import * as loader from "./loader/loader"; import {Stage} from "./loader/loader"; import {getUrlParameter} from "./loader/utils"; let overlay: HTMLDivElement; let setupContainer: HTMLDivElement; let idleContainer: HTMLDivElement; let idleSteamContainer: HTMLDivElement; let loaderStageContainer: HTMLDivElement; let finalizing = false; let initializeTimestamp; let verbose = false; let apngSupport = undefined; async function detectAPNGSupport() { const image = new Image(); const ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); // frame 1 (skipped on apng-supporting browsers): [0, 0, 0, 255] // frame 2: [0, 0, 0, 0] image.src = ""; await new Promise(resolve => image.onload = resolve); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); apngSupport = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] === 0; console.log("Browser APNG support: %o", apngSupport); } function initializeElements() { overlay = document.getElementById("loader-overlay") as HTMLDivElement; if(!overlay) throw "missing loader overlay"; for(const lazyImage of [...overlay.getElementsByTagName("lazy-img")]) { const image = document.createElement("img"); image.alt = lazyImage.getAttribute("alt"); image.src = lazyImage.getAttribute(apngSupport ? "src-apng" : "src-gif") || lazyImage.getAttribute("src"); image.className = lazyImage.className; image.draggable = false; lazyImage.replaceWith(image); } setupContainer = overlay.getElementsByClassName("setup")[0] as HTMLDivElement; if(!setupContainer) throw "missing setup container"; idleContainer = overlay.getElementsByClassName("idle")[0] as HTMLDivElement; if(!idleContainer) throw "missing idle container"; idleSteamContainer = idleContainer.getElementsByClassName("steam")[0] as HTMLDivElement; if(!idleSteamContainer) throw "missing idle steam container"; loaderStageContainer = overlay.getElementsByClassName("loader-stage")[0] as HTMLDivElement; if(!loaderStageContainer) throw "missing loader stage container"; setupContainer.onanimationend = setupAnimationFinished; idleSteamContainer.onanimationiteration = idleSteamAnimationLooped; overlay.onanimationend = overlayAnimationFinished; } export async function initialize() { await detectAPNGSupport(); try { initializeElements(); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to setup animations: %o", error); loader.critical_error("Animation setup failed", error); return false; } StageNames[Stage.SETUP] = "starting app"; StageNames[Stage.TEMPLATES] = "loading templates"; StageNames[Stage.STYLE] = "loading styles"; StageNames[Stage.JAVASCRIPT] = "loading app"; StageNames[Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING] = "initializing"; StageNames[Stage.FINALIZING] = "rounding up"; StageNames[Stage.LOADED] = "starting app"; overlay.classList.add("initialized"); setupContainer.classList.add("visible"); initializeTimestamp =; return true; } export function abort() { overlay?.remove(); } export function finalize() { if(getUrlParameter("loader-abort") === "1") { abort(); } else { finalizing = true; if(loaderStageContainer) loaderStageContainer.innerText = "app loaded successfully (" + ( - initializeTimestamp) + "ms)"; } } const StageNames = {}; export function updateState(state: Stage, tasks: string[]) { if(loaderStageContainer) loaderStageContainer.innerText = StageNames[state] + (tasks.length === 1 ? " (task: " + tasks[0] + ")" : " (tasks: " + tasks.join(",") + ")"); } function setupAnimationFinished() { verbose && console.log("Entering idle animation"); setupContainer.classList.remove("visible"); idleContainer.classList.add("visible"); } function idleSteamAnimationLooped() { verbose && console.log("Idle animation looped. Should finalize: %o", finalizing); if(!finalizing) return; overlay.classList.add("finishing"); } function overlayAnimationFinished(event: AnimationEvent) { /* the text animation is the last one */ if(event.animationName !== "swipe-out-text") return; verbose && console.log("Animation finished"); overlay.remove(); }