#!/usr/bin/env bash PACKAGES_DIRECTORY="auto-build/packages/" LOG_FILE="auto-build/logs/build.log" if [[ -z "${GIT_AUTHTOKEN}" ]]; then echo "Missing environment variable GIT_AUTHTOKEN. Please set it before usign this script!" exit 1 fi GIT_COMMIT_SHORT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) GIT_COMMIT_LONG=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo "Deploying $GIT_COMMIT_SHORT ($GIT_COMMIT_LONG) to github." GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE="/tmp/git-release" if [[ ! -x ${GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE} ]]; then if [[ ! -f ${GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE} ]]; then echo "Downloading github-release-linux (1.2.4)" if [[ -f /tmp/git-release.gz ]]; then rm /tmp/git-release.gz fi wget https://github.com/tfausak/github-release/releases/download/1.2.4/github-release-linux.gz -O /tmp/git-release.gz -q; [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Failed to download github-release-linux" exit 1 } gunzip /tmp/git-release.gz && chmod +x /tmp/git-release; [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Failed to unzip github-release-linux" exit 1 } echo "Download of github-release-linux (1.2.4) finished" else chmod +x ${GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE} fi if [[ ! -x ${GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE} ]]; then echo "git-release isn't executable" exit 1 fi fi cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." || { echo "Failed to enter base dir"; exit 1; } echo "Generating release" ${GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE} release \ --repo "TeaWeb" \ --owner "TeaSpeak" \ --token "${GIT_AUTHTOKEN}" \ --title "Travis autobuild ${GIT_COMMIT_SHORT}" \ --tag "${GIT_COMMIT_SHORT}" \ --description "This is a autobuild release from travis" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Failed to generate git release" exit 1 } echo "Uploading release files" folders=("${LOG_FILE}" "${PACKAGES_DIRECTORY}") uploaded_files=() failed_files=() for folder in "${folders[@]}"; do echo "Scanning folder $folder" if [[ ! -d ${folder} ]]; then continue; fi for file in ${folder}*; do if [[ -d ${file} ]]; then echo " Skipping directory `basename $file` ($file)" continue fi echo " Found entry `basename $file` ($file). Uploading file."; ${GIT_RELEASE_EXECUTABLE} upload \ --repo "TeaWeb" \ --owner "TeaSpeak" \ --token "${GIT_AUTHTOKEN}" \ --tag "${GIT_COMMIT_SHORT}" \ --file "$file" \ --name "`basename $file`" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && { echo " Uploaded."; uploaded_files+="$file" } || { echo "Failed to generate git release" failed_files+="$file" } done done echo "Successfully uploaded ${#uploaded_files[@]} files. ${#failed_files[@]} uploads failed." exit 0