import {LogCategory, logDebug, logInfo, logTrace, logWarn} from "./log"; import * as log from "./log"; import { tr } from "./i18n/localize"; enum CloseCodes { UNSET = 3000, RECONNECT = 3001, INTERNAL_ERROR = 3002, BANNED = 3100, } enum ConnectionState { CONNECTING, INITIALIZING, CONNECTED, UNSET } export class SessionConfig { /* * All collected statistics will only be cached by the stats server. * No data will be saved. */ volatile_collection_only?: boolean; /* * Anonymize all IP addresses which will be provided while the stats collection. * This option is quite useless when volatile_collection_only is active. */ anonymize_ip_addresses?: boolean; } export class Config extends SessionConfig { verbose?: boolean; reconnect_interval?: number; } export interface UserCountData { online_users: number; unique_online_users: number; } export type UserCountListener = (data: UserCountData) => any; let reconnect_timer: number; let current_config: Config; let last_user_count_update: number; let user_count_listener: UserCountListener[] = []; const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Config = { verbose: true, reconnect_interval: 5000, anonymize_ip_addresses: true, volatile_collection_only: false }; function initialize_config_object(target_object: any, source_object: any) : any { for(const key of Object.keys(source_object)) { if(typeof(source_object[key]) === 'object') initialize_config_object(target_object[key] || (target_object[key] = {}), source_object[key]); if(typeof(target_object[key]) !== 'undefined') continue; target_object[key] = source_object[key]; } return target_object; } export function initialize(config: Config) { current_config = initialize_config_object(config || {}, DEFAULT_CONFIG); if(current_config.verbose) logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Initializing statistics with this config: %o"), current_config); connection.start_connection(); } export function registerUserCountListener(listener: UserCountListener) { user_count_listener.push(listener); } export function unregisterUserCountListener(listener: UserCountListener) { user_count_listener.remove(listener); } namespace connection { let connection: WebSocket; export let connection_state: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.UNSET; export function start_connection() { cancel_reconnect(); close_connection(); connection_state = ConnectionState.CONNECTING; connection = new WebSocket('wss://'); if(!connection) { connection = new WebSocket('wss://localhost:27788'); } { const connection_copy = connection; connection.onclose = (event: CloseEvent) => { if(connection_copy !== connection) return; if(current_config.verbose) logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Lost connection to statistics server (Connection closed). Reason: %o. Event object: %o"), CloseCodes[event.code] || event.code, event); if(event.code != CloseCodes.BANNED) invoke_reconnect(); }; connection.onopen = () => { if(connection_copy !== connection) return; if(current_config.verbose) logDebug(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Successfully connected to server. Initializing session.")); connection_state = ConnectionState.INITIALIZING; initialize_session(); }; connection.onerror = (event: ErrorEvent) => { if(connection_copy !== connection) return; if(current_config.verbose) logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received an error. Closing connection. Object: %o"), event); connection.close(CloseCodes.INTERNAL_ERROR); invoke_reconnect(); }; connection.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { if(connection_copy !== connection) return; if(typeof( !== 'string') { if(current_config.verbose) logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received an message which isn't a string. Event object: %o"), event); return; } handle_message( as string); }; } } export function close_connection() { if(connection) { const connection_copy = connection; connection = undefined; try { connection_copy.close(3001); } catch(_) {} } } function invoke_reconnect() { close_connection(); if(reconnect_timer) { clearTimeout(reconnect_timer); reconnect_timer = undefined; } if(current_config.verbose) logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Scheduled reconnect in %dms"), current_config.reconnect_interval); reconnect_timer = setTimeout(() => { if(current_config.verbose) logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Reconnecting")); start_connection(); }, current_config.reconnect_interval); } export function cancel_reconnect() { if(reconnect_timer) { clearTimeout(reconnect_timer); reconnect_timer = undefined; } } function send_message(type: string, data: any) { connection.send(JSON.stringify({ type: type, data: data })); } function initialize_session() { const config_object = {}; for(const key in SessionConfig) { if(SessionConfig.hasOwnProperty(key)) config_object[key] = current_config[key]; } send_message('initialize', { config: config_object }) } function handle_message(message: string) { const data_object = JSON.parse(message); const type = data_object.type as string; const data =; if(typeof(handler[type]) === 'function') { if(current_config.verbose) logTrace(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Handling message of type %s"), type); handler[type](data); } else if(current_config.verbose) { logWarn(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Received message with an unknown type (%s). Dropping message. Full message: %o"), type, data_object); } } namespace handler { interface NotifyUserCount extends UserCountData { } function handle_notify_user_count(data: NotifyUserCount) { last_user_count_update =; for(const listener of [...user_count_listener]) listener(data); } interface NotifyInitialized {} function handle_notify_initialized(json: NotifyInitialized) { if(current_config.verbose) logInfo(LogCategory.STATISTICS, tr("Session successfully initialized.")); connection_state = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; } handler["notifyinitialized"] = handle_notify_initialized; handler["notifyusercount"] = handle_notify_user_count; } }