initialized()) { /* Trick the client into clicking somewhere on the site to initialize audio */ const resultPromise = new Promise(resolve => { spawnYesNo(tra("Connect to {}", serverAddress), tra("Would you like to connect to {}?", serverAddress), resolve).open(); }); if(!(await resultPromise)) { /* Well... the client don't want to... */ return { status: "client-aborted" }; } await new Promise(resolve => aplayer.on_ready(resolve)); } const clientNickname = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_NICKNAME, undefined); const serverPassword = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_SERVER_PASSWORD, undefined); const passwordsHashed = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_PASSWORDS_HASHED); const channel = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_CHANNEL, undefined); const channelPassword = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_CHANNEL_PASSWORD, undefined); const connectToken = parameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_TOKEN, undefined); if(!targetServerConnection) { targetServerConnection = server_connections.getActiveConnectionHandler(); if(targetServerConnection.connected) { targetServerConnection = server_connections.spawnConnectionHandler(); } } server_connections.setActiveConnectionHandler(targetServerConnection); if(targetServerConnection.getCurrentServerUniqueId() === serverUniqueId) { /* Just join the new channel and may use the token (before) */ if(connectToken) { try { await targetServerConnection.serverConnection.send_command("tokenuse", { token: connectToken }, { process_result: false }); } catch (error) { if(error instanceof CommandResult) { if( === ErrorCode.TOKEN_INVALID_ID) { targetServerConnection.log.log("error.custom", { message: tr("Try to use invite key token but the token is invalid.")}); } else if( == ErrorCode.TOKEN_EXPIRED) { targetServerConnection.log.log("error.custom", { message: tr("Try to use invite key token but the token is expired.")}); } else if( === ErrorCode.TOKEN_USE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { targetServerConnection.log.log("error.custom", { message: tr("Try to use invite key token but the token has been used too many times.")}); } else { targetServerConnection.log.log("error.custom", { message: tra("Try to use invite key token but an error occurred: {}", error.formattedMessage())}); } } else { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to use token: {}"), error); } } } if(!channel) { /* No need to join any channel */ if(!connectToken) { createInfoModal(tr("Already connected"), tr("You're already connected to the target server.")).open(); } else { /* Don't show a message since a token has been used */ } return { status: "server-already-joined" }; } const targetChannel = targetServerConnection.channelTree.resolveChannelPath(channel); if(!targetChannel) { createErrorModal(tr("Missing target channel"), tr("Failed to join channel since it is not visible.")).open(); return { status: "channel-not-visible" }; } if(targetServerConnection.getClient().currentChannel() === targetChannel) { createErrorModal(tr("Channel already joined"), tr("You already joined the channel.")).open(); return { status: "channel-already-joined" }; } if(targetChannel.getCachedPasswordHash()) { const succeeded = await targetChannel.joinChannel(); if(succeeded) { /* Successfully joined channel with a password we already knew */ return { status: "success" }; } } targetChannel.setCachedHashedPassword(channelPassword); /* Force join the channel. Either we have the password, can ignore the password or we don't want to join. */ if(await targetChannel.joinChannel(true)) { return { status: "success" }; } else { /* TODO: More detail? */ return { status: "channel-join-failed" }; } } else { await targetServerConnection.startConnectionNew({ targetAddress: serverAddress, nickname: clientNickname, nicknameSpecified: false, profile: profile, token: connectToken, serverPassword: serverPassword, serverPasswordHashed: passwordsHashed, defaultChannel: channel, defaultChannelPassword: channelPassword, defaultChannelPasswordHashed: passwordsHashed }, false); if(targetServerConnection.connected) { return { status: "success" }; } else { /* TODO: More detail? */ return { status: "server-join-failed" }; } } } /* Used by the old native clients (an within the multi instance handler). Delete it later */ export function handle_connect_request(properties: ConnectRequestData, _connection: ConnectionHandler) { const urlBuilder = new UrlParameterBuilder(); urlBuilder.setValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_PROFILE, properties.profile); urlBuilder.setValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_NICKNAME, properties.username); urlBuilder.setValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_SERVER_PASSWORD, properties.password?.value); urlBuilder.setValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_PASSWORDS_HASHED, properties.password?.hashed); const url = new URL(`https://localhost/?${}`); handleConnectRequest(properties.address, undefined, new UrlParameterParser(url)); } function main() { /* initialize font */ { const font = settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_FONT_SIZE); = font + "px"; settings.globalChangeListener(Settings.KEY_FONT_SIZE, value => { = value + "px"; }); } /* context menu prevent */ document.addEventListener("contextmenu", event => { if(event.defaultPrevented) { return; } if( instanceof HTMLInputElement) { const target =; if((!! || === "client") && ! && ! && !== "number") { spawn_context_menu(event.pageX, event.pageY, { type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY, name: tr("Copy"), callback: () => copyToClipboard(target.value), icon_class: "client-copy", visible: !! }, { type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY, name: tr("Paste"), callback: () => { const { clipboard } = __non_webpack_require__('electron'); target.value = clipboard.readText(); }, icon_class: "client-copy", visible: === "client", }); } event.preventDefault(); return; } if(settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_DISABLE_GLOBAL_CONTEXT_MENU)) { event.preventDefault(); } }); window.removeLoaderContextMenuHook(); const initialHandler = server_connections.spawnConnectionHandler(); server_connections.setActiveConnectionHandler(initialHandler); initialHandler.acquireInputHardware().then(() => {}); /** Setup the XF forum identity **/ fidentity.update_forum(); initializeKeyControl(); checkForUpdatedApp(); if(settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_USER_IS_NEW) && !preventWelcomeUI) { const modal = openModalNewcomer(); modal.close_listener.push(() => settings.setValue(Settings.KEY_USER_IS_NEW, false)); } } const task_teaweb_starter: loader.Task = { name: "voice app starter", function: async () => { try { await initializeApp(); main(); if(!aplayer.initialized()) { logInfo(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Initialize audio controller later!")); if(!aplayer.initializeFromGesture) { console.error(tr("Missing aplayer.initializeFromGesture")); } else { $(document).one('click', () => aplayer.initializeFromGesture()); } } loader.config.abortAnimationOnFinish = settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_LOADER_ANIMATION_ABORT); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex.stack); if(ex instanceof ReferenceError || ex instanceof TypeError) { ex = + ": " + ex.message; } loader.critical_error("Failed to invoke main function:
" + ex); } }, priority: 10 }; const task_connect_handler: loader.Task = { name: "Connect handler", function: async () => { const address = AppParameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_ADDRESS, undefined); if(typeof address === "undefined") { loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, task_teaweb_starter); return; } /* FIXME: All additional connect parameters! */ const connectData = { address: address, profile: AppParameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_PROFILE, ""), username: AppParameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_NICKNAME, ""), password: { value: AppParameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_SERVER_PASSWORD, ""), hashed: true } }; const chandler = bipc.getInstanceConnectHandler(); if(chandler && AppParameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_CONNECT_NO_SINGLE_INSTANCE)) { try { await chandler.post_connect_request(connectData, () => new Promise(resolve => { spawnYesNo(tr("Another TeaWeb instance is already running"), tra("Another TeaWeb instance is already running.{:br:}Would you like to connect there?"), response => { resolve(response); }, { closeable: false }).open(); })); logInfo(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Executed connect successfully in another browser window. Closing this window")); const message = "You're connecting to {0} within the other TeaWeb instance.{:br:}" + "You could now close this page."; createInfoModal( tr("Connecting successfully within other instance"), formatMessage(/* @tr-ignore */ tr(message), connectData.address), { closeable: false, footer: undefined } ).open(); return; } catch(error) { logInfo(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Failed to execute connect within other TeaWeb instance. Using this one. Error: %o"), error); } if(chandler) { /* no instance avail, so lets make us avail */ chandler.callback_available = () => { return !settings.getValue(Settings.KEY_DISABLE_MULTI_SESSION); }; chandler.callback_execute = data => { preventWelcomeUI = true; handle_connect_request(data, server_connections.spawnConnectionHandler()); return true; } } } preventWelcomeUI = true; preventExecuteAutoConnect = true; loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, { priority: 0, function: async () => { handleConnectRequest(address, undefined, AppParameters.Instance).then(undefined); }, name: tr("default url connect") }); loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, task_teaweb_starter); }, priority: 10 }; loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { name: "jrendere initialize", function: async () => { try { if(!setupJSRender()) throw "invalid load"; } catch (error) { loader.critical_error(tr("Failed to setup jsrender")); console.error(tr("Failed to load jsrender! %o"), error); return; } }, priority: 110 }); loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { name: "app starter", function: async () => { try { await initialize(); if( == "web") { loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, task_connect_handler); } else { loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, task_teaweb_starter); } } catch (ex) { if(ex instanceof Error || typeof(ex.stack) !== "undefined") { console.error((tr || (msg => msg))("Critical error stack trace: %o"), ex.stack); } if(ex instanceof ReferenceError || ex instanceof TypeError) { ex = + ": " + ex.message; } loader.critical_error("Failed to boot app function:
" + ex); } }, priority: 1000 }); loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, { name: "error task", function: async () => { if(AppParameters.getValue(AppParameters.KEY_LOAD_DUMMY_ERROR)) { loader.critical_error("The tea is cold!", "Argh, this is evil! Cold tea does not taste good."); throw "The tea is cold!"; } }, priority: 2000 }); let preventExecuteAutoConnect = false; loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, { priority: 0, function: async () => { if(preventExecuteAutoConnect) { return; } bookmarks.executeAutoConnect(); }, name: tr("bookmark auto connect") });