import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import {getMenuBarDriver, MenuBarEntry} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/menu-bar/index"; import {ClientIcon} from "svg-sprites/client-icons"; import {global_client_actions} from "tc-shared/events/GlobalEvents"; import {server_connections} from "tc-shared/ConnectionManager"; import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import { add_server_to_bookmarks, Bookmark, bookmarkEvents, bookmarks, BookmarkType, boorkmak_connect, DirectoryBookmark } from "tc-shared/bookmarks"; import {getBackend} from "tc-shared/backend"; import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; function renderConnectionItems() { const items: MenuBarEntry[] = []; const currentConnectionConnected = !!server_connections.active_connection()?.connected; items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Connect to a server"), icon: ClientIcon.Connect, click: () =>"action_open_window_connect", { newTab: currentConnectionConnected }) }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Disconnect from current server"), icon: ClientIcon.Disconnect, disabled: !currentConnectionConnected, click: () => server_connections.active_connection()?.disconnectFromServer() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Disconnect from all servers"), icon: ClientIcon.Disconnect, disabled: server_connections.all_connections().findIndex(e => e.connected) === -1, click: () => server_connections.all_connections().forEach(connection => connection.disconnectFromServer()) }); if( === "client") { items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Quit"), icon: ClientIcon.CloseButton, click: () => getBackend("native").quit() }); } return items; } function renderBookmarkItems() { const items: MenuBarEntry[] = []; const renderBookmark = (bookmark: Bookmark | DirectoryBookmark): MenuBarEntry => { if(bookmark.type === BookmarkType.ENTRY) { return { type: "normal", label: bookmark.display_name, click: () => boorkmak_connect(bookmark), icon: bookmark.last_icon_id ? { serverUniqueId: bookmark.last_icon_server_id, iconId: bookmark.last_icon_id } : undefined }; } else { return { type: "normal", label: bookmark.display_name, icon: ClientIcon.Folder, children: } } } items.push({ type: "normal", icon: ClientIcon.BookmarkManager, label: tr("Manage bookmarks"), click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "bookmark-manage" }) }); items.push({ type: "normal", icon: ClientIcon.BookmarkAdd, label: tr("Add current server to bookmarks"), disabled: !server_connections.active_connection()?.connected, click: () => add_server_to_bookmarks(server_connections.active_connection()) }); const rootMarks = bookmarks().content; if(rootMarks.length !== 0) { items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push(; } return items; } function renderPermissionItems() : MenuBarEntry[] { const items: MenuBarEntry[] = []; const currentConnectionConnected = !!server_connections.active_connection()?.connected; items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Server Groups"), icon: ClientIcon.PermissionServerGroups, click: () =>"action_open_window_permissions", { defaultTab: "groups-server" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Client Permissions"), icon: ClientIcon.PermissionClient, click: () =>"action_open_window_permissions", { defaultTab: "client" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Channel Client Permissions"), icon: ClientIcon.PermissionClient, click: () =>"action_open_window_permissions", { defaultTab: "client-channel" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Channel Groups"), icon: ClientIcon.PermissionChannel, click: () =>"action_open_window_permissions", { defaultTab: "groups-channel" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Channel Permissions"), icon: ClientIcon.PermissionChannel, click: () =>"action_open_window_permissions", { defaultTab: "channel" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("List Privilege Keys"), icon: ClientIcon.Token, click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "token-list" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Use Privilege Key"), icon: ClientIcon.TokenUse, click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "token-use" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); return items; } function renderToolItems() : MenuBarEntry[] { const items: MenuBarEntry[] = []; const currentConnectionConnected = !!server_connections.active_connection()?.connected; if( === "web") { items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Echo Test"), icon: ClientIcon.ActivateMicrophone, click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "server-echo-test" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); } items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Ban List"), icon: ClientIcon.BanList, click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "ban-list" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Query List"), icon: ClientIcon.ServerQuery, click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "query-manage" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Query Create"), icon: ClientIcon.ServerQuery, click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "query-create" }), disabled: !currentConnectionConnected }); items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Modify CSS variables"), click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "css-variable-editor" }) }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Open Registry"), click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "settings-registry" }) }); items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Settings"), click: () =>"action_open_window_settings") }); return items; } function renderHelpItems() : MenuBarEntry[] { const items: MenuBarEntry[] = []; if( === "client") { items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Check for updates"), icon: ClientIcon.CheckUpdate, click: () => getBackend("native").openClientUpdater() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Open client changelog"), click: () => getBackend("native").openChangeLog() }); } items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Visit"), click: () =>'', '_blank') }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Visit TeaSpeak forum"), click: () =>'', '_blank') }); if( === "client" && getBackend("native").showDeveloperOptions()) { items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Open developer tools"), click: () => getBackend("native").openDeveloperTools() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Reload UI"), click: () => getBackend("native").reloadWindow() }); } items.push({ type: "separator" }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: === "web" ? tr("About TeaWeb") : tr("About TeaClient"), click: () =>"action_open_window", { window: "about" }) }); return items; } function updateMenuBar() { const items: MenuBarEntry[] = []; items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Connection"), children: renderConnectionItems() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Favorites"), children: renderBookmarkItems() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Permissions"), children: renderPermissionItems() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Tools"), children: renderToolItems() }); items.push({ type: "normal", label: tr("Help"), children: renderHelpItems() }); /* TODO: Check if it's not exactly the same menu bar */ getMenuBarDriver().setEntries(items); } let updateListener: MenuBarUpdateListener; class MenuBarUpdateListener { private generalHandlerEvents: (() => void)[] = []; private registeredHandlerEvents: {[key: string]: (() => void)[]} = {}; initializeListeners() { this.generalHandlerEvents.push("notify_handler_created", event => { this.registerHandlerEvents(event.handler); })); this.generalHandlerEvents.push("notify_handler_deleted", event => { this.registeredHandlerEvents[event.handlerId]?.forEach(callback => callback()); delete this.registeredHandlerEvents[event.handlerId]; })); this.generalHandlerEvents.push("notify_active_handler_changed", () => { updateMenuBar(); })); this.generalHandlerEvents.push(bookmarkEvents.on("notify_bookmarks_updated", () => { updateMenuBar(); })) server_connections.all_connections().forEach(handler => this.registerHandlerEvents(handler)); } destroy() { this.generalHandlerEvents.forEach(callback => callback()); Object.keys(this.registeredHandlerEvents).forEach(id => this.registeredHandlerEvents[id].forEach(callback => callback())); this.registeredHandlerEvents = {}; this.generalHandlerEvents = []; } private registerHandlerEvents(handler: ConnectionHandler) { const events = this.registeredHandlerEvents[handler.handlerId] = []; events.push("notify_connection_state_changed", () => { updateMenuBar(); })); } } loader.register_task(Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { name: "menu bar entries init", function: async () => { updateMenuBar(); updateListener = new MenuBarUpdateListener(); updateListener.initializeListeners(); }, priority: 50 });