import * as React from "react"; import {useContext, useRef, useState} from "react"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import { MusicPlaylistEntryInfo, MusicPlaylistStatus, MusicPlaylistUiEvents } from "tc-shared/ui/frames/side/MusicPlaylistDefinitions"; import {Button} from "tc-shared/ui/react-elements/Button"; import {Translatable} from "tc-shared/ui/react-elements/i18n"; import {LoadingDots} from "tc-shared/ui/react-elements/LoadingDots"; import {preview_image} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/image_preview"; import {joinClassList, useTr} from "tc-shared/ui/react-elements/Helper"; import {spawnContextMenu} from "tc-shared/ui/ContextMenu"; import {copyToClipboard} from "tc-shared/utils/helpers"; const cssStyle = require("./MusicPlaylistRenderer.scss"); const EventContext = React.createContext>(undefined); const kPlaylistDragPrefixIds = "x-teaspeak-playlist-drag-ids-"; const kPlaylistDragSongUrl = "x-teaspeak-playlist-drag-url"; function parseDragIds(transfer: DataTransfer) : { serverUniqueId: string, entryId: number, playlistId: number } | undefined { for(const item of transfer.items) { if(!item.type.startsWith(kPlaylistDragPrefixIds)) { continue; } const [ handlerId, playlistIdStr, entryIdStr ] = item.type.substring(kPlaylistDragPrefixIds.length).split("-"); return { serverUniqueId: handlerId, entryId: parseInt(entryIdStr), playlistId: parseInt(playlistIdStr) }; } return undefined; } export function formatPlaytime(value: number) { if(value == 0) { return "--:--:--"; } value /= 1000; let hours = 0, minutes = 0; while(value >= 60 * 60) { hours++; value -= 60 * 60; } while(value >= 60) { minutes++; value -= 60; } return ("0" + hours).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0" + minutes).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0" + value.toFixed(0)).substr(-2); } export const DefaultThumbnail = (_props: { type: "loading" | "none-present" }) => { return ( {useTr("loading")} ); } const PlaylistEntry = React.memo((props: { serverUniqueId: string, playlistId: number, entryId: number, active: boolean }) => { const events = useContext(EventContext); const refContainer = useRef(); const refDragLeaveTimer = useRef(); const [ insertMarker, setInsertMarker ] = useState<"above" | "bellow" | "none">("none"); const [ status, setStatus ] = useState(() => {"query_entry_status", { entryId: props.entryId }); return { type: "loading", url: undefined }; }); events.reactUse("notify_entry_status", event => event.entryId === props.entryId && setStatus(event.status)); let thumbnail, firstRow: React.ReactElement | string = "", secondRow: React.ReactElement | string = "", secondRowTitle, length; switch (status.type) { case "song": if(status.thumbnailImage) { thumbnail = ( preview_image(status.thumbnailImage, status.thumbnailImage)} alt={useTr("Thumbnail")} /> ) } else { thumbnail = ; } firstRow = status.title; const description = status.description || tr("No song description given."); secondRow = description.substr(0, 100); secondRowTitle = description; length = formatPlaytime(status.length); break; case "loading": if(status.url) { secondRow = status.url; } /* fall through expected */ default: thumbnail = ; firstRow = Loading ; break; } let insertClass; switch (insertMarker) { case "above": insertClass = cssStyle.insertMarkerAbove; break; case "bellow": insertClass = cssStyle.insertMarkerBellow; break; case "none": default: break; } //cssStyle.playlistEntry + " " + cssStyle.shown + " " + ( ? cssStyle.currentSong : "") return (
{ event.preventDefault(); spawnContextMenu({ pageY: event.pageY, pageX: event.pageX }, [ { type: "normal", label: tr("Copy URL"), click: () => { status.type === "song" ? copyToClipboard(status.url) : undefined; }, visible: status.type === "song" }, { type: "normal", label: tr("Copy description"), click: () => { status.type === "song" ? copyToClipboard(status.description) : undefined; }, visible: status.type === "song" && !!status.description }, { type: "normal", label: tr("Remove song"), click: () =>"action_entry_delete", { entryId: props.entryId }) } ]); }} draggable={true} onDragStart={event => { event.dataTransfer.setData(kPlaylistDragPrefixIds + props.serverUniqueId + "-" + props.playlistId + "-" + props.entryId, ""); if(status.type === "song") { event.dataTransfer.setData(kPlaylistDragSongUrl, status.url); } event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "all"; }} onDragOver={event => { const info = parseDragIds(event.dataTransfer); if(!info || !refContainer.current) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if(info.playlistId === props.playlistId && info.serverUniqueId === props.serverUniqueId) { if(info.entryId === props.entryId) { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"; return; } event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"; } else if([...event.dataTransfer.items].findIndex(item => item.type === kPlaylistDragSongUrl) !== -1) { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; } else { event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"; return; } if(refDragLeaveTimer.current) { clearTimeout(refDragLeaveTimer.current); refDragLeaveTimer.current = undefined; } const containerRect = refContainer.current.getBoundingClientRect(); switch (insertMarker) { case "bellow": { const yThreshold = containerRect.y + containerRect.height * .4; if(event.pageY < yThreshold) { setInsertMarker("above"); } break; } case "above": { const yThreshold = containerRect.y + containerRect.height * .6; if(event.pageY > yThreshold) { setInsertMarker("bellow"); } break; } case "none": { const yThreshold = containerRect.y + containerRect.height / 2; if(event.pageY > yThreshold) { setInsertMarker("bellow"); } else { setInsertMarker("above"); } break; } } }} onDragLeave={() => { if(refDragLeaveTimer.current) { return; } /* The drag leave event might also gets fired when the component itself updates. If set set the insert marker to none it might cause flickering */ refDragLeaveTimer.current = setTimeout(() => { setInsertMarker("none"); refDragLeaveTimer.current = undefined; }, 50); }} onDragExit={() => setInsertMarker("none")} onDragEnd={() => setInsertMarker("none")} onDrop={event => { const info = parseDragIds(event.dataTransfer); if(!info) { setInsertMarker("none"); return; } if(info.playlistId === props.playlistId && info.serverUniqueId === props.serverUniqueId) { switch (insertMarker) { case "above":"action_reorder_song", { entryId: info.entryId, targetEntryId: props.entryId, mode: "before" }); break; case "bellow":"action_reorder_song", { entryId: info.entryId, targetEntryId: props.entryId, mode: "after" }); break; case "none": default: return; } } else { const songUrl = event.dataTransfer.getData(kPlaylistDragSongUrl); if(!songUrl) { return; } switch (insertMarker) { case "above":"action_add_song", { targetEntryId: props.entryId, mode: "before", url: songUrl }); break; case "bellow":"action_add_song", { targetEntryId: props.entryId, mode: "after", url: songUrl }); break; case "none": default: return; } } setInsertMarker("none"); }} onDoubleClick={() =>"action_select_entry", { entryId: props.entryId })} >
{firstRow}"action_entry_delete", { entryId: props.entryId })}> X
); }); export const MusicPlaylistList = (props: { events: Registry, className?: string }) => { const [ state, setState ] = useState(() => {"query_playlist_status"); return { status: "loading" }; });"notify_playlist_status", event => setState(event.status)); let content; switch (state.status) { case "error": content = (
An error occurred while fetching the playlist: {state.reason}
); break; case "no-permissions": content = (
You don't have permissions to see this playlist: Failed on permission {state.failedPermission}
); break; case "unloaded": content = (
Playlist hasn't been loaded
); break; case "loading": content = ( ); break; case "unselected": content = ( ); break; case "loaded": content = (
{ => )}
); break; } return (
); }